Dating practices, racial identity, and psychotherapeutic needs of biracial women

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Date of Original Version



Studies increasingly show that biracial men and women have self-identities that embrace the racial and cultural heritages of both parents (Thompson, 1999). One of the greatest dilemmas that people with biracial identities face is the question of whom they should date and marry, since they may feel strong allegiances to both of their racioethnic heritages. Few studies have examined what occurs when individuals with multiracial identities seek romantic relationships. This study provides a qualitative analysis of the dating experiences of eight biracial women (one bisexual, seven heterosexual), the social and familial relationships that influence their choice of partners, the positive and negative sociocultural aspects of having a biracial female identity, and participant perspectives about the psychotherapeutic needs of biracial women. Although results suggested that the biracial participants were receptive towards individuals of other races and more likely to appreciate differences, some participants had racial preferences regarding their choice of partners. Therapeutic considerations for professionals who work with biracial women are presented based on the findings from this study. © 2004 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Women and Therapy




