The University of Rhode Island archives and provides access to doctoral dissertations through DigitalCommons@URI. Dissertations prior to 2013 may or may not be available here. Please consult the URI library catalog to see all titles. For those dissertations available only in print, the library can usually scan a copy upon request.
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Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Duffy, Kathleen Ann. Feeding, growth and bioenergetics of the chain dogfish, Scyliorhinus retifer
Epstein, Bonnie Loren. Constraining the alkenone unsaturation index
Fong, Quentin Sai Wing. Assessment of Hong Kong shark fin market: Implication for fishery management
Garcia, Todd E.. Characterization of the effects of the mugA and ACCD genes on the growth and virulence of Vibrio anguillarum
Geldart, Roderick William. Applications of image analysis in the development of recombinant protein processes
Giannopoulos, Evangelos H.. Optimum techniques in multisensor multitarget tracking and track association
Hamlett, Anthony Cleophas. Dose selection study designs in early phase II clinical trials
Harrison, Stanley D.. Foundations for the study of American rhapsody
Hein, Richard Gust. Age, growth, and factors controlling post-settlement habitat use of juvenile French grunts (Haemulon flavolineatum) near Tobacco Caye, Belize, Central America
Hikmet, Neset. Factors affecting the intent to use information technology in health care organizations: A comparative study
Hoogeveen, Jeffrey Laurence. Student desire and the history of composition
Hope, Penelope. Blood on the tracks: Biblical law and sacrifice in the eighteenth-century English novel
Huang, Suilou. Trace elements over the North Atlantic Ocean: Sources and transport pathways
Hu, Bi-Huang. Synthesis and bioactivity of thiazole and oxazole-containing peptidomimetics
Hu, Chih-Ching. Photodetachment of metastable helium molecules from helium clusters
Iakoubovski, Mikhail Alexander. Constrained optimization and analytic spectral factorization
Javorsky, Debbie Jo. A validation study of the Boston Qualitative Scoring System (BQSS) for the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test
Johnston, Robert Kenneth. Assessing the ecological risk of toxic chemicals on coastal and estuarine ecosystems
Jones, Lisa M.. Maltreating Caregivers: An Application of the Transtheoretical Model of Change
Jones, William Hollis. Test-based decoding for digital communication systems
Kennedy, Holly Powell. Linking midwifery practice to outcomes
Kopp, Blaine S.. Effects of nitrate fertilization and shading on physiological and biomechanical properties of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.)
Lau, Kam Fui. Quantifying temporal and logical consistencies for index arbitrage transaction scheduling
Lee, Samuel Sangwon. A modeling study on vadose zone leaching, saturated zone mixing, and groundwater flow in heterogeneous aquifer
Lee, Sangkug. An investigation of factors that regulate the size of tracheary elements in plants
Levine, Peter Jonathan. Monte Carlo simulation of block-coded data
Lewis, Scott J.. Pitch tournaments: A new class of combinatorial designs
Maddock, Jason Edward. Statistical power and effect size in the field of health psychology
Ma, Jun. Systematic type synthesis of variable-constraint mechanisms
Martin-Webb, Elena Berneita. The effect of solar ultraviolet radiation on marine planktonic ciliate survival and the penetration of ultraviolet irradiance on Georges Bank
McGurl, Katherine A.. Representations of violence in Gothic literature: Consumer practices and cultural identity
McKiernan, Kristen A.. How Subject Characteristics Influence Attention Task Performance: A Structural Modeling Approach
McMillan, Bradley Farrell. A Structural Equation Modeling Approach to Understanding Psychological Empowerment in Community Prevention Coalitions
Merritt, Adele Johanna Josiger. Advances in Z-cyclic whist and triplewhist tournaments
Miller, James Allen. Observed conflict, sexual experience, pornography, and coercive behavior as predictors of men's sexual arousal to sexual and violent images
Miller, James Allen. Observed Conflict, Sexual Experience, Pornography, and Coercive Behavior as Predictors of Men’s Sexual Arousal to Sexual and Violent Images
Nadeau, Jean-Paul. Webbed text: A new tool for teachers of rhetoric and composition
Nigg, Claudio Renato. Predicting, explaining and understanding adolescent exercise behavior using longitudinal and cross-sectional approaches
O'Connell, John Thomas. The employer/employee relationship: Identifying type and level of employee involvement and the relationship to extra-role behavior and intent to remain
O'Grady, Helen M.. Part-time practitioners: Deliberating the contradictions
Olinsky, Alan David. The comparative efficacy of imputation methods for missing data in structural equation modeling
O'Neill, John William. Determinant factors and strategic consequences of an interorganizational microculture: An analysis of the lodging industry
Parameswaran, Venkitanarayanan. Dynamic crack propagation and damage evolution in functionally gradient materials
Perry, Evelyn Mooar. Maid in voyage: Maid Marian and female heroism in twentieth century retellings of the legend of Robin Hood
Prentice, Jennifer Eileen. Solar ultraviolet radiation in the sea and photoinhibitory effects on natural phytoplankton populations
Quadir, Muhammad Anisul. Development and optimization of nasal delivery of ketorolac
Quan, Liang. Contact melting of phase-change material with effect of vibration
Rajabzadeh, Masoumeh. Optimum window function for sensitivity enhancement in NMR and fluorine-19 NMR of arylamine-DNA adducts
Rajamony, Jayendran. Meander-induced exchange across the Gulf Stream
Rashed, Suzette F.. Pharmacodynamic parameters: Influence on dose-response relationship and estimation
Regan, John J.. Runaway nuns, runaway bestsellers: Representations of gender and *class in antebellum convent captivity narratives and fictions
Rutherford, Scott David. Milankovitch and sub-Milankovitch periodicity in deep sea sediments during the Plio-Pleistocene
Savin, Mary Cathleen. Interactions among pore size distribution, nematodes and carbon and nitrogen mineralization in soil
Seelenbinder, John Arthur. Enhanced infrared spectroscopy for the detection of chemical and biological analytes
Seitsinger, Anne M.. By whom and how is service-learning implemented in middle-level schools involved in documenting school improvement: A quantitative study of opportunity-to-learn conditions and practices
Silver, Barbara E.. A Media Skills Intervention for Adolescents on Gender Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviors
Stepaniants, Armen Boris. Transport phenomena in nanoscale systems
Stepanov, Vyacheslav V.. Quantum integrability and nonintegrability of Hamiltonian systems with two degrees of freedom
Swanson, Jennifer Ann. Sports participation: An organizational perspective
Teegarden, Gregory Joseph. Mechanisms, ecology, and toxicology of zooplankton feeding processes in the presence of harmful algae (Alexandrium spp.)
Uz, Baris Mete. Gravity-capillary waves and their influence on air-sea interaction under non-stationary conditions
Valicenti, Soudabeh. Periodicity and global attractivity of some difference equations
Washkwich, Jacque Lynne. How diverse is ethnic diversity in books for young children
Westrick, Edward Roy. Antihypertensive Pharmacotherapy: Does Prescribing Follow National Guideline Recommendations?
Willis, Christopher Scott. The Learning Network Model of School Psychological Services: A heuristic framework for a formative program evaluation and organizational development plan
Wu, Qiang. Applications of resonance Raman spectroscopy to algae and bacteria
Ye, Jianming. Rapid detection of Staphylococcus aureus using a membrane fiber-optic biosensor
Yu, Genqiang. Computer simulation of fluid flow and particle diffusion within human upper airways system
Zeng, Peiyu. Developmental regulation of gene expression during senescence in soybean (Glycine max L.)
Zheng, Naiyu. Studies on the production of bioactive metabolites by marine microalgae
Zucker, Donna Moser. Two contrasting cases of men's experiences with chronic coronary heart disease post 1985
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Al-Amleh, Amal M.. Boundedness, Periodicity and Stability of Some Difference Equations
Al-Weqaiyan, Adel A.. Examining the Association Between Personal and Cultural Values and Cross-National Customer Satisfaction
Andrade, Glenna M.. (Re)Envisioned (Pre)History: Feminism, Goddess Politics, and Readership Analysis of The Clan of the Cave Bear and The Valley of the Horses
Andrade, Glenna Marie. (Re)envisioned (pre)history: Feminism, goddess politics, and readership analysis of Jean M. Auel's "The Clan of the Cave Bear" and "The Valley of the Horses"
Aylward, Susan L.. "Accidents of terrain": The native and foreign worlds of David Plante
Bosco, Susan Blanchard. The Effect of Developmental Process on the Cognitive Complexity of Stereotypes
Bruno, Linda N.. Predicting Mathematics Performance: A Structural Equation Model
Charette, Matthew Adam. Thorium-234 as a tracer of the oceanic export of particulate organic carbon
Culver-Rymsza, Karen E.. The effect of nitrogen source on photoinhibition in marine phytoplankton
Cunningham, David Philip. EDS: The Experimental Design Simulator
Dick, Karen L.. Acute confusion in the elderly hospitalized patient: An exploration of experienced nursing care
Dineen, Anne C.. The Relationship of Physical Activity to Self-Concept and Perceived Stress in Adolescent Females
Dryfoos, Janet Marie. The relationship of glucose testing attitudes and behavior to the stages of change: Application of the transtheoretical model to diabetes
England, Raymond Oliver. Unified high-temperature behavior of thin-gauge superalloys
Esibov, Levon A.. Dynamics of pseudo-partial wetting studied by neutron reflectometry
Esposito, Mary Beth. An exploration of the nature of nursing practice in patient-focused care
Evers, Kerry E.. Quantitative Methods for Assessing Change: Application to Condom Use
Evers, Kerry Elizabeth. Quantitive methods for assessing change: Application to condom use
Faulkner, Carol Jeanne. Borderline personality disorder subtypes among hospitalized female adolescents
Feuer, Jeffrey Jacob. Invariants and invariant regions of Lyness-type difference equations
Flint, Thomas W.. Performance analysis of subspace methods in state-space system identification
Friedman-Lombardo, Jaclyn. An empirical analysis of personality disorders in female adolescents