Content Posted in 2021
01. Introduction. Electric charge. Coulomb force. Electric field, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
01. Introduction. Electric charge. Electrostatic force, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
02. Coulomb force in 2D. Electric field. Superposition principle, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
02. Motion of charged particles in electric field. Electric dipole, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
03. Electric field of continuous charge distributions. Electric flux, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
03. Motion of charged particles. Electric dipole, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
04. Electric field of extended objects. Electric flux, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
04. Gauss's law for the electric field with applications, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
05. Electric potential and potential energy, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
05. Gauss’s law for the electric field with applications, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
06. Applications of Gauss's law. Charged conductors at equilibrium, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
06. Electric potential and electric field, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
07. Applications of Gauss's law to charged conductors at equilibrium, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
07. Capacitor and capacitance, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
08. Capacitors with dielectrics, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
08. Electric potential and potential energy, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
09. Applications of electric potential and energy conservation, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
09. Electric currents. Resistor, resistance, and resistivity, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
10. Electrostatic field and electric potential, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
10. Resistor circuits. Kirchhoff's laws, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
11. Electric potential of conductors, electric dipole, and point-charge configurations, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
11. RC circuits. Charging and discharging of capacitors, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
12. Capacitance of and energy stored in capacitors. Parallel and series connections, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
12. Effects of a magnetic field: magnetic force, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
13. Analysis of capacitor circuits at equilibrium, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
13. Effects of magnetic field: torque. Magnetic dipole, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
14. Capacitors with dielectrics, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
14. Sources of magnetic field: electric currents. Law of Biot and Savart, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
15. Ampere's law for the magnetic field with applications, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
15. Electric current and current density. Resistivity, resistance, and resistor, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
16. Analysis of one-loop resistor circuits, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
16. Faraday's law. Motional EMF. Lenz's rule, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
16mm Filmmaking FLM 316, Joanna Burkhardt
17. Kirchhoff's rules. Two-loop resistor circuits, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
17. Magnetic induction: inductor and inductance. Self/mutual induction, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
18. Analysis of RC circuits. Charging and discharging processes, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
18. RL circuits. Current buildup and shutdown, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
19. LC and RLC oscillators. Electric vs magnetic energy, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
19. Magnetic force on currents or moving charged particles, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
1. Introduction to “One American Family: A Tale of North and South”, Linda Welters
2006 International Workshop on Networking, Architecture, and Storages: Foreword, Dan Feng, Hong Jiang, Jie Wu, Changsheng Xie, and Qing Yang
2015-10 Library Impact Statement for HLT 300A Perspectives on the Healthcare Workforce, Joanna Burkhardt
2015-10 Library Impact Statement for HLT 300B Health Communication, Joanna Burkhardt
2015-10 Library Impact Statement for HLT 300C Identity, Body Image and Health, Joanna Burkhardt
2016-01 Library Impact Statement for new program: BA in Criminology and Criminal Justice, Joanna Burkhardt
2016-03 Library Impact Statement for BIO/APG 282G Sapiens: the Changing Nature of Human Evolution, Michael Cerbo
2016-03 Library Impact Statement for BIO/SOC 210G Sociobiology of Sex, Michael Cerbo
2016-03 Library Impact Statement for NRS/BIO 419 Field Experience in Herpatology (Amphibian and Reptile Ecology), Michael Cerbo
2016-03 Library Impact Statement for NRS/BIO 519 Field Experience in Herpatology (Amphibian and Reptile Ecology), Michael Cerbo
2016-03 Library Impact Statement for OCG 113G Impact of Global Change on New England's Coastal Environment, Joanna Burkhardt
2016-03 Library Impact Statement for OCG 514 Satellite Oceanography, Joanna Burkhardt
2016-03 Library Impact Statement for UCS 301 Career Rhode Trip, Joanna Burkhardt
2016-03 Library Impact Statement for UCS 306 Supporting Learning in Higher Education, Joanna Burkhardt
2016-04 Library Impact Statement for AAF 239 Leadership in African Diaspora, michael vocino
2016-04 Library Impact Statement for AAF 300 Black Lives Matter/Blacks and Civil Rights Movements, michael vocino
2016-04 Library Impact Statement for AAF 304 Contemporary Research Methods in Africana Studies, michael vocino
2016-04 Library Impact Statement for AAF 395 Religion and African American Life, michael vocino
2016-04 Library Impact Statement for BUS 410X Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Practicum, Andree Rathemacher
2016-04 Library Impact Statement for BUS 475 Social Media for Marketing, Andree Rathemacher
2016-04 Library Impact Statement for UCS 161 Learning in College, Joanna Burkhardt
2016-05 Library Impact Statement for COM 321G Social Media and Interpersonal Communication, Joanna Burkhardt
2016-05 Library Impact Statement for EDC 302 JumpStart Seminar, Joanna Burkhardt
2016-06 Library Impact Statement for OCG 108G Living By the Ocean, Joanna Burkhardt
2016-08 Library Impact Statement for AVS 344 Methods in Applied Animal Behavior, Michael Cerbo
2016-08 Library Impact Statement for PLS 498x Teaching Practicum in Plant Sciences, Michael Cerbo
2016-09 Library Impact Stataement for BUS 348X Business of Social Global Design Innovation, Andree Rathemacher
2016-09 Library Impact Statement for BUS 149 Introduction to Entrepreneurship, Andree Rathemacher
2016-09 Library Impact Statement for BUS 247 Imagination: Explore, Evolve, Engage, Andree Rathemacher and Andree Rathemacher
2016-09 Library Impact Statement for BUS 249 Business of Innovation, Andree Rathemacher
2016-09 Library Impact Statement for PHP 444 Introduction to Pharmacotherapy In Older Adults, Joanna Burkhardt
2019 Costata Romanesco-type Zucchini Trial, Rebecca Brown
20. Alternating current circuits. Impedance. Resonance, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
20-Hydroxyecdysone causes increased aggressiveness in female American lobsters, Homarus americanus, M. Bolingbroke and G. Kass-Simon
20. Magnetic force applications, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
20 Somethings TV SCM 320X, Joanna Burkhardt
21. Maxwell's equations. Electromagnetic waves, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
21. Torque acting on current loops. Magnetic dipole moment, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
22. A glimpse into relativity, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
22. Applications of magnetic force and torque. Hall effect, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
23. Sources of magnetic field. Law of Biot and Savart. Simple applications, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
24. Magnetic field of current configurations. A glimpse of relativity, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
25. Gauss's law for the magnetic field. Ampere's law with applications, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
26. Applications of Ampere's law and the law of Biot and Savart, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
27. Motional EMF. Faraday's law with applications., Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
28. Lenz's rule. Applications of Faraday's law, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
29. Inductance and energy stored in inductors. Self-induction. Mutual induction, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
2. Patches of Resistance on the Badges of Enslavement, Katie Knowles
2nd order analysis of IDDQ test data, Shengli Li, Kai Zhang, and Jien Chung Lo
30. Analysis of RL circuits. Current buildup and shutdown processes, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
31. LC oscillator and mechanical analogue. Electric/magnetic energy conversion, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
32-Channel full customized CMOS biosensor chip for extracellular neural signal recording, Xin Zhang, James C. Daly, and Yong Cao
32. Single-device ac circuits. RLC series circuit, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
33. RLC parallel circuit. Resonant ac circuits, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
34. Applications of ac circuits. Transformer. Amplitudes versus rms value, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
35. Maxwell's equations. Displacement current. Wave equation, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
36. Electromagnetic waves. Poynting vector. Another glimpse of relativity, Gerhard Müller and Robert Coyne
3D Bioprinted Implants for Cartilage Repair in Intervertebral Discs and Knee Menisci, Kalindu Perera, Ryan Ivone, Evelina Natekin, Cheryl Wilga, Jie Shen, and Jyothi Menon
3-D Model of a Total Hip Replacement In Vivo Providing Hydrodynamic Pressure and Film Thickness for Walking and Bicycling, Donna M. Meyer and John A. Tichy
3D Model of estuarine circulation and water quality induced by surface discharges, Wenrui Huang and Malcolm Spaulding
3D numerical simulations of waves generated by subaerial mass failures. Application to la Palma case, Stéphane Abadie, Clément Gandon, Stephan Grilli, Richard Fabre, Joëlle Riss, Emmanuel Tric, Denis Morichon, and Stéphane Glockner
3-D ocean particle tracking modeling reveals extensive vertical movement and downstream interdependence of closed areas in the northwest Atlantic, S. Wang, E. L. Kenchington, Z. Wang, I. Yashayaev, and A. J. Davies
3D-printed human-centered design of fNIRS optode for the portable neuroimaging, Manob Jyoti Saikia and Kunal Mankodiya
3. Legacies of Slavery & Freedom: A Family Journey Through the Atlantic World, Keith W. Stokes
4. Understanding Free Blacks' Clothing: A Photo & Print Study, Lynne Zacek Bassett
A 2-ns Detecting Time, 2-μ m CMOS Built-in Current Sensing Circuit, Tung Li Shen and Jien Chung Lo
A 2-year self-help smoking cessation manual intervention among middle- aged Finnish men: An application of the transtheoretical model, Unto E. Pallonen, Leena Leskinen, James O. Prochaska, Cynthia J. Willey, Risto Kääriäinen, and Jukka T. Salonen
Aaron director, Robert Van Horn
A barcode analysis of the genus Lobophora (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) in the western Atlantic Ocean with four novel species and the epitypification of L. variegata (J.V. Lamouroux) E.C. Oliveira, Nikolaus E. Schultz, Christopher E. Lane, Line Le Gall, Delphine Gey, Anna R. Bigney, Bruno De Reviers, Florence Rousseau, and Craig W. Schneider
A Bayesian Classification Approach Using Class-Specific Features for Text Categorization, Bo Tang, Haibo He, Paul M. Baggenstoss, and Steven Kay
A bi-layer optimization based temporal and spatial scheduling for large-scale electric vehicles, Lifu He, Jun Yang, Jun Yan, Yufei Tang, and Haibo He
Abiotic soil properties affecting interpretation of IRIS sensors in tidal and freshwater soils, Jasper Romero, Katelyn Hino, Joseph Loffredo, Mark Stolt, Serena Moseman-Valtierra, Jose Amador, and Brett Pellock
A blocking-free microfluidic fluorescence heterogeneous immunoassay for point-of-care diagnostics, Peng Li, Alexander J. Sherry, Jairo A. Cortes, Constantine Anagnostopoulos, and Mohammad Faghri
A blocking-free microfluidic fluorescence heterogeneous immunoassay for quantitative detection of human C-reactive protein, Peng Li, Radha Narayanan, Alex J. Sherry, Jairo A. Cortes, Andrew Marchesseault, Constantine Anagnostopoulos, and Mohammad Faghri
A boundedness theoretical analysis for GrADP design: A case study on maze navigation, Zhen Ni, Xiangnan Zhong, and Haibo He
A brief history of the ASME journal of fluids engineering, Frank M. White
A Brief Screen to Detect Cannabis Use Disorder Among Incarcerated Youth, Daniel Delaney, S. G. Balestrieri, Shayna S. Bassett, and L. A.R. Stein
A Bus Authentication and Anti-Probing Architecture Extending Hardware Trusted Computing Base off CPU Chips and beyond, Zhenyu Xu, Thomas Mauldin, Zheyi Yao, Shuyi Pei, Tao Wei, and Qing Yang
A Cable-Driven Switching-Legged Inchworm Soft Robot: Design and Testing, Xiaotian Chen, Paolo Stegagno, and Chengzhi Yuan
A caching strategy to improve iSCSI performance, Xubin He, Qing Yang, and Ming Zhang
Academic Trajectories of College Students with and without ADHD: Predictors of Four-Year Outcomes, George J. DuPaul, Matthew J. Gormley, Arthur D. Anastopoulos, Lisa L. Weyandt, Jeffrey Labban, Aliza Jaffe Sass, Chelsea Z. Busch, Melanie K. Franklin, and Kaicee B. Postler
A Call to Action: A Systematic Review Examining the Failure to Include Females and Members of Minoritized Racial/Ethnic Groups in Clinical Trials of Pharmacological Treatments for Alcohol Use Disorder, Melissa R. Schick, Nichea S. Spillane, and Katherine L. Hostetler
A Canonical Ramsey Theorem, Nancy Eaton and Vojtěch Rödl
A Carbon Nanotube Optical Sensor Reports Nuclear Entry via a Noncanonical Pathway, Januka Budhathoki-Uprety, Rachel E. Langenbacher, Prakrit V. Jena, Daniel Roxbury, and Daniel A. Heller
A carbon nanotube reporter of microRNA hybridization events in vivo, Jackson D. Harvey, Prakrit V. Jena, Hanan A. Baker, Gül H. Zerze, Ryan M. Williams, Thomas V. Galassi, Daniel Roxbury, Jeetain Mittal, and Daniel A. Heller
A cascading failure simulation model considering frequency dynamics and power flow distribution, Chao Luo, Jun Yang, Yuanzhang Sun, Jun Yan, Haibo He, and Mingsong Liu
A case for continuous data protection at block level in disk array storages, Weijun Xiao, Jin Ren, and Qing Yang
A case for true morphological crypsis: Pacific Dasya anastomosans and Atlantic D. cryptica sp. nov. (Dasyaceae, Rhodophyta), Craig W. Schneider, Phong K. Quach, and Christopher E. Lane
A case study for spreadsheet based production scheduling, Bradley S. Perrin and Valerie Maier-Speredelozzi
A case study of construction-related ground movements in providence silt, Aaron S. S. Bradshaw, Heather J. Miller, and Christopher D.P. Baxter
Accelerated Online Certificate in Quantum Computing, Joanna Burkhardt
Accelerometer-based gait recognition via deterministic learning, Wei Zeng, Jianfei Chen, Chengzhi Yuan, Fenglin Liu, Qinghui Wang, and Ying Wang
Acceptability and Feasibility of a Culturally Tailored Internet-Delivered Intervention to Promote Blood Donation in Blacks, Mark L. Robbins, Andrea L. Paiva, Nicole R. Amoyal, Leslie Brick, Debra A. Kessler, Caitlin Burditt, Melinda Caltabiano, and Beth H. Shaz
Acceptability of a stage-matched expert system intervention for domestic violence offenders, Deborah A. Levesque, Mary Margaret Driskell, Janice M. Prochaska, and James O. Prochaska
Acceptability of a stage-matched expert system intervention to increase condom use among women at high risk of HIV infection in New York City, Pamela Brown-Peterside, Colleen A. Redding, Leigh Ren, and Beryl A. Koblin
Acceptance of nicotine dependence treatment among currently depressed smokers, Nancy A. Haug, Sharon M. Hall, Judith J. Prochaska, Amy B. Rosen, Janice Y. Tsoh, Gary Humfleet, Kevin Delucchi, Joseph S. Rossi, Colleen A. Redding, and Stuart Eisendrath
Access to Higher Education for Visually Impaired Students in Turkey: Disclosure, Inclusion, and Oppression of Two Pre-service Teachers, Halil Ibrahim Cinarbas and Rabia Hos
Accounting for therapist variability in couple therapy outcomes: What really matters?, Jesse Owen, Barry Duncan, Robert Jeff Reese, Morten Anker, and Jacqueline Sparks
Acculturation and cigarette smoking in Hispanic women: A meta-analysis, Karli K. Kondo, Joseph S. Rossi, Seth J. Schwartz, Byron L. Zamboanga, and Carissa D. Scalf
Accumulation of Behavioral Validation Evidence for Physical Activity Stage of Change, Leslie Ann Hellsten, Claudio Nigg, Gregory Norman, Patricia Burbank, Lynne Braun, Rosemary Breger, Mathilda (Mace) Coday, Diane Elliot, Carol Garber, Mary (Molly) Greaney, Faith Lees, Charles Matthews, Esther Moe, Barbara Resnick, Deborah Riebe, Joseph Rossi, Deborah Toobert, and Terry Wang
Accuracy and precision of two short screeners to assess change in fruit and vegetable consumption among diverse populations participating in health promotion intervention trials, Karen E. Peterson, James R. Hebert, Thomas G. Hurley, Ken Resnicow, Frances E. Thompson, Geoffrey W. Greene, Abdul R. Shaikh, Amy L. Yaroch, Geoffrey C. Williams, Judith Salkeld, Deborah J. Toobert, Andrea Domas, Diane L. Elliot, James Hardin, and Linda Nebeling
Accuracy enhancement of a piezoelectric actuator with hysteresis, Musa Jouaneh and Huawei Tian
Accurate Frequency Estimation at Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio, Steven M. Kay
Accurate Frequency Estimation Using an All-Pole Filter with Mostly Zero Coefficients, Ramdas Kumaresan
Accurate parameter estimation of noisy speech-like signals, Ramdas Kumaresan and Donald W. Tufts
A chance constrained optimal reserve scheduling approach for economic dispatch considering wind penetration, Yufei Tang, Chao Luo, Jun Yang, and Haibo He
Achieving Recruitment Goals Through Community Partnerships:The SENIOR Project, Sandra D. Saunders, Mary L. Greaney, Faith D. Lees, and Phillip G. Clark
Acid Attacks in India: A Socio-Legal Report, Vidhik Kumar
A closed-form formula for queueing delays in disk arrays, Tao Yang, Shengbin Hu, and Qing Yang
A Closer Look at Rural-Urban Health Disparities: Associations Between Obesity and Rurality Vary by Geospatial and Sociodemographic Factors, Steven A. Cohen, Sarah K. Cook, Lauren Kelley, Julia D. Foutz, and Trisha A. Sando
A Colorimetric Dip Strip Assay for Detection of Low Concentrations of Phosphate in Seawater, Hojat Heidari-Bafroui, Amer Charbaji, Constantine Anagnostopoulos, and Mohammad Faghri
A combined experimental and numerical scheme for the determination of contact loads between cemented particles, F. Sienkiewicz, A. Shukla, M. Sadd, Z. Zhang, and J. Dvorkin
A comparative analysis of cache designs for vector processing, Tong Sun and Qing Yang
A comparative analysis of different arbitration protocols for multiple-bus multiprocessors, Chi Ming Chung, Ding An Chiang, and Qing Yang
A Comparative Characterization of Smart Textile Pressure Sensors, Vanessa Kamara, Sahil K. Kargwal, Nick Constant, Renee Gordon, George Humphreys, and Kunal Mankodiya
A comparative study between motivated learning and reinforcement learning, J. Graham, J. A. Starzyk, Z. Ni, H. He, T. H. Teng, and A. H. Tan
A comparison between robust information theoretic estimator and asymptotic maximum likelihood estimator for misspecified model, Xin Zhou and Steven M. Kay
A comparison of centrifugation and tangential flow filtration for nanoparticle purification: A case study on acetalated dextran nanoparticles, Nishan K. Shah, Ryan Ivone, Jie Shen, and Samantha A. Meenach
A comparison of different methods of zero - inflated data analysis and an application in health surveys, Si Yang, Gavino Puggioni, Lisa L. Harlow, and Colleen A. Redding
A comparison of four self-report smoking cessation outcome measures, Wayne F. Velicer and James O. Prochaska
A comparison of four standards of assessing relative weight in young women, Geoffrey W. Greene and Helen Smiciklas-Wright
A comparison of GluR-A-deficient and wild-type mice on a test battery assessing sensorimotor, affective, and cognitive behaviors, D. M. Bannerman, R. M.J. Deacon, S. Brady, A. Bruce, R. Sprengel, P. H. Seeburg, and J. N.P. Rawlins
A comparison of individual and group contingency systems in a first‐grade class, Richard Solomon and Thomas F. Tyne
A Comparison of Leachate Treatment between Rhode Island and Kuwait, S. Al-Muzaini and L. Thiem
A comparison of micro-mechanical modeling of asphalt materials using finite elements and doublet mechanics, Martin H. Sadd and Qingli Dai
A comparison of saving motives of Urban Chinese and American workers, Jing Jian Xiao and Jessie X. Fan
A Comparison of the Existence of “Cross Terms” in the Wigner Distribution and the Squared Magnitude of the Wavelet Transform and the Short Time Fourier Transform, Shubha Kadambe and G. Faye Boudreaux-Bartels
A comparison of treadmill and arm-leg ergometry exercise testing for assessing exercise capacity in patients with peripheral arterial disease, Carol Ewing Garber, Rosa Monteiro, Robert B. Patterson, Christina M. Braun, and Linda S. Lamont
A compilation of cold cases using scanning electron microscopy at the University of Rhode Island, Michael L. Platek and Otto J. Gregory
A compiler-directed approach to network latency reduction for distributed shared memory multiprocessors, Sibabrata Ray, Hong Jiang, and Qing Yang
A complementary paradigm in the era of nuclear engineering education renaissance, Bahram Nassersharif
A computationally efficient nonlinear least squares method using random basis functions, Steven Kay
A Computer Study of the Correlation Between Aquifer Hydraulic and Aquifer Electric Properties, Paul Frederick Reiter
A computer vision based rebar detection chain for automatic processing of concrete bridge deck GPR data, Pouria Asadi, Mayrai Gindy, Marco Alvarez, and Alireza Asadi
A computer vision based rebar detection chain for automatic processing of concrete bridge deck GPR data, Pouria Asadi, Mayrai Gindy, Marco Alvarez, and Alireza Asadi
A concept of pumpless convective micro/micro channel cooling technology, Zongqin Zhang, Hongwei Sun, Ahmed Fadl, and Mohammed Faghri
A conceptual framework for understanding alcohol use problems in racial/ethnic minorities: The role of impulsivity and stress, Tessa Nalven and Nichea S. Spillane
A conceptual QFD planning model, S. Bruce Han, Shaw K. Chen, Maling Ebrahimpour, and Manbir S. Sodhi
A Configurable Wireless Optical Brain Monitor Based on Internet-of-Things Services, Manob Jyoti Saikia, Gozde Cay, Joshua V. Gyllinsky, and Kunal Mankodiya
A Conjugate Point Condition for Control Problems with Delayed State Vectors, William J. Palm and William E. Schmitendorf
A consensus-based transparency checklist, Lisa L. Harlow and et al
A consumer education programme based on the Transtheoretical Model of Change, Jing Jian Xiao, Barbara O'Neill, Janice M. Prochaska, Claudia M. Kerbel, Patricia Brennan, and Barbara J. Bristow
A contaminant DNA barcode sequence reveals a newred algal order, Corynodactylales (Nemaliophycidae, Florideophyceae), Gary W. Saunders, Katelyn L. Wadland, Eric D. Salomaki, and Christopher E. Lane
A conversation with James Prochaska., J. Prochaska
A correlation for heat transfer and wake effect in the entrance region of an in-line array of rectangular blocks simulating electronic components, M. Molki, M. Faghri, and O. Ozbay
A coupled numerical model for tsunamis generated by subaerial and submarine mass failures, Stéphane Abadie, Stephan Grilli, and Stéphane Glockner
A coupled, physics-based matrix-grain boundary model for creep of carbide strengthened nickel-based superalloys - I. Concepts and formulation, Michael Lapera, Daniel Spader, and Hamouda Ghonem
A coupled, physics-based matrix-grain boundary model for creep of carbide strengthened nickel-based superalloys - II. Experimental results and model application, Daniel Spader, Michael Lapera, and Hamouda Ghonem
A coupled system of rational difference equations, D. Clark and M. R.S. Kulenović
Acoustic Features of Transfeminine Voices and Perceptions of Voice Femininity, Kimberly L. Dahl and Leslie A. Mahler
Acoustic interface treatment with an adjoint operator for linear range-dependent ocean index of refraction inversions, Edward Richards and Gopu R. Potty
Acoustic properties of cenosphere reinforced cement and asphalt concrete, Vikrant Tiwari, Arun Shukla, and Arijit Bose
Acoustic radiation from offshore wind farms, Gopu R. Potty, Huikwan Kim, and James H. Miller
Acoustic sensing for ocean research, Bruce M. Howe and James H. Miller
Acoustics in global process ocean observatories, Timothy F. Duda, Bruce M. Howe, and James H. Miller
Acquired pleasantness and paired-associate learning in mixed and homogeneous lists, Albert Silverstein
Acquired pleasantness as a stimulus and a response variable in paired-associate learning, Albert Silverstein
Acquisitions Unit Annual Report 2020-2021, Andrée Rathemacher
A criterion measurement model for health behavior change, Wayne F. Velicer, Joseph S. Rossi, James O. Prochaska, and Carlo C. Diclemente
A Critical and Intersectional Model of LGBTQ Microaggressions: Toward a More Comprehensive Understanding, Annemarie Vaccaro and Robert M. Koob
A Critical Evaluation of the Performance of Optical Fiber Sensors for Monitoring Dynamic Strains, Raman P. Singh and Arun Shukla
A Critical Review of Extraction and Identification Methods of Microplastics in Wastewater and Drinking Water, Dounia Elkhatib and Vinka Oyanedel-Craver
ACSM certification: The exercise is Medicine® credential, Deborah Riebe
ACSM's new preparticipation health screening recommendations from ACSM's guidelines for exercise testing and prescription, ninth edition, Paul D. Thompson, Ross Arena, Deborah Riebe, and Linda S. Pescatello
Acting for happiness: Financial behavior and life satisfaction of college students, Jing Jian Xiao, Chuanyi Tang, and Soyeon Shim
Active control of flexible cylinders undergoing vortex-induced vibrations using piezo stripe actuators, Ersegun Deniz Gedikli, David Chelidze, and Jason Dahl
Active high frequency phased-array sonar for whale shipstrike avoidance: Target strength measurements, J. H. Miller and D. C. Potter
Activity analyzer for guided independent living environments (AAGILE), Tanya Wang, Joshua Harvey, Eugene Chabot, Ying Sun, and Patricia Burbank
Activity energy expenditure and change in body composition in late life, Todd M. Manini, James E. Everhart, Stephen D. Anton, Dale A. Schoeller, Steve R. Cummings, Dawn C. Mackey, Matthew J. Delmonico, Douglas C. Bauer, Eleanor M. Simonsick, Lisa H. Colbert, Marjolein Visser, Frances Tylavsky, Anne B. Newman, and Tamara B. Harris
Actual experience, potential experience or age, and labor force participation by married women, Carole F. Miller
A custom chip set for a frequency-agile high-resolution sonar array, Godi Fischer, Alan J. Davis, and Prasan Kasturi
Acute effects of aerobic exercise on affect and smoking craving in the weeks before and after a cessation attempt, Ana M. Abrantes, Samantha G. Farris, Haruka Minami, David R. Strong, Deborah Riebe, and Richard A. Brown
Acute effects of aerobic exercise on negative affect and obsessions and compulsions in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder, Ana M. Abrantes, Samantha G. Farris, Richard A. Brown, Benjamin D. Greenberg, David R. Strong, Nicole C. McLaughlin, and Deborah Riebe
A damage-based cohesive zone model of intergranular crack growth in a nickel-based superalloy, Yaofeng Sun, Kimberly MacIejewski, and Hamouda Ghonem
Adaptive control for an HVDC transmission link with FACTS and a wind farm, Yufei Tang, Haibo He, and Jinyu Wen
Adaptive-critic-based event-driven nonlinear robust state feedback, Ding Wang, Chaoxu Mu, Haibo He, and Derong Liu
Adaptive Critic Designs for Event-Triggered Robust Control of Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Dynamics, Xiong Yang and Haibo He
Adaptive critic designs for optimal control of uncertain nonlinear systems with unmatched interconnections, Xiong Yang and Haibo He
Adaptive Critic Learning and Experience Replay for Decentralized Event-Triggered Control of Nonlinear Interconnected Systems, Xiong Yang and Haibo He
Adaptive Critic Nonlinear Robust Control: A Survey, Ding Wang, Haibo He, and Derong Liu
Adaptive detection for unknown noise power spectral densities, Steven Kay
Adaptive Dynamic Programming for Decentralized Stabilization of Uncertain Nonlinear Large-Scale Systems with Mismatched Interconnections, Xiong Yang and Haibo He
Adaptive dynamic programming for robust neural control of unknown continuous-time non-linear systems, Xiong Yang, Haibo He, Derong Liu, and Yuanheng Zhu
Adaptive Dynamic Programming for Robust Regulation and Its Application to Power Systems, Xiong Yang, Haibo He, and Xiangnan Zhong
Adaptive dynamic programming with balanced weights seeking strategy, Jian Fu, Haibo He, and Zhen Ni
Adaptive event-triggered control based on heuristic dynamic programming for nonlinear discrete-time systems, Lu Dong, Xiangnan Zhong, Changyin Sun, and Haibo He
Adaptive filterbanks inspired by the auditory system for speech feature extraction, Ramdas Kumaresan, Gopi Krishna Allu, and Peter Cariani
Adaptive FIR-filter for control systems with periodic disturbance, S. Hoefer, R. Kumaresan, M. Pandit, and T. Stollhof
Adaptive learning and control for MIMO system based on adaptive dynamic programming, Jian Fu, Haibo He, and Xinmin Zhou
Adaptive learning in tracking control based on the dual critic network design, Zhen Ni, Haibo He, and Jinyu Wen
Adaptive Modulation for DFIG and STATCOM with High-Voltage Direct Current Transmission, Yufei Tang, Haibo He, Zhen Ni, Jinyu Wen, and Tingwen Huang
Adaptive near-optimal controllers for non-linear decentralised feedback stabilisation problems, Ding Wang, Haibo He, Bo Zhao, and Derong Liu
Adaptive Neural Control of Underactuated Surface Vessels With Prescribed Performance Guarantees, Shi Lu Dai, Shude He, Min Wang, and Chengzhi Yuan
Adaptive NN learning control of discrete-time nonlinear uncertain systems, Jingting Zhang, Chengzhi Yuan, and Paolo Stegagno
Adaptive robust tracking control for hybrid models of three-dimensional bipedal robotic walking under uncertainties, Yan Gu and Chengzhi Yuan
Adaptive robust trajectory tracking control of fully actuated bipedal robotic walking, Yan Gu and Chengzhi Yuan
Adaptive simulation sampling using an autoregressive framework, Sharookh Daruwalla, Resit Sendag, and Joshua Yi
Adaptive Supplementary Damping Control of VSC-HVDC for Interarea Oscillation Using GrHDP, Yu Shen, Wei Yao, Jinyu Wen, Haibo He, and Weibiao Chen
Adaptive Threshold Selection for Trust-Based Detection Systems, Younghun Chae, Natallia Katenka, and Lisa Dipippo
Adaptive wide-area power oscillation damper design for photovoltaic plant considering delay compensation, Yu Shen, Wei Yao, Jinyu Wen, and Haibo He
A Data-Driven Approach for Real-Time Residential EV Charging Management, Zhiqiang Wan, Hepeng Li, Haibo He, and Danil Prokhorov
A Data Driven-based Adaptive Wide-area Damping Control for back to back VSC-HVDC, Lingkang Zeng, Dahu Li, Wei Yao, Jianbo Sun, Jia Liu, Xiaomeng Ai, Jinyu Wen, and Haibo He
Adding graphics to dynamic message sign messages, Jyh Hone Wang, Siamak G. Hesar, and Charles E. Collyer
Additive manufacturing aboard a moving vessel at sea using passively stabilized stereolithography (SLA) 3D printing, Brennan T. Phillips, Josh Allder, Grady Bolan, R. Sean Nagle, Allison Redington, Tess Hellebrekers, John Borden, Nikolai Pawlenko, and Stephen Licht
Addressing Urgent Questions for PFAS in the 21st Century, Carla Ng, Ian T. Cousins, Jamie C. DeWitt, Juliane Glüge, Gretta Goldenman, Dorte Herzke, Rainer Lohmann, Mark Miller, Sharyle Patton, Martin Scheringer, Xenia Trier, and Zhanyun Wang
A deep reinforcement learning based approach for home energy management system, Hepeng Li, Zhiqiang Wan, and Haibo He
ADHD in college students: Developmental findings, Lisa L. Weyandt and George J. DuPaul
Adhd in the classroom: Effective intervention strategies, George J. DuPaul, Lisa L. Weyandt, and Grace M. Janusis
A digital smoking cessation program for heavy drinkers: pilot randomized controlled trial, Christopher W. Kahler, Amy M. Cohn, Catherine Costantino, Benjamin A. Toll, Nichea S. Spillane, and Amanda L. Graham
A discrete element study of the relationship of fabric to wave propagational behaviours in granular materials, Qiming Tai and Martin H. Sadd
A discussion with James O. Prochaska, PhD. Interview by Paul E. Terry., James O. Prochaska
A Distributed Iterative Learning Framework for DC Microgrids: Current Sharing and Voltage Regulation, Xiao Kang Liu, He Jiang, Yan Wu Wang, and Haibo He
A distributed optical fiber sensing system for data center thermal monitoring, Zhen Chen, Shuyi Pei, Bo Tang, Gerald Hefferman, Haibo He, Qing Yang, and Tao Wei
Adjacency Relationships Forced by a Degree Sequence, Michael D. Barrus
Adjuvantation of Influenza Vaccines to Induce Cross-Protective Immunity, Zhoufan Li, Yiwen Zhao, Yibo Li, and Xinyuan Chen
ADL: Active dictionary learning for sparse representation, Bo Tang, Jin Xu, Haibo He, and Hong Man
Adolescents and young adults with cancer: Oncology nurses report attitudes and barriers to discussing fertility preservation, Alexandra Nobel Murray, Joan C. Chrisler, and Mark L. Robbins
Adolescent Substance Treatment Engagement Questionnaire for Incarcerated Teens, Rosemarie A. Martin, Lynda A.R. Stein, Mary Clair, Mary Kathryn Cancilliere, Warren Hurlbut, and Damaris J. Rohsenow
Adolescent Substance Use Initiation: Correlates of the Profiles of Prevention, Andrea L. Paiva, Nicole R. Amoyal, Janet L. Johnson, and James O. Prochaska
A Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial of Oral Naltrexone for Heavy-Drinking Smokers Seeking Smoking Cessation Treatment, Christopher W. Kahler, Patricia A. Cioe, Golfo K. Tzilos, Nichea S. Spillane, Lorenzo Leggio, Susan E. Ramsey, Richard A. Brown, and Stephanie S. O'Malley
Adrift upon a salinity-stratified sea, Andrew J. Lucas, Jonathan D. Nash, Robert Pinkel, Jennifer A. MacKinnon, Amit Tandon, Amala Mahadevan, Melissa M. Omand, Mara Freilich, Debasis Sengupta, M. Ravichandran, and Arnaud Le Boyer
Adsorption of synthetic organic shock loadings, Leon T. Thiem, Diane L. Badorek, Akbar Johari, and Eid Alkhatib
Advanced Cinematography FLM 330, Joanna Burkhardt
Advanced classification of carbonate sediments based on physical properties, Tania L. L. Insua, Lutz Hamel, Kathryn Moran, Louise M. Anderson, and Jody M. Webster
Advanced Health Assessment Across the Lifespan, Joanna Burkhardt
Advanced Jazz Improvisation, Jim Kinnie
Advanced Proficiency for Advanced Cultural Topics SPA 418, Joanna Burkhardt
Advanced Secondary Voltage Recovery Control for Multiple HESSs in a Droop-Controlled DC Microgrid, Mengxuan Shi, Xia Chen, Jianyu Zhou, Yin Chen, Jinyu Wen, and Haibo He
Advanced sensor development for propulsion health monitoring, Craig Neslen, Vince Wnuk, Otto Gregory, Rod Draney, and Mauricio Da Cunha
Advanced Study in Musicology MUS 520, Jim Kinnie
Advances in drug delivery related biosensors and medical devices, Jie Shen and Diane J. Burgess
Advances in knowledge discovery and data analysis for artificial intelligence, Haibo He, Ping Li, and Hongwei Wang
Advances in Lipid-Based Nanoparticles for Cancer Chemoimmunotherapy, Tianqi Wang, Yusuke Suite, Saradha Miriyala, Jordan Dean, Nikos Tapinos, and Jie Shen
Advances in lipid-based nanoparticles for cancer chemoimmunotherapy, Tianqi Wang, Yusuke Suita, Saradha Miriyala, Jordan Dean, Nikos Tapinos, and Jie Shen
Advances in the Arms Race Between Silkworm and Baculovirus, Liang Jiang, Marian R. Goldsmith, and Qingyou Xia
Advancing Advocacy: Lessons Learned From Advocates in School Psychology, Margaret R. Rogers, Marisa E. Marraccini, Anna G. Lubiner, Jennifer A. Dupont-Frechette, and Elisabeth C. O'Bryon
Advancing bodies of evidence for population-based health promotion programs: Randomized controlled trials and case studies, Janet L. Johnson, James O. Prochaska, Andrea L. Paiva, Anne C. Fernandez, Sonja L. DeWees, and Janice M. Prochaska
Advancing motivated learning with goal creation, James Graham, Janusz A. Starzyk, Zhen Ni, and Haibo He
Advancing the exercise science profession, Deborah Riebe
Advancing women scientists: Exploring a theoretically grounded climate change workshop model, Barbara Silver, Janice Prochaska, Helen Mederer, Lisa Harlow, and Karen Sherman
Advantages and disadvantages of using various fiber optic sensors in fracture mechanics, A. Shukla, S. Letcher, R. P. Singh, N. Narendran, C. Zhou, and F. Sienkiewicz
Adversarial Domain Adaptation via Category Transfer, Lusi Li, Haibo He, Jie Li, and Guang Yang
Advocates in Public Service Settings: Voices From the Field, Margaret R. Rogers, Marisa E. Marraccini, Elisabeth C. O'Bryon, Jennifer A. Dupont-Frechette, and Anna G. Lubiner
Advocating for social justice: The context for change in school psychology, Margaret R. Rogers and Elisabeth C. O'Bryon
A dynamical systems approach to damage evolution tracking, part 1: Description and experimental application, David Chelidze, Joseph P. Cusumano, and Anindya Chatterjee
A dynamical systems approach to damage evolution tracking, part 2: Model-based validation and physical interpretation, Joseph P. Cusumano, David Chelidze, and Anindya Chatterjee
A dynamical systems approach to failure prognosis, David Chelidze and Joseph P. Cusumano
A fact about the logistic distribution, Peter Willett and Peter F. Swaszek
A fast algorithm for grid generation, Stephen A. Jordan and Malcolm L. Spaulding
A Fast and Accurate RNS Scaling Technique for High Speed Signal Processing, M. Anantha Padmanabh Shenoy and Ramdas Kumaresan
A Fast and Accurate Single Frequency Estimator, Steven Kay
A fast deep learning system using GPU, Zhilu Chen, Jing Wang, Haibo He, and Xinming Huang
Affected set priority ceiling protocols for real-time object-oriented concurrency control, Michael Squadrito, Levon Esibov, Lisa Cingiser DiPippo, Victor Fay-Wolfe, Gregory Cooper, Bhavani Thurasingham, Peter Krupp, Michel Milligan, Russell Johnston, and Ramachandra Bethmangalkar
Affective communication in normal and brain-damaged adults: An overview, Colleen M. Karow and Elizabeth C. Connors
Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansions and the nurse labor market, Michael DiNardi
{A figure is presented}Consumption of Whole-Grain Cereals during Weight Loss: Effects on Dietary Quality, Dietary Fiber, Magnesium, Vitamin B-6, and Obesity, Kathleen J. Melanson, Theodore J. Angelopoulos, Von T. Nguyen, Margaret Martini, Linda Zukley, Joshua Lowndes, Thomas J. Dube, Justin J. Fiutem, Byron W. Yount, and James M. Rippe
A Finger Vein Image-Based Personal Identification System with Self-Adaptive Illuminance Control, Liukui Chen, Jing Wang, Shiyu Yang, and Haibo He
A fishery- oil spill interaction model., M. Reed and M. L. Spaulding
A flexible automated foam cutting system, M. Jouaneh, A. Hammad, and P. Datseris
A fluidic diode, valves, and a sequential-loading circuit fabricated on layered paper, Hong Chen, Jeremy Cogswell, Constantine Anagnostopoulos, and Mohammad Faghri
A folded neural network autoencoder for dimensionality reduction, Jing Wang, Haibo He, and Danil V. Prokhorov
A force sensing tool for disassembly operations, Paul Schumacher and Musa Jouaneh
A framework for identifying and characterising coral reef “oases” against a backdrop of degradation, James R. Guest, Peter J. Edmunds, Ruth D. Gates, Ilsa B. Kuffner, Andreas J. Andersson, Brian B. Barnes, Iliana Chollett, Travis A. Courtney, Robin Elahi, Kevin Gross, Elizabeth A. Lenz, Satoshi Mitarai, Peter J. Mumby, Hannah R. Nelson, Britt A. Parker, Hollie M. Putnam, Caroline S. Rogers, and Lauren T. Toth
A Framework for the Adaptation of Positive Psychological Interventions to North American Indigenous Populations, Melissa R. Schick, Katelyn T. Kirk-Provencher, Silvi C. Goldstein, Tessa Nalven, and Nichea S. Spillane
A Framework for the Development, Design and Implementation of a Sustained Arctic Ocean Observing System, Craig M. Lee, Sandy Starkweather, Hajo Eicken, Mary-Louise Timmermans, Jeremy Wilkinson, Stein Sandven, Dmitry Dukhovskoy, Sebastian Gerland, Jacqueline Grebmeier, Janet M. Intrieri, Sung-Ho Kang, Molly McCammon, An T. Nguyen, Igor Polyakov, Benjamin Rabe, Hanne Sagen, Sophie Seeyave, Denis Volkov, Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller, Léon Chafik, Matthew Dzieciuch, Gustavo Goni, Torill Hamre, Andrew Luke King, Are Olsen, Roshin P. Raj, Thomas Rossby, Øystein Skagseth, Henrik Søiland, and Kai Sørensen
A fully decentralized multi-agent system for intelligent restoration of power distribution network incorporating distributed generations, Hengxuan Li, Haishun Sun, Jinyu Wen, Shijie Cheng, and Haibo He
A fully nonlinear implicit model for wave interactions with submerged structures in forced or free motion, Etienne Guerber, Michel Benoit, Stéphan T. Grilli, and Clément Buvat
A fully non-linear model for three-dimensional overturning waves over an arbitrary bottom, Stéphan T. Grilli, Philippe Guyenne, and Frédéric Dias
Age effect on driver comprehension of messages displayed on dynamic message signs, Jyh Hone Wang, Aaron T. Clark, and Valerie Maier-Speredelozzi
A general boundary approach to the construction of Michell truss structures, P. Dewhurst, N. Fang, and S. Srithongchai
A general iterative sparse linear solver and its parallelization for interval Newton methods, Chenyi Hu, Anna Frolov, R. Baker Kearfott, and Qing Yang
A general optimality criterion for strength and stiffness of dual-material-property structures, Peter Dewhurst
A genetic algorithm for energy minimization in bio-molecular systems, Xiaochun Weng, Lutz Hamel, Lenore M. Martin, and Joan Peckham
A genetic linkage map for the domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori, based on restriction fragment length polymorphisms, Jinrui Shi, David G. Heckel, and Marian R. Goldsmith
A geometrical interpretation of exponentially embedded families of gaussian probability density functions for model selection, Russell Costa and Steven Kay
A Geometric Approach to Second-Order Consensus of Heterogeneous Networked Systems, Housheng Su, Yanyan Ye, Xia Chen, and Haibo He
Age-related changes in adult muscle morphology, Matthew C. Kostek and Matthew J. Delmonico
Aggregate Data Yields Biased Estimates of Voter Preferences, Corey Lang and Shanna Pearson-Merkowitz
Aggregation of slack and shortage in centrally planned economies: Comment, John P. Burkett
Agile multi-modal tracking with dependent measurements, Jun Jason Zhang, Quan Ding, Steven Kay, Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola, and Muralidhar Rangaswamy
Aging and Health, Joanna Burkhardt
Aging effects on the creep behavior of the near-alpha titanium alloy Ti-1100, A. H. Rosenberger, A. Madsen, and H. Ghonem
A global attractivity result for maps with invariant boxes, M. R.S. Kulenović and Orlando Merino
A global capacity building vision for societal applications of earth observing systems and data: Key questions and recommendations, Faisal Hossain, Aleix Serrat-Capdevila, Stephanie Granger, Amy Thomas, David Saah, David Ganz, Robinson Mugo, M. S.R. Murthy, Victor Hugo Ramos, Carolyn Fonseca, Eric Anderson, Guy Schumann, Rebecca Lewison, Dalia Kirschbaum, Vanessa Escobar, Margaret Srinivasan, Christine Lee, Naveed Iqbal, Elliot Levine, Nancy Searby, Lawrence Friedl, Africa Flores, Dauna Coulter, Dan Irwin, Ashutosh Limaye, Tim Stough, Jay Skiles, Sue Estes, William Crosson, and Ali S. Akanda
A GPU-based real-time traffic sign detection and recognition system, Zhilu Chen, Xinming Huang, Zhen Ni, and Haibo He
A grand challenge: Facilitating service-learning for social justice, Adam Moore and Susan Trostle Brand
A graphene-based hydrogel monolith with tailored surface chemistry for PFAS passive sampling, Jitka Becanova, Zachary S.S.L. Saleeba, Aidan Stone, Anna R. Robuck, Robert H. Hurt, and Rainer Lohmann
Agricultural Policies and Regional Disparities in the Third World: The Case of Iran, Farhad Atash
A guide for applying principal-components analysis and confirmatory factor analysis to quantitative electroencephalogram data, James E. Arruda, Michael D. Weiler, Dominic Valentino, W. Grant Willis, Joseph S. Rossi, Robert A. Stern, Sherri M. Gold, and Laura Costa
A Guide to Freshwater Aquariums, Noah Savastano
A Head-Start to Teaching: Exploring the Early Field Experiences in Pre-service EFL Education in Turkey, Rabia Hos, Halil Ibrahim Cinarbas, and Hatice Yagci
A hierarchical distributed fog computing architecture for big data analysis in smart cities, Bo Tang, Zhen Chen, Gerald Hefferman, Tao Wei, Haibo He, and Qing Yang
A hierarchical learning architecture with multiple-goal representations based on adaptive dynamic programming, Haibo He and Bo Liu
A hierarchical model for control of flexible manufacturing systems, Manbir S. Sodhi, Ronald G. Askin, and Suvrajeet Sen
A hierarchical neural network architecture for classification, Jing Wang, Haibo He, Yuan Cao, Jin Xu, and Dongbin Zhao
A hierarchy of stochastic particle models for search and rescue (SAR): Application to predict surface drifter trajectories using HF radar current forcing, Malcolm L. Spaulding, Tatsu Isaji, Paul Hall, and Arthur A. Allen
A higher-order hypersingular boundary element method for the modeling of vortex sheet dynamics, Stéphan T. Grilli and Zhimin Hu
A high-linear sweep laser source to interrogate sub-terahertz range fiber sensors for dynamic strain sensing applications, Zhen Chen, Gerald Hefferman, Zheyi Yao, and Tao Wei
A high-order adaptive time-stepping TVD solver for Boussinesq modeling of breaking waves and coastal inundation, Fengyan Shi, James T. Kirby, Jeffrey C. Harris, Joseph D. Geiman, and Stéphan T. Grilli
A High-Performance, Reconfigurable, Fully Integrated Time-Domain Reflectometry Architecture Using Digital I/Os, Zhenyu Xu, Thomas Mauldin, Zheyi Yao, Gerald Hefferman, and Tao Wei
A History of Street Railways in Rhode Island, Samuel Henry Rosenberg
A human factors study on graphic-aided dynamic message signs, Jyh Hone Wang and Siamak Hesar
A human factors study on message design of variable message sign, Jyh Hone Wang and Yong Cao
A hybrid boundary element method for shallow water acoustic propagation over an irregular bottom, Stéphan Grilli, Torstein Pedersen, and Peter Stepanishen
A hybrid evolving and gradient strategy for approximating policy evaluation on online critic-actor learning, Jian Fu, Haibo He, Huiying Li, and Qing Liu
A hybrid solver based on efficient BEM-potential and LBM-NS models: Recent BEM developments and applications to naval hydrodynamics, Amin Mivehchi, Jeffrey C. Harris, Stéphan T. Grilli, Jason M. Dahl, Chris M. O'Reilly, Konstantin Kuznetsov, and Christian F. Janssen
A hybrid solver based on efficient BEM-potential and LBM-NS models: Recent LBM developments and applications to naval hydrodynamics, C. M. O'Reilly, S. T. Grilli, J. C. Harris, A. Mivehchi, C. F. Janssen, and J. M. Dahl
AI and Its Moral Concerns, Bohyun Kim
“Ain’t My Mama’s Broken Heart”: The Mothers and Daughters of Hillbilly Feminism, Alyssa Dewees
Air-blast fracture in woven carbon fibre/epoxy laminates, Laurence A. Coles, Craig Tilton, Anish Roy, Arun Shukla, and Vadim V. Silberschmidt
Air-Breathing Hypersonic Vehicle Tracking Control Based on Adaptive Dynamic Programming, Chaoxu Mu, Zhen Ni, Changyin Sun, and Haibo He
Airframe effects on Loran H-field antenna performance, Gregory Johnson, Ken Dykstra, Ruslan Shalaev, Peter Swaszek, and Richard Hartnett
Air-splint pressure effect on soleus muscle alpha motoneuron reflex excitability in subjects with spinal cord injury, Julie A. Robichaud and James Agostinucci
A Joint-Space Command Generator for Cartesian Control of Robotic Manipulators, Richard J. Vaccaro and Simon D. Hill
A kinder, gentler capitalism? Resurgent corporate liberalism in the age of bush, Michael Hillard and Richard McIntyre
A knowledge engineer based on natural language understanding for an expert system: DOMES, B. Yang and P. Datseris
A latent transition model with logistic regression, Hwan Chung, Theodore A. Walls, and Yousung Park
A Lattice-Boltzmann-based perturbation method, Christopher M. O'Reilly, Christian F. Janßen, and Stéphan T. Grilli
Alcohol- and drug-related consequences across latent classes of substance use among American Indian adolescents, Melissa R. Schick, Silvi C. Goldstein, Tessa Nalven, and Nichea S. Spillane
Alcohol, cannabis, and tobacco polysubstance use: A latent profile analysis of age of onset, Amy L. Stamates, Rhiannon Roberts, and Cathy Lau-Barraco
Alcohol Misuse and Women’s Use of Aggression in Intimate Relationships: The Mediating Role of Motivations for Using Aggression, Rebecca J. Nelson-Aguiar, Nicole H. Weiss, Suzanne C. Swan, and Tami P. Sullivan
Alcohol misuse to down-regulate positive emotions: A cross-sectional multiple mediator analysis among US military veterans, Nicole H. Weiss, Shannon R. Forkus, Alexa M. Raudales, Melissa R. Schick, and Ateka A. Contractor
Alcohol to down-regulate negative and positive emotions: Extending our understanding of the functional role of alcohol in relation to posttraumatic stress disorder, Nicole H. Weiss, Svetlana Goncharenko, Alexa M. Raudales, Melissa R. Schick, and Ateka A. Contractor
Alcohol use and alcohol problems among the elderly., R. G. Laforge and S. I. Mignon
A learning based approach for social force model parameter estimation, Zhiqiang Wan, Xuemin Hu, Haibo He, and Yi Guo
A Least-Squares Algorithm for Multipath Time-Delay Estimation, T. G. Manickam, R. J. Vaccaro, and D. W. Tufts
A Level-1 Limit Order Book with Time Dependent Arrival Rates, Jonathan A. Chávez-Casillas, Robert J. Elliott, Bruno Rémillard, and Anatoliy V. Swishchuk
A Level-1 Limit Order Book with Time Dependent Arrival Rates, Jonathan A. Chávez-Casillas, Robert J. Elliott, Bruno Rémillard, and Anatoliy V. Swishchuk
Algebra and social security: A perfect fit, Arthur C. Mead
Algorithm 827: Irbleigs: A MATLAB program for computing a few eigenpairs of a large sparse Hermitian matrix, J. Baglama, D. Calvetti, and L. Reichel
Algorithm for automatic detection of pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures in rats, W. G. Besio, X. Liu, Y. Liu, Y. L. Sun, A. V. Medvedev, and K. Koka
Algorithm for automatic detection of pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures in rats., Walter G. Besio, Xiang Liu, Yuhong Liu, Yan Lindsay Sun, and Andrei V. Medvedev
Algorithm for decomposing an analytic signal into AM and positive FM components, Ramdas Kumaresan and Ashwin Rao
Algorithm for detecting closely spaced delay/Doppler components, Amir W. Habboosh, Richard J. Vaccaro, and Steven Kay
Algorithms for Tsunami detection by High Frequency radar: Development and case studies for tsunami impact in British Columbia, Canada, Stéphan T. Grilli, Michael Shelby, Annette Grilli, Charles Antoine Guerin, Samuel Grosdidier, and Tania Insua
Allocation of investment among Soviet republics in the 1980s, J. P. Burkett
Allopatric and Sympatric Drivers of Speciation in Alviniconcha Hydrothermal Vent Snails, Corinna Breusing, Shannon B. Johnson, Verena Tunnicliffe, David A. Clague, Robert C. Vrijenhoek, and Roxanne A. Beinart
All solutions of the equilibrium capillary surface equation are oscillatory, M. R.S. Kulenović and Ć Ljubović
Alma Link Resolver Material Type Report 2019-2020, Andrée J. Rathemacher
Alma Link Resolver Material Type Report 2020-2021, Andrée J. Rathemacher
Alma Link Resolver Referring Sources Report 2019-2020, Andrée J. Rathemacher
Alma Link Resolver Referring Sources Report 2020-2021, Andrée J. Rathemacher
Alma Link Resolver Subject Report 2019-2020, Andrée J. Rathemacher
Alma Link Resolver Subject Report 2020-2021, Andrée J. Rathemacher
Alma Link Resolver Title & ISSN Report (Top 500) 2019-2020, Andrée J. Rathemacher
Alma Link Resolver Title & ISSN Report (Top 500) 2020-2021, Andrée J. Rathemacher
Almost output regulation of LFT systems via gain-scheduling control, Chengzhi Yuan, Chang Duan, and Fen Wu
Almost output regulation of switched linear dynamics with switched exosignals, Chengzhi Yuan and Fen Wu
A local density-based approach for outlier detection, Bo Tang and Haibo He
A local lens on global media literacy: Teaching media and the Arab world, Katharina Schmoll
A Long-Acting Curcumin Nanoparticle/In Situ Hydrogel Composite for the Treatment of Uveal Melanoma, Lingxiao Xie, Weizhou Yue, Khaled Ibrahim, and Jie Shen
A Longitudinal Examination of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Risky Sexual Behavior: Evaluating Emotion Dysregulation Dimensions as Mediators, Nicole H. Weiss, Kate Walsh, David D. DiLillo, Terri L. Messman-Moore, and Kim L. Gratz
A longitudinal look at Parent-child diagnostic agreement in youth treated for anxiety disorders, Scott M. Saffbrd, Philip C. Kendall, Ellen Flannery-Schroeder, Alicia Webb, and Heath Sommer
A Longitudinal Study of Food Insecurity on Obesity in Preschool Children, Elizabeth Metallinos-Katsaras, Aviva Must, and Kathleen Gorman
A longitudinal study of WIC participation on household food insecurity, Elizabeth Metallinos-Katsaras, Kathleen S. Gorman, Parke Wilde, and Jan Kallio
A Look at International Lending, Richard McIntyre
A Look at the Anti-Vaccine Movement and its Impact on Covid-19, Kathryn Ann Famiglietti
A lot like the other: Parents’ consumer responses to brand-modified product placements in children’s programming, Zijian Gong and Steven Holiday
A low bandwidth DFB laser-based interrogator for terahertz-range fiber Bragg grating sensors, Zhen Chen, Gerald Hefferman, and Tao Wei
A low-cost and in-field antenna characterizing method based on statistics measurement, Zhenyu Xu, Thomas Mauldin, Zheyi Yao, Tao Wei, and Kan Ren
A Lower Bound on the Error Probability for Signals in White Gaussian Noise, Peter F. Swaszek
A low noise full customized 32-channel CMOS biopotential sensor chip for extracellular neural signal recording, Xin Zhang, James C. Daly, and Yong Cao
A low rank weighted matrix approximation method for robust estimation of sinusoid parameters, Geoffrey S. Edelson, Ramdas Kumaresan, and Donald W. Tufts
A low TCR nanocomposite strain gage for high temperature aerospace applications, Otto J. Gregory and Ximing Chen
Alternative approaches to data compression for distributed detection, Fuat Cogun and Steven Kay
Alternative pragmatic bases for judging models, J. O. Prochaska
Alternative topologies for sigma-delta modulators - a comparative study, Godi Fischer and Alan J. Davis
Alzheimer's disease and diet: a systematic review, Miryam Yusufov, Lisa L. Weyandt, and Irene Piryatinsky
A Machine Learning Based Approach for Automatic Rebar Detection and Quantification of Deterioration in Concrete Bridge Deck Ground Penetrating Radar B-scan Images, Pouria Asadi, Mayrai Gindy, and Marco Alvarez
A Machine Learning Based Approach for Automatic Rebar Detection and Quantification of Deterioration in Concrete Bridge Deck Ground Penetrating Radar B-scan Images, Pouria Asadi, Mayrai Gindy, and Marco Alvarez
A Magnetically Responsive Hydrogel System for Controlling the Timing of Bone Progenitor Recruitment and Differentiation Factor Deliveries, S. Zahra M. Madani, Anne Reisch, Daniel Roxbury, and Stephen M. Kennedy
A Manufacturing system for automated production of polystyrene molds, A. Viswanathan, M. Jouaneh, P. Datseris, and W. Palm
A marine mammal acoustic detection and localization algorithm using spectrogram image correlation, Brhda Ramaswamy, Gopu R. Potty, and James H. Miller
A maximum principle for differential inclusion problems with state constraints, Halina Frankowska and Barbara Kas̀kosz
A maximum principle in relaxed controls, Barbara Kas̀kosz
Ambiguity resolution in sparse linear prediction, Hongya Ge, Donald W. Tufts, and R. Kumaresan
A measurement system for shear speed using interface wave dispersion, Jeanette Greene, Jennifer Giard, Gopu R. Potty, and James H. Miller
A Mechanistic Model for Microbial Uptake of Hydrocarbons in Flocculating and Nonflocculating Systems, Krishna Kulkarni and Stanley M. Barnett
A Memory Interference Model for Regularly Patterned Multiple Stream Vector Accesses, Qing Yang and Tao Yang
American College of Sports Medicine Expert Consensus Statement to Update Recommendations for Screening, Staffing, and Emergency Policies to Prevent Cardiovascular Events at Health Fitness Facilities, Paul D. Thompson, Aaron L. Baggish, Barry Franklin, Carrie Jaworski, and Deborah Riebe
A meta-analysis of computer-tailored interventions for health behavior change, Paul Krebs, James O. Prochaska, and Joseph S. Rossi
A method for comparing bathymetric survey data to determine changes in sediment elevation, John Herzog and Aaron S. Bradshaw
A method for regional estimation of climate change exposure of coastal infrastructure: Case of USVI and the influence of digital elevation models on assessments, Gerald Bove, Austin Becker, Benjamin Sweeney, Michalis Vousdoukas, and Scott Kulp
A methodology to map airport ASF's for enhanced Loran, Richard Hartnett, Kevin Bridges, Gregory Johnson, Christian Oates, Michael Kuhn, and Peter F. Swaszek
A micromechanical finite element model for linear and damage-coupled viscoelastic behaviour of asphalt mixture, Qingli Dai, Martin H. Sadd, and Zhanping You
A micromechanical viscoelasto-plastic model for asphalt mixture, Qingli Dai, Zhanping You, and Martin H. Sadd
A microprocessor-based wrist pulse simulator for pulse diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine, Steven McLellan, Christina Liese, Melissa Andrews, Mona Boudreaux, G. Faye Boudreaux, Eugene Chabot, and Ying Sun
A missing voice in the discourse of evidence-based practice, Dana Kovarsky and Maura Curran
A model based system for simultaneously estimating bathymetry and sound speed profile characteristics - Non-isovelocity simulation results, D. B. Cousins and J. H. Miller
A model for fatigue crack initiation from notches, A. S. Zaki and H. Ghonem
A model for signal representation at the output of the cochlea based on minimum phase signals, R. Kumaresan and Ashwin Rao
A modelling evaluation of electromagnetic fields emitted by buried subsea power cables and encountered by marine animals: Considerations for marine renewable energy development, Zoë L. Hutchison, Andrew B. Gill, Peter Sigray, Haibo He, and John W. King
A model of temporal synaptic interactions, N. Padmanaban, W. J. Ohley, G. Kass-Simon, and R. F. Constantino
A modified procedure for staining roots to detect VA mycorrhizas, R. E. Koske and J. N. Gemma
A modified PSO based particle filter algorithm for object tracking, Yufei Tang, Siyao Fu, Bo Tang, and Haibo He
A modular soft robotic wrist for underwater manipulation, Shunichi Kurumaya, Brennan T. Phillips, Kaitlyn P. Becker, Michelle H. Rosen, David F. Gruber, Kevin C. Galloway, Koichi Suzumori, and Robert J. Wood
A molecular evaluation of the Liagoraceae sensu lato (Nemaliales, Rhodophyta) in Bermuda including Liagora nesophila sp. nov. and Yamadaella grassyi sp. nov., Thea R. Popolizio, Craig W. Schneider, and Christopher E. Lane
A monolithic time of arrival detector for acoustic signals, Michael Obara, Godi Fischer, and Sangmok Lee
A mother-centered evaluation of breast pumps, Rachel L. Bartels, Diane DiTomasso, and Gretchen A. Macht
A motor timing experiment implemented using a musical instrument digital interface (MIDI) approach, Charles E. Collyer, Seth S. Boatright-Horowitz, and Sari Hooper
Amplifying the voice of youth: The partners for change outcome management system, Barry L. Duncan and Jacqueline A. Sparks
A multidisciplinary approach to Internet of Things (IoT) cybersecurity and risk management, Kim Kwang Raymond Choo, Keke Gai, Luca Chiaraviglio, and Qing Yang
A Multifactorial Evolutionary Algorithm for Multitasking under Interval Uncertainties, Jun Yi, Junren Bai, Haibo He, Wei Zhou, and Lizhong Yao
A multifunctional microfluidic device based on bifurcation geometry, Ahmed Fadl, Stefanie Demming, Zongqin Zhang, Björn Hoxhold, Stephanus Büttgenbach, Mannfred Krafczyk, and Donna M.L. Meyer
A multifunction and bidirectional valve-less rectification micropump based on bifurcation geometry, Ahmed Fadl, Stefanie Demming, Zongqin Zhang, Stephanus Büttgenbach, Mannfred Krafczyk, and Donna M.L. Meyer
A Multi-Objective Optimization Method for Hospital Admission Problem—A Case Study on Covid-19 Patients, Amr Mohamed Abdel Aziz, Louai Alarabi, Saleh Basalamah, and Abdeltawab Hendawi
A multi-smartwatch system for assessing speech characteristics of people with dysarthria in group settings, Harishchandra Dubey, J. Cody Goldberg, Kunal Mankodiya, and Leslie Mahler
A Myskis‐Type Comparison Result for Neutral Equations, E. A. Grove, M. R.S. Kulenovic, and G. Ladas
Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Use in Sports, Health, and Society, Shalender Bhasin, Disa L. Hatfield, Jay A.Y.R. Hoffman, William J. Kraemer, Michele Labotz, Stuart M. Phillips, and Nicholas A. Ratamess
An adaptive behavioral immune system: a model of population health behavior, Julian M. Saad and James O. Prochaska
An adaptive cache coherence scheme for hierarchical shared-memory multiprocessors, Qing Yang, G. Thangadurai, and Laxmi N. Bhuyan
An adaptive critic approach to event-triggered robust control of nonlinear systems with unmatched uncertainties, Xiong Yang, Haibo He, and Qinglai Wei
An Adaptive Detector for Deterministic Signals in Noise of Unknown Spectra Using the Rao Test, Paul M. Baggenstoss and Steven M. Kay
An adaptive dynamic programming approach for closely-coupled MIMO system control, Jian Fu, Haibo He, Qing Liu, and Zhen Ni
An adaptive inverse digital filter for formant analysis of speech, Leland B. Jackson and John Bertrand
An adaptive method for unknown distributions in distributive partitioned sorting, Philip J. Janus and Edmund A. Lamagna
An adaptive neuro-control approach for multi-machine power systems, Zhen Ni, Yufei Tang, Xianchao Sui, Haibo He, and Jinyu Wen
An Adaptive Threshold Method for Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection Systems, Younghun Chae, Natallia Katenka, and Lisa Dipippo
An Aerial Photogrammetric Study of Erosion and Accretion Boston Harbor Islands, Massachusetts, Paul William Riegler
An Aerial Photogrammetric Survey of Long-Term Shoreline Changes, Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, Michael Joseph Goetz
An Aerial Photogrammetric Survey of Long-Term Shoreline Changes, Southern Rhode Island Coast, Donald Robert Regan
An agentive focus may limit learning about complex causality and systems dynamics: A study of seventh graders' explanations of ecosystems, Megan Powell Cuzzolino, Tina A. Grotzer, M. Shane Tutwiler, and Eric W. Torres
An algorithm for estimating bridge deflection from accelerometer measurements, Richard J. Vaccaro, Mayrai Gindy, Hani Nassif, and Jana Velde
An algorithm for modeling entrainment and naturally and chemically dispersed oil droplet size distribution under surface breaking wave conditions, Zhengkai Li, Malcolm L. Spaulding, and Deborah French-McCay
An Algorithm for Pole-Zero Modeling and Spectral Analysis, Ramdas Kumaresan, Louis L. Scharf, and Arnab K. Shaw
Analog FIR Filters by Switched-Capacitor Techniques, Godi Fischer
Analog RRS cells-An alternative approach for sampled-data low-pass filters, Godi Fischer
Analysis and Comparison of Cache Coherence Protocols for a Packet-Switched Multiprocessor, Qing Yang, Laxmi N. Bhuyan, and Bao Chyn Liu
Analysis and design of external cavity, strong feedback, semiconductor lasers for use with coherent optical communication systems, Il Whan Oh and Harish R.D. Sunak
ANALYSIS AND INTERPOLATION OF ANGIOGRAPHIC IMAGES BY USE OF FRACTALS., T. Lundahl, W. J. Ohley, W. S. Kuklinski, D. O. Williams, H. Gewirtz, and A. S. Most
Analysis and protection of dynamic membership information for group key distribution schemes, Yan Lindsay Sun and K. J. Ray Liu
Analysis and validation of one-dimensional models for gaseous flows in micro-channels, Hongwei Sun and Mohammad Faghri
Analysis of 16S genomic data using graphical databases, Olivia M. M. Ahern, Li Yuan, Rebecca J. Stevick, and Noah M. Daniels
Analysis of a BICS-only concurrent error detection method, Jien Chung Lo
Analysis of a longitudinal ripple from the Nova Scotian continental rise, I. N. McCave, C. D. Hollister, D. J. DeMaster, C. A. Nittrouer, A. J. Silva, and J. Y. Yingst
Analysis of chorion proteins of Bombyx mandarina in comparison with those of Bombyx mori, Bungo Sakaguchi, Yutaka Kawaguchi, Kazunori Sugahara, Katsumi Koga, Katsumi Koga, Osamu Ninaki, Marian R. Goldsmith, and SI Kab Nho
Analysis of coherent combining for GPS L1C acquisition, Kelly C. Seals, William R. Michalson, Peter F. Swaszek, and Richard J. Hartnett
Analysis of directed networks via partial singular value decomposition and Gauss quadrature, J. Baglama, C. Fenu, L. Reichel, and G. Rodriguez
Analysis of elevated temperature fatigue crack growth mechanisms in alloy 718, H. Ghonem, A. Pineau, and T. Nicholas
Analysis of errors in the computation of Fourier coefficients using the Arithmetic Fourier Transform (AFT) and summation by parts (SBP), G. F. Boudreaux-Bartels, D. W. Tufts, P. Dhir, G. Sadasiv, and G. Fischer
Analysis of Groundwater Depletion and Recharge in Northwestern Bangladesh, Muhammad S. Khan
Analysis of Layout Impacts on Resource Allocation for Voting: A Los Angeles Vote Center, Nicholas D. Bernardo, Gretchen A. Macht, and Jennifer Lather
Analysis of Left Ventricular Mechanics During Filling, Isovolumic Contraction, and Ejection, Dennis J. Arena and William J. Ohley
Analysis of Linear Prediction by Matrix Approximation, Alex C. Kot, Donald W. Tufts, and Richard J. Vaccaro
Analysis Of Min-Norm And Music With Arbitrary Array Geometry, Fu Li and Richard J. Vaccaro
Analysis of noise performance in rare-earth-doped fiber optical amplifiers in the 1.3-um and 1.55-um wavelength bands, Jun Bao, Steven P. Bastien, Harish R. Sunak, and Vasilios E. Kalomiris
Analysis of Officer Retention and Success in the US Army by Commissioning Source, Daniel Baglini
Analysis of Packet-Switched Multiple-Bus Multiprocessor Systems, Qing Yang and Laxmi N. Bhuyan
Analysis of phase trellis overlay modulations for a DGPS secondary communications channel, Richard J. Hartnett, Peter F. Swaszek, and Keith C. Gross
Analysis of products for end-of-life management, W. A. Knight and G. Boothroyd
Analysis of the Performance Expected in Fluorophosphate Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers with the 800 nm Pump Band, Steven P. Bastien and Harish R.D. Sunak
Analysis of the performance of optimized distributed erbium doped fiber amplifiers, Michael J. Platek, Steven P. Bastien, Harish R.D. Sunak, and Vas E. Kalomiris
Analysis of turbulent skin friction in thick axisymmetric boundary layers, F. M. White, R. C. Lessmann, and G. H. Christophj
Analytical and experimental evaluation of energies during shock wave loading, Erheng Wang and Arun Shukla
Analytical investigation of the capturing process in the orientation and stacking of parts based on internal features, A. Mankame, P. Datseris, M. Jouaneh, and M. Sodhi
Analytical observations for DOA estimation performance, F. Li, H. Liu, and R. J. Vaccaro
Analytical simulation of shock tests on polyurea coated composite panels, K. N. Shivakumar, P. Raghu, T. Arjun, and A. Shukla
Analytical solutions and numerical procedures for minimum-weight Michell structures, Peter Dewhurst
Analyzing Differential Responses of a Region to Business Cycles, ARTHUR C. MEAD and GLENWORTH A. RAMSAY
Analyzing properties of model asphalts using molecular simulation, Liqun Zhang and Michael L. Greenfield
Analyzing space-time sensor network data under suppression and failure in transmission, Gavino Puggioni and Alan E. Gelfand
Analyzing the Impacts of Loss of the FANCA Protein on Chromatin State, Mileena Nguyen
Analyzing the processor bottlenecks in SPEC CPU 2000, Joshua J. Yi, Ajay Joshi, Resit Sendag, Lieven Eeckhout, and David J. Lilja
An American Navy Spy Hugo William Koehler Letters and Despatches, 1902-1925, P. J. Capelotti
An analysis of 3.5 kHz acoustic reflections and sediment physical properties, Kenneth C. Baldwin, Lester R. LeBlanc, and Armand J. Silva
An analysis of address and branch patterns with PatternFinder, Celal Ozturk, Ibrahim Burak Karsli, and Resit Sendag
An analysis of axisymmetric turbulent flow past a long cylinder, F. M. White
An Analysis of Forty Years of Gender Archetypes on the American Silver Screen, Xaviera I. Valencia
An analysis of hard to predict branches, Celal Ozturk and Resit Sendag
An Analysis of the Rhetoric of Wilme Mankiller, Lynda D. Peters
An analytical model for load balancing on symmetrical multiprocessor systems, Xiaoshu Qian and Qing Yang
An analytical study on leader and follower switching in V-shaped Canada Goose flocks for energy management purposes, A. Mirzaeinia, F. Heppner, and M. Hassanalian
An angle-distribution effect in mental rotation, Charles E. Collyer
An Anthology on Human Suffering in America: Notes on Black Lives Matter, Katelyn Dubois
An apparent n to p transition in reactively sputtered indium-tin-oxide high temperature strain gages, Otto J. Gregory, Qing Luo, Joseph M. Bienkiewicz, Brian M. Erwin, and Everett E. Crisman
An approach to creative media literacy for world issues, Abduljalil Nasr Hazaea
An Approach to Creative Media Literacy for World Issues, Abduljalil Nasr Hazaea
An approach to direction finding based on a subspace perturbation expansion, Richard J. Vaccaro, Pranab Majumdar, and Norman L. Owsley
An Aristotelian Resolution of the Idiographic Versus Nomothetic Tension, Albert Silverstein
A narrowband IIR digital filter with low sensitivity and roundoff noise, Leland B. Jackson
An Assessment of Consumer Food Safety Handling Practices of Produce at Grocery Stores in Rhode Island, Chelsea Paulin, Ingrid E. Lofgren, and Lori F. Pivarnik
An Assessment of Food Safety Handling Practices at Farmers' Markets in Rhode Island Using a Smartphone Application, Elizabeth G. Vandeputte, Lori F. Pivarnik, Joshua Scheinberg, Robson Machado, Catherine N. Cutter, and Ingrid E. Lofgren
An ASV for coastal underwater archaeology: The Pladypos survey of Caesarea Maritima, Israel, A. Vasilijevic, B. Buxton, J. Sharvit, N. Stilinovic, D. Nad, N. Miskovic, D. Planer, J. Hale, and Z. Vukic
An asynchronous direct solver for banded linear systems, Michael A. Jandron, Anthony A. Ruffa, and James Baglama
A national survey of psychologists who offer neuropsychological services, Thomas J. Guilmette, David Faust, Kathleen Hart, and Hal R. Arkes
An automatic and user-driven training method for locomotion mode recognition for artificial leg control, Xiaorong Zhang, Ding Wang, Qing Yang, and He Huang
Andrea Revised: Andrea Dworkin: The Feminist As Revolutionary by Martin Duberman, Phyllis Chesler
A Near Packing of Two Graphs, Nancy Eaton
An Ecological Assessment of Critically Endangered Chinese Pangolin Manis pentadactyla (Mammalia: Pholidota: Manidae) in the Midhills Region of Nepal, Sandeep Shrestha, Ashish Bashyal, Rojeena Rijal, Janam Shrestha, Palistha Shrestha, Nischal Shrestha, Thomas J. McGreevy Jr., Bill Buffum, and Sanjay Nath Khanal
An efficient 3-D FNPF numerical wave tank for virtual large-scale wave basin experiment, Seshu Nimmala, Solomon Yim, and Stephan Grilli
An efficient algorithm for deriving summation identities from mutual recurrences, Berkeley R. Churchill and Edmund A. Lamagna
An efficient artificial intelligence model for prediction of tropical storm surge, M. Reza Hashemi, Malcolm L. Spaulding, Alex Shaw, Hamed Farhadi, and Matt Lewis
An efficient lattice Boltzmann multiphase model for 3D flows with large density ratios at high Reynolds numbers, Amir Banari, Christian F. Janßen, and Stéphan T. Grilli
An efficient three-dimensional FNPF numerical wave tank for large-scale wave basin experiment simulation, Seshu B. Nimmala, Solomon C. Yim, and Stéphan T. Grilli
An Efficient Two-Dimensional Frequency Estimator, Steven Kay and Reza Nekovei
An Efficient WCET-Aware Hybrid Global Branch Prediction Approach, Xuesong Su, Hui Wu, and Qing Yang
An emotional expression monitoring tool for facial videos, Indrani Mandal, Terry Ferguson, Gabriel De Pace, and Kunal Mankodiya
An empirical typology of subjects within stage of change, Wayne F. Velicer, Stanley L. Hughes, Joseph L. Fava, James O. Prochaska, and Carlo C. DiClemente
An End-to-End Framework with Multisource Monitoring Data for Bridge Health Anomaly Identification, Jie Li, Hongli He, Haibo He, Lusi Li, and Yi Xiang
An Equilibrium Phase Diagram for the Glucose-Cellobiose-Water System at 30.5 °C, Firoz R. Mistry and Stanley M. Barnett
An erosion model for abrasive waterjet milling of polycrystalline ceramics, Jiyue Zeng and Thomas J. Kim
An erosion model of polycrystalline ceramics in abrasive waterjet cutting, Jiyue Zeng and Thomas J. Kim
A nested numerical tidal model of the southern New England Bight, Malcolm L. Spaulding and Robert B. Gordon
An E-Textile Respiration Sensing System for NICU Monitoring: Design and Validation, Gozde Cay, Vignesh Ravichandran, Manob Jyoti Saikia, Laurie Hoffman, Abbot Laptook, James Padbury, Amy L. Salisbury, Anna Gitelson-Kahn, Krishna Venkatasubramanian, Yalda Shahriari, and Kunal Mankodiya
A Network-Based Analysis of International Refugee Migration Patterns Using GERGMs, Katherine Abramski, Natallia Katenka, and Marc Hutchison
A neural machine interface architecture for real-time artificial lower limb control, Jason Kane, Qing Yang, Robert Hernandez, Willard Simoneau, and Matthew Seaton
A neural network based online learning and control approach for Markov jump systems, Xiangnan Zhong, Haibo He, Huaguang Zhang, and Zhanshan Wang
A Neural Network Model for Invariant Pattern Recognition, Narayan Srinivasa and Musa Jouaneh
A neuropharmacological analysis of the pacemakers and conducting tissues of Hydra attenuata, G. Kass-Simon and L. M. Passano
An evaluation of eloran as a backup navigation sensor for ADS-B, Gregory W. Johnson, Christian Oates, Mark Wiggins, James V. Carroll, Peter Swaszek, and Richard Hartnett
An evaluation of eLoran as a backup to GPS, Gregory W. Johnson, Peter F. Swaszek, Richard J. Hartnett, Ruslan Shalaev, and Mark Wiggins
An evaluation of three conventional histological techniques for staining the cerata of Cratena pilata, S. Fogg-Matarese, D. B. Horowitz, and G. Kass-Simon
An event-driven ADR approach for residential energy resources in microgrids with uncertainties, Xiaodong Yang, Youbing Zhang, Hangfei Wu, and Haibo He
An event-triggered ADP control approach for continuous-time system with unknown internal states, Xiangnan Zhong and Haibo He
An Event-Triggered Approach for Load Frequency Control with Supplementary ADP, Lu Dong, Yufei Tang, Haibo He, and Changyin Sun
An Evolutionary Computation Approach for Smart Grid Cascading Failure Vulnerability Analysis, He Jiang, Zhenhua Wang, and Haibo He
A new approach for improving ballistic performance of composite armor, V. Parameswaran, W. Bentley, A. Shukla, and R. A. Prosser
A new approach for the detection of abnormal heart sound signals using TQWT, VMD and neural networks, Wei Zeng, Jian Yuan, Chengzhi Yuan, Qinghui Wang, Fenglin Liu, and Ying Wang
A new approach to fourier synthesis with application to neural encoding and speech classification, Steven Kay
A new approach to simulation of LNG spills in the ocean, J. Craig Swanson and Malcolm Spaulding
A new approach to teaching a mechanical systems design course, Musa Jouaneh
A new approach to teaching a mechanical systems design course, Musa Jouaneh
A new approach to the optimization of blends composition in injection moulding of recycled polymers, G. Lucchetta, P. P. Bariani, and W. A. Knight
A new approach to weighted subspace fitting using subspace perturbation expansions, Richard J. Vaccaro
A New ARMA Spectral Estimator, Steven M. Kay
A new Bayesian joint model for longitudinal count data with many zeros, intermittent missingness, and dropout with applications to HIV prevention trials, Jing Wu, Ming Hui Chen, Elizabeth D. Schifano, Joseph G. Ibrahim, and Jeffrey D. Fisher
A new buffer cache design exploiting both temporal and content localities, Jin Ren and Qing Yang
A new correlation for pressure drop in arrays of rectangular blocks in air-cooled electronic units, M. Molki, M. Faghri, and O. Ozbay
A new definition of the kinematic breaking onset criterion validated with solitary and quasi-regular waves in shallow water, Audrey Varing, Jean Francois Filipot, Stéphan Grilli, Rui Duarte, Volker Roeber, and Marissa Yates
A new discrete-continuous algorithm for radial basis function networks construction, Long Zhang, Kang Li, Haibo He, and George W. Irwin
A new fatigue testing apparatus model and parameter identification, Michael Falco, Ming Liu, and David Chelidze
A New Graph Approach to Minimizing Processor Fragmentation in Hypercube Multiprocessors, Qing Yang and Hong Wang
A new hierarchical disk architecture, Yiming Hu and Qing Yang
A new hierarchy cache scheme using RAM and pagefile, Rui Fang Liu, Change Sheng Xie, Zhi Hu Tan, and Qing Yang
A new integral method for analyzing the turbulent boundary layer with arbitrary pressure gradient, F. M. White
A New Kind of Class Situation, Richard McIntyre
A new learning and classification framework for the detection of abnormal heart sound signals using hybrid signal processing and neural networks, Wei Zeng, Zixiang Lin, Chengzhi Yuan, Qinghui Wang, Fenglin Liu, and Ying Wang
A new low-reynolds-number k-ϵ model for turbulent flow over smooth and rough surfaces, Hanzhong Zhang, Mohammad Faghri, and Frank M. White
A new low Reynolds stress transport model for heat transfer and fluid in engineering applications, Rongguang Jia, Bengt Sundén, and Mohammad Faghri
A new metadata update method for fast recovery of SSD cache, Jing Yang and Qing Yang
A new method for vibration modal analysis, Zhou Wenliang and David Chelidze
A new method for vibration modal analysis, Wenliang Zhou and David Chelidze
A new method for vibration mode analysis, David Chelidze and Wenliang Zhou
A new nonstationarity detector, Steven Kay
A New Paper-Based Microfluidic Device for Improved Detection of Nitrate in Water, Amer Charbaji, Hojat Heidari-Bafroui, Constantine Anagnostopoulos, and Mohammad Faghri
A new paper-based platform technology for point-of-care diagnostics, Roman Gerbers, Wilke Foellscher, Hong Chen, Constantine Anagnostopoulos, and Mohammad Faghri
A New Physically Motivated Clutter Model with Applications to Nondestructive Ultrasonic Testing, Yazan Rawashdeh and Steven Kay
A new proof of the Neyman-Pearson theorem using the EEF and the vindication of Sir R. Fisher, Steven Kay
A new protocol for efficient bandwith distribution in integrated service networks, Hungshih Chang and Jien Chung Lo
A new random variable normalizing transformation with application to the GLRT, Steven Kay and Yazan Rawashdeh
A new reading of the belvedere altar, Bridget A. Buxton
A new real-zero conversion algorithm, Ramdas Kumaresan and Yadong Wang
A new species of digenea (Rhodomelaceae, ceramiales) based upon a molecular assessment and morphological observations of plants historically known as d. simplex in Bermuda, Craig W. Schneider, Bilal F. Hamzeh, Christopher E. Lane, and Gary W. Saunders
A New State-Space Approach for Direction Finding, Richard J. Vaccaro and Yinong Ding
A new strategy to produce active human Src from bacteria for biochemical study of its regulation, Yue Hao Wang, Marina K. Ayrapetov, Xiaofeng Lin, and Gongqin Sun
A new system identification method operated in the pole domain, Qianying Cao, Bin Gao, Huajun Li, and Sau-Lon James Hu
A new type atomic force microscope based on chaotic motions, Ming Liu and David Chelidze
A new type of atomic force microscope based on chaotic motions, Ming Liu and David Chelidze
A new web home for the IEEE CIS, Haibo He
An Exact Least Squares Fitting Technique for Two-Dimensional Frequency Wavenumber Estimation, R. Kumaresan and A. K. Shaw
An Examination of Peer, Family, and Community Context Risk Factors for Alcohol Use and Alcohol Use Intentions in Early Adolescents, Jessica E. Nargiso, Karen Friend, and Paul Florin
An Examination of Prescription Stimulant Misuse and Psychological Variables Among Sorority and Fraternity College Populations, Crystal L. Dussault and Lisa L. Weyandt
An Examination of the Role of Difficulties Regulating Positive Emotions in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Nicole H. Weiss, Katherine L. Dixon-Gordon, Courtney Peasant, and Tami P. Sullivan
An examination of transtheoretical predictors of condom use in late-adolescent heterosexual men, Seth M. Noar, Patricia J. Morokoff, and Colleen A. Redding
An Experimental Analysis of Perch Diameter and Substrate Preferences of Anolis Lizards from Natural Forest and Urban Habitats, Jason J. Kolbe, Noah Gilbert, James T. Stroud, and Zachary A. Chejanovski
An Experimental Determination of Hydrodynamic Masses and Mechanical Impedances, Kirk Thomson Patton
An experimental evaluation of foraging decisions in urban and natural forest populations of Anolis lizards, Zachary A. Chejanovski, Kevin J. Avilés-Rodríguez, Oriol Lapiedra, Evan L. Preisser, and Jason J. Kolbe
An experimental investigation of the blast resistance of sandwich composites with a stepwise graded core, N. Gardner, E. Wang, and A. Shukla
An expert system intervention for smoking cessation, Wayne F. Velicer and James O. Prochaska
An expert system intervention for smoking cessation, Wayne F. Velicer, James O. Prochaska, Jeffrey M. Bellis, Carlo C. DiClemente, Joseph S. Rossi, Joseph L. Fava, and James H. Steiger
An exploration of BCI performance variations in people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using longitudinal EEG data, Y. Shahriari, T. M. Vaughan, L. M. McCane, B. Z. Allison, J. R. Wolpaw, and D. J. Krusienski
An exploration of neural dynamics of motor imagery for people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Sarah M. Hosni, R. J. Deligani, A. Zisk, J. McLinden, S. B. Borgheai, and Y. Shahriari
An exploratory study of substance use and misuse among college students with and without ADHD and other disabilities, Grace M. Janusis and Lisa L. Weyandt
An fNIRS-Based Motor Imagery BCI for ALS: A Subject-Specific Data-Driven Approach, S. M. Hosni, S. B. Borgheai, J. McLinden, and Y. Shahriari
An FPGA-based 7-ENOB 600 msample/s adc without any external components, Lukas Leuenberger, Dorian Amiet, Tao Wei, and Paul Zbinden
An FPGA-based multi-core platform for testing and analysis of architectural techniques, Will Simoneau and Resit Sendag
ANGEL: An Intelligent Digital Twin Framework for Microgrid Security, William Danilczyk, Yan Sun, and Haibo He
Anger and spectacle in late medieval Rome: Gauging emotion in urban topography, Joëlle Rollo-Koster and Alizah Holstein
Angular dependence of dynamic load transfer due to explosive loading in granular aggregate chains, A. Shukla, C. Y. Zhu, and M. Sadd
An high-efficient online reinforcement learning algorithm for continuous-state systems, Yuanheng Zhu, Dongbin Zhao, and Haibo He
An Illustration of a Longitudinal Cross-Lagged Design for Larger Structural Equation Models, Gary J. Burkholder and Lisa L. Harlow
An Imbalanced Learning based MDR-TB Early Warning System, Sheng Li, Bo Tang, and Haibo He
An implicitly restarted block Lanczos bidiagonalization method using Leja shifts, James Baglama and Lothar Reichel
An importance sampling maximum likelihood direction of arrival estimator, Huigang Wang, Steven Kay, and S. Saha
An improved GPU-accelerated heuristic technique applied to the capacitated vehicle routing problem, Marwan F. Abdelatti and Manbir S. Sodhi
An improved Lagrangian model for the time evolution of nonlinear surface waves, Charles Antoine Guérin, Nicolas Desmars, Stéphan T. Grilli, Guillaume Ducrozet, Yves Perignon, and Pierre Ferrant
An Improved Martinez/Parks Algorithm for IIR Design with Unequal Numbers of Poles and Zeros, Leland B. Jackson
An Improved SVM-Based Cognitive Diagnosis Algorithm for Operation States of Distribution Grid, Jun Yang, Lingyun Gong, Yufei Tang, Jun Yan, Haibo He, Leiqi Zhang, and Gang Li
An improved two-stage optimization for network and load recovery during power system restoration, Shiwu Liao, Wei Yao, Xingning Han, Jiakun Fang, Xiaomeng Ai, Jinyu Wen, and Haibo He
An indirect current sensing technique for IDDQ and IDDT tests, Chuen Song Chen, Jien Chung Lo, and Tian Xia
An inductive programming approach to algebraic specification, Lutz Hamel and Chi Shen
An inexpensive, 3D-printable breast muscle meter for field ornithologists, Luke L. Powell, Adam Metallo, Crinan Jarrett, Nathan W. Cooper, Peter P. Marra, Scott R. McWilliams, Ulf Bauchinger, and Bryant C. Dossman
An Innovative Approach to Tracking Sediment Transport along Roads, Thomas B. Boving, Tabatha Lewis, and Eko Siswoyo
An integrated model for prediction of oil transport from a deep water blowout, M. L. Spaulding, P. R. Bishnoi, E. Anderson, and T. Isaji
An Integrated OFDR System Using Combined Swept-Laser Linearization and Phase Error Compensation, Zheyi Yao, Thomas Mauldin, Zhenyu Xu, Gerald Hefferman, and Tao Wei
An integrated system for design of mechanisms by an expert system—DOMES, B. Yang, P. Datseris, Y. Wu, and U. Datta
An integrated system for design of mechanisms by an expert system—domes: Applications, B. Yang, P. Datseris, U. Datta, and J. Kowalski
An integrated system for design of mechanisms by an expert system—DOMES: theory, B. Yang, P. Datseris, U. Datta, and J. Kowalski
An integrated visualization approach for smart grid attacks, Jun Yan, Yida Yang, Wenkai Wang, Haibo He, and Yan Sun
An intelligent design explorer for new violin shapes, Hao Wang and Lutz Hamel
An interactive simulation technique to determine the internal stress states in fiber reinforced metal matrix composites, H. Ghonem, Y. Wen, and D. Zheng
An intermediate TCE nanocomposite coating for thermal barrier coatings, Otto J. Gregory, Markus A. Downey, Steve Wnuk, and Vince Wnuk
An internet-based computer-tailored intervention to promote responsible drinking: Findings from a pilot test with employed adults, Leanne M. Mauriello, N. Simay Gkbayrak, Deborah F. Van Marter, Andrea L. Paiva, and Janice M. Prochaska
An Intersectional Analysis of LGBTQ+ Healthcare in the United States, Nicole Niles
An introduction to citizen participation, voluntary organizations, and community development: Insights for empowerment through research, Paul Florin and Abraham Wandersman
An Introduction to Unknown Process Analysis, With a Dialogue, Charles E. Collyer
An Invariance Property of the Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test, Steven M. Kay and Joseph R. Gabriel
An Invariant Pattern Recognition Machine Using a Modified ART Architecture, Narayan Srinivasa and Musa Jouaneh
An inverse signal approach to computing the envelope of a real valued signal, Ramdas Kumaresan
An investigation of the effect of trauma script exposure on risk-taking among patients with substance use disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder, Matthew T. Tull, Courtney N. Forbes, Nicole H. Weiss, and Kim L. Gratz
An Investigation of the Insertability of Connectors in Printed Circuit Boards, L. S. Hu and P. Dewhurst
An investigaton of minimum-weight dual-material symmetrically loaded wheels and torsion arms, Peter Dewhurst and Sriruk Srithongchai
An LNG release, transport, and fate model system for marine spills, Malcolm L. Spaulding, J. Craig Swanson, Kathy Jayko, and Nicole Whittier
Annual Report 1933, University of Rhode Island
Annual Report 1934, University of Rhode Island
A Nobel Sport: The Racial Football Rhetoric of Mandela, Obama, and Martin Luther King Jr., David Faflik
Anomaly detection in feedback-based reputation systems through temporal and correlation analysis, Yuhong Liu and Yan Sun
A non-Gaussian problem that arises in fused detection in clutter, Yan Sun, Peter Willett, and Peter F. Swaszek
A noniterative maximum likelihood parameter estimator of superimposed chirp signals, S. Saha and S. Kay
An online actor-critic learning approach with Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, Zhen Ni, Haibo He, Danil V. Prokhorov, and Jian Fu
A nonlinear approach to tracking slow-time-scale changes in movement kinematics, Jonathan B. Dingwell, Domenic F. Napolitano, and David Chelidze
An optical device for measuring bending strain to 5000 microstrain and compatible with optical fiber installations, Everett E. Crisman, John S. Derov, Gregory J. Barchard, Otto J. Gregory, and William B. Euler
An optical nanoreporter of endolysosomal lipid accumulation reveals enduring effects of diet on hepatic macrophages in vivo, Thomas V. Galassi, Prakrit V. Jena, Janki Shah, Geyou Ao, Elizabeth Molitor, Yaron Bram, Angela Frankel, Jiwoon Park, Jose Jessurun, Daniel S. Ory, Adriana Haimovitz-Friedman, Daniel Roxbury, Jeetain Mittal, Ming Zheng, Robert E. Schwartz, and Daniel A. Heller
An optimal sidelobeless window, Steven Kay and Dean Smith
An optimal spatial filtering electrode for brain computer interface, W. G. Besio, S. M. Kay, and X. Liu
An optimization approach to the pole-placement design of robust linear multivariable control systems, Richard J. Vaccaro
A note of caution and apology, Frank M. White
A note on computing elastodynamic full field displacements arising from subsurface singular sources, J. M. Rice and M. H. Sadd
A note on the stress intensity factor and crack velocity relationship for homalite 100, A. Shukla and H. Nigam
A note on unbounded solutions of a class of second order rational difference equations, M. R.S. Kulenović and O. Merino
Another dodo bird verdict? revisiting the comparative effectiveness of professional and paraprofessional therapists, David Faust and Caron Zlotnick
An outcome monitoring system for psychiatric inpatient care, J. F. Stevenson, M. C. Beattie, R. R. Alves, R. Longabaugh, and T. Ayers
A Novel Approach for Evaluating Nonstationary Response of Dynamic Systems to Stochastic Excitation, Qianying Cao, Sau-Lon James Hu, and Hewenxuan Li
A Novel Area-Time Efficient Static CMOS Totally Self-Checking Comparator, Jien Chung Lo
A novel cache design for vector processing, Qing Yang and Liping Wu Yang
A novel cache design for vector processing, Qing Yang and Liping Wu Yang
A novel CPS system for evaluating a neural-machine interface for artificial legs, Fan Zhang, Will Disanto, Jin Ren, Zhi Dou, Qing Yang, and He Huang
A Novel Energy Function-Based Stability Evaluation and Nonlinear Control Approach for Energy Internet, Qiuye Sun, Yibin Zhang, Haibo He, Dazhong Ma, and Huaguang Zhang
A novel fish sampling system for ROVs, Nicholas Chaloux, Brennan T. Phillips, David F. Gruber, Robert C. Schelly, and John S. Sparks
A novel framework for fault diagnosis using kernel partial least squares based on an optimal preference matrix, Jun Yi, Di Huang, Haibo He, Wei Zhou, Qi Han, and Taifu Li
A Novel Framework for Gear Safety Factor Prediction, Jie Li, Song Liu, Haibo He, and Lusi Li
A Novel Generative Model With Bounded-GAN for Reliability Classification of Gear Safety, Jie Li, Haibo He, Lusi Li, and Guorong Chen
A novel in situ test for the design of drilled foundations, A. S. Bradshaw, B. Reyes, C. DeVillers, and P. Sauco
A novel intelligent learning control scheme for discrete-time nonlinear uncertain systems in multiple environments, Jingting Zhang, Chengzhi Yuan, and Paolo Stegagno
A novel location algorithm for power quality disturbance source using chain table and matrix operation, Guoqing Weng, Youbing Zhang, and Haibo He
A Novel Method for Determining Centers of Rotation of Human Joints, L. J. Yan, D. Yang, P. Datseris, X. M. Mo, and J. Xu
A novel normalization algorithm based on the three-dimensional minimum variance spectral estimator, Christopher P. Carbone and Steven M. Kay
A novel procedure for selection of materials in concept design, P. Dewhurst and C. C. Reynolds
A Novel Scheduling Strategy for Controllable Loads with Power-Efficiency Characteristics, Fanrong Wei, Zhiqiang Wan, Haibo He, Xiangning Lin, and Yuanzheng Li
A Novel Secondary Optimal Control for Multiple Battery Energy Storages in a DC Microgrid, Jianyu Zhou, Mengxuan Shi, Yin Chen, Xia Chen, Jinyu Wen, and Haibo He
A novel technique for the detection of myocardial dysfunction using ECG signals based on hybrid signal processing and neural networks, Wei Zeng, Jian Yuan, Chengzhi Yuan, Qinghui Wang, Fenglin Liu, and Ying Wang
A novel technology mapping method for AND/XOR expressions, Seok Bum Ko and Jien Chung Lo
A Novel UKF-RBF Method Based on Adaptive Noise Factor for Fault Diagnosis in Pumping Unit, Wei Zhou, Xiaoliang Li, Jun Yi, and Haibo He
An overview of aliasing errors in discrete-time formulations of time-frequency representations, Antonio H. Costa and G. Boudreaux-Bartels
A Nowcast/forecast system of circulation dynamics for narragansett bay, Matthew C. Ward and Malcolm Spaulding
A nowcast/forecast system of circulation dynamics for Narragansett Bay, Matthew C. Ward and Malcolm Spaulding
An SFS Berger Check Prediction ALU and Its Application to Self-Checking Processor Designs, Jien Chung Lo, Suchai Thanawastien, T. R.N. Rao, and Michael Nicolaidis
Antebellum apathy: A study of indifference in Melville, David Faflik
Antecedents and consequences of Personal Financial Management Behavior: a systematic literature review and future research agenda, Kirti Goyal, Satish Kumar, and Jing Jian Xiao
Antecedents and consequences of risky credit behavior among college students: Application and extension of the theory of planned behavior, Jing Jian Xiao, Chuanyi Tang, Joyce Serido, and Soyeon Shim
Antennae-whipping behavior in the American lobster, Homarus Americanus (Milne-Edwards), Michael H. Solon and J. Stanley Cobb
Anthropogenic impacts on nitrogen fixation rates between restored and natural Mediterranean salt marshes, Serena Moseman-Valtierra, Lisa A. Levin, and Rose M. Martin
Anthropometric and behavioral measures related to mindfulness in college students, Sarah Grinnell, Geoffrey Greene, Kathleen Melanson, Bryan Blissmer, and Ingrid E. Lofgren
Anti-Parallel β-Hairpin Structure in Soluble Aβ Oligomers of Aβ40-Dutch and Aβ40-Iowa, Ziao Fu, William Van Nostrand, and Steven O. Smith
Antipode preserving cubic maps: The Fjord theorem: The, Araceli Bonifant, Xavier Buff, and John Milnor
A numerical-experimental analysis of the contact stress problem, A. Shukla and H. Nigam
A numerical model to predict the nonlinear response of external flow over vibrating bodies (planar flow), N. Kolluru Venkat and Malcolm Spaulding
A numerical model to predict the nonlinear response of external flow over vibrating bodies (planar flow), N. K. Venkat and M. Spaulding
An Undergraduate Materials Laboratory for Electrical Engineers, Gabriel Lengyel
An 'Ungentle' Punk: Revisiting Charles Lamb's Bookishness, Michael Robinson
Anxiety, depression, impulsivity, and mindfulness among higher education faculty during covid-19, Lisa L. Weyandt, Alyssa Francis, Emily Shepard, Bergljót Gyda Gudmundsdóttir, Isabella Channell, Avery Beatty, and George J. Dupaul
Anxiety disorders school-based cognitive- behavioral interventions, Elizabeth A. Gosch, Ellen Flannery-Schroeder, and Robert J. Brecher
A one's complement cache memory, Qing Yang and Sridhar Adina
A Page-Turner with a Social Conscience: Requiem for a Female Serial Killer by Phyllis Chesler, Paula J. Caplan
A paper based lateral flow device with fluid actuated valves to detect sepsis, Hanno Teiwes, Alexander Giannakos, Mohammad Faghri, and Constantine Anagnostopoulos
A parallel and pipelined architecture for accelerating fingerprint computation in high throughput data storages, Dongyang Li, Qing Yang, Qingbo Wang, Cyril Guyot, Ashwin Narasimha, Dejan Vucinic, and Zvonimir Bandic
A parametric classification rule based on the exponentially embedded family, Bo Tang, Haibo He, Quan Ding, and Steven Kay
A parametric modeling approach to hubert transformation, Ashwin Rao and Ramdas Kumaresan
A Partially Filled Jamming Gripper for Underwater Recovery of Objects Resting on Soft Surfaces, Stephen Licht, Everett Collins, George Badlissi, and Domenico Rizzo
A pattern for the integration of conceptual models in support of multidisciplinary efforts to develop software, Joan Peckham, Benigno E. Aguirre, Natacha Thomas, Jean-Yves Hervé, Ron Hutt, Angel Castro, Charles Collyer, Kevin Culley, Elizete Fernandes, Fang Han, David Kurowski, Collin Lieberman, Maria C. Del Rey, Lisa Ricci, Gabriel Santos, and Katharine Wray
A personal cardiac MR image display console, Peter M. Daly and William J. Ohley
A perturbation approach to large eddy simulation of wave-induced bottom boundary layer flows, Jeffrey C. Harris and Stéphan T. Grilli
A phased-mission framework for communication reliability in WSN, Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing, Vinod M. Vokkarane, and Yan Lindsay Sun
A photoelastic study of energy loss during a fracture event, A. Shukla and J. W. Dally
A Photogrammetric Survey of Backbarrier Accretion on the Rhode Island Barrier Beaches, Elizabeth Jean Simpson
A pilot feasibility study to improve food parenting practices, Amy M. Moore, Mary Clair-Michaud, Kathleen J. Melanson, and Alison Tovar
A pilot feasibility study to improve food parenting practices, Amy M. Moore, Mary Clair-Michaud, Kathleen J. Melanson, and Alison Tovar
A pilot randomized controlled trial of aerobic exercise as an adjunct to OCD treatment, Ana M. Abrantes, Richard A. Brown, David R. Strong, Nicole McLaughlin, Sarah L. Garnaat, Maria Mancebo, Deborah Riebe, Julie Desaulniers, Agustin G. Yip, Steven Rasmussen, and Benjamin D. Greenberg
A pilot randomized trial of Motivational Interviewing compared to Psycho-Education for reducing and preventing underage drinking in American Indian adolescents, David A. Gilder, Jennifer R. Geisler, Juan A. Luna, Daniel Calac, Peter M. Monti, Nichea S. Spillane, Juliet P. Lee, Roland S. Moore, and Cindy L. Ehlers
A pipeline for structured light bathymetric mapping, Gabrielle Inglis, Clara Smart, Ian Vaughn, and Chris Roman
A planar labyrinth micromixer, Jeremy T. Cogswell, Peng Li, and Mohammad Faghri
APLNet: Attention-enhanced progressive learning network, Hui Zhang, Danqing Kang, Haibo He, and Fei Yue Wang
A point-of-care handheld region-of-interest (ROI) 3D functional diffuse optical tomography (fDOT) system, Manob Jyoti Saikia, Kunal Mankodiya, and Rajan Kanhirodan
Apples from Rhode Island, Robert E. Gough
Applicability of the international roughness index as a predictor of asphalt pavement condition, Kyungwon Park, Natacha E. Thomas, and K. Wayne Lee
Application communication reliability of wireless sensor networks, Amir Ehsani Zonouz, Liudong Xing, Vinod M. Vokkarane, and Yan Sun
Application communication reliability of wireless sensor networks supporting K-coverage, Amir Ehsani Zonouz, Liudong Xing, Vinod M. Vokkarane, and Yan Sun
Application of 3-D Digital Image Correlation Technique to Study Underwater Implosion, Sachin Gupta, Venkitanarayanan Parameswaran, Michael Sutton, and Arun Shukla
Application of a boundary fitted coordinate hydrodynamic model, Malcolm L. Spaulding, Wenrui Huang, and Daniel Mendelsohn
Application of an Integrated Blowout Model System, OILMAP DEEP, to the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) Spill, Malcolm Spaulding, Zhengkai Li, Daniel Mendelsohn, Deborah Crowley, Deborah French-McCay, and Andrew Bird
Application of COASTMAP as an initial demonstration of the national backbone of the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS), M. L. Spaulding, E. Howlett, M. Ward, D. Lohaus, C. Galagan, T. Isaji, G. De Wardener, T. Giguere, J. Patel, and K. Knee
Application of fiber optic sensors to fracture mechanics problems, Nadarajah Narendran, Arun Shukla, and Stephen Letcher
Application of jetting technology to pavement deicing, David G. Taggart, Osama Ibrahim, and Milton Huston
Application of quantitative model - data calibration measures to assess model performance, Malcolm Spaulding, Craig Swanson, and Daniel Mendelsohn
Application of RBF-DQ Method to Time-Dependent Analysis of Unsaturated Seepage, F. Motaman, G. R. Rakhshandehroo, M. R. Hashemi, and M. Niazkar
Application of remote real-time monitoring to offshore oil and gas operations, James C. Card, Mary R. Brooks, Edward N. Comstock, Elmer P. Danenberger, Samuel P. De Bow, Thomas J. Eccles, Jeanne M. Grasso, Martha R. Grabowski, Stephan T. Grilli, John M. Holmes, Thomas A. Jacobsen, Donald Liu, Richard S. Mercier, Edmond J. Moran, Ali Mosleh, John W. Murray, Karlene H. Roberts, Richard J. Steinke, Peter K. Velez, and Richard D. West
Application of SARMAP to estimate probable search area for objects lost at sea, Malcolm L. Spaulding and Eoin Hewlett
Application of STORMTOOLS' Simplified Flood Inundation Model with and without Sea Level Rise to RI Coastal Waters, Malcolm L. Spaulding, Tatsu Isaji, Chris Damon, and Grover Fugate
Application of technology development index and principal component analysis and cluster methods to ocean renewable energy facility siting, M. L. Spaulding, A. Grilli, C. Damon, and G. Fugate
Application of the method of buckets to the selection problem, Gary A. Hyslop and Edmund A. Lamagna
Application of the PMR topology optimization scheme to dual material structures, David G. Taggart, Denis Jahns, Arun Nair, and Peter Dewhurst
Application of the storm water management model in evaluating combined sewer overflows, Rajat Roy Chaudhury, Raymond M. Wright, Runge Igor, and Daniel W. Urish
Application of the transtheoretical model to fruit and vegetable consumption among economically disadvantaged African-American adolescents: Preliminary findings, Jennifer Di Noia, Steven P. Schinke, James O. Prochaska, and Isobel R. Contento
Application of the Wavelet Transform for Pitch Detection of Speech Signals, Shubha Kadambe and G. Faye Boudreaux-Bartels
Application of three-dimensional boundary-fitted circulation model to providence river, Muslim Muin and Malcolm Spaulding
Application of waterjet cutting for pothole repair, K. Wayne Lee, Walaa S. Mogawer, and George E. Veyera
Applications to subseabed disposal: (ISHTE)-A model experiment, C. Mark Percival, Leroy O. Olson, Richard H. Bennett, Frederick L. Sayles, and Armand J. Silva
Applied Community Nutrition and Health Promotion NFS 575, Julia Lovett
Applied Data Management and Analysis II NUR 656, Joanna Burkhardt
Applied Foodservice Operations NFS 574, Julia Lovett
Applied Medical Nutrition Therapy in Dietetics 1, Julia Lovett
Applied Medical Nutrition Therapy in Dietetics 2, Julia Lovett
Applied Medical Nutrition Therapy in Dietetics 3, Julia Lovett
Applied Specialization in Dietetics, Julia Lovett
Applied Topology AMS 528, Harrison Dekker
Applying a readiness model to increasing organ donation and transplantation., M. L. Robbins
Applying behavior theories to financial behavior, Jing Jian Xiao
Applying model approaches in non-model systems: A review and case study on coral cell culture, Liza M. Roger, Hannah G. Reich, Evan Lawrence, Shuaifeng Li, Whitney Vizgaudis, Nathan Brenner, Lokender Kumar, Judith Klein-Seetharaman, Jinkyu Yang, Hollie M. Putnam, and Nastassja A. Lewinski
Applying the ACSM preparticipation screening algorithm to U.S. adults: National health and nutrition examination survey 2001-2004, Geoffrey P. Whitfield, Deborah Riebe, Meir Magal, and Gary Liguori
Applying the transtheoretical model to a representative sample of smokers, Joseph L. Fava, Wayne F. Velicer, and James O. Prochaska
Applying the transtheoretical model to ethnically diverse women at risk for HIV, Shirley A. Gazabon, Patricia J. Morokoff, Lisa L. Harlow, Rose Marie Ward, and Kathryn Quina
Applying the transtheoretical model to regular moderate exercise in an overweight population: Validation of a stages of change measure, Julie A. Sarkin, Sara S. Johnson, James O. Prochaska, and Janice M. Prochaska
Approaches to Brief Intervention for Hazardous Drinking in Young People, John B. Saunders, Kypros Kypri, Scott T. Walters, Robert G. Laforge, and Mary E. Larimer
Approaching near optimal detection performance via stochastic resonance, Hao Chen, Pramod K. Varshney, James H. Michels, and Steven Kay
Appropriateness of shear-building models for ASCE SHM benchmark structure, M. Zhang, H. J. Li, and S.-L. J. Hu
Approximate Analysis of Single and Multiple Ring Networks, Laxmi N. Bhuyan, Dipak Ghosal, and Qing Yang
Approximate Dynamic Programming for Nonlinear-Constrained Optimizations, Xiong Yang, Haibo He, and Xiangnan Zhong
Approximating noncausal IIR digital filters having arbitrary poles, including new hilbert transformer designs, via forward/backward block recursion, Charles M. Rader and Leland B. Jackson
A pre-concentrator for explosive vapor detection, Z. Caron, D. Mallin, M. Champlin, and O. J. Gregory
A predictive model for the allowable operating liquid velocities and the biomass concentration in a three phase fluidized-bed biofilm reactor, Hagyoung Lee and Stanley M. Barnett
A Preliminary Investigation into the Use of an Elemental Analysis in the Correlation of Sediments from Lake Rudolf, Kenya, Nile E. Luedtke
A preliminary randomized controlled trial of a behavioral exercise intervention for smoking cessation, Ana M. Abrantes, Erika Litvin Bloom, David R. Strong, Deborah Riebe, Bess H. Marcus, Julie Desaulniers, Kathryn Fokas, and Richard A. Brown
A Prime Factor FFT Algorithm with Real Valued Arithmetic, R. Kumaresan and P. K. Gupta
A probabilistic approach for determining submarine landslide tsunami hazard along the upper east coast of the United States, Stephan T. Grilli, Oliver Denzil S. Taylor, Christopher D.P. Baxter, and Stefan Maretzki
A probabilistic interpretation of the exponential mixture, Steven Kay
A probabilistic measurement for totally self-checking circuits, Jien Chung Lo and Eiji Fujiwara
A probabilistic method for the estimation of ocean surface currents from short time series of HF radar data, Charles Antoine Guérin and Stéphan T. Grilli
A procedure for creating optimal ASF grids for harbor entrance & approach, Gregory W. Johnson, Ruslan Shalaev, Christian Oates, Peter F. Swaszek, Richard Hartnett, Dave Lown, and Kevin Shmihluk
A processes of change model for weight control for participants in community-based weight loss programs, Susan R. Rossi, Joseph S. Rossi, Linda M. Rossi-Delprete, James O. Prochaska, Stephen W. Banspach, and Richard A. Carleton
A professional development question: Is computer experience associated with subjects’ attitudes toward the perceived Usefulness of Computers?, David M. Byrd and Alex A. Koohang
A programmable monolithic temperature logging device, Godi Fischer, Sangmok Lee, and Michael Obara
A programmable temperature monitoring device for tagging small fish: A prototype chip development, Godi Fischer, James C. Daly, Conrad W. Recksiek, and Kevin D. Friedland
A Prony Method for Noisy Data: Choosing the Signal Components and Selecting the Order in Exponential Signal Models, Ramdas Kumaresan, Donald W. Tufts, and Louis L. Scharf
A pseudo-flash A/D converter, Godi Fischer
A psychometric investigation on the diagnostic utility of the posttrauma risky behaviors questionnaire, Ateka A. Contractor, Ling Jin, Nicole H. Weiss, and Seanne O'Hara
A qualitative study conducted in the United States exploring the perspectives of Brazilian immigrant fathers about their preschool-age children’s physical activity and screen time, Ana Cristina Lindsay, Amanda de Sá Melo Alves, Gabriela Vasconcellos de Barros Vianna, Carlos Andre Moura Arruda, Maria Helena Hasselmann, Márcia Maria Tavares Machado, and Mary L. Greaney
A Qualitative Study Exploring Female College Students' Instagram Use and Body Image, Nicole Baker, Ginette Ferszt, and Juliana G. Breines
A Qualitative Study of a Nutrition Working Group, Geoffrey W. Greene, Linda C. Nebeling, Mary L. Greaney, Ana C. Lindsay, Cary K. Hardwick, Deborah J. Toobert, Ken Resnicow, Geoffrey C. Williams, Diane L. Elliot, Tamara Goldman Sher, Holly A. Mcgregor, Andrea Domas, Carol A. Defrancesco, and Karen E. Peterson
A qualitative study of early adolescents’ critical thinking about the content and consequences of media violence, Erica Scharrer and Yuxi Zhou
A Qualitative Study of the Perceived Value of Membership in The Oley Foundation by Home Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Consumers, Katelyn Chopy, Marion Winkler, Donna Schwartz-Barcott, Kathleen Melanson, and Geoffrey Greene
A quantitative model to estimate rail surface failure, H. Ghonem and J. Kalousek
A quasi-experimental study to improve health service quality: implementing communication and self-efficacy skills training to primary healthcare workers in two counties in Iran, Hossein Shahnazi, Marzieh Araban, Mahmood Karimy, Mansooreh Basiri, Ali Ghazvini, and L. A.R. Stein
A question of race: Pope Pius XII and the "coloured troops" in Italy, Robert G. Weisbord and Michael W. Honhart
A Question of Stability?, ARTHUR C. MEAD and HAROLD C. BARNETT
A radical critique and alternative to U.S. industrial relations theory and practice, Richard McIntyre and Michael Hillard
A randomized clinical trial of a population- and transtheoretical model-based stress-management intervention, Kerry E. Evers, James O. Prochaska, Janet L. Johnson, Leanne M. Mauriello, Julie A. Padula, and Janice M. Prochaska
A randomized clinical trial of motivational interviewing plus skills training vs. Relaxation plus education and 12-Steps for substance using incarcerated youth: Effects on alcohol, marijuana and crimes of aggression, L. A.R. Stein, Rosemarie Martin, Mary Clair-Michaud, Rebecca Lebeau, Warren Hurlbut, Christopher W. Kahler, Peter M. Monti, and Damaris Rohsenow
A randomized study to improve care for young women with breast cancer at community and academic medical oncology practices in the United States: The Young and Strong study, Ann H. Partridge, Kathryn J. Ruddy, William T. Barry, Mary L. Greaney, Jennifer A. Ligibel, Kim M. Sprunck-Harrild, Shoshana M. Rosenberg, Emily L. Baker, J. Russell Hoverman, and Karen M. Emmons
A randomized trial of a multicomponent intervention for adolescent sun protection behaviors, Gregory J. Norman, Marc A. Adams, Karen J. Calfas, Jennifer Covin, James F. Sallis, Joseph S. Rossi, Colleen A. Redding, John Cella, and Kevin Patrick
A rapid demodulation method for optical carrier based microwave interferometer, Zhen Chen, Gerald Hefferman, and Tao Wei
AR, ARMA, and AR-in-Noise Modeling by Fitting Windowed Correlation Data, Leland B. Jackson, Jianguo Huang, Kevin P. Richards, and Haiguang Chen
Arbuscular mycorrhizae in sand dune plants of the north atlantic coast of the U.S.: Field and greenhouse inoculation and presence of mycorrhizae in planting stock, J. N. Gemma and R. E. Koske
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Hawaiian sand dunes: Island of Kaua'i, R. E. Koske and J. N. Gemma
Archaeological oceanography, Robert D. Ballard
Archaeological oceanography and environmental characterization of shipwrecks in the Black Sea, Michael L. Brennan, Robert D. Ballard, Katherine L.Croff Bell, and Dennis Piechota
Archaeological Site or Natural Marine Community? Excavation of a Submerged Shell Mound in Ninigret Pond, Rhode Island, Christopher S. Jazwa and Rod Mather
Archipelagic genetics in a widespread Caribbean anole, R. Graham Reynolds; Tanner R,. Strickland; Jason J. Kolbe; Bryan G. Falk; Gad Perry; Liam J. Revell; and Jonathan B. Losos
A readability analysis of online mental health resources, Dorothy D. Skierkowski, Paul Florin, Lisa L. Harlow, Jason Machan, and Yinjiao Ye
A real-time distributed scheduling service for middleware systems, Jiangyin Zhang, Lisa DiPippo, Victor Fay-Wolfe, Kevin Bryan, and Matthew Murphy
A real time environmental data monitoring, management and analysis system for the coral reefs off the coast of Belize, Thomas B. Opishinski, Malcolm L. Spaulding, Klaus Rützler, and Michael Carpenter
A real-time multi-agent system architecture for e-commerce applications, L. Cingiser DiPippo, V. Fay-Wolfe, L. Nair, E. Hodys, and O. Uvarov
Are body perceptions and perceived appearance judgments by others linked to stress and depressive symptoms?, Natalie J. Sabik, Sarah B. Lupis, Ashley M. Geiger, and Jutta M. Wolf
A recommended “minimum data set” framework for SD-OCT retinal image acquisition and analysis from the Atlas of Retinal Imaging in Alzheimer’s Study (ARIAS), Jessica Alber, Edmund Arthur, Stuart Sinoff, Delia Cabrera DeBuc, Emily Y. Chew, Lori Douquette, Wendy V. Hatch, Chris Hudson, Amir Kashani, Cecelia S. Lee, Stephen Montaquila, Sima Mozdbar, Leonardo Provetti Cunha, Faryan Tayyari, Gregory Van Stavern, and Peter J. Snyder
A Reconfigurable Architecture for Continuous Double-Sided Swept-Laser Linearization, Zheyi Yao, Zhenyu Xu, Thomas Mauldin, Gerald Hefferman, and Tao Wei
A reconfigurable multiclass support vector machine architecture for real-time embedded systems classification, Jason Kane, Robert Hernandez, and Qing Yang
A recurrent cross-sectional qualitative study exploring how low-income mothers define snacks and reasons for offering snacks during infancy, Amy M. Moore, Maya Vadiveloo, Karen McCurdy, Kelly Bouchard, and Alison Tovar
A re-examination of the rate of vocational dysfunction among patients with anosmia and mild to moderate closed head injury, Stephen Correia, David Faust, and Richard L. Doty
A reproducible accelerated in vitro release testing method for PLGA microspheres, Jie Shen, Kyulim Lee, Stephanie Choi, Wen Qu, Yan Wang, and Diane J. Burgess
A Response to commentary on faust, bridges, and ahern's (2009) methods for the identification of sexually abused children, David C. Ahern, Ana J. Bridges, and David Faust
A response to Ryan (2006) [2], Amy L. Weiss
Are the Effects of Legitimacy and Its Components Invariant? Operationalization and the Generality of Sunshine and Tyler’s Empowerment Hypothesis, Bryanna Fox, Richard K. Moule, Chae M. Jaynes, and Megan M. Parry
A review of dynamic fracture studies in functionally graded materials, A. Shukla, N. Jain, and R. Chona
A review of multiple health behavior change interventions for primary prevention, Judith J. Prochaska and James O. Prochaska
A Review of Multiple Health Behavior Change Interventions for Primary Prevention, Judith J. Prochaska and James O. Prochaska
A revision of the genus Cryptonemia (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) in Bermuda, western Atlantic Ocean, including five new species and C. bermudensis (Collins & M. Howe) comb. nov., Craig W. Schneider, Christopher E. Lane, and Gary W. Saunders
Are We Centering the Adult in Youth Media Education?: Decolonizing the Reception of Youth-Produced Media Texts, Jacqueline Ryan Vickery
Aristotle's account of moral development, Albert Silverstein and Isabel Trombetti
Ar-MOEA: A Novel Preference-Based Dominance Relation for Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization, Jun Yi, Junren Bai, Haibo He, Jun Peng, and Dedong Tang
A Robust Spectral Estimator with Application to a Noise-Corrupted Process, Xin Zhou and Steven Kay
A role for comprehensive planning, geographical information system (GIS) technologies and program evaluation in aquatic habitat development, William R. Gordon
Array Tracking Prefetcher for Indirect Accesses, Mustafa Cavus, Resit Sendag, and Joshua J. Yi
Article: "An Indian Captive in Germany", Major General Syed Ali Hamid
Artificial light at night increases growth and reproductive output in Anolis lizards, Christopher J. Thawley and Jason J. Kolbe
A safety net unraveling: feeding young children during COVID-19, Katherine W. Bauer, Jamie F. Chriqui, Tatiana Andreyeva, Erica L. Kenney, Virginia C. Stage, Dipti Dev, Laura Lessard, Caree J. Cotwright, and Alison Tovar
ASA.WAVES: an interactive PC-based wave forecasting tool, Stéphan T. Grilli, T. Opishinski, M. L. Spaulding, and T. Isaji
A scheduling service for a dynamic real-time CORBA system, L. Cingiser Dipippo, V. Fay-Wolfe, R. Ginis, M. Squadrito, Russell Johnston, and T. Wheeler
A Seaglider-Integrated Digital Monitor for Bioacoustic Sensing, Lora J. Van Uffelen, Ethan H. Roth, Bruce M. Howe, Erin M. Oleson, and Yvonne Barkley
ASECS at 50: Interview with Susan S. Lanser, Sarah Eron and Susan S. Lanser
A Self-contained Teleoperated Quadrotor: On-Board State-Estimation and Indoor Obstacle Avoidance, Marcin Odelga, Paolo Stegagno, Nicholas Kochanek, and Heinrich H. Bulthoff
A self routing crossbar switch for multiple channel delta networks, D. Ghosh and J. C. Daly
A sense of belonging through the eyes of first-year LGBPQ students, Annemarie Vaccaro and Barbara M. Newman
A sensitive method for the detection of legacy and emerging per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in dairy milk, Nicholas I. Hill, Jitka Becanova, and Rainer Lohmann
Asian Americans’ mental health help-seeking attitudes: The relative and unique roles of cultural values and ethnic identity., Mehwish Shahid, Nicole H. Weiss, Gary Stoner, and Bryan Dewsbury
A silicon core for an acoustic archival tag, Godi Fischer and H. Thomas Rossby
A silicone human head model for testing acoustic properties of the upper airway, Thaeje Shanker, Gemma Downey, Eugene Chabot, and Ying Sun
A Simple Approximation Algorithm to Obtain Sequences with Nonnegative Fourier Transforms, C. S. Ramalingam and R. J. Vaccaro
A simple ergometer modification can expand the exercise options for wheelchair clients, Linda S. Lamont
A simple fiber-optic sensor for use over a large displacement range, F. Sienkiewicz and A. Shukla
A simple frequency rate estimator, Petar M. Djuric and Steven M. Kay
A simple in vitro gut model for studying the interaction between Escherichia coli and the intestinal commensal microbiota in cecal mucus, Matthew E. Mokszycki, Mary Leatham-Jensen, Jon L. Steffensen, Ying Zhang, Karen A. Krogfelt, Matthew E. Caldwell, Tyrrell Conway, and Paul S. Cohen
A simple method for assessing the peak friction angle of sand at very low confining pressures, Joseph R. Giampa and Aaron S. Bradshaw
A simple procedure for designing stable allpass filters, Ramdas Kumaresan and Ashwin Rao
A simple Remez exchange algorithm to design IIR filters with zeros on the unit circle, Leland B. Jackson and Gerald J. Lemay
A simple soil-structure interaction model for indirect damage assessment of segmented concrete pipelines during PGD, A. S. Bradshaw, R. A. Green, J. P. Lynch, R. L. Michalowski, J. Kim, S. O'Connor, M. Pour-Ghaz, S. Nadukuru, and W. J. Weiss
A Simple Streamflow Forecasting Scheme for the Ganges Basin, Y. Jiang, W. Palash, A. S. Akanda, D. L. Small, and S. Islam
A simple theory for the two-dimensional compressible turbulent boundary layer, F. M. White and G. H. Christoph
A simplified method to estimate tidal current effects on the ocean wave power resource, M. Reza Hashemi, Stéphan T. Grilli, and Simon P. Neill
A Simulation Study of Groundwater Withdrawals from the Upper Pawcatuck River Basin, David Lord
A site-specific comparison of simplified procedures for evaluating cyclic resistance of non-plastic silt, A. S. Bradshaw, C. D.P. Baxter, and R. A. Green
A smartphone based activity analyzer for monitoring and encouraging exercise, Nouaying Kue, Kelsey Matthews, Nicholas Paiva, Eugene Chabot, Patricia Burbank, and Ying Sun
A smartwatch-based service towards home exercise therapy for patients with peripheral arterial disease, Nick Constant, Travis Frink, Matthew J. Delmonico, Patricia Burbank, Robert Patterson, Jessica Simons, and Kunal Mankodiya
A solution to the positivity problem in the state-space approach to modeling vector-valued time series, Richard J. Vaccaro and Tomislav Vukina
A Sparse Dimensionality Reduction Approach Based on False Nearest Neighbors for Nonlinear Fault Detection, Jun Yi, Ling Wu, Wei Zhou, Haibo He, and Lizhong Yao
A special purpose embedded system for neural machine interface for artificial legs, Xiaorong Zhang, He Huang, and Qing Yang
A special purpose embedded system for neural machine interface for artificial legs, Xiaorong Zhang, He Huang, and Qing Yang
Asphalt mix design and construction: Past, present, and future, K. Wayne Lee and Kamya C. Mahboub
Asphalt volcanoes as a potential source of methane to late Pleistocene coastal waters, David L. Valentine, Christopher M. Reddy, Christopher Farwell, Tessa M. Hill, Oscar Pizarro, Dana R. Yoerger, Richard Camilli, Robert K. Nelson, Emily E. Peacock, Sarah C. Bagby, Brian A. Clarke, Christopher N. Roman, and Morgan Soloway
Assessing affix knowledge using both pseudoword and real-word measures, Alison M. Mitchell and Susan A. Brady
Assessing coastal hazard from extreme storms with a phase resolving wave model: Case study of Narragansett, RI, USA, Annette R. Grilli, Gregory Westcott, Stéphan Grilli, Malcolm L. Spaulding, Fengyan Shi, and James T. Kirby
Assessing collaborative online inquiry and social deliberation in digital environments, Jesse R. Sparks, Julie Coiro, Jill M. Castek, Carita Kiili, Beth R. Holland, and Changhee Lee
Assessing Conduct Disorder: A New Measurement Approach, Racheal Reavy, L. A.R. Stein, Kathryn Quina, and Andrea L. Paiva
Assessing emotional readiness for adoption using the transtheoretical model, Janice M. Prochaska, Andrea L. Paiva, Julie A. Padula, James O. Prochaska, Jennifer E. Montgomery, Linda Hageman, and Ann M. Bergart
Assessing family members' motivational readiness and decision making for consenting to cadaveric organ donation, Mark L. Robbins, Deborah A. Levesque, Colleen A. Redding, Janet L. Johnson, James O. Prochaska, Michael S. Rohr, and Thomas G. Peters
Assessing how people change, James O. Prochaska
Assessing impact of urban impervious surface on watershed hydrology using distributed object-oriented simulation and spatial regression, Yuyu Zhou, Yeqiao Wang, Arthur J. Gold, Peter V. August, and Thomas B. Boving
Assessing LGBT People’s Perceptions of Police Legitimacy, Lisa M. Dario, Henry F. Fradella, Megan Verhagen, and Megan M. Parry
Assessing message display formats of portable variable message signs, Jyh Hone Wang and Yong Cao
Assessing online collaborative inquiry and social deliberation skills as learners navigate multiple sources and perspectives, Julie Coiro, Jesse R. Sparks, and Jonna M. Kulikowich
Assessing outcome in smoking cessation studies, Wayne F. Velicer, James O. Prochaska, Joseph S. Rossi, and Matthew G. Snow
Assessing readiness for advancing women scientists using the transtheoretical model, Janice M. Prochaska, Leanne M. Mauriello, Karen J. Sherman, Lisa Harlow, Barbara Silver, and Janet Trubatch
Assessing seaglider model-based position accuracy on an acoustic tracking range, James S. Bennett, Frederick R. Stahr, Charles C. Eriksen, Martin C. Renken, Wendy E. Snyder, and Lora J. Van Uffelen
Assessing the Direct and Indirect Effects of Legitimacy on Public Empowerment of Police: A Study of Public Support for Police Militarization in America, Richard K. Moule, George W. Burruss, Megan M. Parry, and Bryanna Fox
Assessing the impact of extreme storms on barrier beaches along the Atlantic coastline: Application to the southern Rhode Island coast, Lauren Schambach, Annette R. Grilli, Stéphan T. Grilli, M. Reza Hashemi, and John W. King
Assessing the Stages of Change and Decision-Making for Contraceptive Use for the Prevention of Pregnancy, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Diane M. Grimley, Gabrielle E. Riley, Jeffrey M. Bellis, and James O. Prochaska
Assessing the transtheoretical model of change constructs for physicians counseling smokers, Elyse R. Park, Judith D. DePue, Michael G. Goldstein, Raymond Niaura, Lisa L. Harlow, Cynthia Willey, William Rakowski, and Alexander V. Prokhorov
Assessment of canyon wall failure process from multibeam bathymetry and Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) observations, U.S. Atlantic continental margin, Jason D. Chaytor, Amanda W.J. Demopoulos, Uri S. ten Brink, Christopher Baxter, Andrea M. Quattrini, and Daniel S. Brothers
Assessment of canyon wall failure process from multibeam bathymetry and remotely operated vehicle (ROV) observations, U.S. Atlantic continental margin, Jason D. Chaytor, Amanda W.J. Demopoulos, Uri S. ten Brink, Christopher Baxter, Andrea M. Quattrini, and Daniel S. Brothers
Assessment of chest pain onset and out-of-hospital delay using standardized interview questions: The REACT pilot study, Jerris R. Hedges, N. Clay Mann, Hendrika Meischke, Mark Robbins, Robert Goldberg, and Jane Zapka
Assessment of damage and mitigation strategies for the Misquamicut, RI coastal community from a 100 year storm event and sea level rise, Jamie Schicho, Christopher Bianchi, Stephan Folkert, Julie Ann Knight, Hannah Madison, Mathew Maroukis, Brendan Quinn, Michael White, Malcolm Spaulding, Christopher Baxter, and Craig Swanson
Assessment of formation strength from geophysical well logs using neural networks, Jason E. Ressler, Christopher D.P. Baxter, Kathryn Moran, Meghan Paulson, Ion Ispas, and Hans Vaziri
Assessment of hurricane generated loads on offshore wind farms; a closer look at most extreme historical hurricanes in New England, M. Reza Hashemi, Boma Kresning, Javad Hashemi, and Isaac Ginis
Assessment of malingering and falsification: Conceptual foundations and sources of error, David Faust, David C. Ahern, Ana J. Bridges, and Leslie J. Yonce
Assessment of modern recharge to arid region aquifers using an integrated geophysical, geochemical, and remote sensing approach, Othman Abdurrahman Fallatah, Mohamed Ahmed, Dawn Cardace, Thomas Boving, and Ali S. Akanda
Assessment of posttraumatic stress disorder's E2 criterion: Development, pilot testing, and validation of the posttrauma risky behaviors questionnaire, Ateka A. Contractor, Nicole H. Weiss, Nathan T. Kearns, Stephanie V. Caldas, and Katherine L. Dixon-Gordon
Assessment of social sustainability hotspots in the supply chain of lithium-ion batteries, Christian Thies, Karsten Kieckhäfer, Thomas S. Spengler, and Manbir S. Sodhi
Assessment of teacher and school psychologist knowledge of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Lisa L. Weyandt, Katherine M. Fulton, Steve B. Schepman, Genevieve R. Verdi, and Kimberly G. Wilson
Assessment of the automation potential of electric vehicle battery disassembly, Jan F. Hellmuth, Nicholas M. DiFilippo, and Musa Jouaneh
Assessment of the behavior of buried concrete pipelines subjected to ground rupture: Experimental study, J. Kim, S. S. Nadukuru, M. Pour-Ghaz, J. P. Lynch, R. L. Michalowski, A. S. Bradshaw, R. A. Green, and W. J. Weiss
Assessment of the pros and cons of stress management among adolescents: Development and validation of a decisional balance measure, Leanne M. Mauriello, Joseph S. Rossi, Joseph L. Fava, Colleen A. Redding, Mark Robbins, James O. Prochaska, and Kathryn S. Meier
Assessment of water pollutants from asphalt pavement containing recycled rubber in Rhode Island, Pradeep Vashisth, K. Wayne Lee, and Raymond M. Wright
Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Health-Related Issues Among Women and Children: A Research Review, Laura Maria Corradi
Assistive technology devices: A multidisciplinary course, Musa Jouaneh, Ying Sun, and Robert Comerford
Association between Dietary Magnesium Intake and Glycemic Markers in Ghanaian Women of Reproductive Age: A Pilot Cross-Sectional Study, Helena J. Bentil, Alyssa M. Abreu, Seth Adu-Afarwuah, Joseph S. Rossi, Alison Tovar, and Brietta M. Oaks
Association Between Prenatal Opioid Exposure and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Children, Xuerong Wen, D. Lawal, Nicholas Belviso, Kelly Matson, Shuang Wang, Brian J. Quilliam, and Kimford J. Meador
Association Between Psychotropic Medication Polypharmacy and an Objective Measure of Balance Impairment Among Middle-Aged Adults: Results from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, Natalie Bareis, Trisha A. Sando, Briana Mezuk, and Steven A. Cohen
Association of Baseline Viral Serology and Sirolimus Regimens With Kidney Transplant Outcomes, Alfonso H. Santos, J. Casey, Xuerong Wen, and Karl L. Womer
Association of Gestational Opioid Exposure and Risk of Major and Minor Congenital Malformations, Xuerong Wen, Belviso, Emily Murray, Adam K. Lewkowitz, Kristina E. Ward, and Kimford J. Meador
Association of positive emotion dysregulation to resting heart rate variability: The influence of positive affect intensity, Nicole H. Weiss, Melissa R. Schick, Elinor E. Waite, Lauren A. Haliczer, and Katherine L. Dixon-Gordon
Associations of sexual victimization, depression, and sexual assertiveness with unprotected sex: A test of the multifaceted model of HIV risk across gender, Patricia J. Morokoff, Colleen A. Redding, Lisa L. Harlow, Sookhyun Cho, Joseph S. Rossi, Kathryn S. Meier, Kenneth H. Mayer, Beryl Koblin, and Pamela Brown-Peterside
Assortative mixture of English parts of speech, Timothy Leonard, Lutz Hamel, Noah M. Daniels, and Natallia V. Katenka
A stage-matched smoking cessation program for pregnant smokers, Laurie Ruggiero, Colleen A. Redding, Joseph S. Rossi, and James O. Prochaska
A stage paradigm for integrating clinical and public health approaches to smoking cessation, James O. Prochaska
A stage-tailored multi-modal intervention increases fruit and vegetable intakes of low-income young adults, Susan Nitzke, Karen Kritsch, Linda Boeckner, Geoffrey Greene, Sharon Hoerr, Tanya Horacek, Kendra Kattelmann, Barbara Lohse, Mary Jane Oakland, Beatrice Phillips, and Adrienne White
A state-space approach for deriving bridge displacement from acceleration, Mayrai Gindy, Richard Vaccaro, Hani Nassif, and Jana Velde
A stepped wedge cluster-randomized trial assessing the impact of a riverbank filtration intervention to improve access to safe water on health in rural India, Sarah L. McGuinness, Joanne O'Toole, Andrew B. Forbes, Thomas B. Boving, Kavita Patil, Fraddry D'Souza, Chetan A. Gaonkar, Asha Giriyan, S. Fiona Barker, Allen Cheng, Martha Sinclair, and Karin Leder
A Story Told, Carly Caldarella
A strain-based model to screen for residual pore pressures in sediment caps, Aaron S. Bradshaw
A streamflow and water level forecasting model for the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers with requisite simplicity, Wahid Palash, Yudan Jiang, Ali S. Akanda, David L. Small, Amin Nozari, and Shafiqul Islam
A streaming flow based Lab-on-chip platform technology, Zongqin Zhang, Ahmed Fadl, Chang Liu, and Donna Meyer
A streamlined, enhanced self-report physical activity measure for young adults, Virginia Quick, Carol Byrd-Bredbenner, Suzanne Shoff, Adrienne A. White, Barbara Lohse, Tanya Horacek, Kendra Kattelmann, Beatrice Phillips, Sharon Hoerr, and Geoffrey Greene
A Strongly Code Disjoint Built-In Current Sensor for Strongly Fault-Secure Static CMOS Realizations, Jien-Chung Lo and James C. Daly
A structural model of the relationships among stage of disease, age, coping, and psychological adjustment in women with breast cancer, Robert A. Schmoll, Lisa L. Harlow, Leo L. Stolbach, and Ursula Brandt
A Study of Eclectic (and Integrative) Views Revisited, John C. Norcross and James O. Prochaska
A study of lateral modes in wide double-heterostructure GaAs-GaAlAs laser diodes, G. Lengyel, H. D. Wolf, and K. H. Zschauer
A study of learning styles and team performance, Musa K. Jouaneh
A study of nozzle wear in abrasive entrained water jetting environment, Madhusarathi Nanduri, David G. Taggart, and Thomas J. Kim
A study of online social network privacy via the TAPE framework, Yongbo Zeng, Yan Sun, Liudong Xing, and Vinod Vokkarane
A study of the dynamic behavior of elastomeric materials using finite elements, G. E. Vallee and Arun Shukla
A study of the effects of grid non-orthogonality on the solution of shallow water equations in boundary-fitted coordinate systems, S. Sankaranarayanan and Malcolm L. Spaulding
A study on the cause and effect of slow-downs due to dynamic message signs, Merve Keceli and Jyh Hone Wang
A subtle defect underlies altered lamellar orientation in the Gr16 chorion mutant of Bombyx mori, Denise Gautreau, Sonya R. Zetlan, Grace Dane Mazur, and Marian R. Goldsmith
A survey of security and privacy challenges in cloud computing: Solutions and future directions, Yuhong Liu, Yan Sun, Jungwoo Ryoo, Syed Rizvi, and Athanasios V. Vasilakos
A Survey of Spontaneous Antibiotic-Resistant Mutants of the Halophilic, Thermophilic Bacterium Rhodothermus marinus, Sophia Silvia, Samantha A. Donahue, Erin E. Killeavy, Gerwald Jogi, and Steven T. Gregory
A survey on attack vectors in stack cache memory, Navid Khoshavi, Mohammad Maghsoudloo, Yu Bi, William Francois, Luis Jaimes, and Arman Sargolzaei
A Sweep Velocity-Controlled VCSEL Pulse Laser to Interrogate Sub-THz-Range Fiber Sensors, Zhen Chen, Gerald Hefferman, and Tao Wei
Asymmetric variation of Ghyben-Herzberg lens., D. W. Urish
Asymptotically efficient estimators for multidimensional harmonic retrieval based on the geometry of the Stiefel manifold, Thomas A. Palka and Richard J. Vaccaro
Asymptotically optimal approximation of multidimensional pdf's by lower dimensional pdf's, Steven Kay
Asymptotically Optimal Detection In Incompletely Characterized Non-Gaussian Noise, Steven M. Kay
Asymptotically Optimal Detection in Unknown Colored Noise via Autoregressive Modeling, Steven M. Kay
Asymptotically optimal detection/localization of lpi signals of emitters using distributed sensors, Naresh Vankayalapati and Steven Kay
Asymptotically optimal detection of low probability of intercept signals using distributed sensors, Naresh Vankayalapati and Steven Kay
Asymptotic approximations of a stable and unstable manifolds of a two-dimensional quadratic map, J. Bektešević, M. R.S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav
Asymptotic behavior of a discrete-time density-dependent SI epidemic model with constant recruitment, M. R.S. KulenoviĆ, M. NurkanoviĆ, and Abdul Aziz Yakubu
Asymptotic Maximum Likelihood Estimator Performance for Chaotic Signals in Noise, Steven Kay
Asymptotic Performance of Dirichlet Rotated Polar Quantizers, Peter F. Swaszek
Asymptotic Performance of Unrestricted Polar Quantizers, Peter F. Swaszek and Tsu W. Ku
Asymptotic stress fields for stationary cracks along the gradient in functionally graded materials, V. Parameswaran and A. Shukla
Asymptotic stress fields for thermomechanically loaded cracks in FGMs, Nitesh Jain, Ravinder Chona, and Arun Shukla
Asymptotic stress fields for thermomechanically loaded cracks in FGMs, Nitesh Jain, Ravinder Chona, and Arun Shukla
Asynchronous Quasi-Consensus of Heterogeneous Multiagent Systems with Nonuniform Input Delays, Zhengxin Wang and Haibo He
A systematic linear space approach to solving partially described inverse eigenvalue problems, Sau-Lon James Hu and Haujun Li
A systematic review of integrative medicine for opioid withdrawal, Caroline Kruszecki, R. Cameron, Anne L. Hume, and Kristina E. Ward
A System Combining Force and Vision Sensing for Automated Screw Removal on Laptops, Nicholas M. Difilippo and Musa Jouaneh
A system for automated disassembly of snap-fit covers, Paul Schumacher and Musa Jouaneh
A text message intervention to reduce 21st birthday alcohol consumption: Evaluation of a two-group randomized controlled trial, Michael H. Bernstein, L. A.R. Stein, Clayton Neighbors, Brian Suffoletto, Kate B. Carey, Ginette Ferszt, Nicole Caron, and Mark D. Wood
A theoretical and experimental investigation of a family of minimum-weight simply-supported beams, Sriruk Srithongchai, Murat Demircubuk, and Peter Dewhurst
A Theoretical Foundation of Goal Representation Heuristic Dynamic Programming, Xiangnan Zhong, Zhen Ni, and Haibo He
A theory of three-dimensional parachute dynamic stability, Frank M. White and Dean F. Wolfj
A three-dimensional integral method for calculating incompressible turbulent skin friction, F. M. White, R. C. Lessmann, and G. H. Christoph
A three dimensional numerical model of estuarine circulation., R. B. Gordon and M. L. Spaulding
A three-dimensional numerical model of particulate transport for coastal waters, Malcolm L. Spaulding and Daniel Pavish
A three-dimensional underwater sound propagation model for offshore wind farm noise prediction, Ying-Tsong Lin, Arthur E. Newhall, James H. Miller, Gopu R. Potty, and Kathleen J. Vigness-Raposa
A three-network architecture for on-line learning and optimization based on adaptive dynamic programming, Haibo He, Zhen Ni, and Jian Fu
A time-dependent link failure model for wireless sensor networks, Amir Ehsani Zonouz, Liudong Xing, Vinod M. Vokkarane, and Yan Lindsay Sun
A time series investigation of three nicotine regulation models, Wayne F. Velicer, Colleen A. Redding, Robyn L. Richmond, Janet Greeley, and Wendy Swift
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: Observed Transport and Variability, Eleanor Frajka-Williams, Isabelle J. Ansorge, Johanna Baehr, Harry L. Bryden, Maria Paz Chidichimo, Stuart A. Cunningham, Gokhan Danabasoglu, Shenfu Dong, Kathleen A. Donohue, Shane Elipot, Patrick Heimbach, N. Penny Holliday, Rebecca Hummels, Laura C. Jackson, Johannes Karstensen, Matthias Lankhorst, Isabela A. Le Bras, M. Susan Lozier, Elaine L. McDonagh, Christopher S. Meinen, Herlé Mercier, Bengamin I. Moat, Renellys C. Perez, Christopher G. Piecuch, Monika Rhein, Meric A. Srokosz, Kevin E. Trenberth, Sheldon Bacon, Gael Forget, Gustavo Goni, Dagmar Kieke, Jannes Koelling, Tarron Lamont, Gerard D. McCarthy, Christian Mertens, Uwe Send, David A. Smeed, Sabrina Speich, Marcel van den Berg, Denis Volkov, and Chris Wilson
A transtheoretical approach to changing organizations, Janice M. Prochaska, James O. Prochaska, and Deborah A. Levesque
A trust evaluation framework in distributed networks: Vulnerability analysis and defense against attacks, Yan Lindsay Sun, Zhu Han, Wei Yu, and K. J. Ray Liu
Attacks on trust evaluation in distributed networks, Yan Lindsay Sun, Zhu Han, Wei Yu, and K. J. Ray Liu
Attendance and outcome in a work site weight control program: Processes and stages of change as process and predictor variables, James O. Prochaska, John C. Norcross, Joanne L. Fowler, Michael J. Follick, and David B. Abrams
Attention Deficit Disorder and Methylphenidate: A Multilevel Analysis of Dose-Response Effects on Children's Impulsivity Across Settings, Mark D. Rapport, Gary Stoner, George J. DuPaul, Kevin L. Kelly, Susan B. Tucker, and Tom Schoeler
Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity: Differential effects of methylphenidate on impulsivity, M. D. Rapport, G. J. DuPaul, G. Stoner, B. K. Birmingham, and G. Masse
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Clinical Considerations for Women, Marisa E. Marraccini, Lisa L. Weyandt, Bergljot Gyda Gudmundsdottir, Danielle R. Oster, and Alison McCallum
Attenuation of bacteria at a riverbank filtration site in rural India, P. Cady, T. B. Boving, B. S. Choudri, A. Cording, K. Patil, and V. Reddy
Attenuation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from urban stormwater runoff by wood filters, Thomas B. Boving and Kevin Neary
Attitude toward risk and risk-taking behavior of business-owning families, Jing Jian Xiao, M. J. Alhabeeb, Gong Soog Hong, and George W. Haynes
A TTM-tailored condom use intervention for at-risk women and men, Colleen A. Redding, Patricia J. Morokoff, Joseph S. Rossi, and Kathryn S. Meier
Attractivity and global stability for linearizable difference equations, E. Janowski and M. R.S. Kulenović
A tunable extruded 3D printing platform using thermo-sensitive pastes, Yan Yang, Xiaoyue Wang, Xiao Lin, Lingxiao Xie, Ryan Ivone, Jie Shen, and Gensheng Yang
A Two-Dimensional Technique for Frequency-Wavenumber Estimation, Ramdas Kumaresan and Donald W. Tufts
A two-layer non-hydrostatic landslide model for tsunami generation on irregular bathymetry, Cheng Zhang, James T. Kirby, Stéphan T. Grilli, Fengyan Shi, and Gangfeng Ma
A two-layer non-hydrostatic landslide model for tsunami generation on irregular bathymetry. 1. Theoretical basis, Cheng Zhang, James T. Kirby, Fengyan Shi, Gangfeng Ma, and Stéphan T. Grilli
A two-layer non-hydrostatic landslide model for tsunami generation on irregular bathymetry. 2. Numerical discretization and model validation, Cheng Zhang, James T. Kirby, Fengyan Shi, Gangfeng Ma, and Stéphan T. Grilli
A typology of prevention activities: Applications to community coalitions, Roger E. Mitchell, John F. Stevenson, and Paul Florin
Auditory-inspired pitch extraction using a Synchrony Capture Filterbank and phase alignment, Ramdas Kumaresan, Vijay Kumar Peddinti, and Peter Cariani
Auditory-perceptual speech features in children with down syndrome, Harrison N. Jones, Kelly D. Crisp, Maragatha Kuchibhatla, Leslie Mahler, Thomas Risoli, Carlee W. Jones, and Priya Kishnani
Augmented Block Householder Arnoldi Method, James Baglama
Augmented GMRES-type methods, James Baglama and Lothar Reichel
Augmenting the DGPS broadcast with emergency information - Potential coverage and data rate, Richard J. Hartnett, Peter F. Swaszek, and Keith C. Gross
A UML package for specifying real-time objects, Lisa Cingiser DiPippo and Lynn Ma
A Unified Breaking Onset Criterion for Surface Gravity Water Waves in Arbitrary Depth, Morteza Derakhti, James T. Kirby, Michael L. Banner, Stéphan T. Grilli, and Jim Thomson
A unified framework for the Bertrand distribution and the Altes distribution: The new hyperbolic class of quadratic time-frequency distributions, A. Papandreou, F. Hlawatsch, and G. F. Boudreaux-Bartels
A unified, low-overhead framework to support continuous profiling and optimization, Ming Zhang, Xubin He, and Qing Yang
A University Forest Fire: Examining the Spread of the Coronavirus through College Social Networks Using a Modified Forest Fire Probabilistic Model, Raechel Griffin
A USRP-based testbed for navigation education, research, and development, Grant C. Wyman, Peter F. Swaszek, and Richard J. Hartnett
Author's Reply, Geoffrey W. GREENE
Authors' Reply, Leland B. Jackson and Donald W. Tufts
Author's Reply to “Comments on ‘Maximum Entropy Spectral Estimation Using the Analytic Signal’ ”, Steven M. Kay
Automated Demand Response Framework in ELNs: Decentralized Scheduling and Smart Contract, Xiaodong Yang, Guofeng Wang, Haibo He, Junjie Lu, and Youbing Zhang
Automatic Generation of Product Disassembly Sequences, A. K. Subramani and P. Dewhurst
Automatic Recognition of Soybean Leaf Diseases Using UAV Images and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, Everton Castelão Tetila, Bruno Brandoli Machado, Gabriel Kirsten Menezes, Adair Da Silva Oliveira, Marco Alvarez, Willian Paraguassu Amorim, Nícolas Alessandro De Souza Belete, Gercina Gonçalves Da Silva, and Hemerson Pistori
Automatic segmentation of cardiac images: Texture mapping, C. Fortin, W. Ohley, and H. Gewirtz
Automatic source code analysis of branch mispredictions, Celal Ozturk, Ibrahim Burak Karsli, and Resit Sendag
Autonomous instruments significantly expand ocean observing: An introduction to the special issue on autonomous and lagrangian platforms and sensors (ALPS), Craig M. Lee, Theresa Paluszkiewicz, Daniel L. Rudnick, Melissa M. Omand, and Robert E. Todd
Autonomy of Nations and Indigenous Peoples and the Environmental Release of Genetically Engineered Animals with Gene Drives, Zahra Meghani
Autoregressive modeling of raman spectra for detection and classification of surface chemicals, Quan Ding, Steven Kay, Cuichun Xu, and Darren Emge
A valve-less rectification minipump based on dynamic rectifying geometries, Ahmed Fadl, Stefanie Demming, Zongqin Zhang, Stephanus Büttgenbach, Mannfred Krafczyk, and Donna M.L. Meyer
A Vector Quantizer for the Laplace Source, Peter F. Swaszek
Avenues of reef-building coral acclimatization in response to rapid environmental change, Hollie M. Putnam
Average friction factor for laminar gas flow in microtubes, Chungpyo Hong, Yutaka Asako, Mohammad Faghri, and Gian Luca Morini
Average Friction Factors of Choked Gas Flow in Microtubes, D. Kang, C. Hong, D. Rehman, G. L. Morini, Y. Asako, and M. Faghri
Average instantaneous frequency (AIF) and average log-envelopes (ALE) for ASR with the aurora 2 database, Yadong Wang, Jesse Hansen, Gopi Krishna Allu, and Ramdas Kumaresan
Avian flight without visual reference: Preflight spinning produces spatial disorientation, Frank H. Heppner, Jennifer E. Gabel, and Kathryn March
A Virtual-Real Interaction Approach to Object Instance Segmentation in Traffic Scenes, Hui Zhang, Guiyang Luo, Yonglin Tian, Kunfeng Wang, Haibo He, and Fei Yue Wang
A visual interactive optimisation tool for analysing alternate locations for petroleum distribution facilities: Towards building an intelligent Decision-Support System, Pejman Hassanzadeh, Manbir Sodhi, and Vaidyanathan Jayaraman
A visual long-short-term memory based integrated CNN model for fabric defect image classification, Yudi Zhao, Kuangrong Hao, Haibo He, Xuesong Tang, and Bing Wei
Avoidant Coping as a Moderator of the Association Between Childhood Abuse Types and HIV/Sexual Risk Behaviors, Nicole H. Weiss, Courtney Peasant, and Tami P. Sullivan
A warmer climate for women in engineering, Barb Silver, G. Boudreaux-Bartels, Helen Mederer, Lynn Pasquerella, Joan Peckham, Mercedes River-Hudec, and Karen Wishner
A Wearable Optical Microfibrous Biomaterial with Encapsulated Nanosensors Enables Wireless Monitoring of Oxidative Stress, Mohammad Moein Safaee, Mitchell Gravely, and Daniel Roxbury
A web-based study of gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB): Patterns, experiences, and functions of use, L. A.R. Stein, Rebecca Lebeau, Mary Clair, Rosemarie Martin, Monte Bryant, Susan Storti, and Peter Monti
A Wireless fNIRS Patch with Short-Channel Regression to Improve Detection of Hemodynamic Response of Brain, Manob Jyoti Saikia and Kunal Mankodiya
A Workflow for FAIRification of Environmental PFAS Data, Harrison Dekker, Yana Hrytsenko, and Jitka Becanova
Awwa scholarships in action, Alexander S. Gorzalski, Lucas Alexandre Djehdian, Jay R. Werber, and Joseph E. Goodwill
Axisymmetric non-fourier temperatures in cylindrically bounded domains, M. H. Sadd and Chin Young Cha
A Zero Crossing-Based Spectrum Analyzer, Steven M. Kay and R. Sudhaker
Backlash compensation in gear trains by means of open-loop modification of the input trajectory, Martin Warnecke and Musa Jouaneh
Back-to-School Nutrition, Kathleen J. Melanson
Bacterial vaginosis, race, and sexually transmitted infections: Does race modify the association?, Jeffrey F. Peipert, Kate L. Lapane, Jenifer E. Allsworth, Colleen A. Redding, Jeffrey D. Blume, and Michael D. Stein
Bacteria transport in a soil-based wastewater treatment system under simulated operational and climate change conditions, Ivan Morales, José A. Amador, and Thomas Boving
Balance board rehabilitation device for ankle proprioception assessment, Shawn Volpe, Dana Demers, Erik Simpanen, Eugene Chabot, and Craig Simpson
Balance in life as a prerequisite for community-dwelling older adults’ sense of health and well-being after retirement: an interview-based study, Catharina Gillsjö, Maria Nyström, Lina Palmér, Gunilla Carlsson, Ann-Charlotte Dalheim-Englund, and Irene Eriksson
Ballroom Music Spillover into a Beluga Whale Aquarium Exhibit, Peter M. Scheifele, John Greer Clark, Kristine Sonstrom, Huikwan Kim, Gopu R. Potty, James H. Miller, and Eric Gaglione
BALOR model validity for the airport ASF mapping methodology, Gregory Johnson, Ruslan Shalaev, Christian Oates, Peter F. Swaszek, and Richard Hartnett
Bandpass phase shifter and analytic signal generator, Vijay Kumar Peddinti and Ramdas Kumaresan
Bankruptcy and the Debt-Unemployment Relationship: Evidence from a Natural Experiment, Gina C.M. Jouaneh
Banning carbon nanotubes would be scientifically unjustified and damaging to innovation, Daniel E. Roxbury and et al
Barrier Islands: Coupling anthropogenic stability with ecological sustainability, Rusty A. Feagin, William K. Smith, Norbert P. Psuty, Donald R. Young, M. Luisa Martnez, Gregory A. Carter, Kelly L. Lucas, James C. Gibeaut, Jane N. Gemma, and Richard E. Koske
Barriers to Inclusive Deliberation and Democratic Governance of Genetic Technologies at the Science-Policy Interface, Cynthia Taylor and Bryan Dewsbury
Baseline design elements and sample characteristics for seven sites participating in the Nutrition Working Group of the Behavior Change Consortium, Amy L. Yaroch, Linda Nebeling, Frances E. Thompson, Thomas G. Hurley, James R. Hebert, Deborah J. Toobert, Ken Resnicow, Geoffrey W. Greene, Geoffrey C. Williams, Diane L. Elliot, Tamara Goldman Sher, Maria Stacewicz-Sapuntzakis, Judith Salkeld, Susan Rossi, Andrea Domas, Holly Mcgregor, Carol Defrancesco, Frances Mccarty, Rebecca B. Costello, and Karen E. Peterson
Baseline Predictors of Singular Action among Participants with Multiple Health Behavior Risks, Miryam Yusufov, James O. Prochaska, Andrea L. Paiva, Joseph S. Rossi, Bryan Blissmer, Colleen A. Redding, and Wayne F. Velicer
Baseline socio-demographic characteristics and self-reported diet and physical activity shifts among recent immigrants participating in the randomized controlled lifestyle intervention: "Live Well", Alison Tovar, Rebecca Boulos, Sarah Sliwa, Aviva Must, David M. Gute, Nesly Metayer, Raymond R. Hyatt, Kenneth Chui, Alex Pirie, Christina Kamis Luongo, and Christina Economos
Basic Control Systems Design, William J. Palm
Basic research needs in fluid mechanics, O. C. Jones, F. Kreith, and F. M. White
Basics in Classical and Acoustic Guitar, Jim Kinnie
Basics of Jazz Piano, Jim Kinnie
Basins of attraction for two-species competitive model with quadratic terms and the singular Allee effect, A. Brett and M. R.S. Kulenović
Basins of attraction of equilibrium and boundary points of second-order difference equations, S. Jašarević and M. R.S. Kulenović
Basins of attraction of equilibrium points of second order difference equations, M. Garić-Demirović, M. R.S. Kulenović, and M. Nurkanović
Bayesian Modeling of Test Reliability, Joshua Ray Tanzer and Lisa L. Harlow
Bayesian probability approach to feature significance for infrared spectra of bacteria, Lutz Hamel and Chris W. Brown
Bayesian zero-inflated growth mixture models with application to health risk behavior data, Si Yang and Gavino Puggioni
Beach-Nearshore Sediment Dispersal Matunuck Point, Rhode Island, Richard A. Beale
Beach programme may improve skin cancer prevention, M. A. Weinstock, J. S. Rossi, C. A. Redding, J. E. Maddock, Karen Glanz, Esther Azizi, and Orna Baron-Epel
Beach Sedimentation Cycles (1962-1985) Along a Microtidal Wave-Dominated Coast: South Shore of Rhode Island, James C. Gibeaut
Beacon-Loran integrated navigation concept (BLINC): An integrated Medium Frequency ranging system, Gregory W. Johnson, Christian Oates, Mark Wiggins, Peter F. Swaszek, and Richard Hartnett
Beam Stability Control in Optical Waveguides Subject to Statistical Variations, J. E. Spence and J. C. Daly
"Because It’s 2015!": Justin Trudeau’s Yoga Body, Masculinity, and Canadian Nation-Building, Jennifer Musial and Judith Mintz
Bedforms, coastal-trapped waves, and scour process observations from the continental shelf of the northern Black Sea, A. Trembanis, S. Nebel, A. Skarke, D. F. Coleman, R. D. Ballard, A. Yankovsky, I. V. Buynevich, and S. Voronov
Behavioral and Demographic Responses of Mule Deer to Energy Development on Winter Range, Joseph M. Northrup, Charles R. Anderson Jr, Brian D. Gerber, and George Wittemyer
Behavioral concordance with sex role ideology related to play areas, creativity, and parental sex typing of children, Bernice Lott
Behavioral interactions of postlarval and fifth instar lobsters (Homarus americanus) in a simulated. Cobble environment, Mary Jane James-Pirri and J. Stanley Cobb
Behavioral mechanisms influencing molt frequency in the American lobster, Homarus americanus Milne Edwards, J. Stanley Cobb, George R. Tamm, and Denis Wang
Behavioral modeling of delta-sigma modulators, Alan J. Davis and Godi Fischer
Behavior and the crustacean molt cycle: Changes in aggression of Homarus americanus, George R. Tamm and J. Stanley Cobb
Behavior of juvenile American lobsters, Homarus americanus, under predation risk, E. Spanier, T. P. McKenzie, J. S. Cobb, and M. Clancy
Behavior of nonhomogeneous materials subjected to bearing load, Varun Batra and Carl Ernst Rousseau
Behavior of syntactic foam under plate impact, Carl Ernst Rousseau, Gifford Plume, Miguel Goñi, and Bhaskar Ale
Behaviour and distribution of larval and early juvenile Homarus americanus., J. S. Cobb, T. Gulbransen, B. F. Phillips, D. Wang, and M. Syslo
Behaviour of hatchery-reared and wild-caught 4th and 5th stage American lobsters, Homarus americanus, Kathleen M. Castro and J. Stanley Cobb
Behaviour of the western australian spiny lobster, panulirus cygnus george, in the field and laboratory, J. Stanley Cobb
Benchmark cases for tsunamis generated by underwater landslides, Philip Watts, Fumihiko Imamura, Aaron Bengston, and Stéphan T. Grilli
Bending dominated flexible cylinder experiments reveal insights into modal interactions for flexible body vortex-induced vibrations, Ersegun Deniz Gedikli, David Chelidze, and Jason M. Dahl
Beneficial Uses of Dredged Material from the Quonset Point/Davisville Intermodal Port, Armand J. Silva, Victor Calabretta, and Marie Martin
Benefiting from Speech Therapy the Role of Individual Differences in Treating Children with Speech Sound Disorders, Amy L. Weiss
Benefits, costs, incentive management and participation in voluntary organizations: A means to understanding and promoting empowerment, John E. Prestby, Abraham Wandersman, Paul Florin, Richard Rich, and David Chavis
Benefits of testing, Frank Heppner
Benzene removal by pac in jet flocculation system, Jose A.H. Sobrinho, Leon T. Thiem, and Eid A. Alkhatib
Berger Check Prediction for Array Multipliers and Array Dividers, Jien Chung Lo and T. R.N. Rao
Beta-blockers and their effects on protein metabolism and resting energy expenditure, L. S. Lamont
Better science through rhetoric: A new model and pilot program for training graduate student science writers, Caroline Gottschalk Druschke, Nedra Reynolds, Jenna Morton-Aiken, Ingrid E. Lofgren, Nancy E. Karraker, and Scott R. McWilliams
Beyond Critique: The Partners for Change Outcome Management System as an Alternative Paradigm to Psychiatric Diagnosis, Barry L. Duncan, Jacqueline A. Sparks, and Sami Timimi
Beyond ‘fake news’: Opportunities and constraints for teaching news literacy, Judith E. Rosenbaum, Jennifer L. Bonnet, and R. Alan Berry
Beyond ‘Fake News’: Opportunities and Constraints for Teaching News Literacy, Judith E. Rosenbaum, Jennifer L. Bonnet, and R. Alan Berry
Beyond the boss: Immigration and American political culture from 1880 to 1940, Evelyn Savidge Sterne
Beyond the vent: New perspectives on hydrothermal plumes and pelagic biology, Brennan T. Phillips
Bifurcation and global dynamics of a leslie-gower type competitive system of rational difference equations with quadratic terms, V. Hadžiabdić, M. R.S. Kulenović, and E. Pilav
Big Data for Cyber-Physical Systems, Shiyan Hu, Xin Li, Haibo He, Shuguang Cui, and Manish Parashar
Bilingualism in Spanish Speaking Countries SPA 415, Joanna Burkhardt
Bilingual school psychologists' assessment practices with English language learners, Elisabeth C. O'bryon and Margaret R. Rogers
Bill_19-20-1, University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate
Bill_19-20-2A, University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate
Bill_19-20-3, University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate
Bill_19-20-4, University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate
Bill_19-20-5, University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate
Bill_19-20-7A, University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate
Binary Multiplication with PN Sequences, P. K. Gupta and R. Kumaresan
Bindings, Blades, and Bottlenecks: Finding Equilibrium in an In-House Digitization Project, Julia A. Lovett and Erin Mullen Parker
Binge drinking and health behavior in medical students, Stefan Keller, Jason E. Maddock, Robert G. Laforge, Wayne F. Velicer, and Heinz Dieter Basler
Biodiversity: More Surprises from the Smallest Marine Eukaryotes, Christopher E. Lane
Bio-ferrography to capture and separate polyethylene wear debris from hip simulator fluid and compared with conventional filter method, Donna M. Meyer, Adam Tillinghast, Nevan C. Hanumara, and Ana Franco
Bio-inspired immobilization of casein-coated silver nanoparticles on cellulose acetate membranes for biofouling control, Conor Sprick, Sneha Chede, Vinka Oyanedel-Craver, and Isabel C. Escobar
Bioleaching of metals from electronic waste, Mercedes A. Rivero-Hudec, Manbir Sodhi, and Diana Goglia-Arora
Biological Oceanography Laboratory OCG 562, Joanna Burkhardt
Biomechanical properties of human os calcanei: Relationships with bone density and fractal evaluation of bone microarchitecture, E. Lespessailles, A. Jullien, E. Eynard, R. Harba, G. Jacquet, J. P. Ildefonse, W. Ohley, and C. L. Benhamou
Biomolecular Functionalization of a Nanomaterial to Control Stability and Retention within Live Cells, Mitchell Gravely, Mohammad Moein Safaee, and Daniel E. Roxbury
Bipolar design course with fabrication, James C. Daly, James Alvernaz, Paul Ferrara, Brian Harnedy, and Teddy Neira
Birkhoff normal forms, KAM theory and continua of periodic points for certain planar system, M. R.S. Kulenović, E. Pilav, and N. Mujić
BIT Numerical Mathematics: Editorial, Krister Åhlander, Edward Allen, Alexander I. Aptekarev, Mario Arioli, Martin Arnold, Mohammad Asadzadeh, James Baglama, Christophe Bailly, Christopher Baker, Sören Bartels, Abderrahmane Bendali, Michele Benzi, Fredrik Berntsson, Dimitri Breda, Hermann Brunner, Stefano Serra Capizzano, Jeff Cash, Raymond Chan, Shivkumar Chandrasekaran, Xiao Wen Chang, I. Liang Chern, Michel Crouzeix, Marnix Van Daele, Arne Christian Damhaug, Tim Davis, Oleg Davydov, Luca Dieci, Jerry Eriksson, Lars Erik Eriksson, and Terje Espelid
Black Feminisms GWS 340, Mary MacDonald
Black Participation in Voluntary Associations, Paul Florin, Eric Jones, and Abraham Wandersman
Blast-induced stress wave propagation and attenuation: Centrifuge model versus prototype tests, Wayne A. Charlie, Nathan A. Dowden, Edward J. Villano, George E. Veyera, and Donald O. Doehring
Blast loaded thin composite plates - An experimental study, S. Arjun Tekalur, Arun Shukla, and Paul Ruggiero
Blast load effects on damage behavior and failure patterns in composites, Arjun Tekalur and Arun Shukla
Blast loading response of glass panels, Puneet Kumar and Arun Shukla
Blast loading response of glass panels, Puneet Kumar and Arun Shukla
Blast mitigation: Experimental and numerical studies, Arun Shukla, Yapa D.S. Rajapakse, and Mary Ellen Hynes
Blast Mitigation in a Sandwich Composite Using Graded Core and Polyurea Interlayer, N. Gardner, E. Wang, P. Kumar, and A. Shukla
Blast Performance of Foam Filled Sandwich Panels Under Extreme Temperatures, Payam Fahr, Murat Yazici, and Arun Shukla
Blast Performance of Marine Foam Core Sandwich Composites at Extreme Temperatures, S. Gupta and A. Shukla
Blast performance of sandwich composites with discretely layered core, Nate Gardner and Arun Shukla
Blast performance of sandwich composites with functionally graded core, Nate Gardner and Arun Shukla
Blast performance of sandwich composites with functionally graded core, Nate Gardner and Arun Shukla
Blast Performance of Sandwich Composites with In-Plane Compressive Loading, E. Wang and A. Shukla
Blast resistance of polyurea based layered composite materials, Srinivasan Arjun Tekalur, Arun Shukla, and Kunigal Shivakumar
Blast response of carbon-fiber/epoxy laminates subjected to long-term seawater exposure at sea floor depth pressures, Dillon Fontaine, James LeBlanc, and Arun Shukla
Blast response of curved carbon/epoxy composite panels: Experimental study and finite-element analysis, V. A. Phadnis, P. Kumar, A. Shukla, A. Roy, and V. V. Silberschmidt
Blast response of sandwich composites: Effect of core gradation, pre-loading, and temperature, N. Gardner, S. Gupta, E. Wang, and Arun Shukla
Blind source separation based vibration mode identification, Wenliang Zhou and David Chelidze
Blind source separation based vibration mode identification, Wenliang Zhou and David Chelidze
Blueprints, Robert Van Horn, Philip Mirowski, and Thomas A. Stapleford
Boarding out : Inhabiting the American urban literary imagination, 1840-1860, David Faflik
Body composition explains sex differential in physical performance among older adults, Lisa A. Tseng, Matthew J. Delmonico, Marjolein Visser, Robert M. Boudreau, Bret H. Goodpaster, Ann V. Schwartz, Eleanor M. Simonsick, Suzanne Satterfield, Tamara Harris, and Anne B. Newman
Body dysmorphic disorder: Implications for its validity as a DSM-III-R clinical syndrome, S. N. Fitts, P. Gibson, C. A. Redding, and P. J. Deiter
Body image and depressive symptoms among transgender and cisgender adults: Examining a Model Integrating the Tripartite Influence Model and Objectification Theory, Jessica Strübel, Natalie Sabik, and Tracy Tylka
Body image attitudes and the psychosocial development of college women, Shanette M. Harris
Body Weight, Body Composition, and Energy Intake Changes in Breastfeeding Mothers, Rayane AbuSabha and Geoffrey Greene
Bone texture characterization by oriented fractal analysis, G. Jacquet, W. Ohley, and C. Fortin
Bong Joon Ho, Okja (2017): Wounding the Feelings, Nagehan Uzuner
Book review: De/constructing Literacies: Considerations for Engagement, Serene Arena
BOOK REVIEW Ecomedia Literacy: Integrating Ecology into Media Education, Pamela Pereyra
Book review: Elementary schoolers, meet media literacy: How teachers can bring economics, media, and marketing to life, Rachel Guldin
Book review: Media Education in Latin America, Helen J. DeWaard
Book Review: News Literacy and Democracy, Huan Gao
Book Review: Private Schools and Student Media, Caitlin C. McLemore
Book review: Radical Hope: A Teaching Manifesto, Benjamin Thevenin
Bottleneck issue and possibility of traffic flow management, M. Pipa, M. Scerba, J. Mesina, and J. H. Wang
Boundary fitted estuarine water quality model, Malcolm L. Spaulding and Shin J. Liang
Boundary Trajectories of Generalized Control Systems, Barbara Kaśkosz
Boundary trajectories of systems with unbounded controls, B. Kaskosz and S. Łojasiewicz
Boundary updating of offshore jacket structures based on measured modal frequencies, Yingchao Li, Huajun Li, Sau-Lon James Hu, Xiangyu Chen, and Zhiqiang Gao
Bounds for Floating-Point Roundoff Noise, Timo I. I. Laakso and Leland B. Jackson
Bounds on the localization number, Anthony Bonato and William B. Kinnersley
Brain structure in childhood maltreatment-related PTSD across the lifespan: A systematic review, Bryana E. Killion and Lisa L. Weyandt
Branch effect reduction techniques, Augustus K. Uht, Vijay Sindagi, and Sajee Somanathan
Branch misprediction prediction: Complementary branch predictors, Resit Sendag, Joshua J. Yi, and Peng Fei Chuang
Brazilian immigrant fathers' perspectives on child's eating and feeding practices: A qualitative study conducted in the United States, Ana Cristina Lindsay, Gabriela Vasconcellos De Barros Vianna, Carlos André Moura Arruda, Amanda de Sá Melo Alves, Maria Helena Hasselmann, Márcia M.T. Machado, and Mary L. Greaney
Brazilian Immigrant Parents’ Awareness of HPV and the HPV Vaccine and Interest in Participating in Future HPV-Related Cancer Prevention Study: an Exploratory Cross-Sectional Study Conducted in the USA, Ana Cristina Lindsay, Mary L. Greaney, Luísa M. Rabello, Yu Jin Y. Kim, and Sherrie F. Wallington
Breaking and run-up of solitary waves on beaches, Ashwini Otta, Ib A. Svendsen, and S. T. Grilli
Breaking criterion and characteristics for solitary waves on slopes, S. T. Grilli, I. A. Svendsen, and R. Subramanya
Breaking limitations of fiber identification in traditional OFDR systems via compensation of initial optical frequency instability, Zheyi Yao, Thomas Mauldin, Zhenyu Xu, Gerald Hefferman, and Tao Wei
Bridge displacement estimates from measured acceleration records, Mayrai Gindy, Hani H. Nassif, and Jana Velde
Bridging fiber stress in metal matrix composites - An analytical model, H. Ghonem
Bridging the gap between alcoholism treatment research and practice: Identifying what works and why, Jennifer P. Read, Christopher W. Kahler, and John F. Stevenson
Brief Motivational and Parent Interventions for College Students: A Randomized Factorial Study, Mark D. Wood, Anne M. Fairlie, Anne C. Fernandez, Brian Borsari, Christy Capone, Robert Laforge, and Rosa Carmona-Barros
Brief motivational intervention and alcohol expectancy challenge with heavy drinking college students: A randomized factorial study, Mark D. Wood, Christy Capone, Robert Laforge, Darin J. Erickson, and Nancy H. Brand
Bright lights, big city: an experimental assessment of short-term behavioral and performance effects of artificial light at night on Anolis lizards, Jason J. Kolbe, Haley A. Moniz, Oriol Lapiedra, and Christopher J. Thawley
Bringing an Intersectional Lens to “Open” Science: An Analysis of Representation in the Reproducibility Project, Natalie J. Sabik, Jes L. Matsick, Kaitlin McCormick-Huhn, and Elizabeth R. Cole
Bringing Digital Well-Being into the Heart of Digital Media Literacies, Julia Feerrar
Bringing Personality Into the Public Health Conversation: Evidence From a Correctional Population, Dora M. Dumont, Christine Brousseau, Sarah Hart Shuford, Jacob J. van den Berg, L. A.R. Stein, and Jennifer G. Clarke
Bringing religion into working-class history: Parish, public, and politics in Providence, 1890-1930, Evelyn Savidge Sterne
Broadband detection based on two-dimensional CARD models, Steven Kay and Venkatesh Nagesha
Broadband Detection Based on Two-Dimensional Mixed Autoregressive Models, Steven M. Kay, Venkatesh Nagesha, and John Salisbury
Broadband detection of signals with unknown spectra, Steven Kay
Broadband interference excision in spread spectrum communication systems via fractional Fourier transform, Olcay Akay and G. Faye Boudreaux-Bartels
Broadening participation in computing: Issues and challenges, Joan Peckham, Lisa L. Harlow, David A. Stuart, Barbara Silver, Helen Mederer, and Peter D. Stephenson
Brooded coral offspring physiology depends on the combined effects of parental press and pulse thermal history, Kevin H. Wong, Gretchen Goodbody-Gringley, Samantha J. de Putron, Danielle M. Becker, Alex Chequer, and Hollie M. Putnam
Brooks Brothers, Kimberly Lesslie
Buckle up, we're getting wired, Robert Ballard
BUGS - A bottom-up cache structure for networked storage servers, Ming Zhang and Qing Yang
Building adaptable real-time command and control systems using CORBA, Steven Wohlever, Victor Fay-Wolfe, Richard Freedman, and John Maurer
Building capacity for integrated coastal management in developing countries, Brian R. Crawford, J. Cobb, and Abigail Friedman
Building chicago economics: New perspectives on the history of America’s most powerful economics program, Robert van Horn, Philip Mirowski, and Thomas A. Stapleford
Building City Identities: A Consumer Perspective, Delphine Godefroit-Winkel, Marie Schill, Cristina Longo, and Martin Chour
Building New Organs with Tissue Engineering BPS 208G, Joanna Burkhardt
Building real computer systems, Augustus K. Uht, Jien-Chung Lo, Ying Sun, James C. Daly, and James Kowalski
Building trust in online rating systems through signal modeling, Yafei Yang, Yan Lindsay Sun, Jin Ren, and Qing Yang
Building trust in online rating systems through signal modeling, Yafei Yang, Yan Lindsay Sun, Jin Ren, and Qing Yang
BULDP: Biomimetic Uncorrelated Locality Discriminant Projection for Feature Extraction in Face Recognition, Xin Ning, Weijun Li, Bo Tang, and Haibo He
Burden of disease attributed to anthropogenic air pollution in the United Arab Emirates: Estimates based on observed air quality data, Ying Li, Jacqueline Mac Donald Gibson, Prahlad Jat, Gavino Puggioni, Mejs Hasan, J. Jason West, William Vizuete, Kenneth Sexton, and Marc Serre
Bureaucratic behavior modeled by reduced-rank regression: The case of expenditures from the Soviet state budget, John P. Burkett
Business of Learning TMD/SCA 399, Joanna Burkhardt
Buying behavior, social support and credit card indebtedness of college students, Jeff Wang and Jing Jian J. Xiao
Calculation of lateral current spreading and series resistance effects in oxide stripe geometry GaAs-GaAlAs DH lasers, G. Lengyel, P. Meissner, E. Patzak, and K. H. Zschauer
Calculation of turbulent heat transfer and skin friction, George H. Christoph, Richard C. Lessmann, and Frank M. White
Calibrating CPT relative density and strength correlations for a laboratory fine sand, J. A. Schneider, J. R. Giampa, A. S. Bradshaw, and J. T. Newgard
Calibration and validation of the storm water management model to the providence area combined sewer system, Raymond M. Wright, Igor Runge, Rajat Roy Chaudhury, and Daniel W. Urish
CAM-based ASOCS implementation, Andrew Bartczak and James Daly
Camparison of in situ and ship-board vane measurements on a deep- sea clay, A. J. Silva
Campus microclimates for LGBT faculty, staff, and students: An exploration of the intersections of social identity and campus roles, Annemarie Vaccaro
Can addition of noise improve distributed detection performance?, Hao Chen, Pramod K. Varshney, James H. Michels, and Steven M. Kay
Cancer Immunotherapy NUR 316, Joanna Burkhardt
Cancer Immunotherapy NUR 316X, Joanna Burkhardt
Cancer risk and behavior change [4], Joseph S. Rossi
Can detectability be improved by adding noise?, Steven Kay
Can financial education improve consumer welfare in investment markets? Evidence from China, Yong Zhang, Xiaomeng Lu, and Jing Jian Xiao
Can High School Students Check the Veracity of Information About COVID-19? A Critical Media Literacy Proposal in ESL Classes, Karin Paola Meyrer and Dorotea Frank Kersch
Can Home Visitation Enhance Maternal Social Support?, Karen McCurdy
Can LORAN meet GPS backup requirements?, Gregory Johnson, Ruslan Shalaev, Richard Hartnett, Peter Swaszek, and Mitch Narins
Can origin of fungal colonies on dilution and soil plates be determined using nonanoic acid?, M. M. Carreiro and R. E. Koske
Can reputation manipulation boost app sales in Android market?, Yuhong Liu and Yan Sun
Can the superior learnability of meaningful and pleasant words be transferred to nonsense syllables?, Albert Silverstein and Richard A. Dienstbier
Can We Make It? Coming-of-Age in a Covid Kitchen, Maila Erickson
Can we really recover data if storage subsystem fails?, Weijun Xiao and Qing Yang
Capability analysis of double-point incremental forming of AA5052 sheet metal parts, Onuma Lasunon and Winston Knight
Capability analysis of single point incremental forming of sheet metal parts, Onuma Lasunon and Winston Knight
Capitalism, socialism, and productivity. An econometric analysis of CES and translog functions, John P. Burkett and Borislav Škegro
Capitalist Class Agency and the New Deal Order: Against the Notion of a Limited Capital-Labor Accord, Richard McIntyre and Michael Hillard
Capitalistic and market socialistic distribution of lifetime capital property, James A. Yunker and John P. Burkett
Capitalist threads: Engels the businessman and Marx’s Capital, Tiago Mata and Robert Van Horn
Carbon dioxide fluxes reflect plant zonation and belowground biomass in a coastal marsh, Serena Moseman-Valtierra, Omar I. Abdul-Aziz, Jianwu Tang, Khandker S. Ishtiaq, Kate Morkeski, Jordan Mora, Ryan K. Quinn, Rose M. Martin, Katharine Egan, Elizabeth Q. Brannon, Joanna Carey, and Kevin D. Kroeger
Carbon Nanotube–Liposome Complexes in Hydrogels for Controlled Drug Delivery via Near-Infrared Laser Stimulation, S. Zahra M. Madani, Mohammad Moein Safaee, Mitchell Gravely, Carolynn Silva, Stephen Kennedy, Geoffrey D. Bothun, and Daniel E. Roxbury
Cardiac asystole at birth: Is hypovolemic shock the cause?, Judith S. Mercer, Debra A. Erickson-Owens, and R. Skovgaard
Career Preparation of High School Students: A Multi-Country Study, Jing Jian Xiao, Barbara M. M. Newman, and Bie Shuein Chu
Caregiver-directed approaches for facilitating social communication competencies in children on and off the autism spectrum, Amy L. Weiss and Geraldine Theadore
Caregiving load and pediatric asthma morbidity: Conflict matters, Karla Klein Murdock, Sue K. Adams, Elizabeth Pears, and Brendon Ellis
Careless and Random Responding on Clinical and Research Measures in the Addictions: A Concerning Problem and Investigation of their Detection, Joseph F. Meyer, Kyle A. Faust, David Faust, Aaron M. Baker, and Nathan E. Cook
Caring for patients with posttraumatic stress and substance use disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic., Anne N. Banducci and Nicole H. Weiss
Carry the banner where it can be seen: Small wins for social justice, Bernice Lott and Kate Webster
Cartesian control of robotic manipulators with joint compliance, S. D. Hill and R. J. Vaccaro
Cascading failure analysis with DC power flow model and transient stability analysis, Jun Yan, Yufei Tang, Haibo He, and Yan Sun
Catalysis of the Thermal Decomposition of Transition Metal Nitrate Hydrates by Poly(vinylidene difluoride), Lasanthi Sumathirathne and William B. Euler
Catalyzing community-led solar development by enabling cooperative behavior: Insights from an experimental game in the United States, Bronson Ferster, Jeffrey R.S. Brownson, and Gretchen A. Macht
CAT - caching address tags. A technique for reducing area cost of on-chip caches, Hong Wang, Tong Sun, and Qing Yang
Catching cowpox : The early spread of smallpox vaccination, 1798-1810, Andrea Rusnock
CatchIt: Detect malicious nodes in collaborative spectrum sensing, Wenkai Wang, Husheng Li, Yan Sun, and Zhu Han
Categorically complex: A latent class analysis of public perceptions of police militarization, Bryanna Fox, Richard K. Moule, and Megan M. Parry
Categorical time production: Evidence for discrete timing in motor control, Charles E. Collyer, Hilary A. Broadbent, and Russell M. Church
Catholicism and working-class activism in Providence, Evelyn Sterne
Causation Issues in Structural Equation Modeling Research, Heather E. Bullock, Lisa L. Harlow, and Stanley A. Mulaik
Celestial Navigation - Correcting the Folklore, Peter F. Swaszek, Richard J. Hartnett, and Kelly C. Seals
Cellular automata simulation of neutron transport, Bahram Nassersharif
Central vs. distributed dynamic thermal management for multi-core processors: Which one is better?, Michael Kadin, Sherief Reda, and Augustus Uht
Ceramic coatings on ceramic for improved oxidation-corrosion resistance, G. B. Davies and O. J. Gregory
Ceramic filters impregnated with silver nanoparticles for point-of-use water treatment in rural guatemala, Erin N. Kallman, Vinka A. Oyanedel-Craver, and James A. Smith
Ceramic strain gages for propulsion health monitoring, Otto J. Gregory and Qing Luo
Ceramic temperature sensors for gas turbine engine applications, Otto J. Gregory and Tao You
Ceramic temperature sensors for gas turbine engine applications, Otto J. Gregory and Tao You
Ceramic temperature sensors for harsh environments, Otto J. Gregory and Tao You
Ceramic water filters impregnated with silver nanoparticles as a point-of-use water-treatment intervention for HIV-positive individuals in Limpopo Province, South Africa: A pilot study of technological performance and human health benefits, Lydia Shawel Abebe, James A. Smith, Sophia Narkiewicz, Vinka Oyanedel-Craver, Mark Conaway, Alukhethi Singo, Samie Amidou, Paul Mojapelo, Julia Brant, and Rebecca Dillingham
Ceramic water filters impregnated with silver nanoparticles for point-of-use water treatment: Results of field studies in Guatemala and South Africa, James A. Smith, Lydia Abebe, Vinka Craver, Rebecca Dillingham, Erin Kallman, Beauty Mashao, Sophia Narkiewicz, and Amidou Samie
Ceremonial Justice, Loose Coupling, and the War on Drugs in Texas, 1980-1989, James W. Marquart, Madhava Bodapati, Steven J. Cuvelier, and Leo Carroll
CGAN-MBL for Reliability Assessment With Imbalanced Transmission Gear Data, Jie Li, Haibo He, and Lusi Li
Chain-Length Dependence of Thermal Conductivity in 2D Alkylammonium Lead Iodide Single Crystals, Md Abu Jafar Rasel, Ashutosh Giri, David H. Olson, Chaoying Ni, Patrick E. Hopkins, and Joseph P. Feser
Challenges in implementing center-based and home-based early head start programs, Julianna C. Golas, Diane Horm, and David A. Caruso
Challenges of built-in current sensor designs, Yu Yau Guo and Jien Chung Lo
Challenges to improving the impact of worksite cancer prevention programs: Comparing reach, enrollment, and attrition using active versus passive recruitment strategies, Laura A. Linnan, Karen M. Emmons, Neil Klar, Joseph L. Fava, Robert G. LaForge, and David B. Abrams
Challenging automatic prescription: Listening to data, talking with families, honoring client preferences, Jacqueline A. Sparks and Barry L. Duncan
Chance constraint based risk-aware optimal power flow for cascading failure prevention, Chao Luo, Jun Yang, Yufei Tang, Haibo He, and Mingsong Liu
Change in fruit and vegetable intake over 24 months in older adults: Results of the SENIOR project intervention, Geoffrey W. Greene, Nancy Fey-Yensan, Cynthia Padula, Susan R. Rossi, Joseph S. Rossi, and Phillip G. Clark
Changes in diabetes self-care behaviors make a difference in glycemic control: The diabetes stages of change (DiSC) study, Helen Jones, Lynn Edwards, T. Michael Vallis, Laurie Ruggiero, Susan R. Rossi, Joseph S. Rossi, Geoffrey Greene, James O. Prochaska, and Bernard Zinman
Changes in eating behaviour and meal pattern following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, A. Laurenius, I. Larsson, M. Bueter, K. J. Melanson, I. Bosaeus, H. Bertéus Forslund, H. Lönroth, L. Fändriks, and T. Olbers
Changes in gross oxygen production, net oxygen production, and air-water gas exchange during seasonal ice melt in Whycocomagh Bay, a Canadian estuary in the Bras d'Or Lake system, Cara C. Manning, Rachel H.R. Stanley, David P. Nicholson, Brice Loose, Ann Lovely, Peter Schlosser, and Bruce G. Hatcher
Changes in multiple health outcomes at 12 and 24 weeks resulting from 12 weeks of exercise counseling with or without dietary counseling in obese adults, Kathleen J. Melanson, Jessica Dell'Olio, Michael R. Carpenter, and Theodore J. Angelopoulos
Changes in muscle activation during wall slides and squat-machine exercise, Peter R. Blanpied
Changes in nucleic acids over the molt cycle in relation to food availability and temperature in Homarus americanus postlarvae, Marie Antonette R. Juinio, J. Stanley Cobb, Dave Bengtson, and Mimi Johnson
Changes in running economy and mechanics during a submaximal 5-km run, David Q. Thomas, Bo Fernhall, Peter Blanpied, and Kira Stillwell
Changes in selection pressure can facilitate hybridization during biological invasion in a Cuban lizard, Dan G. Bock, Simon Baeckens, Jessica N. Pita-Aquino, Zachary A. Chejanovski, Sozos N. Michaeolides, Pavitra Muralidhar, Sungdae Park, Douglas B. Menke, Anthony J. Geneva, Jonathan B. Losos, and Jason J. Kolbe
Changes in smoking-related symptoms during enforced abstinence of incarceration, Jennifer G. Clarke, Stephen A. Martin, L. A.R. Stein, Jacob J. Van Den Berg, Donna R. Parker, Arthur R. McGovern, Mary B. Roberts, and Beth C. Bock
Changing polar environments: Interdisciplinary challenges, Paul B. Shepson, Parisa A. Ariya, Clara J. Deal, D. James Donaldson, Thomas A. Douglas, Brice Loose, Ted Maksym, Patricia A. Matrai, Lynn M. Russell, Benjamin Saenz, Jacqueline Stefels, and Nadja Steiner
Chapter 11 - Using "nano tools" as the basis for a hands-on experiential course in nanotechnology, Geoffrey D. Bothun, Vinka Oyanedel-Craver, and Keunhan Park
Characterisation of N Channel Germanium Mosfet with Gate Insulator formed by High-Pressure Thermal Oxidation, E. E. Crisman, J. I. Lee, P. J. Stiles, and O. J. Gregory
Characteristic lengths and distancesâ fast and robust features for nonlinear time series, Son Hai Nguyen and David Chelidze
Characteristics of a reactively sputtered indium tin oxide thin film strain gage for use at elevated temperatures, Otto J. Gregory, Stephen E. Dyer, Paul S. Amons, and Amout Bruins Slot
Characteristics of Dispersion-Flattened Depressed-Cladding Single-Mode Fluoride Fibers from 1.55 to 3.1 µm, Harish R.D. Sunak and Steven P. Bastien
Characteristics of Neuropsychologists Who Prefer the Halstead-Reitan or the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery, Thomas J. Guilmette and David Faust
Characteristics of Older Adults Who Cannot Identify a Healthcare Agent, Andrew B. Cohen, Andrea L. Paiva, Colleen A. Redding, and Terri R. Fried
Characteristics of smoking in low-income pregnant latina and white women, Ivory Roberts-Clarke, Patricia Morokoff, Cynthia Bane, and Laurie Ruggiero
Characteristics of smoking used cigarettes among an incarcerated population, Ryan Lantini, Jacob J. Van Den Berg, Mary B. Roberts, Beth C. Bock, L. A.R. Stein, Donna R. Parker, Peter D. Friedmann, and Jennifer G. Clarke
Characteristics of solitary wave breaking induced by breakwaters, Stéphan T. Grilli, Miguel A. Losada, and Francisco Martin
Characteristics of the velocity profile at tidal-stream energy sites, M. Lewis, S. P. Neill, P. Robins, Mohammad Reza Hashemi, and S. Ward
Characterization of Champia parvula (Rhodophyta) tetraspore mucilage and rhizoids with histochemical stains and FITC-labelled lectins, Martha E. Apple, Marilyn M. Harlin, and Joanna H. Norris
Characterization of Different Microsoft Kinect Sensor Models, Nicholas M. DiFilippo and Musa Jouaneh
Characterization of fatigue dynamics under deterministic and stochastic excitation, Son Hai Nguyen, Mike Falco, Ming Liu, and David Chelidze
Characterization of impact pile driving signals during installation of offshore wind turbine foundations, Jennifer L. Amaral, James H. Miller, Gopu R. Potty, Kathleen J. Vigness-Raposa, Adam S. Frankel, Ying Tsong Lin, Arthur E. Newhall, Daniel R. Wilkes, and Alexander N. Gavrilov
Characterization of isochromatic fringe patterns for a dynamically propagating interface crack, Raman P. Singh and Arun Shukla
Characterization of seismic noise at two shallow water sites in the United States East Coast, Gopu R. Potty, James H. Miller, Ying Tsong Lin, Arthur E. Newhall, and Kathleen Vigness-Raposa
Characterization of weakly cemented sands from geophysical logs, Ravi Sharma and Christopher Baxter
Characterization of weakly cemented sands using nonlinear failure envelopes, M. S. Ravi Sharma, Christopher D.P. Baxter, Wilhelm Hoffmann, Kathryn Moran, and Hans Vaziri
Characterizing the Great Lakes hydrokinetic renewable energy resource: Lake Erie wave, surge and seiche characteristics, Ali Farhadzadeh, M. Reza Hashemi, and Simon Neill
Characterizing the Impact of Adversity, Abuse, and Neglect on Adolescent Amygdala Resting-state Functional Connectivity, Theresa W. Cheng, Kathryn L. Mills, Oscar Miranda Dominguez, Dagmar Zeithamova, Anders Perrone, Darrick Sturgeon, Sarah W. Feldstein Ewing, Philip A. Fisher, Jennifer H. Pfeifer, Damien A. Fair, and Kristen L. Mackiewicz Seghete
Chemical and mechanical relaxations in multicomponent model bitumens, Derek D. Li and Michael L. Greenfield
Chemical Attribution of the Homemade Explosive ETN - Part II: Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Analysis of ETN and Its Precursors, Karlijn Bezemer, Lindsay McLennan, Rosanne Hessels, Jorien Schoorl, Jos van den Elshout, Antoine van der Heijden, Annemieke Hulsbergen, Mattijs Koeberg, Taylor Busby, Alexander Yevdokimov, Eva de Rijke, Peter Schoenmakers, James L. Smith, Jimmie Oxley, and Arian van Asten
Chemical compositions of improved model asphalt systems for molecular simulations, Derek D. Li and Michael L. Greenfield
Chemical detection and-classification in Raman spectra, Steven Kay, Cuichun Xu, and Darren Emge
Chemical vapor deposition of alpha aluminum oxide for high-temperature aerospace sensors, Raymond H. Niska, Alan P. Constant, Tony Witt, and Otto J. Gregory
Chemoreception in hydra: specific binding of glutathione to a membrane fraction, William Grosvenor, Susan L. Bellis, G. Kass-Simon, and Dennis E. Rhoads
Chemoreception in Hydra vulgaris (attenuata): initial characterization of two distinct binding sites for l-glutamic acid, Susan L. Bellis, William Grosvenor, G. Kass-Simon, and Dennis E. Rhoads
Chemoreceptive control of feeding processes in hydra, W. Grosvenor, D. E. E. Rhoads, and G. Kass-Simon
Chewing gum decreases energy intake at lunch following a controlled breakfast, Kathleen J. Melanson and Daniel L. Kresge
Chewing gum increases energy expenditure before and after controlled breakfasts, Daniel L. Kresge and Kathleen Melanson
Chicago neoliberalism versus Cowles planning: Perspectives on patents and public goods in Cold War Economic Thought, Robert Van Horn and Matthias Klaes
Childhood Emotional Maltreatment and Somatic Complaints: The Mediating Role of Alexithymia, Allison M. Smith and Ellen C. Flannery-Schroeder
Childhood Maltreatment and Symptoms of Social Anxiety: Exploring the Role of Emotional Abuse, Neglect, and Cumulative Trauma, Monica M. Nanda, Elizabeth Reichert, Uchenna J. Jones, and Ellen Flannery-Schroeder
Childhood sexual abuse linked with adult substance use, victimization, and AIDS-risk, Laura Whitmire Johnsen and Lisa L. Harlow
Child participation in the design of media and information literacy interventions: A scoping review and thematic analysis, Linus Andersson and Martin Danielsson
Children as Mischievous Spirits: Legitimizing Child Cruelty and Filicide in Contemporary Africa, Chima Agazue
Children with co-morbid recurrent abdominal pain and anxiety disorders: Results from a multiple-baseline intervention study, Christine B. Sieberg, Ellen Flannery-Schroeder, and Wendy Plante
“Child Witches”: Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of Homeless Girls in South-Southern Nigeria, Chima Agazue
Christian Dior, Cynthia Cooper
Chromatic dispersion characteristics of single-mode fluoride fibers having α-profiles, Harish R.D. Sunak, Steven P. Bastien, and Alexis Mendez
Chromatic dispersion characteristics of single-mode mid-infrared fibers, Alexis Mendez and Harish R.D. Sunak
Chronic low-level nutrient enrichment benefits coral thermal performance in a fore reef habitat, Danielle M. Becker, Hollie M. Putnam, Deron E. Burkepile, Thomas C. Adam, Rebecca Vega Thurber, and Nyssa J. Silbiger
Cigarette smoking as an expression of independence and freedom among inmates in a tobacco-free prison in the united states, Jacob J. Van den Berg, Beth Bock, Mary B. Roberts, Lynda A.R. Stein, Peter D. Friedmann, Stephen A. Martin, and Jennifer G. Clarke
Circadian activity rhythm influenced by near zero magnetic field, Virginia L. Bliss and Frank H. Heppner
Circadian regulation of night feeding and daytime detoxification in a formidable Asian pest Spodoptera litura, Jiwei Zhang, Shenglong Li, Wanshun Li, Zhiwei Chen, Huizhen Guo, Jianqiu Liu, Yajing Xu, Yingdan Xiao, Liying Zhang, Kallare P. Arunkumar, Guy Smagghe, Qingyou Xia, Marian R. Goldsmith, Makio Takeda, and Kazuei Mita
Circulating endothelial cells as predictor of long-term mortality and adverse cardiovascular outcomes in hemodialysis patients, Rajesh Mohandas, Yanpeng Diao, Gajapathiraju Chamarthi, Suraj Krishnan, Nikhil Agrawal, Xuerong Wen, Bhagwan Dass, Ashutosh M. Shukla, Sarawathi Gopal, Mehmet Koç, and Mark S. Segal
CISC: Coordinating Intelligent SSD and CPU to Speedup Graph Processing, Dongyang Li, Yafei Yang, Weijun Li, and Qing Yang
Citing as a sourcing practice: students’ citing self-selected online sources in their essays (Las citas como práctica del uso de las fuentes: las citas de fuentes en línea seleccionados por los estudiantes en sus trabajos), Carita Kiili, Eva W. Brante, Eija Räikkönen, and Julie Coiro
Civic Engagement and Well-Being: Examining a Mediational Model Across Gender, Natalie Fenn, Mark L. Robbins, Lisa Harlow, and Shanna Pearson-Merkowitz
Civil violence and the Initiation of the Schism, Joëlle Rollo-Koster
Classes of smoothed Weyl symbols, Byeong Gwan Iem, Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola, and G. Faye Boudreaux-Bartels
Classification and Methodologies for Orientation and Stacking of Parts Based on Internal Features, Anil Mankame, Philip Datseris, and Musa Jouaneh
Classification between focal and non focal EEG signals based on signal processing and neural networks, Wei Zeng, Mengqing Li, Chengzhi Yuan, Qinghui Wang, Fenglin Liu, and Ying Wang
Classification of asymptomatic and osteoarthritic knee gait patterns using gait analysis via deterministic learning, Wei Zeng, Limin Ma, Chengzhi Yuan, Fenglin Liu, Qinghui Wang, Ying Wang, and Yu Zhang
Classification of focal and non focal EEG signals using empirical mode decomposition (EMD), phase space reconstruction (PSR) and neural networks, Wei Zeng, Mengqing Li, Chengzhi Yuan, Qinghui Wang, Fenglin Liu, and Ying Wang
Classification of gait patterns between patients with Parkinson's disease and healthy controls using phase space reconstruction (PSR), empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and neural networks, Wei Zeng, Chengzhi Yuan, Qinghui Wang, Fenglin Liu, and Ying Wang
Classification of myocardial infarction based on hybrid feature extraction and artificial intelligence tools by adopting tunable-Q wavelet transform (TQWT), variational mode decomposition (VMD) and neural networks, Wei Zeng, Jian Yuan, Chengzhi Yuan, Qinghui Wang, Fenglin Liu, and Ying Wang
Climate Alters the Migration Phenology of Coastal Marine Species, Joseph A. Langan, Gavino Puggioni, Candace A. Oviatt, M. Elisabeth Henderson, and Jeremy Collie
Climate Change and Vaccines: Distrust of Science in Politics and the Media, Natalie Montalbano
Climate Change Winner in the Deep Sea? Predicting the Impacts of Climate Change on the Distribution of the Glass Sponge Vazella pourtalesii, Lindsay Beazley, Ellen Kenchington, Francisco Javier Murillo, David Brickman, Zeliang Wang, Andrew J. Davies, Emyr Martyn Roberts, and Hans Tore Rapp
Climate Crisis & Fashion Leaders: A Patagonia Case Study, Gianna Ferrara
Climate projections and extremes in dynamically downscaled CMIP5 model outputs over the Bengal delta: a quartile based bias-correction approach with new gridded data, M. Alfi Hasan, A. K.M.Saiful Islam, and Ali Shafqat Akanda
Clinical outcomes of a community clinic-based lifestyle change program for prevention and management of metabolic syndrome: Results of the ‘Vida Sana/Healthy Life’ program, Patricia Markham Risica, Meghan L. McCarthy, Katherine L. Barry, Susan P. Oliverio, Kim M. Gans, and Anne S. De Groot
Clinical practice guidelines linked to the international classification of functioning, disability and health from the orthopaedic section of the American physical therapy association, Peter R. Blanpied, Anita R. Gross, James M. Elliott, Laurie Lee Devaney, Derek Clewley, David M. Walton, Cheryl Sparks, and Eric K. Robertson
Clinicians' theoretical orientations: Selection, utilization, and efficacy, John C. Norcross and James O. Prochaska
Close encounters of the urban kind: predators influence prey body size variation in an urban landscape, Zachary A. Chejanovski and Jason J. Kolbe
Closing the Gap: Raising Medical Professionals' Transgender Awareness and Medical Proficiency through Pharmacist-led Education, Ardsley P. Congdon III, Tiene, Cristofer Price, and Robert L. Dufresne
Cloud shadows drive vertical migrations of deep-dwelling marine life, Melissa M. Omand, Deborah K. Steinberg, and Karen Stamieszkin
Clustered Hierarchical Entropy-Scaling Search of Astronomical and Biological Data, Najib Ishaq, George Student, and Noah M. Daniels
Clustering of strength, physical function, muscle, and adiposity characteristics and risk of disability in older adults, Peggy M. Cawthon, Kathleen M. Fox, Shravanthi R. Gandra, Matthew J. Delmonico, Chiun Fang Chiou, Mary S. Anthony, Paolo Caserotti, Stephen B. Kritchevsky, Anne B. Newman, Bret H. Goodpaster, Suzanne Satterfield, Steven R. Cummings, and Tamara B. Harris
Cluster reduction in patients in a pilot treatment trial for psychogenic nonepileptic seizures, Grayson L. Baird, Lisa L. Harlow, Jason T. Machan, and W. Curt LaFrance
Clusters of trauma types as measured by the Life Events Checklist for DSM–5., Ateka A. Contractor, Nicole H. Weiss, Prathiba Natesan Batley, and Jon D. Elhai
Cluster subtypes within stage of change in a representative sample of smokers, Gregory J. Norman, Wayne F. Velicer, Joseph L. Fava, and James O. Prochaska
Cnidarian chemical neurotransmission, an updated overview, G. Kass-Simon and Paola Pierobon
Co2 degassing from hydrothermal vents at kolumbo submarine volcano, greece, and the accumulation of acidic crater water, Steven Carey, Paraskevi Nomikou, Katy Croff Bell, Marvin Lilley, John Lupton, Chris Roman, Eleni Stathopoulou, Konstantina Bejelou, and Robert Ballard
Coaction in multiple behavior change interventions: consistency across multiple studies on weight management and obesity prevention., Sara S. Johnson, Andrea L. Paiva, Leanne Mauriello, James O. Prochaska, Colleen Redding, and Wayne F. Velicer
Coadministration of a tumor-penetrating peptide improves the therapeutic efficacy of paclitaxel in a novel air-grown lung cancer 3D spheroid model, Sweta K. Gupta, Elisa A. Torrico Guzmán, and Samantha A. Meenach
Coalitional Capacities and Environmental Strategies to Prevent Underage Drinking, Jessica E. Nargiso, Karen B. Friend, Crystelle Egan, Paul Florin, John Stevenson, Brenda Amodei, and Linda Barovier
Coastal Orientation of Cape Cod Bay, Graham Sherwood Giese
COASTMAP: A globally re-locatable, real time, marine environmental monitoring and modeling system, with application to Narragansett Bay and Southern New England coastal waters, Malcolm L. Spaulding, E. Hewlett, M. Ward, and C. Galagan
COASTMAP: An integrated monitoring and modeling system to support oil spill response, Malcolm L. Spaulding, Thomas Opishinski, and Sean Haynes
COASTMAP: An integrated monitoring and modeling system to support oil spill response modeling, Malcolm L. Spaulding, Thomas Opishinski, Sean Haynes, and Daniel Mendelsohn
COASTMAP, an integrated system for monitoring and modeling of coastal waters: application to Greenwich Bay, M. L. Spaulding, S. Sankaranarayanan, L. Erikson, T. Fake, and T. Opishinski
Coating engineering for boiling heat transfer toward immersion cooling, Zhen Cao, Zan Wu, Mohammad Faghri, and Bengt Sundén
Cochannel speaker separation by harmonic enhancement and suppression, David P. Morgan, E. Bryan George, Leonard T. Lee, and Steven M. Kay
Cognitive and behavioral distancing from the poor, Bernice Lott
Cognitive behavioral therapy age effects in child and adolescent anxiety: An individual patient data metaanalysis, Kathryn Bennett, Katharina Manassis, Stephen D. Walter, Amy Cheung, Pamela Wilansky-Traynor, Natalia Diaz-Granados, Stephanie Duda, Maureen Rice, Susan Baer, Paula Barrett, Denise Bodden, Vanessa E. Cobham, Mark R. Dadds, Ellen Flannery-Schroeder, Golda Ginsburg, David Heyne, Jennifer L. Hudson, Philip C. Kendall, Juliette Liber, Carrie Masia-Warner, Sandra Mendlowitz, Maaike H. Nauta, Ronald M. Rapee, Wendy Silverman, Lynne Siqueland, Susan H. Spence, Elisabeth Utens, and Jeffrey J. Wood
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disordered Youth: A Randomized Clinical Trial Evaluating Child and Family Modalities, Philip C. Kendall, Jennifer L. Hudson, Elizabeth Gosch, Ellen Flannery-Schroeder, and Cynthia Suveg
Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety-disordered youth: Secondary outcomes from a randomized clinical trial evaluating child and family modalities, Cynthia Suveg, Jennifer L. Hudson, Gene Brewer, Ellen Flannery-Schroeder, Elizabeth Gosch, and Philip C. Kendall
Cognitive behavior therapy, Ellen Flannery-Schroeder and Alexis N. Lamb
Cognitive profiles of reading-disabled children: Comparison of Language Skills in Phonology, Morphology, and Syntax, A. E. Fowler, A. M. Liberman, D. Shankweiler, S. Crain, L. Katz, R. Thornton, E. Lundquist, S. A. Brady, L. Dreyer, J. M. Fletcher, K. K. Stuebing, S. E. Shaywitz, and B. A. Shaywitz
Cognitive social learning and participation in community development, Paul R. Florin and Abraham Wandersman
Cognitive Social Learning Variables and the Characteristics of Leaders, Paul Florin, Marc Mednick, and Abraham Wandersman
Cognitive status and cardio-metabolic risk of patients with acquired brain injury and Parkinson's disease, Dara L. Lobuono, Amy G. Taetzsch, Ingrid E. Lofgren, Furong Xu, Matthew J. Delmonico, and Leslie Mahler
Cognitive vulnerability to bipolar spectrum disorders, Lauren B. Alloy, Noreen A. Reilly-Harrington, David M. Fresco, and Ellen Flannery-Schroeder
Cold seeps associated with a submarine debris avalanche deposit at Kick'em Jenny volcano, Grenada (Lesser Antilles), Steven Carey, Robert Ballard, Katherine L.C. Bell, Richard J. Bell, Patrick Connally, Frederic Dondin, Sarah Fuller, Judith Gobin, Patricia Miloslavich, Brennan Phillips, Chris Roman, Brad Seibel, Nam Siu, and Clara Smart
Cold-water immersion blunts and delays increases in circulating testosterone and cytokines post-resistance exercise, Jacob E. Earp, Disa L. Hatfield, Andrew Sherman, Elaine C. Lee, and William J. Kraemer
College students' attitudes towards credit cards, Jing Jian Xiao, FRANZISKA E. NORING, and JOAN G. ANDERSON
College Students' Barriers and Enablers for Healthful Weight Management: A Qualitative Study, Mary L. Greaney, Faith D. Less, Adrienne A. White, Sarah F. Dayton, Deborah Riebe, Bryan Blissmer, Suzanne Shoff, Jennifer R. Walsh, and Geoffrey W. Greene
College students' health behavior clusters: Differences by sex, Sarah Colby, Wenjun Zhou, Morgan F. Sowers, Karla Shelnutt, Melissa D. Olfert, Jesse Morrell, Mallory Koenings, Tandalayo Kidd, Tanya M. Horacek, Geoffrey W. Greene, Onikia Brown, Adrienne A. White, Sharon L. Hoerr, Carol Byrd-Bredbenner, and Kendra K. Kattelmann
College students with ADHD: Current status and future directions, George J. DuPaul, Lisa L. Weyandt, Sean M. O'Dell, and Michael Varejao
College students with disabilities redefine activism: Self-advocacy, storytelling, and collective action, Ezekiel W. Kimball, Adam Moore, Annemarie Vaccaro, Peter F. Troiano, and Barbara M. Newman
Collegiate purpose development at the intersections of disability and social class habitus, Annemarie Vaccaro, Ezekiel Kimball, Barbara M. Newman, Adam Moore, and Peter F. Troiano
Colonel Ilahi Baksh, Annu Palakunnathu Matthew
Colored Saturation Parameters for Rainbow Subgraphs, Michael D. Barrus, Michael Ferrara, Jennifer Vandenbussche, and Paul S. Wenger
Combating Public Vaccine Misinformation Through an Educational Podcast for Middle and High School Students, Vincent Nocella
Combined Development and the Critique of International Political Economy, Richard McIntyre
Combined error correcting and compressing codes, Thomas Wenisch, Peter F. Swaszek, and Augustus K. Uht
Combined Eulerian-Lagrangian or pseudo-Lagrangian descriptions of waves caused by an advancing free surface disturbance, Hong Gun Sung and Stéphan T. Grilli
Combined natural convection and radiation heat transfer in a vertical air cavity with hexagonal honeycomb core of negligible thickness, Y. Asako, Y. Yamaguchi, Lishun Chen, and M. Faghri
Combined natural convection and radiation heat transfer in a vertical air cavity with hexagonal honeycomb core of negligible thickness, Y. Asako, Y. Yamaguchi, Lishun Chen, and M. Faghri
Combined responses of primary coral polyps and their algal endosymbionts to decreasing seawater pH, Federica Scucchia, Assaf Malik, Paul Zaslansky, Hollie M. Putnam, and Tali Mass
Commentary: Spare-time life of Chinese children, Karen McCurdy
Comments on Davidson's 'Prochaska and DiClemente's model of change: A case study?, J. O. Prochaska, C. C. DiClemente, W. F. Velicer, J. S. Rossi, N. Heather, T. Stockwell, J. Orford, and R. Davidson
Comments on “Finite Word-Length Effects of Pipelined Recursive Digital Filters”, Leland B. Jackson
Comments on “generalized law of the wall and eddy-viscosity model for wall boundary layers”, Frank M. White
Comments on “understanding graduate women's reentry experiences”, Bernice Lott
Common Problems: Common Solutions, James O. Prochaska
Communication Reliability Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks Using Phased-Mission Model, Chaonan Wang, Liudong Xing, Amir Ehsani Zonouz, Vinod M. Vokkarane, and Yan Lindsay Sun
"Communicative participation" as a way of facilitating and ascertaining communicative outcomes, Dana Kovarsky, Barbara Culatta, Amber Franklin, and Geraldine Theadore
Communicator Style and Social Style: Similarities and Differences Between the Sexes, Constance Courtney Staley and Jerry L. Cohen
Community based recycling and collection models, Natalie Mohanty and Manbir Sodhi
Community Interventions and Effective Prevention, Abraham Wandersman and Paul Florin
Community-level collaboration for substance abuse prevention, John F. Stevenson and Roger E. Mitchell
Community Orchards for Food Sovereignty, Human Health, and Climate Resilience: Indigenous Roots and Contemporary Applications, Sarah Taylor Lovell, Jann Hayman, Hannah Hemmelgarn, Andrea A. Hunter, and John R. Taylor
Compact extreme learning machines for biological systems, Kang Li, Jing Deng, Haibo He, and Da Jun Du
Comparative analysis of different arbitration protocols for multiple-bus multiprocessors, Chi Ming Chung, Ding An Chiang, and Qing Yang
Comparative analysis of escape behavior in male, and gravid and non-gravid, female lobsters, S. I. Cromarty, J. Mello, and G. Kass-Simon
Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of Prasugrel versus Ticagrelor following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: An Observational Study, Nicholas Belviso, D. Aronow, Richard Wyss, Marilyn Barbour, Yichi Zhang, Xuerong Wen, and Stephen Kogut
Comparative Gait Analysis of Transtibial Amputees versus, Charlotte Vitale
Comparative International Education, Joanna Burkhardt
Comparative investigation of single-point and double-point incremental sheet metal forming processes, O. Lasunon and W. A. Knight
Comparative studies of power grid security with network connectivity and power flow information using unsupervised learning, Shiva Poudel, Zhen Ni, Xiangnan Zhong, and Haibo He
Comparative study between a hybrid system and a biofilm system for the treatment of ammonia and organic matter in wastewaters, Vinka Oyanedel-Craver, Valentina Lazarova, Juan M. Garrido, and Ramón Mendez
Comparative study between chemostat and batch reactors to quantify membrane permeability changes on bacteria exposed to silver nanoparticles, Nelson M. Anaya, Fatemeh Faghihzadeh, Nasim Ganji, Geoff Bothun, and Vinka Oyanedel-Craver
Comparative study between HDP and PSS on DFIG damping control, Yufei Tang, Haibo He, and Jinyu Wen
Comparative study of solar panels for roadway operations, K. Wayne Lee, Andrew J. Correia, Brett D.J. Neilan, and Ben Dahn
Comparative thermal performance of the reef-building coral Orbicella franksi at its latitudinal range limits, Nyssa J. Silbiger, Gretchen Goodbody-Gringley, John F. Bruno, and Hollie M. Putnam
Comparing Classroom and Clinic Measures of Attention Deficit Disorder. Differential, Idiosyncratic, and Dose-Response Effects of Methylphenidate, Mark D. Rapport, George J. DuPaul, Gary Stoner, and J. T. Jones
Comparing intervention outcomes in smokers treated for single versus multiple behavioral risks, Judith J. Prochaska, Wayne F. Velicer, James O. Prochaska, Kevin Delucchi, and Sharon M. Hall
Comparing Inundation Maps Developed Using WHAFIS and STWAVE: A Case Study in Washington County, RI, Annette R. Grilli, Malcolm L. Spauding, Lauren Schambach, Jane Smith, and Mary Bryant
Comparing model asphalt systems using molecular simulation, Liqun Zhang and Michael L. Greenfield
Comparing participants and nonparticipants recruited for an effectiveness study of nicotine replacement therapy, Wayne F. Velicer, Stefan Keller, Robert H. Friedman, Joseph L. Fava, Suzy B. Gulliver, Rose Marie Ward, Harley Ramelson, James O. Prochaska, and Sara D. Cottrill
Comparing strong and weak models by fitting them to computer-generated data, Charles E. Collyer
Comparing Student Attitudes to Spreadsheet and Advanced Statistical Packages, Angela R. Surrusco, Zachary J. Kunicki, Sarah L. DiPerri, Marie C. Tate, Megan M. Risi, Nicholas S. Zambrotta, and Lisa L. Harlow
Comparing the Validity of Self-Report and Urinalysis for Substance Use among Former Inmates in the Northeastern United States: Substance Use Reporting Accuracy Among Inmates, Jacob J. van den Berg, Samuel Adeyemo, Mary B. Roberts, Beth C. Bock, L. A.R. Stein, Rosemarie A. Martin, Donna R. Parker, and Jennifer G. Clarke
Comparison of Forward and Bidirectional Pumping at 805 and 819 nm in Erbium-Doped Silica Fiber Amplifiers, Steven P. Bastien and Harish R. Sunak
Comparison of Intake of Animal and Plant Foods and Related Nutrients in Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Survivors and Controls, Whitney A. Lay, Courtney R. Vickery, Christie L. Ward-Ritacco, Kristen B. Johnson, Alison C. Berg, Ellen M. Evans, and Mary Ann Johnson
Comparison of laser Doppler vibrometer with contact sensors for monitoring bridge deflection and vibration, Hani H. Nassif, Mayrai Gindy, and Joe Davis
Comparison of latent typologies of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms across military personnel from India and the US, Ateka A. Contractor, Nicole H. Weiss, Melissa R. Schick, Prathiba Natesan Batley, Shannon R. Forkus, and Rachita Sharma
Comparison of lecture- and problem-based learning styles in an engineering laboratory, Daniel J. Hartman and Mayrai Gindy
Comparison of leucine kinetics in endurance-trained and sedentary humans, Linda S. Lamont, Arthur J. McCullough, and Satish C. Kalhan
Comparison of lightwave system performance using single-mode silica (1.55μm) & fluoride fibers (2.55μm) with direct and coherent detection, Harish R.D. Sunak, Clark P. Engert, and Kriengrai Tintasuwan
Comparison of line-drive and push-pull flushing schemes, T. B. B. Boving, W. J. Blanford, J. E. McCray, C. E. Divine, and M. L. Brusseau
Comparison of lithium-ion recycling processes for electric vehicle batteries, Jan Engel and Gretchen A. Macht
Comparison of microplastic isolation and extraction procedures from marine sediments, Michaela A. Cashman, Kay T. Ho, Thomas B. Boving, Stephen Russo, Sandra Robinson, and Robert M. Burgess
Comparison of N2O emissions and gene abundances between wastewater nitrogen removal systems, Elizabeth Quinn Brannon, Serena M. Moseman-Valtierra, Brittany V. Lancellotti, Sara K. Wigginton, Jose A. Amador, James C. McCaughey, and George W. Loomis
Comparison of static and dynamic energy release rates for different fracture specimens, Arun Shukla
Comparison of the bacterial removal performance of silver nanoparticles and a polymer based quaternary amine functiaonalized silsesquioxane coated point-of-use ceramic water filters, Hongyin Zhang and Vinka Oyanedel-Craver
Comparison of the Effects of Seated, Supine, and Walking Interset Rest Strategies on Work Rate, Kristen A. Ouellette, Timothy A. Brusseau, Lance E. Davidson, Candus N. Ford, Disa L. Hatfield, Janet M. Shaw, and Patricia A. Eisenman
Comparison of the noise performance in erbium- And praseodymium-doped fiber amplifiers, Jun Bao, Steven P. Bastien, and Harish R.D. Sunak
Comparison of the techniques of transmitted caustics and photoelasticity as applied to fracture, H. Nigam and A. Shukla
Comparison of three household water treatment technologies in San Mateo Ixtatán, Guatemala, Jonathan E. Mellor, Erin Kallman, Vinka Oyanedel-Craver, and James A. Smith
Comparison of time and error rates on the trail making test among patients with head injuries, experimental malingerers, patients with suspect effort on testing, and normal controls, Louis F. Ruffolo, Thomas J. Guilmette, and W. Grant Willis
Comparison of two progressive treadmill tests in patients with peripheral arterial disease, Deborah Riebe, Robert B. Patterson, and Christina M. Braun
Comparison of Utilization and Clinical Outcomes for Belatacept- and Tacrolimus- Based Immunosuppression in Renal Transplant Recipients, Xuerong Wen, Jin Casey, Alfonso H. Santos, Abraham Hartzema, and Karl L. Womer
Comparison results for oscillations of delay equations, M. R.S. Kulenović, G. Ladas, and Y. G. Sficas
Comparisons of ADABOOST, KNN, SVM and logistic regression in classification of imbalanced dataset, Hezlin Aryani Abd Rahman, Yap Bee Wah, Haibo He, and Awang Bulgiba
Comparisons of optimality criteria for minimum-weight dual material structures, Sriruk Srithongchai and Peter Dewhurst
Compensatory versus overcompensatory dynamics in density-dependent Leslie models, M. R.S. Kulenović and Abdul Aziz Yakubu
Competition for shelter between lobsters ( Homarus americanus) and Jonah crabs ( Cancer borealis): effects of relative size., R. A. Richards and J. S. Cobb
Competitive-exclusion versus competitive-coexistence for systems in the plane, M. R.S. Kulenović and Orlando Merino
Complementary and alternative medication (CAM) use and asthma outcomes in children: An urban perspective, Sue K. Adams, Karla Klein Murdock, and Elizabeth L. McQuaid
Complementary control allocation for a Lagrangian seafloor imaging platform, William Snyder, Christopher Roman, and Stephen Licht
Complex transboundary movements of marine megafauna in the Western Indian Ocean, A.N. Barkley, M Gollock, M Samoilys, F Llewellyn, M Shivji, Bradley M. Wetherbee, and N.E. Hussey
Complex transboundary movements of marine megafauna in the Western Indian Ocean, Amanda N. Barkley, Matthew Gollock, Melita Samoilys, Fiona Llewellyn, Mahmood Shivji, Bradley M. Wetherbee, and Nigel E. Hussey
Component and combined response of sandwich composites subjected to blast loadings, S. Arjun Tekalur, Arun Shukla, Pankaj L. Ahire, and Carol Meyers
Composite adaptive NN learning and control for discrete-time nonlinear uncertain systems in normal form, Jingting Zhang, Chengzhi Yuan, Cong Wang, Paolo Stegagno, and Wei Zeng
Composite Consensus Control and Cooperative Adaptive Learning, Chengzhi Yuan, Nan Xue, Wei Zeng, and Cong Wang
Composite cooperative synchronization and decentralized learning of multi-robot manipulators with heterogeneous nonlinear uncertain dynamics, Xiaonan Dong, Chengzhi Yuan, Paolo Stegagno, Wei Zeng, and Cong Wang
Composite Materials Subjected to Extreme Conditions, A. Shukla, Y. D.S. Rajapakse, and J. LeBlanc
Comprehensive modulation representation for automatic speech recognition, Yadong Wang, Steven Greenberg, Jayaganesh Swaminathan, Ramdas Kumaresan, and David Poeppel
Compressible fluid flow in micron sized channels, S. F. Choquette, M. Faghri, E. J. Kenyon, and Bengt Sunden
Compressible gas flow through smooth and rough microchannels, Stephen E. Turner, Hongwei Sun, Mohammad Faghri, and Otto J. Gregory
Compression or Corruption? A Study on the Effects of Transient Faults on BNN Inference Accelerators, Navid Khoshavi, Connor Broyles, and Yu Bi
Compression speed enhancements to LZO for multi-core systems, Jason Kane and Qing Yang
Compressive evaluation of homogeneous and graded epoxy-glass particulate composites, J. Seaglar and C. E. Rousseau
Computational analysis of heat transfer enchancement in square ducts with V-shaped ribs: Turbine blade cooling, Rongguang Jia, Bengt Sundén, and M. Faghri
Computational Energy Management in Smart Grids, Stefano Squartini, Derong Liu, Francesco Piazza, Dongbin Zhao, and Haibo He
Computational modeling of dynamically initiated instabilities and implosion of underwater cylindrical structures in a confined environment, Emily L. Guzas, Sachin Gupta, Joseph M. Ambrico, James M. LeBlanc, and Arun Shukla
Computational Study of Helical and Helix-Hinge-Helix Conformations of an Anti-Microbial Peptide in Solution by Molecular Dynamics and Vibrational Analysis, Faramarz Joodaki, Lenore M. Martin, and Michael L. Greenfield
Computation of shoaling and breaking waves in nearshore areas by the coupling of BEM and VOF methods, S. Guignard, S. T. Grilli, R. Marcer, and V. Rey
Computation of shoaling and breaking waves in nearshore areas by the coupling of BEM and VOF methods, Stephan Guignard, Stéphan T. Grilli, Richard Marcer, and Vincent Rey
Computation of the wavemaking resistance of a Harley surface effect ship, Jeffrey C. Harris and Stéphan T. Grilli
Computations of Three-Dimensional Overturning Waves in Shallow Water: Dynamics and Kinematics, P. Guyenne and S. T. Grilli
Computer-aided analysis of three-fingered robot grippers, W. J. Palm, G. L. Field, and M. Reuber
Computer-Aided Cold Forging Process Design: A Knowledge-Based System Approach to Forming Sequence Generation, P. Bariani and W. A. Knight
Computer Aided Design of Multi-Stage Cold Forging Process: Load Peaks and Strain Distribution Evaluation, P. Bariani, E. Benuzzi, W. A. Knight, and F. Jovane
Computer-assisted motivational interviewing for contraceptive use in women leaving prison: A randomized controlled trial, E. C. Brousseau, J. G. Clarke, D. Dumont, L. A.R. Stein, M. Roberts, and J. van den Berg
Computer-based smoking cessation interventions in adolescents: Description, feasibility, and six-month follow-up findings, Unto E. Pallonen, Wayne F. Velicer, James O. Prochaska, Joseph S. Rossi, Jeffrey M. Bellis, Janice Y. Tsoh, Jeffrey P. Migneault, Nelson F. Smith, and Alexander V. Prokhorov
Computer expert systems for African-American smokers in physicians offices: A feasibility study, Arthur M. Hoffman, Colleen A. Redding, David Goldberg, Donna Añel, James O. Prochaska, Peter M. Meyer, and Dilip Pandey
Computer-mediated intervention tailored on transtheoretical model stages and processes of change increases fruit and vegetable consumption among urban African-American adolescents, Jennifer Di Noia, Isobel R. Contento, and James O. Prochaska
Computer modeling of aerosol filtration by fibrous filters, N. Rao and M. Faghri
Computer modeling of electrical enhancement in fibrous filters, N. Rao and M. Faghri
Computer Simulation of the Microstructure Developed in Reaction‐Sintered Silicon Nitride Ceramics, Wenfu Ku, Otto J. Gregory, and Hamlin M. Jennings
Computing acoustic transmission loss using 3D Gaussian ray bundles in geodetic coordinates, Sean M. Reilly, Gopu R. Potty, and Michael Goodrich
Computing transient response of dynamic systems in the frequency domain, Sau-Lon James Hu and Bin Gao
Conakys Quilts, Veronica Mays
Conceptions of Adult Education Teachers-in-Training Regarding the Media Literacy Education of Older People: A Phenomenographic Study to Inform a Course Design, Hanna Vuojärvi, Sirpa Purtilo-Nieminen, Päivi Rasi, and Susanna Rivinen
Conceptions of adult education teachers-in-training regarding the media literacy education of older people. A phenomenographic study to inform a course design, Hanna Vuojärvi, Sirpa Purtilo-Nieminen, Päivi Rasi, and Susanna Rivinen
Conceptualizing cross-cultural school psychology competencies, Emilia C. Lopez and Margaret R. Rogers
Concurrency control in real-time object-oriented systems: The affected set priority ceiling protocols, Michael Squadrito, Levon Esibov, Lisa C. Dipippo, Victor Fay-Wolfe, Gregory Cooper, Bhavani Thurasignham, Peter Krupp, Michael Milligan, and Russell Johnston
Concurrent error detection IC in 2-μm static CMOS logic, Jien-Chung Lo, Shih Yao Sun, and James C. Daly
Concurrent error detection in arithmetic and logical operations using Berger codes, Jien Chung Lo, Suchai Thanawastien, and T. R.N. Rao
Concurrent vs. conjoint marital therapy, Charles W. Hefner and James O. Prochaska
Conditional model order estimation, Steven Kay
Condom influence strategies in a community sample of ethnically diverse men and women, Seth M. Noar, Patricia J. Morokoff, and Lisa L. Harlow
Condom negotiation in heterosexually active men and women: Development and validation of a condom influence strategy questionnaire, Seth M. Noar, Patricia J. Morokoff, and Lisa L. Harlow
Condom use adoption and continuation: A transtheoretical approach, Diane M. Grimley, Gabrielle E. Prochaska, and James O. Prochaska
Condom Use Assertiveness and the Stages of Change With Main and Other Partners, Diane M. Grimley, Gabrielle E. Prochaska, and James O. Prochaska
Conductive nano-brush synthesized by physical grafting of conducting polymers on carbon nanotube, Kaushalkumar Purohit, Maureen Mirville, Sze C. Yang, Arun Shukla, and Vijaya B. Chalivendra
Cones of diversification in a model of international comparative advantage, John P. Burkett
Conference report for 2014 ieee symposium series on computational intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2014) [Conference Reports], Haibo He and Cesare Alippi
Conference Report on 2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2015) [Conference Reports], Yoonsuck Choe, Asim Roy, Haibo He, and De Shuang Huang
Configuring flexible flowlines, Manbir S. Sodhi and Bhaba R. Sarker
Confined underwater implosions using 3D digital image correlation, Helio Matos, Sachin Gupta, James M. LeBlanc, and Arun Shukla
Confirmatory validation of the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale-Positive, Nicole H. Weiss, Angela G. Darosh, Ateka A. Contractor, Melissa M. Schick, and Katherine L. Dixon-Gordon
Conformational basis for SH2-Tyr(P)527 binding in Src inactivation, Marina K. Ayrapetov, Yue Hao Wang, Xiaofeng Lin, Xianfeng Gu, Keykavous Parang, and Gongqin Sun
Congruency of sex-role identification in normal and disturbed adolescent males., A. C. Small, H. B. Biller, R. B. Gross, and J. O. Prochaska
Conjugate natural convection heat transfer in a vertical annulus with internal circumferential fins, M. Molki and M. Faghri
Conjugate-point conditions for variational problems with delayed argument, W. J. Palm and W. E. Schmitendorf
Connectivity and Nitrate Uptake Potential of Intermittent Streams in the Northeast USA, Kelly Addy Lowder, Arthur Gold, Molly K. Welsh, Pete August, Mark Stolt, Clay P. Arango, and Peter M. Groffman
Connect the dots, Edward McDonough
Consensus-Based Distributed Control for Photovoltaic-Battery Units in a DC Microgrid, Xia Chen, Mengxuan Shi, Jianyu Zhou, Wenping Zuo, Yin Chen, Jinyu Wen, and Haibo He
Consensus for multi-agent systems with time-varying input delays, Chengzhi Yuan and Fen Wu
Consensus for non-linear multi-agent systems modelled by PDEs based on spatial boundary communication, Chengdong Yang, Haibo He, Tingwen Huang, Ancai Zhang, Jianlong Qiu, Jinde Cao, and Xiaodi Li
ℋ∞ consensus synthesis of multiagent systems with nonuniform time-varying input delays: A dynamic IQC approach, Chengzhi Yuan and Fen Wu
Conserved synteny of genes between chromosome 15 of Bombyx mori and a chromosome of Manduca sexta shown by five-color BAC-FISH, Walther Traut, Ken Sahara, Atsuo Yoshido, František Marec, Iva Fuková, Hong Bin Zhang, Cheng Cang Wu, Marian R. Goldsmith, and Yuji Yasukochi
Consideration of fine-scale coastal oceanography and 3-D acoustics effects for the ESME sound exposure model, James F. Lynch, John A. Colosi, Glen G. Gawarkiewicz, Timothy F. Duda, Allan D. Pierce, Mohsen Badiey, Boris G. Katsnelson, James E. Miller, William Siegmann, Ching Sang Chiu, and Arthur Newhall
Considerations for the design of an experimental test facility for measurement of propagation characteristics of mid-IR fibers, Harish R.D. Sunak and Alexis Mendez
Considering CBT with anxious youth? Think exposures, Philip C. Kendall, Joanna A. Robin, Kristina A. Hedtke, Cynthia Suveg, Ellen Flannery-Schroeder, and Elizabeth Gosch
Consolidation and Permeability Behavior of High Porosity Baltic Seabed Sediments, Ajoykumar Ag and Armand J. Silva
Consolidation and permeability characteristics of high-porosity surficial sediments in Eckernförde Bay, H. G. Brandes, A. J. Silva, A. Ag, and G. E. Veyera
Consolidation and strength of Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments from Sites 646 and 647, ODP Leg 105, K. A. Dadey and A. J. Silva
Conspecific tolerance and heterospecific competition as mechanisms for overcoming resistance to invasion by an intertidal crab, Niels Viggo S. Hobbs, J. Stanley Cobb, and Carol S. Thornber
Constant-probability crack growth curves, H. Ghonem
Constitutive compressive behavior of polyurea with exposure to aggressive marine environments, Irine Neba Mforsoh, James LeBlanc, and Arun Shukla
Constrained EV Charging Scheduling Based on Safe Deep Reinforcement Learning, Hepeng Li, Zhiqiang Wan, and Haibo He
Constructing a Sense of Purpose and a Professional Teaching Identity: Experiences of Teacher Candidates with Disabilities, Adam Moore, Victoria Kern, Alexis Carlson, Annemarie Vaccaro, Ezekiel W. Kimball, Jordan A. Abbott, Peter F. Troiano, and Barbara M. Newman
Constructing successful video reflection experiences in practicum settings, Theresa Deeney and Cheryl Dozier
Construction of a single nucleotide polymorphism linkage map for the silkworm, Bombyx mori, based on bacterial artificial chromosome end sequences, Kimiko Yamamoto, Junko Narukawa, Keiko Kadono-Okuda, Junko Nohata, Motoe Sasanuma, Yoshitaka Suetsugu, Yutaka Banno, Hiroshi Fujii, Marian R. Goldsmith, and Kazuei Mita
Consumer biases and competences in company stock holdings, Christine W. Lai and Jing Jian Xiao
Consumer debt delinquency by family lifecycle categories, Jing Jian Xiao and Rui Yao
Consumer debt holding, income and happiness: evidence from China, Jing Jian Xiao, Chengyang Yan, Piotr Bialowolski, and Nilton Porto
Consumer decision-making styles of young-adult Chinese, Jessie X. Fan and Jing Jian Xiao
Consumer Finance and Social Indicators in China, Li Liao and Jing Jian Xiao
Consumer Financial Behavior: An Interdisciplinary Review of Selected Theories and Research, Jing Jian Xiao, Matthew W. W. Ford, and Jinhee Kim
Consumer financial education and risky financial asset holding in China, Ting Zhu and Jing Jian Xiao
Consumer Financial Knowledge and Cashless Payment Behavior for Sustainable Development in Poland, Beata Świecka, Paweł Terefenko, Tomasz Wiśniewski, and Jing Jian Xiao
Consumer financial literacy and the efficiency of mortgage‐related decisions: New evidence from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, Piotr Bialowoski, Andrzej Cwynar, Jing Jian Xiao, and Dorota Weziak-Bialowoska
Consumer Wellbeing in Asia: Introduction to the Special Issue, Jing Jian Xiao, Eunju Ko, and May O. Lwin
Consuming people: From political economy to theaters of consumption, Richard McIntyre
Consumption Behavior of Algerians During the Period of the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis, Kamel Chikhi
Consumption in contemporary capitalism: Beyond Marx and Veblen, Richard McIntyre
Contact, Mary Cappello
Contact law effects on wave propagation in particulate materials using distinct element modeling, Martin H. Sadd, Qiming Tai, and Arun Shukla
Contactless differentiation of pleasant and unpleasant valence: Assessment of the acoustic startle eyeblink response with infrared reflectance oculography, Mark E. Hartman, Matthew A. Ladwig, and Panteleimon Ekkekakis
Contaminant accumulation in stormwater retention and detention pond sediments: Implications for maintenance and ecological health, Laura A. Schifman, Varun K. Kasaraneni, and Vinka Oyanedel-Craver
Contaminant transport and fate, Thomas B. Boving and William J. Blanford
Contemporary psychotherapists: A national survey of characteristics, practices, orientations, and attitudes, J. O. Prochaska and J. C. Norcross
Context Determines Strategies for 'Activating' the Inclusive Classroom, Bryan Dewsbury
Contextual Factors Influence Professional Development Attendance Among Child Care Providers in Nebraska, Dipti A. Dev, Aileen S. Garcia, Alison Tovar, Holly Hatton-Bowers, Lisa Franzen-Castle, Zainab Rida, Linda Reddish, Jasmin A. Smith, Christy Burger, Danae Dinkel, Donnia Behrends, Emily Hulse, and Susan Sheridan
Contextual therapy: Applying the family ledger to couple therapy, Jerome F. Adams and Peter E. Maynard
Continuing education for public library staff: Valued competencies and preferred delivery format, Mary H. Moen, Lauren H. Mandel, and Valerie Karno
Continuing education for public library staff: Valued competencies and preferred delivery format, Mary Moen, Lauren H. Mandel, and Valerie Karno
Continuing the Mission, Jacqueline Sparks
Continuous data protection in iSCSI storages, Qing Yang, Weijun Xiao, and Jin Ren
Continuous Monitoring of TATP Using Ultrasensitive, Low-Power Sensors, Peter P. Ricci and Otto J. Gregory
Continuous-Time Distributed Policy Iteration for Multicontroller Nonlinear Systems, Qinglai Wei, Hongyang Li, Xiong Yang, and Haibo He
Continuous-time predator–prey models with parasites, Sophia R.-J. Jang and James Baglama
Continuum models for materials with lattice-like microstructure, M. D. Adley and M. H. Sadd
Contributed papers in fluids engineering, Frank M. White and John Baker
Contributions of Food Environments to Dietary Quality and Cardiovascular Disease Risk, Maya K. Vadiveloo, Mercedes Sotos-Prieto, Haley W. Parker, Qisi Yao, and Anne N. Thorndike
Control of a Programmed Cell Death Pathway in Pseudomonas aeruginosa by an Antiterminator, Jennifer M. Peña, Samantha M. Prezioso, Kirsty A. McFarland, Tracy K. Kambara, Kathryn M. Ramsey, Padraig Deighan, and Simon L. Dove
Control system experiments at home, Musa K. Jouaneh and William J. Palm
Control system performance and efficiency for a mid-depth Lagrangian profiling float, Bryan McGilvray and Chris Roman
Control systems take-home experiments, Musa Jouaneh and William J. Palm III
Convection enhancement in melting by electromagnetic fields in a low-gravity environment: Side wall heating, Douglas L. Veilleux, Mohammad Faghri, Yutaka Asako, and M. Charmchi
Convection heat transfer in microchannels with high speed gas flow, Stephen E. Turner, Yutaka Asako, and Mohammad Faghri
Convergence analysis of GrDHP-based optimal control for discrete-time nonlinear system, Xiangnan Zhong, Zhen Ni, and Haibo He
Convergence of a genetic algorithm for estimating cardiac material properties, Arun U. Nair, David G. Taggart, and Frederick J. Vetter
Convergence of the Multidimensional Minimum Variance Spectral Estimator for Continuous and Mixed Spectra, Steven Kay and Lewis Pakula
Convergence Proof of Approximate Policy Iteration for Undiscounted Optimal Control of Discrete-Time Systems, Yuanheng Zhu, Dongbin Zhao, Haibo He, and Junhong Ji
Convergent evolution of hetero‐oligomeric cellulose synthesis complexes in mosses and seed plants, Xingxing Li, Tori L. Speicher, Dianka CT Dees, Nasim Mansoori, John B. McManus, Ming Tien, Luisa M. Trindade, Ian S. Wallace, and Alison Roberts
Convexified ∞ output-feedback consensus synthesis for linear multi-agent systems, Xiangming Xue, Chengzhi Yuan, and Fen Wu
Convex Synthesis for Optimal Consensus of Input-Delayed Multi-Agent Systems via Dynamic Relative Output Feedback, Kaide Huang and Chengzhi Yuan
Co-occurrence and coaction of stress management with other health risk behaviors, Jessica M. Lipschitz, Andrea L. Paiva, Colleen A. Redding, Susan Butterworth, and James O. Prochaska
Cool pavements as a sustainable approach to green streets and highways, K. Wayne Lee, Vinka O. Craver, Steven Kohm, and Henry Chango
Cooperative Adaptive Containment Control with Parameter Convergence via Cooperative Finite-Time Excitation, Chengzhi Yuan, Paolo Stegagno, Haibo He, and Wei Ren
Cooperative Deterministic Learning-Based Formation Control for a Group of Nonlinear Uncertain Mechanical Systems, Chengzhi Yuan, Haibo He, and Cong Wang
Cooperative deterministic learning-based trajectory tracking for a group of unicycle-type vehicles, Xiaonan Dong, Chengzhi Yuan, and Fen Wu
Cooperative deterministic learning control for a group of homogeneous nonlinear uncertain robot manipulators, Marwan Abdelatti, Chengzhi Yuan, Wei Zeng, and Cong Wang
Cooperative exact state estimation of linear multi-agent systems with heterogeneous bounded disturbances, Chengzhi Yuan, Wei Zeng, and Paolo Stegagno
Cooperative H∞ output regulation of heterogeneous parameter-dependent multi-agent systems, Chengzhi Yuan
Cooperative Learning-Based Formation Control of Autonomous Marine Surface Vessels With Prescribed Performance, Shi Lu Dai, Shude He, Yufei Ma, and Chengzhi Yuan
Cooperative output regulation of heterogeneous multi-agent systems with a leader of bounded inputs, Chengzhi Yuan and Haibo He
Cooperative output regulation of multi-agent systems with switched leader dynamics, Chengzhi Yuan and Fen Wu
Cooperative output regulation of multi-agent systems with switched leader dynamics via smooth switching, Chengzhi Yuan, Fen Wu, and Chang Duan
Cooperative place recognition in robotic swarms, Sarah Brent, Chengzhi Yuan, and Paolo Stegagno
Cooperative state estimation of multi-agent systems subject to bounded external disturbances, Chengzhi Yuan and Fen Wu
Cooperative transmission for underwater acoustic communications, Zhu Han, Yan Lindsay Sun, and Hongyuan Shi
Coordinated attacks against substations and transmission lines in power grids, Yihai Zhu, Jun Yan, Yufei Tang, Yan Lindsay Sun, and Haibo He
Coordinated Topology Attacks in Smart Grid Using Deep Reinforcement Learning, Zhenhua Wang, Haibo He, Zhiqiang Wan, and Yan Sun
Coordinating supplemental reading instruction, Theresa A. Deeney
Coping Strategies That Psychotherapists Use in Working With Stressful Clients, Mary E. Medeiros and James O. Prochaska
Coping Strategy Utilization Among Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Severity and Substance Use Co-Occurrence Typologies: A Latent Class Analysis, Nathan T. Kearns, Ateka A. Contractor, Nicole H. Weiss, and Heidemarie Blumenthal
Coping with psychiatric and psychological testimony (6th edition), David Faust
Coral bleaching response is unaltered following acclimatization to reefs with distinct environmental conditions, Katie L. Barott, Ariana S. Huffmyer, Jennifer M. Davidson, Elizabeth A. Lenzb, Shayle B. Matsuda, Joshua R. Hancock, Teegan Innis, Crawford Drury, Hollie M. Putnam, and Ruth D. Gates
Coral reef resilience differs among islands within the Gulf of Mannar, southeast India, following successive coral bleaching events, K. Diraviya Raj, Greta S. Aeby, G. Mathews, Gareth J. Williams, Jamie M. Caldwell, R. L. Laju, M. Selva Bharath, P. Dinesh Kumar, A. Arasamuthu, N. Gladwin Gnana Asir, Lisa M. Wedding, Andrew J. Davies, Monica M. Moritsch, and J. K. Patterson Edward
Core deformation of sandwich composites under blast loading, Erheng Wang and Arun Shukla
Core deformation of sandwich composites under blast loading, Erheng Wang and Arun Shukla
Core–shell rubbery fillers for massive electrical conductivity enhancement and toughening of polystyrene–graphene nanoplatelet composites, Indrani Chakraborty, Arun Shukla, and Arijit Bose
Corporations and the rise of Chicago law and economics, Robert Van Horn
Correction of errors in scientific research, Russell M. Church, Jonathon D. Crystal, and Charles E. Collyer
Correction to “Berger Check Prediction for Array Multipliers and Array Dividers” (IEEE Transactions on Computers (1993) 42(7) (892–896) (10.1109/12.237731)), Jien Chung Lo, Suchai Thanawastien, and T. R.N. Rao
Correction to: Chronic low-level nutrient enrichment benefits coral thermal performance in a fore reef habitat (Coral Reefs, (2021), 40, 5, (1637-1655), 10.1007/s00338-021-02138-2), Danielle M. Becker, Hollie M. Putnam, Deron E. Burkepile, Thomas C. Adam, Rebecca Vega Thurber, and Nyssa J. Silbiger
Correction to: Implementing Coordinated Specialty Care in CMHC Youth and Young Adults with Severe Mental Illness: Preliminary Outcome Assessment (Community Mental Health Journal, (2021), 57, 7, (1348-1359), 10.1007/s10597-020-00763-9), Joshua Ray Tanzer, Colleen A. Redding, Irena Mikhalyuk, Bridget Bennett, Barbara Lamoureux, Denise Achin, Shayna Bassett, Rosemarie Martin, and L. A.R. Stein
Correction to impulse invariance, Leland B. Jackson
Correlates of adjustment among cancer survivors, Robert A. Schnoll, James C. Knowles, and Lisa Harlow
Correlates of early reading performance in a transparent orthography, Kurt Müller and Susan Brady
Correlation between cyclic resistance and shear-wave velocity for providence silts, Christopher D.P. Baxter, Aaron S. Bradshaw, Russell A. Green, and Jian Hua Wang
Correlation between cyclic resistance ratios of intact and reconstituted offshore saturated sands and silts with the same shear wave velocity, Jian Hua Wang, Kathryn Moran, and Christopher D.P. Baxter
Correlation Between Low- Iron Formula Use and Lower than Average Iron Status as Evaluated by Hematocrit, M. McCarron-McGinniss, G. Greene, and B. Bessette
Correlation of freshwater discharge and subtidal salinity in Apalachicola River, Wenrui Huang and Malcolm Spaulding
Correlation of heat transfer and wake effect in the entrance region of an inline array of rectangular modules, Majid Molki, Mohammad Faghri, and Oktay Ozbay
Correspondence of the NCI fruit and vegetable screener to repeat 24-H recalls and serum carotenoids in behavioral intervention trials, Geoffrey W. Greene, Ken Resnicow, Frances E. Thompson, Karen E. Peterson, Thomas G. Hurley, James R. Hebert, Deborah J. Toobert, Geoffrey C. Williams, Diane L. Elliot, Tamara Goldman Sher, Andrea Domas, Douglas Midthune, Maria Stacewicz-Sapuntzakis, Amy L. Yaroch, and Linda Nebeling
Correspondence: On Estimating the Angle Parameters of an Exponential Signal at High SNR, Paul M. Baggenstoss and Steven M. Kay
Corrigendum to “State of the art review and future directions in oil spill modeling” [Mar. Pollut. Bull. 115 (1–2) (2017) 7–19](S0025326X17300012)(10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.01.001), Malcolm L. Spaulding
Corrigendum to “The role of gender in the associations among posttraumatic stress disorder symptom, severity, difficulties regulating emotions, and alcohol misuse” (Addictive Behaviors (2019) 99, (S0306460319302242), (10.1016/j.addbeh.2019.106086)), Svetlana Goncharenko, Nicole H. Weiss, Ateka A. Contractor, Katherine L. Dixon-Gordon, and Shannon R. Forkus
Cost and Environmental Impacts in Manufacturing: A Case Study Approach, Nils Nörmann and Valerie Maier-Speredelozzi
Co-transfer and expression of chitinase, glucanase, and bar genes in creeping bentgrass for conferring fungal disease resistance, Yuexia Wang, Albert P. Kausch, Joel M. Chandlee, Hong Luo, Bridget A. Ruemmele, Marsha Browning, Noel Jackson, and Marian R. Goldsmith
Counselor and stimulus control enhancements of a stage-matched expert system intervention for smokers in a managed care setting, James O. Prochaska, Wayne F. Velicer, Joseph L. Fava, Laurie Ruggiero, Robert G. Laforge, Joseph S. Rossi, Sara S. Johnson, and Patricia A. Lee
Coupled field dynamic model of fatigue evolution in structures, Son Hai Nguyen and David Chelidze
Coupled inline-cross flow VIV hydrodynamic coefficients database, Haining Zheng, Yahya Modarres-Sadeghi, Jason M. Dahl, and Michael S. Triantafyllou
Coupling of NWT and large-eddy simulation for wave-induced sediment transport, Jeffrey C. Harris and Stéphan T. Grilli
Covert zero-crossings represent envelope and phase of band-pass signals, R. Kumaresan and Yadong Wang
Crack arrest with externally bonded ligaments, A. Shukla, R. Desantis, and B. Gauthier
Crack-tip stress fields in functionally graded materials with linearly varying properties, N. Jain, C. E. Rousseau, and A. Shukla
Craftsmanship evaluation in automotive products, Jyh Hone Wang and Jennie Holden
Create social responses to a changing environment, Allison Gibson, Nancy Kusmaul, Skye N. Leedahl, and Victoria M. Rizzo
Creating a buzz about insect genomes, Gene E. Robinson, Kevin J. Hackett, Mary Purcell-Miramontes, Susan J. Brown, Jay D. Evans, Marian R. Goldsmith, Daniel Lawson, Jack Okamuro, Hugh M. Robertson, and David J. Schneider
Creating a career blueprint, Deborah A. Riebe
Creating a silicone airway model to mimic an obstructed airway and measuring the frequency response of sound emitted, Andrew McNaught, Connor Walsh, George Douleh, Ying Sun, and Eugene Chabot
Creep behavior of fine-grained ocean sediments, A. J. Silva, W. M. Tian, M. H. Sadd, and H. G. Brandes
Creep behavior of submarine sediments, Armand J. Silva and James S. Booth
Creep-environment interactions in dwell-fatigue crack growth of nickel based superalloys, Kimberly Maciejewski, Jinesh Dahal, Yaofeng Sun, and Hamouda Ghonem
Criminal Orders of Protection for Domestic Violence: Associated Revictimization, Mental Health, and Well-being Among Victims, Tami P. Sullivan, Nicole H. Weiss, Jacqueline Woerner, Janan Wyatt, and Camille Carey
Criminal Protection Orders for Women Victims of Domestic Violence: Explicating Predictors of Level of Restrictions Among Orders Issued, Tami P. Sullivan, Nicole H. Weiss, Carolina Price, and Nicole E. Pugh
Criminal Protection Orders: Implications of Requested Versus Issued Orders on Domestic Violence Revictimiztion and Mental Health Among Women, Tami P. Sullivan, Nicole H. Weiss, Jacqueline Woerner, and Diana Belliveau
Crisis Management Art from the Risks to the Control: A Review of Methods and Directions, Mohammed Abdalla, Louai Alarabi, and Abdeltawab Hendawi
Critical Analysis of Critical Thinking, Jim Potter
Critical considerations for the positive memory-posttraumatic stress disorder model, Ateka A. Contractor, Anne N. Banducci, and Nicole H. Weiss
Critical examination of the use of coherent gradient sensing in measuring fracture parameters in functionally graded materials, Carl Ernst Rousseau
Critical Issues in Policing CCJ 480, Karen Morse
Critically evaluating educational technologies for literacy learning: Current trends and new paradigms, Julie Coiro, Rachel A. Karchmer Klein, and Sharon Walpole
Critical media literacy and Black female identity construction: A conceptual framework for empowerment, equity, and social justice in education, Petra A. Robinson, Ayana Allen-Handy, and Kala Burrell-Craft
Critical Studies in Musicology MUS 427, Jim Kinnie
Criticisms and concerns of the transtheoretical model in light of recent research, James O. Prochaska, Carlo C. DiClemente, Wayne F. Velicer, and Joseph S. Rossi
Critique, belief, and the negative tendencies of New England transcendentalism, David Faflik
CRLB via the characteristic function with application to the K-distribution, Steven Kay and Cuichun Xu
Cross-layer attack and defense in cognitive radio networks, Wenkai Wang, Yan Sun, Husheng Li, and Zhu Han
Cross modal strain energy method for damage localization and severity estimation, Shuqing Wang, Huajun Li, and Sau-Lon James Hu
Cross-modal strain energy method for estimating damage severity, Sau-Lon James Hu, Shuqing Wang, and Huajun Li
Cross-model cross-mode method for model updating, Sau-Lon James Hu, Huajun Li, and Shuqing Wang
Cross-Validation of Measures Assessing Decisional Balance and Self-Efficacy for Condom Use, Diane M. Grimley, Gabrielle E. Prochaska, James O. Prochaska, Wayne F. Velicer, Christine Galavotti, Rebecca J. Cabral, and Amy Lansky
Cross-validation of transtheoretical model smoking cessation measures in Chicago WIHS women smokers with and at risk for HIV, Colleen A. Redding, David Goldberg, Kathleen M. Weber, H. Q. Yin, Andrea L. Paiva, Jane Burke-Miller, Mardge H. Cohen, and Joseph S. Rossi
Cryptic lineages respond differently to coral bleaching, Matías Gómez-Corrales and Carlos Prada
Cryptic lineages respond differently to coral bleaching, Matías Gómez-Corrales and Carlos Prada
Cubic polynomial maps with periodic critical orbit, part II: Escape regions, Araceli Bonifant, Jan Kiwi, and John Milnor
Cultivating capacity: Outcomes of a statewide support system for prevention coalitions, Roger E. Mitchell, Brenda Stone-Wiggins, John F. Stevenson, and Paul Florin