The University of Rhode Island archives and provides access to doctoral dissertations through DigitalCommons@URI. Dissertations prior to 2013 may or may not be available here. Please consult the URI library catalog to see all titles. For those dissertations available only in print, the library can usually scan a copy upon request.
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Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Sato, Olga Tiemi. Seasonal and low-frequency variability in the meridional heat flux at 36 degrees N in the North Atlantic
Sienkiewicz, Frank Joseph. Inter-particle cementation, particle porosity, and moisture effects on wave propagation in granular materials
Smith, Kevin J.. Variations in Attention as Measured by Accuracy and Reactions Time Over the Course of a Continuous Performance Task
Smith, Kevin Joseph. Variations in attention as measured by accuracy and reaction time over the course of a continuous performance task
Smith, Todd Russell. Characterization of heat-and osmotic-shock proteins in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) tissues
Song, Peilin. Unified approach for digital VLSI test generation
Spencer, Lynne Renee. An NMR analysis of N-phenyl polyiminomethylene analogs accompanied by the development of an apodization function
Spencer, Paul David. The dynamics and optimal harvesting of multispecies fisheries in fluctuating environments
Swafford, Kevin Ray. Narratives of toil: A study of labor, ideology, and narrative form in late-Victorian social fiction
Tamin, Mohd Nasir. Fatigue crack growth bridging mechanisms in titanium metal-matrix composites
Tighe, Stacey Ann. The morphological characteristics and geological implications of prime segments and axial volcanoes along the East Pacific Rise
Tisch, Nancy. Ecology and evolution of life history variation in the marine amphipod Jassa marmorata Holmes
Underhill, Lori Ann Hayes. An in vivo evaluation of the LHRH agonist deslorelin for therapeutic application
Vemuri, Sriram. Development and evaluation of liposome process methods and in-vitro drug release rate technique
Wong, Siu-Ming Samuel. Piezoelectric biosensor for the detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Yusuf, Gellwynn D. H.. Economic analysis of sustainable development on the Indonesian coastal resources
Zhang, Jiaping. Study of dinoflagellate life cycle and its role in population dynamics
Zhou, Chonghua. Fiber-optic sensors for acoustic studies and biological applications
Ziamou, Paschalina. Investigating the effect of the degree of newness of a discontinuous technological innovation on individuals' judgments
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Abdul Samad, M. Fazilah Binti. Performance of group-affiliated firms: A study of a politically affiliated business group in Malaysia
Abdul Samad, M. Fazilah Binti. Performance of Group-Affiliated Firms: A Study of Politically-Affiliated Business Group in Malaysia
Alam, Shahriar Mahbub. Study and Analysis of the Water Quality of the Blackstone River Watershed
Ames, Gregory H.. Design Optimization of Indium-Gallium-Arsenide-Phosphide Multi-Quantum Well Electroabsorbtion Modulators
Ames, Gregory H.. Design optimization of indium gallium arsenide phosphide multi-quantum well electroabsorption modulators
Arnold, Eve Maureen. The Rock Magnetic Properties, Grain Size and Mineral Composition of Winborne Dust and Sediment in the North Pacific Ocean
Arnold, Eve Maureen. The rock-magnetic properties, grain size and mineral composition of windborne dust and sediment in the North Pacific Ocean
Besedin, Elena Y.. Economics of aquifer protection in a stochastic environment
Burgess, Robert M.. Aspects of colloid and pollutant geochemistry in marine sediments
Byrd, Mary E.. Making maternal-child home visits: A field research investigation
Campbell, Suzanne Hetzel. Breastfeeding self-efficacy: The effects of a breastfeeding promotion nursing intervention
Carr, Virgil E.. Digital modeling of pollutants to the Narrow River Estuary
Chen, Shi-Ping. Chemical monitoring of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) at a silver electrode
Chung, Chun-Shiang. Development of an animal model of alcohol withdrawal and further studies of alcohol and Na,K-ATPase
Colby, Suzanne M.. Algorithms for Missing Data Replacement in Time Series Analysis
Crapo, Charles Alan. Texture modification of the soft-fleshed giant grenadier (Albatrossia pectoralis)
Devault, Richard Charles. Permanence and stability in models of a perennial grass
Ding, Lin. Evaluation of structural modeling fit indices under misspecification conditions
Ellis, Paul Christopher. Categorization of seafood quality using discriminant function analysis over several decomposition variables
Farris, Charles Norman. Oxygen exchange and nutrient transformation rates under fluctuating salinity treatments in two subtidal marsh habitats
Fernald, Julian Lee. Mediators of aggression against lesbians and gay men: A laboratory experiment
Filipi, Ivan. Mechanism for texture modifying effects of hydrodynamically active biopolymers in composite surimi gel
Finlow, David Edward. Numerical simulation of wetting hydrodynamics for pure liquids and surfactant solutions
Ganapathy, Uma. Interactions between wage employment and subsistence lifestyle: Oil development on the North Slope, Alaska
Gardiner, Erika Natalie. Age Differences in Multidimensional Self-Concept
Ge, Ping. Modeling and control of hysteresis in piezoceramic actuators
Germano, Marilyn Urban. An investigation of dissociation, attentional focus, affective response, and sexual arousal in women
Griffin, Robert Bruce. Community ecology of cetacean habitat
Habboosh, Amir Wadi. Delay/Doppler estimation in a multipath environment
Harrison, Brian Francis. Robust matched-field processing: A subspace approach
Hayden, Michael Barry. NEWTON: An interactive environment for exploring mathematics
Heil, Cynthia Ann. The influence of dissolved humic material (humic, fulvic and hydrophilic acids) on marine phytoplankton
Howden, Stephan Dixon. Processes associated with steep meander development in the Gulf Stream near 68 degrees West
Howell, Steven G.. Determination of marine aerosol composition, mass distribution, and optical properties
Huang, Jiun Tang. Aggregation and precipitation phenomena in N-Phenyl poly(iminomethylene)
Huang, Liyue. Effects of thyroid hormones on growth, survival, early development, and epithelial cell proliferation of larval teleosts
Hu, Renjie. Human babesiosis in Rhode Island: Epizootiological, epidemiological, and vector competency studies
James-Pirri, Mary-Jane. Growth and behavior during the settlement period of the American lobster, Homarus americanus
Jeng, U-Ser. Study of liquid surfaces and interfaces using neutron reflection
Johnsen, Laura Whitmire. The relationship between sexual victimization and HIV risk behaviors and attitudes in a community sample of women: A structural equation analysis
Johnson, Donna. Exposure, affective responses and sexual arousal to sexually explicit materials
Johnston, Robert John. Environmental factors and the demand for nonconsumptive wildlife recreation: A time allocation approach
Kane, Michael John. Corrosion mechanisms of steel reinforcement in concrete
Kearns, Edward Joseph. A description of the North Atlantic current system from historical hydrography
Kerman, Benjamin David. Towards an integrated model of participation in community-based alcohol and other drug problem prevention coalitions
Kesslen, Eric C.. Synthesis and characterization of pyridine-capped oligoazine-bridged ruthenium dimers
Kim, Misoo. Synthesis of poly(iminomethylene)s having para-substituted phenyl side groups
Kline, Jeffrey David. Measuring public preferences to improve the design of farmland preservation programs
Lebduska, Lisa Terese. Rhetorics, politics, and ecologic: The production of nature in American culture, 1840-1990
Li, Yaqin. Growth, grazing and bioluminescence of marine heterotrophic dinoflagellates
Mapes, Theodore Jerome. Waves in cylindrical systems
Matheny, Jonathan Andrew. A model of culture-based identity and action
Mazzotta, Marisa Joan. Measuring public values and priorities for natural resources: An application to the Peconic Estuary system
McKenna, James H.. Seasonal dissolved organic carbon dynamics in estuarine and near-shore waters
Morisseau, Karen Marie. The effect of compression force on the near-infrared spectra of tablet dosage forms
Newbury, Penny Ann. Who To Watch Out For
Pacheco, Carlos Roberto. The use of inverse detected NMR for the analyses of diesel oil extracts
Pang, Jiongdong. Olfactory glutamate reception in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Pierce, Richard William. Morphology and infraciliature of selected species of Tintinnina with a phylogenetic analysis of the Tintinnina based on infraciliature
Pinnell, Lorraina Barr. Space-time and the city: Glasgow and the literature of the urban peripheries
Pornpinatepong, Somboon. Numerical model of salinity intrusion in Pak Phanang Estuary
Prakash, Pankaj. Beta-carotene's metabolism, distribution and influence upon cell proliferation and structure in NCl-H69 small cell lung cancer cells
Qian, Xiaoshu. Tracking the frequency components in speech and music signals
Reynolds, William Henry Ejner. Degradation of carbon fiber composites in the maritime environment
Rowe, George Dail. Nonlinearly forced equatorial deep jets
Ruiz-Riquer, Gustavo O.. Novel results on propagation characteristics in optical fibers
Sargent, Norah Mary. Self-esteem, depression, substance usage, and locus of control in sexually abused adolescents
Saris, Renee N.. The Influence of Contemporary Music on Responses to Visually Presented Mainstream Sexually Explicit Images
Silliman, Barbara Ann. Conserving the balance: Frank Herbert's "Dune" as propaganda
Sun, Jie. Acoustic bullets: Generation and propagation
Sun, Tong. Design and performance evaluation of cache memories for high-performance computers
Suriyapperuma, Sardha Peiris. The application of molecular mapping strategies to Festuca spp. (fine fescues)
Talukdar, Piyali. Economics of sustainable resource management in a dynamic optimization framework
Thomas, Kenneth A.. The reproductive biology of Lyonsia hyalina (Conrad, 1831) (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Anomalodesmata): Ultrastructural aspects of spermatogenesis and oogenesis
Tobin, David Jonathan. Conceptualization and facilitation of community organizations: A multiple case study
Tzanetopoulos, George K.. Stability of some difference equations with nonhyperbolic equilibria