The University of Rhode Island archives and provides access to doctoral dissertations through DigitalCommons@URI. Dissertations prior to 2013 may or may not be available here. Please consult the URI library catalog to see all titles. For those dissertations available only in print, the library can usually scan a copy upon request.
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Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Wallace, Jeanette T.. One health care organization: A study in workplace motivation and organizational culture
Wang, Chi-Jeng. Bid-ask spread and stock return behavior: An empirical investigation of the Taiwan stock market
West, David Allen. Neural networks in the decision sciences
Wolfner, Glenn D.. Family functioning and physical child abuse: Are certain family types more prone to abuse
Wu, Lian-Chung. Solid-state photochemical approaches to absolute asymmetric synthesis by irradiation of crystalline 4-alkoxy-2-pyridones
Xiong, Xuefeng. Design and implementation of parallel algorithms for automata
Young, Diane Duchon. Predicting psychotherapy dropout
Yu, Yongmin. Dynamics of one-dimensional quantum spin systems with competing interactions at zero temperature
Zhu, Yan. Particle shape effects on dynamic load transfer in granular media
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Adler, Gabriela Schalow. Our Beloved Lizzie; Constructing an American Legend
Antonelli, Lynn T.. Pressure Event Detection Based on the Dyadic Wavelet Transform
Auger, Philip George. ReWrighting Afro-American manhood: Negotiations of discursive space in the fiction of James Baldwin, Alice Walker, ohn Edgar Wideman, and Ernest Gaines
Augustoni, Marylynn. The renewed recognition of dissociation in clinical assessment
Berard, Jane Helen. Dickens' search for freedom: The landscape of "Martin Chuzzlewit"
Bontatibus, Donna R.. The seduction novel of the early nation: A call for sociopolitical reform
Braga, Mary C.. More about Jane Austen
Bullock, Heather Ellen. Attributions for poverty: A comparison of middle class and welfare recipient attitudes
Castillo, Marina Rafaela. Calcium ion-dependent mechanisms of cell injury: The role of calcium ion-dependent proteases, phospholipases, and microtubule depolymerization in neurotoxicity
Chen, Chi-Shi. Applications of multicomponent analysis and fiber optic in un-visible, near and mid infrared spectroscopy
Clancy, Michael. Recruitment of the rock crab, Cancer irroratus: The influence of larval supply, settlement and post-settlement processes to benthic distribution patterns
Cottrill, Sara D.. The Psychological Modulation of the Immune System: A Meta-Analysis
Craghead, S. Elaine. Of subversion and sexuality: A discursive analysis of late twentieth-century American popular culture
Cromarty, Stuart Ian. Neuroethology of the escape response of the juvenile and adult American lobster, Homarus americanus, over the molt cycle
Dalton, Joanne Marie. Client-caregiver-nurse interaction in a home care setting
De Antonis, Kathryn Marie. The analysis of amino acids and peptides by high performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis using the novel derivatizing agent, 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl carbamate
Dipippo, Lisa Beth. Object-based semantic real-time concurrency control
Donohue, Kathleen Ann. Wave propagation in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean
Donohue, Rebecca Koeniger. An exploratory study of a women's health nurse practitioner-client interaction as resource exchange in a clinic environment
Dua, Ramneik. The influence of formulation and device variables on the intranasal absorption of salmon calcitonin
Dua, Ramneik. The Influence of Formulation and Device Variables on the Intransasal Absorption of Salmon Calcitonin
Fagermoen, May Solveig. The meaning of nurses' work: A descriptive study of values fundamental to professional identity in nursing
Felix, Christina Hunter. Domesticity, home and the culture of the everyday in four American twentieth-century novels
Gleason, Timothy Ross. The relationship between size and survival for the early life history stages of Menidia beryllina (Cope) in a Rhode Island estuary
Gordon, Susan Holly. Cold hardiness and growth in azalea buds
Huang, Shih-I. Inhibitory effects of cellulose and nonprovitamin A carotenoids on beta-carotene utilization in rats
Huber, Marina. Environmental control of reproduction in an estuarine fish, Menidia beryllina (Cope), in Rhode Island
Hummon, Julia Margaret. A Gulf Stream-warm core ring interaction case study using statistical optimal interpolation
Iyengar, Lakshmi R.. Neutron optical study of ferromagnetic multilayers
Jeon, Heeseon. Effects of ultraviolet-B radiation on marine zooplankton communities in a shallow estuarine system
Keating, Moira Eileen. Monkey in the middle
Kleinman, Craig Ira. Jews in space: On an American road to know where
Kostka, Edith Agnes. To make a better self: A spiritual reading of Jane Austen's "Emma"
Kumaresan, Vidhyadevi. Normal development of lumbar dorsal root ganglia in Rana pipiens: An autobiographic study of neuronal birthdates
Lee, Elaine C.. An Alternative School: An Alternative Solution
Lee, Meehye. Hydrogen peroxide, methyl hydroperoxide, and formaldehyde in air impacted by biomass burning
Leonard, Nancy Hasenyager. Group cognitive style and its impact on strategic decision-making and organizational direction
Levin, Susan Alison. Multicultural family functioning and attitudes toward family counseling
Lin, Hsing-Juh. Responses of epiphytes on eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) to nutrient enrichment
Li, Qi. Classification using principal features with application to speaker verification
Li, Syou-Jyan. Pathophysiological mechanism of ibuprofen-incurred renal failure and enzymology and metabolic stereoisomeric inversion of ibuprofen
Macinnes, Craig Scott. Analysis of small and large perturbations of matrix subspaces
Maharaj, Vishwanie. Valuation of Atlantic salmon sport fishing in New England and an economic analysis of farming adult Atlantic salmon for a sport fishery
Mandeville, Charles William. Submarine pyroclastic deposits: Implications for pyroclastic flow/seawater interactions and volatile discharge during explosive volcanic eruptions
Marteinsdottir, Gudrun. An investigation of the relationship of self-determination to exercise behavior in Icelandic women
Migneault, Jeffrey Peter. A Transtheoretical Investigation of Immoderate Drinking in College
Muksian, Robin A.. Changing representations of the horse: A study in discursive practices
Mushinski, Andrei M.. Wave-functions of small quantum clusters
Nester, Nancy L.. Signs of family: Images of family life in contemporary American literature
Papandreou-Suppappola, Antonia. New classes of quadratic time-frequency representations with scale covariance and generalized time-shift covariance: Analysis, detection, and estimation
Peck, John A.. An environmental magnetic study of the sediments of Lake Baikal, Russia
Phillips, Michele F.. Loneliness in mothers of boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy: Case study methodology
Pino, Raquel D.. The Exercise and Self-Esteem Model: Inclusion of Physical Acceptance in Tests of Model Constructs
Premasiri, Ajith H.. Syntheses and characterization of poly(aminophenazines) and poly(fluoroanilines)
Prichard, Janet Jamie. RTSQL: Extending the SQL standard to support real-time databases
Rafanelli, Anthony Joseph. A mechanical reliability approach for the optimization of alternatives to tin-lead solder interconnection systems for electronic packaging
Ramalingam, C. S.. Analysis of non-stationary, multi-component signals with applications to speech
Reed, Gabrielle Richards. Measuring Stage of Change for Exercise
Rheault, Robert B. Jr.. Studies on food-limited growth in juvenile shellfish using novel aquaculture approaches
Rocchio, Lisa Marie. The Pursuit of Beauty Through Thinness and the Impact of Advertising on College Women's Attitudes
Roy, Matthew H.. The important of cognitive adaptability for communicative performance across cooperative interactions
Saltzman, Jennifer. Zooplankton ecology in relation to a prominent oxygen minimum zone and a seamount in the eastern tropical Pacific
Schmitt, Ronald Emil. The reclamation of the future dream: Dreams in British science fiction
Shaw, Beth Joann. Protective and Risk Factors for Adolescents in a Residential School Setting
Sienkiewicz, George. An Investigation of the Material and Process Variables in Pharmaceutical Wet Granulation
Singh, Raman Pal. Catastrophic failure of bimaterial interfaces
Sobrinho, Jose Antonio Honorio. Investion of a jet flocculation/adsorption system
Sonti, Srinivas V.. Surface functionalized magnetic nanoclusters for bioseparations
Sridhar, Balakrishnan. Rare-earth doped fiber amplifiers for the first telecommunication window
Stepaniants, Sergey Boris. Ballistic and transverse transport in classical and quantum systems
Sullivan, Megan Mary. Gendered states: Literature, film, and theatre in Northern Ireland
Swartz, Michael Edward. Separation and detection of enantiomeric compounds by liquid chromatography and chiral micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography
Sweeney, Neal Joseph. The role offim-linked genes and the eda gene in the ability of Escherichia coli to colonize the streptomycin-treated mouse intestine
Tsoh, Janice Yusze. Stages of Change, Dropouts, and Outcome in Substance Abuse Treatment
Vaillancourt, Robert David. Photosynthesis and light absorption in the large marine dinoflagellate, Pyrocystis noctiluca Murray ex Haeckel (1890) grown in laboratory culture
Vallee, Glenn E.. A study of the dynamic mechanical behavior of elastomers under impact loading
Vessella, Joseph Anthony. Characterization of the stress response of Clostridium difficile and its effects on virulence
Wang, Hong. Resource allocation for high performance computer systems
Wei, Lu. Electrochemical polymerization of ethylene for coating of metals
Weiner, Jennifer K.. Subclinical eating difficulties, family functioning and psychological distress
Wen, Yin. Thermal stress effects in composite materials and engineering components
Williams, Jane. Transcendence as a Human Response to Life Threatening Illness: Description and Understanding Through Narratives
Yang, Renyi. Design and modeling of single-axis, flexure-hinge type, micro-positioning stages
Zervas, Harry. Study of stress wave propagation in damaged particulate media
Zhang, Qian. The oceanic response to atmospheric forcing in the western equatorial Pacific
Zhou, Xin. Isolation and characterization of attenuated strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa AC869 and PAO1