Dietary carbohydrate and protein manipulation and exercise recovery in novice weight-Lifters

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The influence of nutritional status on recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage is poorly understood. Co-ingestion of carbohydrate with ample protein during the first 6 hours of recovery did not augment protein synthesis. Also acutely increasing carbohydrate intake (48-hrs prior to eccentric exercise) had no recovery effect. The purpose of this study was to evaluate 5-days of a dietary carbohydrate/protein manipulation on markers of exercise-induced muscle damage, soreness, and function as well as markers of whole-body protein metabolism. Subjects were randomly assigned to a low carbohydrate (3.4 g/kg), higher protein diet (1.5 g/kg = LOW) or a high carbohydrate (5.0 g/kg), lower protein diet (1.2 g/kg = HIGH). Both diets exceeded the protein RDA. After eccentric exercise muscle soreness, CK, isometric strength, nitrogen retention, and whole-body protein metabolism were determined. LOW had a greater strength loss and lower CK (p < 0.04) after exercise when compared with HIGH. LOW also had a reduced protein turnover, synthesis, and breakdown during recovery (p < 0.01). These findings indicate that dietary carbohydrate, as opposed to protein, may be a more important nutrient to the novice weight lifter when recovering from eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Journal of Exercise Physiology Online





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