Consolidation and strength of Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments from Sites 646 and 647, ODP Leg 105

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Based on laboratory geotechnical tests, the stress history of sediment drift deposits at two Ocean Drilling Program sites of Leg 105 is analyzed. Geological analyses of Sites 646 and 647 indicate that sedimentation is primarily controlled by bottom currents having periodic turbidite sequences and no significant hiatuses. Consolidation tests on a limited number of good quality subsamples and other supporting data show that sediments deeper than approximately 5 to at least 150 mbsf are significantly underconsolidated (i.e., these sediments are still consolidating under the existing overburden stresses) and have overconsolidation ratios of less than 0.4 below 50 mbsf. Possible explanations for this underconsolidation include relatively high rates of sedimentation (up to 80 m/m.y.), low permeability layers, an upper zone (~5m) of apparently overconsolidated sediment, high concentrations of siliceous microfossils, and the existence of nonlinear flow behavior at low hydraulic gradients. -from Authors

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Proc., scientific results, ODP, Leg 105, Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea
