The University of Rhode Island archives and provides access to doctoral dissertations through DigitalCommons@URI. Dissertations prior to 2013 may or may not be available here. Please consult the URI library catalog to see all titles. For those dissertations available only in print, the library can usually scan a copy upon request.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Reid, Sean Frederick. Non-normality of asset returns in the assessment of risk-adjusted performance: Three empirical tests of the Leland alternative asset pricing model
Robb, Christina Susan. Conductive polymer coatings for CE
Russell, Emily D.. An Examination of the Nature of Reading Fluency
Setlik, Brian Joseph. Electromigration characterization of aluminum-copper alloy interconnects
Shaw, Sylvia Montgomery. Ghosts at the table: Historiography and nonfiction narrative as rhetorical constructs of the Mexican Counter-Revolution of 1913
Sheehan, Margaret Mary. Holistic grading of essays written by native and non-native writers by instructors and independent raters: A comparative study
Sila, Ismail. An empirical investigation of the critical linkages among best practice factors and their impact on business results
Smith, Douglas Eliot. Geomagnetic sensitivity and orientation in eastern garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis)
Snow, Julie Amy. Convective transport of hydroxyl and hydroperoxyl precursors to the upper troposphere
Song, Zhiyi. Information content of open-market stock repurchase and dividend policy
Spencer, Michael Andrew. Three experiments on providing and valuing threshold public goods with alternative rebate rules
Viator, Oran Joseph Jr.. A comprehensive mass balance of a watershed under steady state conditions
Wang, Yuexia. Genetic transformation of bentgrasses for fungal disease resistance
Ward, Rose Marie. Highly significant findings in psychology: A power and effect size survey
Wright, Julie A.. An analysis of the predictive power of the transtheoretical model of behavior change applied to dietary fat intake
Zhang, He. Functional characterization of the pregnane X receptor
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Allard, Gregory Andrew. Assessing depression treatment and outcomes using insurance claims data
Arciero, Michael Joseph. Some Limit Theorems for Szego Polynomials
Babacan, Sibel. Honey amylase and the effect in starch-containing foods
Beauregard, Jennifer Livesley. Explosive rhyodacitic volcanism: The evolution and frequency of pre-1883 eruptions at Krakatau volcano, Indonesia
Bittner, Nancy Phoenix. An exploration of critical thinking and processing in cardiac nurses' practice
Bonsu, Samuel Kwaku. Death and identity: Consumer behavior in Asante death rituals
Bontempi, Paula Susan. Remote sensing of bio-optical water types, phytoplankton seasonality, and algal pigments in ocean margin waters
Bowler, Celeste Minor. The influence of teacher response on African American students' codeswitching
Brodjonegoro, Irsan Soemantri. Acoustic imaging of sources located either external, internal or on the surface of an arbitrary body
Cady-Webster, Kathleen S.. Dialogue in the development of a consilience index: A quantum approach to integrating qualitative and quantitative practices in the social sciences
Cao, He. Theoretical and experimental study of fiber-optic fluorescence immunosensors
Cardinale, Mary K.. Piety and intolerance: A rhetorical inquiry into the constituting of Christian fundamentalist identity
Casey Torrey, Susan Patricia. An analysis of Rhode Island child opportunity zones through the lens of whole-school change
Cho, Jung-Hee. Optimal exploitation of Atlantic herring stocks in United States of America: Bioeconomic model for Atlantic herring
Cleary, Thomas Terrence. Providing phonemic awareness instruction to pre-first graders: An extended-year kindergarten program
Correia, Stephen. The Potential Clinical Utility of Methods for Estimating Prior Standing in Specific Cognitive Domains: A Feasibility and Illustration Study
Eriksen, Matthew. The electronic fishbowl as a community of inquiry: Management passion in the XXIst century
Green, Angel Yvonne. Street Theater
Hallak, Maram. Nonviolence training program evaluation
Hanafi, Mamduh M.. Essay on foreign and domestic investors
Hardro, Peter Jason. Development of materials for the rapid manufacture of die cast tooling
Hartmann, Paul Christian. Contaminants in Narragansett Bay sediments
Henry, Timothy Michael. Using JPEG2000 compressed images for foveated texture mapping in limited memory environments
Huffman, Scott Wade. Biological vibrational spectroscopy: From a cellular to a sub-cellular level
Jeng, Shih-Ching. Efficiency Issues in the Financial Services Industry Worldwide
Johnson, Janet L.. Integrating the Transtheoretical Model: A Quantitative Analysis in the Area of Sun Exposure
Jones-Hudson, Vonda Dionne. Movin' on up to the 21st century: Multiculturalism… making the abstract applied
Jordan, Patricia Janet. Development, validation and factorial invariance of transtheoretical model measures for recovery from anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
Kim, Gi-Ho. Impedance analysis of an enhanced piezoelectric biosensor
Kingston, Sharon. The relationship between a sense of community and social disorganization and neighborhood deprivation
Klein, Ilene. The relationship of community and prevention coalition characteristics to rates of adolescent substance abuse
Lallemand, Philippe D.. A synthetic approach to forecasting fleet costs and earnings in the northeast regions of the United States
Lamoureux, Anne Maile. School psychologists' knowledge of family violence and their identification of children from violent homes
Lian, Peizhi. Physicochemical and microstructural changes in minced fish muscles as affected by cryoprotectants
Li, Edwin. Cadmium toxicity and random motility studies using marine dinoflagellates
Liu, Delong. Enhancing micro-organism images by estimating image background
Luo, Qing. Indium tin oxide thin film strain gages for use at elevated temperatures
Maria, Anton Hanna. Characterization and fractal analysis of volcanic particles: A multidimensional approach to interpretation of volcaniclastic deposits
McCarthy, Patrick Allen. Synthesis of conducting polymer complexes
Mele, Kate. Legal subjects: The tropological construction of "woman" in legal narratives
Meyer, Miriam I.. Effects of Reading Disability in Adolescents on Self-Concept and Future Expectations
Meyer, Miriam Ina. Effects of reading disability in adolescents on self-concept and future expectations
Mills, Dana Scott. Examining the structural and philosophical positions of community-based organization practitioners
Muench, John David. Periodic acoustic radiation from a low aspect ratio propeller
Noar, Seth Michael. Sexual negotiation and the influence of gender and power in heterosexually active men and women
Pan, Feng. Heat shock proteins and osmotic shock in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Paolucci, Judith Jean. Gender roles and science beliefs and their relationship to science interest
Pashtenko, Valentin H.. Embedded impediments to joint venture success: A new institutional theory perspective on negotiating with Russian principals
Peck, Myron Arms. Aspects of the physiology of early juvenile cod (Gadus morhua L.) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus L.)
Pineo, Lindsey Knight. The relationship between teacher perceptions of self, others, and instructional methods and intentions to teach HIV/AIDS prevention
Purinton, Elizabeth F.. The effects of the intensity of conflict and commitment on marketing channel partnership survival
Radin, Michael Alexander. The global stability, boundedness, and periodicity character of certain difference equations
Ricci, Vittorio. Characterization of interfacial fracture using strain fields
Saadi, Mary Ann. Some results on tree tolerance representations
Saha, Supratim. Optimal estimation of nonlinear and linear parameters in general linear models
Schwartz, Malia Lois. Anoxia tolerance and recovery in freshwater and marine turtles
Sparks, Rebecca L.. Rational functions whose zeros and poles are constrained by conditions arising in control
Srithongchai, Sriruk. Computer-aided design and manufacture of minimum-weight structures
Stram, Diana Lynn. Numerical modeling of estuarine transport, water quality, and the impact of shrimp mariculture in the Rio Chone estuary, Ecuador
Subbayya, Sankaranarayanan. Effect of grid non-orthogonality on the solution of shallow water equations using boundary-fitted grids
Sun, Che. A study of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in streamfunction space
Swann, Kathleen A.. The relationship between teachers' theoretical orientations to reading and their verbal feedback to students during oral reading
Tagi, Seref. β-Glucuronidase assay for the detection of Escherichia coli in foods
Treubig, James Michael Jr.. Novel approaches to the analysis and use of fullerenes using capillary electrophoresis and high-performance liquid chromatography
Van Dyke, Richard Kenneth. Traces of Enlightenment: Eighteenth-century travel writing and the reproduction of knowledge(s)
Vincent, Harold Thomas II. Models, algorithms, and measurements for underwater acoustic positioning
Wood, Kay Helene. The effectiveness of transitional bilingual education on the reading performance of Cape Verdean students from Crioulo-speaking homes
Wu, Su-Hsiu. Analysis of a proposed model for detection of magnetic fields by biological systems
Xia, Yashen. Experimental studies of microstructural evolution in mixed cationic/anionic surfactant systems
Yue, Guosen. Study of particle deposition in human airway models
Zhang, Jun. Algorithms for series coefficients
Zhu, Xiaobo. Computer simulation of inspiratory flow and particle deposition in human oral airway
Zwick, Detlev. The speed of money: Investment as consumption in age of computer-mediated communication
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Ackley, Margaret Anne. Development and Initial Validation of a Structured Interview for the Detection of Malingered Mild Head Injury
Avery, David Edward. Induction of embryonic diapause in the calanoid copepod Acartia hudsonica
Bennett, Heather. Studies on the pedal gland and pedal epithelium of the protobranchiate bivalvia
Bickford, Donna M.. Acts of dissent: Literatures of coming to consciousness in the United States and Latin America