Volume 16, Issue 3 (2024)
Research Articles
Children negotiating meanings in kidfluencers’ channels
Patricia Digón-Regueiro and Concepción Sánchez-Blanco
Attack on Titan anime memes: Possible meanings and interpretations by young adults.
Yee-Lin Teo, Sze Seau Lee, and Xin Jie Lim
Subvertising in the classroom: A comparative study on fostering critical media literacy
Inés Leal-Rico
ELA and Social studies teachers’ perspectives on the importance of media literacy for student learning
Hillary Gould, Sam von Gillern, Matthew Korona, and Alicia Haywood
How to design an effective MOOC to promote media literacy: A study based on the Educational Design Research approach
Lílian Tropiano and Pedro Reis
“That’s plagiarism!”: The ‘filmed vs. found footage’ continuum in a pedagogical video composition teacher professional development program
Nathan Smith Jones
Vulnerability profiles and educational demands of Spanish university students in the face of fake news
M. Esther Del Moral Pérez, Jonathan Castañeda Fernández, Nerea López-Bouzas, and M. Carmen Bellver Moreno
Exploring critical thinking of smartphone use from elementary school students in Kosovo
Muhamet Jahiri, Gëzim Qerimi, and Dren Gërguri
Media literacy, trust in government and vaccine readiness: A study among Vietnam’s youngsters
Van T. Vu
Beyond fear: Opportunities and positive use of ICT among children and adolescents
Mariana Buenestado-Fernández, Rosa García-Ruiz, Estefanía Jiménez-Iglesias, and Rosario Barba-González
Voices from the Field
“I had not really considered this at all”: Preservice teachers critique media creators using Five Key Questions
Johnny Allred and Lauren McClanahan