Become a Copy Editor | Open access, peer-reviewed scholarly and professional journal of the National Association for Media Literacy Education | University of Rhode Island


Copy Editing is an integral part of the scholarly publishing process. By registering as a copy editor, you are supporting the academic community by providing constructive feedback on new research, helping to ensure both the quality and integrity of published work in your field. Once registered, you will be asked to undertake articles to copy edit. Copy editors are required to have extensive knowledge and understanding of the latest APA 7 style guide for references and citations. Responsibilities will include proofreading and editing a variety of scholarly articles to correct errors in grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, and ensure that references and citations align with the latest APA style guide.

Please access the Google Form and answer all required questions and submit your application. Your application will be assessed and if accepted, we will notify you and add you to our system. You will then have to create a login Bepress account.