A measurement system for shear speed using interface wave dispersion

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Date of Original Version



Recent research has highlighted the effect of shear on compressional wave attenuation and its frequency dependence and modal arrival times near the Airy Phase. Shear properties of sediments are directly related to the strength of the sediments in geotechnical applications. One of the most promising approaches to estimate shear speed is to invert the shear speed profile using the dispersion of seismo-acoustic interface (Scholte) waves that travel along the sediment-water boundary. A shear measurement system is being developed at the University of Rhode Island based on this concept and data collected during a sea-test is presented along with preliminary results. © 2011 IEEE.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Proceedings of the 2011 International Symposium on Ocean Electronics, SYMPOL-2011
