The University of Rhode Island archives and provides access to doctoral dissertations through DigitalCommons@URI. Dissertations prior to 2013 may or may not be available here. Please consult the URI library catalog to see all titles. For those dissertations available only in print, the library can usually scan a copy upon request.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Bisack, Kathryn D.. Bioeconomics of seasonality, seasonal stock depletion and marine mammal protection
Bochain, Shelley Stone. Induced labor intervention for self-efficacy: A nursing intervention for women prone to an unpredictable labor pattern
Boyko, Christopher B.. Phylogenetic systematics of the Albuneidae (Crustacea: Anomura: Hippoidea), with the description of a new family
Boynton, Wentworth. Three papers that evaluate stock portfolio rebalancing and delisting influences on empirical asset pricing tests
Briden, William James. On some nonautonomous difference equations of the Max type
Bu, Dongsheng. Interactive self-modeling mixture analysis using principal component approach
Burkholder, Gary J.. Integrating theories and methods in assessing longitudinal change in heterosexual HIV risk among women
Catone, William Vincent. Teacher opinions about the nature and treatment of reading deficits in adolescents
Chang, Kaiguo. Synthesis and characterization of conducting polymer-inorganic composite materials
Clement, Gregory T.. Evaluation of transient and highly localized acoustic fields using acoustooptic phase contrast imaging
Cox Ashton, Grace. Universal Newborn Screening for Developmental Risk
Davis, Alan Joseph. Parasitic error compensation in cascaded sigma-delta modulators
De Gennaro, Nicholas. The engineering feasibility of a tidal siphon, and alternative to the jetty hardened coastal inlet
DeLaurentis Schultz, Dawn Marie. Dyspnea as a perceptual-interpretive response process: A qualitative inductive study of the concept in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
DeRosa, Susan L.. Encouraging a civic literacy: A pedagogy of self-reflection, agency, and action
de Sa, Paula F. G.. Formation of advanced glycation end products by glyceraldehyde and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate with proteins
Diamantides, Jerry. Relating objective and subjective measures of water quality in the travel cost method: An application to the Peconic Estuary System
Disch, William Burton. A Mediational Coping Model of Sociopersonal Well-Being and Quality of Life
Doherty Mary Ellen. Decision-making between nurse-midwives and clients regarding the formulation of a birth plan
Donald, J. J. Agar. Bioeconomic Implications of Modifying the Selectivity Properties of Fishing Gears
Ferszt, Ginette Gosselin. Studies of Grief: Narratives of Incarcerated Women Who Experienced the Death of a Significant Person While in Prison
Forsyth, Karyn Mary. The design and implementation of a depression prevention program
Fort, Timothy John. Interaction of neurotransmitters on the proboscis muscles of the North American channeled whelk Busycon canaliculatum
Foster, Jeffrey Matthew. Historical uncertainty and moral ambiguity in postwar America: An examination of selected black humor novels of Kurt Vonnegut, Jr
Freburger, Brian Edward. Principal components inverse: Comparisons and applications for rapidly adaptive detection
Ghebremeskel, Alazar Negusse. Hybrid magnetic field gradient, rotating wall device for enhanced colloidal magnetic affinity separations
Gomez, Jason Thomas. Penetration and induced damage evolution of concrete and granite when subjected to multiple projectile impacts
Griffin, Martha Ellen. Insured women's access to infertility care: A comparative survey study
Griffin, Mary Lee Prescott. Emergent readers' joint text construction: A descriptive study of reading in social context
Guilbault, Beatrice Rose. Becoming long-term caregivers: A qualitative study of meaning-making and transformation in families of persons with mental retardation or other developmental disabilities
Hall, Rosemary Fedrigon. Maintaining behavioral changes: A descriptive account from individuals with type 2 diabetes
Han, S. Bruce. The effects of ISO 9000 registration efforts on Total Quality Management practices and business performance
Heitzman, Timothy John. An investigation of children's timing abilities as a model for understanding the nature of ADHD deficits
Hyun, Deokhwan. Limit cycles and pattern noise in single-stage delta-sigma modulators
Jaya, Peruvemba S.. The new global worker in organizations: Implications for international management
Kayakachoian, Gary. On agency costs and firms' decisions
Ketteman, Kerstin Elizabeth. Lars Saabye Christensen's "Beatles": A study in literary translation and cross-cultural influence
Knight, Margaret M.. Cognitive function and food preparation ability in schizophrenia
Lesser, Eliana Shavitt. The influence of cultural values in the judgment of student behavior
Little, Arthur Allen. Regulating tempo in a continuation finger-tapping task
Little, Arthur Allen. Regulating Tempo in a Continuation Finger-Tapping Task
Liu, Chunlin. Market making in dealership markets
MacNaught, Carol Lee. Are IQ Discrepancies Between SES Groups Primarily the Result of Verbal Scale Differences?
Mahmood, Azhar. Regeneration of activated carbon using hot vapors under reduced pressure
Martinez-Garmendia, Josue. Hedging effectiveness, market efficiency and forecasting in the shrimp futures market
Massa, Janet L.. Whose Story Is It, Anyway
McCormick, Maureen. Can the Influence of Base Rate Information be Distinguished from the Influence of Gender Stereotypes in the Psychiatric Diagnostic Decision Making Process?
McNabb, Thomas John. The analysis of polar lipid classes by high performance liquid chromatography/evaporative light scattering detection
Mulcahey, Christine Anne. Understanding children's perspectives: Sixth graders talk about their art
Murray, Robin Lynn. New classes of higher order time-frequency representations
Myren-Manbeck, Lori Kay. Staff support of parents in the pediatric intensive care unit: What are we doing and is it what parents want
Nacci, Diane Ellen. Retinoid homeostasis of an oviparous fish
Needham, Shane Roy. Investigation of optimized stationary phases for the high performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometric analysis of basic pharmaceuticals
Neeman, Sol. Application of wavelets and principal component analysis in image query and mammography
Nugranad, Jarunee. Patterns and correlates of landscape change in northern Thailand
Palaniswamy, Suresh. Development, characterization and evaluation of a pulsed-release tablet dosage form for low dose water soluble drugs
Plummer, Brett A.. To Parcel or Not to Parcel: The Effects of Item Parceling in Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Potty, Gopu R.. Broadband nonlinear inversion for geoacoustic parameters in shallow water
Prokup, Norman Ray. Boundedness, global stability, and periodicity of some difference equations
Raposa, Kenneth Bryan. Nekton utilization of tidally restricted, restoring, and reference New England salt marshes
Read, Jennifer Parsons. Health promoting behaviors in women with and without sexual assault histories
Resende, Elmo. Forensic evaluation of explosive power and contamination issues
Roethlein, Christopher John. Quality and strategy within United States based manufacturing supply chains
Sarkisov, Dmitry. Study of the magnetic structure of multilayers and of an ultracold neutron storage anomaly
Sindelar, Holly Anne. Elimination of the Hindsight Bias in Individual Versus Group Decision Making
Sullivan, James Michael. The effects of small-scale turbulence on the physiology of marine dinoflagellates
Tang, Weifeng. Mechanisms of cadmium nephrotoxicity
Thomas, Kimberly A.. Sensors: An optical waveguide strain sensor and an electrochemical oxygen sensor
Tsou, Tien-Shui. Multispecies modeling of the Georges Bank fish community
Wagner, Julie Ann. Blood glucose estimation accuracy in children with diabetes: An investigation of repeated practice with latent growth curve modeling
Wagner, Melissa M.. Nucleic acids as indicators of growth rates and nutritional condition of Calanus finmarchicus (Copepoda: Calanoida)
Wang, Zhongwei. Early estimates of the economic impacts during microelectronics product design
Williams, Jason D.. Systematics, ecology, feeding biology, and reproduction of polydorids (Polychaeta: Spionidae) associated with hermit crabs from the Indo-West Pacific
Zhang, Jun. A kinetics and mechanism study of the thermal decomposition of energetic materials
Zheng, Mei. The sources and characteristics of atmospheric particulates during the wet and dry seasons in Hong Kong
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Abdullatif, Hanan. Toni Morrison: Rethinking the Past in a Postcolonial Context
Andreozzi, Lynne M.. Attatchment Classification Among 18 Month Old Children of Adolescent Mothers
Andreozzi, Lynne Meredith. Attachment classifications among eighteen-month-old children of adolescent mothers
Armitage, William D.. On the Use of Undefined Logic Values in Digital VLSI
Asselin, Marilyn Eliza. A descriptive, exploratory study of knowledge utilization among experienced staff nurses in an acute care setting
Barboza, Helen Christina. Comparing the achievement of eighth-grade boys and girls on norm referenced and performance tests in language arts, reading and mathematics
Beliveau, John J.. The influence of individual differences in preferences for sources of motivation in the resolution of intrapersonal conflict
Bergen, Barbara Jane. The relationship between lipid class composition and the bioaccumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls in marine mussels
Boisvert, Charles Miga. Practitioners' familiarity with psychotherapy research and their relative weighting of research and experience in formulating beliefs
Case, Mark Benton. A multivariate analysis of the contrarian investment strategy in the Japanese stock market
Chan, Christine. Spatial Patterns in Ocean Color and Temperature Maps: Fronts, Fractals, and Ecological Considerations
Chan, Soon Huat. Essay on financial "circuit breaker" mechanism
Cremesti, Aida Elias. Ceramides: Quantification, and regulation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in response to hypoxia
Curran, James M.. The determinants of consumer attitudes and intentions toward technology-based customer interfaces used in service delivery: An empirical investigation
Dabaghian, Yuri Alexander. Nonperturbative aspects of the quantum chaos theory
de Groot, Mary K.. The relationship of ethnicity to diabetes self-care and medical outcomes in African-Americans with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Devine, Barry Edward. The golf course as a nature reserve: An evaluation of land use and diversity applied to ecosystem design
Dietrich, Jean A.. Phonological representations of adult poor readers: An investigation of specificity and stability
Doshi, Kaushik. Bench-scale study of a liquid phase oxidation reaction