The University of Rhode Island archives and provides access to doctoral dissertations through DigitalCommons@URI. Dissertations prior to 2013 may or may not be available here. Please consult the URI library catalog to see all titles. For those dissertations available only in print, the library can usually scan a copy upon request.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Drainville-Higgins, Katherine Evelyn. Isolation of marine metabolites from Symbiodinium species of dinoflagellates
Dutton-Greene, Leila B.. Testing a Model of Unwanted Pursuit and Stalking
Evora, Victor Manuel Fortes. Fabrication and dynamic mechanical behavior of nanocomposites
Frisk, Carol Ann. Teacher collaboration: Learning from inclusion dyad dialogues
Gabriel, Joseph R.. Invariant hypothesis testing with applications in signal processing
Gauger, Eric Joseph. Management of flounder Infectious Necrotizing Enteritis (FINE) in cultured juvenile summer flounder
Grace, Sean Patrick. Ecomorphology of the temperate scleractinian Astrangia poculata: Coral-macroalgal interactions in Narragansett Bay
Hainey-Turcotte, Andrea J.. The factors that influence middle-level teachers to incorporate community service-learning into the curriculum
Hetzel, Karen. Domestic violence screening by nurses in the primary care setting
Hollister, Jeffrey W.. Predicting condition of small estuarine systems along the United States' Atlantic coast
Huang, Jennifer C.. Sociocultural contexts of Asian American/Pacific Islander women's HIV risk enhancing/reducing responses
Jin, Zhou. Synthesis and characterization of novel phosphorus containing polymers
Jordan, Benjamin R.. Geochemical correlation, variation, and petrogenesis, of ignimbrites in Central America and associated Caribbean Sea tephra layers
Keith, Darryl Joel. Determination of chlorophyll a concentrations and phytoplankton primary production in New England estuarine waters using ocean color remote sensing from low-flying aircraft
Kikuchi, Jacqueline Jackson. Evaluation of a child abuse awareness program
Lauzon Clabo, Laurie M.. Examining the role of social context in nurses' pain assessment practice with postoperative clients
Lee, Jungsam. Flexible quota management using virtual population units
Lee, Sangmok. Design of an acoustic data storage tag for long range fish tracking in the ocean
Li, Haisen. Parallel computations in quantum Monte Carlo simulation of the van der Waals cluster vibrational eigenstates
Mallon, Kathleen. The birth of bizdames: A rupture in the conversation, engaging the body in decision-making
Mendes, Michele A.. Parents' descriptions of ideal home nursing care for their technology dependent child, themselves, and their families
Mercier, Stephen Mark. Revaluing the literary naturalist: John Burroughs's emotive environmental aesthetics
Miller, Philip N.. Assessing craftsmanship at early design in product development
Miranda, Regina L.. The role of glycolytic substrates in the initiation and maintenance phases of colonization of the mouse large intestine by Escherichia coli MG1655 and Escherichia coli EDL933
Moore, Keith M.. The effects of the risk arbitrage process on the trading in securities involved in takeovers
Pardanani, Neeta N.. Ecological determinants of Lyme disease in an endemic community
Perez, Norma Jean. Development and validation of the Proactive Health Lifestyle measures
Peterson, Susan Joan. From discourse to activism: Trajectories of Percy Bysshe Shelley's nonviolence philosophy in literatures of resistance
Podlesak, David William. Metabolic routing of macronutrients in migratory songbirds: Effects of diet quality and macronutrient composition revealed using stable isotopes
Powell, Jean W.. Older lesbian perspectives on advance care planning for the end of life
Rapien, Mary. Macrozooplankton and micronekton in the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone
Roberts-Clarke, Ivory. Organizational climate for diversity, cultural comfort, and professional relationships: Predicting perceptions of the workplace among employees of color
Rodrigues, Regina Rodrigues. An observational and numerical study of the South Atlantic circulation
Shear, Edward Steven. Prolegomenon to the literary study of hypertext
Skoorka, Michelle E.. The effect of humidity on composite lap joints and an electrochemical study of coatings and galvanic systems
Soboil, Mark Lucas. Transboundary impacts of fishing activities along the northeast continental shelf
Somerville Ruffalo, Jessica. Visuoconstructional Impairment: What Are We Assessing, and How Are We Assessing It?
Spears, Sylvia Carolle. Freedom's children: Fifth graders' perceptions of the effects of peace education in the form of Kingian nonviolence
Stolzenberger, Kathleen M.. Nursing practice in a magnet hospital: A descriptive study
Travers, Brian J.. New results for Z-cyclic generalized whist tournaments and Z-cyclic generalized whist frames
Turner, Stephen Edward. Gas flow and heat transfer in microchannels: An experimental investigation of compressibility, rarefaction, and surface roughness
Ulrich, Henry T.. Individual, organizational, and contextual determinants of realized strategy in not-for-profit organizations
Upton, Harold Frank. The economic consequences of fish habitat conservation and management
Wen, Yuming. Spatial diffusion model for simulation of urban land cover change
Whynacht, Leah Alison. Preschool teachers' sense of teaching efficacy: Scale development and correlates
Wu, Jiang. Instrumentation of the universal clamp and modeling in biochemistry
Yang, Tianle. Preparation of optically pure anti-diolepoxides of 2-fluorobenzo[a]-pyrene and their DNA adducts
Yong, Lynne Ee Lin. Resilience in Ex-Refugees from Cambodia and Vietnam
Yong, Lynne Ee Lin. Resilience in ex-refugees from Cambodia and Vietnam
You, Tao. Preparation and characterization of ceramic sensors for use at elevated temperatures
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Abughosh, Susan M.. Drug Benefit Plans for Elderly Under Managed Care and Utilization of Lipid Lowering Agents
Adams, Candace. Relationship of Early Intervention Service Coordination Model to Qualify of Transition and Family Empowerment
Adams, Candace. Relationship of early intervention service coordination model to quality of transition and family empowerment
Al-Sultan, Muhammed S.. Using the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) to Assess Antibiotic Utilization in Acute Respiratory Tract Infections
Amidon, Stevens Russell. Manifestoes: A Study in Genre
Ammirati, Theresa Perri. Making the Grade: Academic Literacies and First-Generation College Students in a Highly Selective Liberal Arts College
Ammirati, Theresa Perri. Making the grade: Academic literacies and first-generation college students in a highly selective liberal arts college
Badger, James Mark. Nurses' experiences of moving from cure-oriented to comfort-oriented care in the medical intensive care unit setting
Baird, Janette. Longitudinal Study of the Acquisition of Locomotion, Motor Activity, and Infant Development
Basu, Chhandak. Optimizing parameters for efficient introduction of transgenes into turfgrass
Borgos, Marlana Joyce. Validity of the Boston Qualitative Scoring System as a measure of executive functioning in pediatric Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure performance
Bushoven, John T.. The role of nitrate and carbohydrates in modulating the partitioning of nitrate assimilation between leaves and roots in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)
Cadrin, Steven Xavier. Stock structure of yellowtail flounder off the northeastern United States
Castro, Kathleen Monan. Assessing the impact of habitat and stock enhancement for the American lobster (Homarus americanus), in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Caswell, Caroline Johnson. Personalizing the school environment: Teacher-based advisory programs that support student adjustment and academic outcomes
Chalivendra, Vijaya Bhaskar. Static and dynamic constitutive behavior and fracture of particulate composites
Conca, Karen Rose. Ferulic acid and peroxidase infusion into disparate vegetables and its effect on texture
Costa, Stephanie Anne. Specializations of whist tournament designs
Davis, Braxton. Area-based management frameworks in the United States coastal zone
Denkin, Steven Michael. Regulation of empA metalloproteinase expression in Vibrio anguillarum
Fausett, Yvonne M.. Elementary school children's stigmatization of children with mental illness
Felice, Brian Roland. Type II collagen differentially degraded epitopes can be used to monitor in vitro and in vivo cartilage degradation
Findeisen, Mary. Client perceptions to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Symptoms and responses over time
Fisher, Kelly Lynn. The effects of distress and depression on exercise behaviors of type 2 diabetics: Applying the transtheoretical model
Ford, Kathryn Hale. Assessment of the Rhode Island Coastal Lagoon Ecosystem
Fox, Christine M.. Writing across cultures: Contrastive rhetoric and a writing center study of one student's journey
Gazabon, Shirley Amanda. Development of culturally tailored measures for Hispanics at-risk for HIV
Gibbons, Carol Herchen. Periodicity, convergence, and boundedness of some difference equations
Gilder, Kye M.. Extensions and application of the modified large-sample approach for constructing confidence intervals on functions of variance components
Gold, Marion Secrest. Biological control of the lily leaf beetle, Lilioceris lilii in North America
Gomaa, Sally. From free/slave binaries to Black/White dialectics: The problem of race in antebellum discourse (1831-1861)
Guo, Yu-Yau. Behavioral modeling and simulations of mixed-signal integrated circuits with process variations and physical defects
Hall, Paul S.. Free and forced convection in Earth's upper mantle
Hurley, Kevin Michael. Creativity in the time of accountability: Lessons from three middle schools
Kenna, George Anthony. Prevalence and risk factors associated with substance use and abuse by Rhode Island health care professionals
Kern, Diane Elliott. The relationships between metacomprehension strategy awareness, student reading performance and comprehension strategy instruction
Khan, Fyzodeen. Detection of masses in X-ray mammograms
Kshetri, Nir B.. Globalization of innovations: A multilevel-multimethod framework to explain diffusion and adoption of the Internet
Legendre, Susan Anne. The influence of cognitive reserve on neuropsychological functioning after coronary artery bypass grafting
Lisi, Arthur William Jr.. The personalization of the school environment: The relationship of students' access to support from an adult with student adjustment outcomes and experiences of school climate
Lyon, Alicia B.. The Offering: Writing a historical screenplay
Martin, Rosemarie A.. Latent Transition Ananlysis as a Sensitive Outcome: Analysis for Longitudinal Data