

YouTube is a commercialised digital environment that provides profitable opportunities for content creators. Children’s channels have proliferated in recent years on this platform. Children YouTubers become kidfluencers when they reach an important number of subscriptions and brands start to show interest in their channels. Following a qualitative methodology with focus groups, in which 263 primary education pupils participated, we examined these pupils’ use of social media and their relationships with the influencers followed, together with their media literacy skills and negotiation of meanings upon watching a Spanish kidfluencer’s channel. Pupils were encouraged to express and communicate their experiences, thoughts, feelings and opinions about these YouTubers’ messages through peer interaction. The results point to an early overexposure to digital content and social media; the consumption of content aimed at young adults and unsuitable for their ages; variable media competence due to the children’s developmental level; and negotiated and oppositional readings in the reception of these kidfluencers’ messages.

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