Volume 11, Issue 3 (2019)
Research Articles
News literacy and fake news curriculum: School librarians’ perceptions of pedagogical practices
Lesley Farmer
History of Youth Media Production in Maine 1960-2010
Gemma A.P. Scott
“Deeper than Rap”: Cultivating racial identity and critical voices through Hip-hop recording practices in the music classroom
Jabari M. Evans
Hosting and healing: A framework for critical media literacy pedagogy
Dorotea Frank Kersch and Mellinee Lesley
Piloting journalistic learning in a rural Trump-supportive community: A reverse mentorship approach
Ed Madison
Professors’ perspectives on truth-seeking and new literacy
Zachary W. Arth, Darrin J. Griffin, and William J. Earnest
Abolish censorship and adopt critical media literacy: A proactive approach to media and youth in the Middle East
Abeer AlNajjar
MEDIACY: A way to enrich media literacy
Eva Berger, Robert K. Logan, Anat Ringel, and Andrey Miroshnichenko
Voices from the Field
Book/Media Review