URI Natural Resources Science Faculty Publications | Natural Resources Science | University of Rhode Island
Explore scholarly publications from the Department of Natural Resources Science faculty at the University of Rhode Island.


Submissions from 2024


Exploring boaters’ intentions and awareness to explain why some anchor on coral reefs, Caroline P. Caton and Graham E. Forrester

Submissions from 2023


Post-emergence movements and habitat use by hatchling diamondback terrapins, Carolyn E. Decker, Scott W. Buchanan, and Nancy E. Karraker


Electric grid resilience: The effects of conductor coverings, enhanced tree trimming, and line characteristics on tree-related power outages, Liubov Dumarevskaya and Jason R. Parent


Concerted phenotypic flexibility of avian erythrocyte size and number in response to dietary anthocyanin supplementation, Maciej Dzialo, Amadeusz Bryta, Kristen J. DeMoranville, Katherine M. Carbeck, Olivia Fatica, Lisa Trost, Barbara Pierce, Edyta T. Sadowska, Scott R. McWilliams, and Ulf Bauchinger


Collaborative multiple change detection methods for monitoring the spatio-temporal dynamics of mangroves in Beibu Gulf, China, Bolin Fu, Hang Yao, Feiwu Lan, Sunzhe Li, Yinyin Liang, Hongchang He, Mingming Jia, Yeqiao Wang, and Donglin Fan


Effects of salt stress on interspecific competition between an invasive alien plant Oenothera biennis and three native species, Xiao Guo, Jin Ye Ma, Le Le Liu, Ming Yan Li, Hui Wang, Ying Kun Sun, Tong Wang, Kui Ling Wang, and Laura A. Meyerson


Birnessite films are sensitive indicators of microbial manganese reduction in soil, Katelyn C. Hino, Jasper Romero, Joseph L. Loffredo, Mark Stolt, José A. Amador, Serena Moseman-Valtierra, Cathleen Wigand, and Brett J. Pellock


Mapping global distribution of mangrove forests at 10-m resolution, Mingming Jia, Zongming Wang, Dehua Mao, Chunying Ren, Kaishan Song, Chuanpeng Zhao, Chao Wang, Xiangming Xiao, and Yeqiao Wang


Distributing transmitters to maximize population-level representativeness in automated radio telemetry studies of animal movement, Juliet S. Lamb, Pamela H. Loring, and Peter W. C. Paton


Production potential of seaweed and shellfish integrated aquaculture in Narragansett Bay (Rhode Island, U.S.) using an ecosystem model, Romain Lavaud, David S. Ullman, Celeste Venolia, Carol Thornber, Lindsay Green-Gavrielidis, and Austin Humphries


DNA assays for genetic discrimination of three Phragmites australis subspecies in the United States, Denise L. Lindsay, Xin Guan, Nathan E. Harms, James T. Cronin, Laura A. Meyerson, and Richard F. Lance


Moving scholarship on invasion science forward, Julie L. Lockwood, Deah Lieurance, S. Luke Flory, Laura A. Meyerson, Anthony Ricciardi, and Dan Simberloff


Exploring the performance of Biological Invasions in social media five years after opening its Facebook and Twitter accounts, Ana Novoa, Susan Canavan, Deah Lieurance, Daniel Simberloff, and Laura A. Meyerson


Response of macrophyte litter decomposition in global blue carbon ecosystems to climate change, Xiaoguang Ouyang, Erik Kristensen, Martin Zimmer, Carol Thornber, Zhifeng Yang, and Shing Yip Lee


Rapid viewshed analyses: A case study with visibilities limited by trees and buildings, Jason R. Parent and Qian Lei-Parent


Influence of relict milldams on riparian sediment biogeochemistry, Erin K. Peck, Shreeram P. Inamdar, Marc Peipoch, and Arthur J. Gold


Minoritized Scientists in the United States: An Identity Perspective to Science Communication, Leilane Rodrigues, Bruno Takahashi, Leigh Anne Tiffany, Sunshine Menezes, and Evelyn Valdéz-Ward


Twenty-Year Record of Salt Marsh Elevation Dynamics in Response to Sea-Level Rise and Storm-Driven Barrier Island Geomorphic Processes: Fire Island, NY, USA, Charles T. Roman, James C. Lynch, and Donald R. Cahoon


IPBES Invasive Alien Species Assessment: Summary for Policymakers, Helen E. Roy, Aníbal Pauchard, Peter Stoett, Tanara Renard Truong, Sven Bacher, Bella S. Galil, Philip E. Hulme, Tohru Ikeda, Kavileveettil Sankaran, Melodie A. McGeoch, Laura A. Meyerson, Martin A. Nuñez, Alejandro Ordonez, Sebataolo J. Rahlao, Evangelina Schwindt, Hanno Seebens, Andy W. Sheppard, and Vigdis Vandvik


IPBES Invasive Alien Species Assessment: Chapter 1. Introducing biological invasions and the IPBES thematic assessment of invasive alien species and their control, Helen E. Roy, Aníbal Pauchard, Peter Stoett, Tanara Renard Truong, Tatsiana Lipinskaya, Joana R. Vincete, Sven Bacher, Cebuan Bliss, James M. Bullock, Morelia Camacho-Cervantes, Franck Courchamp, Chika Egawa, Llewellyn C. Foxcroft, Bella S. Galil, Ankila J. Hiremath, Patricia L. Howard, Bernd Lenzner, Cristina Lima, Ângela Lomba, Laura A. Meyerson, Carolina L. Morales, Harriet Neal, Martin A. Nuñez, Alejandro Ordonez, Eva Pinto, Rajindra Puri, Petr Pyšek, David M. Richardson, Sophie Riley, Betty J. Rono, Hanieh Saeedi, Andy W. Sheppard, Daniel Simberloff, Charles van Rees, Sonia Vanderhoeven, A. Sofia Vaz, Montserrat Vilà, and Rafael D. Zenni


Metabolomic Evenness Underlies Intraspecific Differences Among Lineages of a Wetland Grass, Ana L. Salgado, Andrea E. Glassmire, Brian E. E. Sedio, Rodrigo Diaz, Michael J. Stout, Jan Čuda, Petr Pyšek, Laura A. Meyerson, and James T. Cronin


IPBES Invasive Alien Species Assessment: Chapter 2. Trends and status of alien and invasive alien species, Hanno Seebens, Laura A. Meyerson, Sebataolo J. Rahlao, Bernd Lenzner, Elena Tricarico, Alla Aleksanyan, Franck Courchamp, Emre Keskin, Hanieh Saeedi, Alifereti Tawake, Petr Pyšek, and et al


Editorial: Vegetation phenology and response to climate change, Xiangjin Shen, Yeqiao Wang, and Binhui Liu


ReclaimingSTEM: A healing-centered counterspace model for inclusive science communication and policy training, Evelyn Valdez-Ward, Robert N. Ulrich, Nic Bennett, Linh Anh Cat, Tamara Marcus, Sunshine Menezes, Allison H. Mattheis, and Kathleen K. Treseder


Our changing planet in a changing world, Yeqiao Wang


Modeling the impact of local environmental variables on tree-related power outages along distribution powerlines, Harshana Wedagedara, Chandi Witharana, Robert Fahey, Diego Cerrai, Durga Joshi, and Jason Parent


Spatial–seasonal characteristics and influencing factors of dissolved organic carbon and chromophoric dissolved organic matter in Poyang Lake, Jian Xu, Zhengjun Jian, Yeqiao Wang, Chaoyang Fang, and Qiwu Hu


Toward a better understanding of coastal salt marsh mapping: A case from China using dual-temporal images, Chuanpeng Zhao, Mingming Jia, Zongming Wang, Dehua Mao, and Yeqiao Wang

Submissions from 2022


Forest degradation drives widespread avian habitat and population declines, Matthew G. Betts, Zhiqiang Yang, Adam S. Hadley, Adam C. Smith, Josée S. Rousseau, Joseph M. Northrup, Joseph J. Nocera, Noel Gorelick, and Brian Gerber


The Future of Invasion Science Needs Physiology, Leigh Boardman, Julie L. Lockwood, Michael J. Angilletta, Jesse S. Krause, Jennifer A. Lau, Michael E. Loik, Daniel Simberloff, Christopher J. Thawley, and Laura A. Meyerson


Pattern and timing of mitochondrial divergence of island spotted skunks on the California Channel Islands, Ellen C. Bolas, Cate B. Quinn, Dirk H. Van Vuren, Andy Lee, Stevi L. Vanderzwan, Chris H. Floyd, Krista L. Jones, Laura Shaskey, and Benjamin N. Sacks


GIS rasters to identify best sites for creating habitat for American Woodcock in Rhode Island, Bill Buffum


Fat Stores and Antioxidant Capacity Affect Stopover Decisions in Three of Four Species of Migratory Passerines With Different Migration Strategies: An Experimental Approach, Clara Cooper-Mullin and Scott R. McWilliams


Exploratory surveys in Taiwan of the roseau cane scale Nipponaclerda biwakoensis Kuwana (Hemiptera: Aclerdidae) and its associated parasitoids, Amado O. Cortez, Cheng Lung Chu, Hannah J. Broadley, Yong Sin Lo, Yu Chun Chen, Michael W. Gates, Laura A. Meyerson, Kim A. Hoelmer, Juli R. Gould, and Shaw Yhi Hwang


Rapidly declining body size in an insectivorous bat is associated with increased precipitation and decreased survival, Christina M. Davy, Valerie von Zuben, Pila M. Kukka, Brian D. Gerber, Brian G. Slough, and Thomas S. Jung


Assortative mixing in eastern spadefoot (Scaphiopus holbrookii) spatial networks is driven by landscape features, Anne Devan-Song, M. A. Walden, James R. Watson, Anna E. Jolles, Justine M. Fox, and Nancy E. Karraker


Bibliometric Analysis of Coastal and Marine Tourism Research from 1990 to 2020, Peili Duan, Yanying Cao, Yeqiao Wang, and Peng Yin


UAV and Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry Enhance River Restoration Monitoring: A Dam Removal Study, Alexandra D. Evans, Kevin H. Gardner, Scott Greenwood, and Brett Still


Antibiotic Treatment Ameliorates the Impact of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) on Coral Communities, G E. Forrester, Laura Arton, Argel Horton, Katie Nickles, and Linda M. Forrester


Host-parasite Interactions between a Copepod (Pharodes tortugensis) and Small Reef-associated Gobies (Coryphopterus) in the British Virgin Islands, Graham E. Forrester and Rachel J. Finley


Evaluation of LAI Estimation of Mangrove Communities Using DLR and ELR Algorithms With UAV, Hyperspectral, and SAR Images, Bolin Fu, Jun Sun, Yeqiao Wang, Wenlan Yang, Hongchang He, Lilong Liu, Liangke Huang, Donglin Fan, and Ertao Gao


Mammals adjust diel activity across gradients of urbanization, Travis Gallo, Mason Fidino, Brian Gerber, Adam A. Ahlers, Julia L. Angstmann, Max Amaya, Amy L. Concilio, David Drake, Danielle Gay, Elizabeth W. Lehrer, Maureen H. Murray, Travis J. Ryan, Colleen Cassady St. Clair, Carmen M. Salsbury, Heather A. Sander, Theodore Stankowich, Jaque Williamson, J. Amy Belaire, Kelly Simon, and Seth B. Magle


Defining a Flexible Notion of “Good” STEM Writing Across Contexts: Lessons Learned From a Cross-Institutional Conversation, Sara M. Grady, Jenna Morton-Aiken, Caroline Gottschalk Druschke, Ingrid E. Lofgren, Nancy E. Karraker, Scott R. McWilliams, Nedra Reynolds, Elaine Finan, Patti L. Wolter, Donna R. Leff, and Michael Kennedy


Body composition of American Woodcock during fall staging: a validation of the non-invasive deuterium dilution method, Clayton L. Graham and Scott R. McWilliams


Cross-seasonal effects in the American Woodcock: Conditions prior to fall migration relate to migration strategy and implications for conservation, Clayton L. Graham, Tanner Steeves, and Scott R. Mcwilliams


Will Climate Change Enhance Algal Blooms? The Individual and Interactive Effects of Temperature and Rain on the Macroalgae Ulva, Lindsay A. Green-Gavrielidis and Carol S. Thornber


Estimating Road Mortality Hotspots While Accounting for Imperfect Detection: A Case Study with Amphibians and Reptiles, Noah Hallisey, Scott W. Buchanan, Brian Gerber, Liam S. Corcoran, and Nancy E. Karraker


Evolution of increased competitive ability may explain dominance of introduced species in ruderal communities, José L. Hierro, Özkan Eren, Jan Čuda, and Laura A. Meyerson


Effects of relic low-head dams on stream denitrification potential: seasonality and biogeochemical controls, Johanna Hripto, S. Inamdar, M. Sherman, E. Peck, A. J. Gold, S. Bernasconi, K. Addy, and M. Peipoch


Saturated, Suffocated, and Salty: Human Legacies Produce Hot Spots of Nitrogen in Riparian Zones, Shreeram P. Inamdar, Erin K. Peck, Marc Peipoch, Arthur J. Gold, Melissa Sherman, Johanna Hripto, Peter M. Groffman, Tara L.E. Trammell, Dorothy J. Merritts, Kelly Addy, Evan Lewis, Robert C. Walter, and Jinjun Kan


SNAPSHOT USA 2020: A second coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic, Roland Kays, Michael V. Cove, Jose Diaz, Kimberly Todd, Claire Bresnan, Matt Snider, Thomas E. Lee, Jonathan G. Jasper, Brianna Douglas, Anthony P. Crupi, Katherine C.B. Weiss, Helen Rowe, Tiffany Sprague, Jan Schipper, Christopher A. Lepczyk, Jean E. Fantle-Lepczyk, Jon Davenport, Marketa Zimova, Zach Farris, Jacque Williamson, M. Cailtin Fisher-Reid, Drew Rezendes, Sean M. King, Petros Chrysafis, Alex J. Jensen, David S. Jachowski, Katherine C. King, Daniel J. Herrera, Sophie Moore, Marius van der Merwe, and Jason V. Lombardi


A self-study of editorial board diversity at Biological Invasions, Sara E. Kuebbing, Matthew A. McCary, Deah Lieurance, Martin A. Nuñez, Mariana C. Chiuffo, Bo Zhang, Hanno Seebens, Daniel Simberloff, and Laura A. Meyerson


A rapid method to assess salt marsh condition and guide management decisions, Thomas E. Kutcher, Kenneth B. Raposa, and Charles T. Roman


Essential amino acid requirements of granivorous and omnivorous songbirds and the provision of natural foods, Lillie A. Langlois and Scott R. McWilliams


Comparison of Different Transfer Learning Methods for Classification of Mangrove Communities Using MCCUNet and UAV Multispectral Images, Yuyang Li, Bolin Fu, Xidong Sun, Donglin Fan, Yeqiao Wang, Hongchang He, Ertao Gao, Wen He, and Yuefeng Yao


Estimating arboreality and the effects of forest structure on tropical tree-dwelling mesomammals using arboreal camera traps, J. Masseloux, Q. T. Le, J. Burr, and B. D. Gerber


Forest structure and seasonally inundated grassland shape tropical mammal communities under moderate disturbance, Juliana Masseloux, Quy Tan Le, Jessica Burr, and Brian D. Gerber


Transient persistence of bobcat (Lynx rufus) occurrence throughout a human-dominated landscape, Amy E. Mayer, Thomas J. McGreevy, Charles Brown, Laken S. Ganoe, and Brian D. Gerber


The disconnect between knowledge and perceptions: A study of fishermen’s local ecological knowledge and their perception of the state of fisheries and how these are managed in the Dominican Republic, Elizabeth Layli Mclean, Graham E. Forrester, and Carlos G. Garcia-Quijano


Physiological challenges of migration, Scott R. McWilliams, Marilyn Ramenofsky, and Barbara J. Pierce


Making science communication inclusive: an exploratory study of choices, challenges and change mechanisms in the United States from an emerging movement, Sunshine Menezes, Kayon Murray-Johnson, Hollie Smith, Hannah Trautmann, and Mehri Azizi


Moving Toward Global Strategies for Managing Invasive Alien Species, Laura A. Meyerson, Aníbal Pauchard, Giuseppe Brundu, James T. Carlton, José L. Hierro, Christoph Kueffer, Maharaj K. Pandit, Petr Pyšek, David M. Richardson, and Jasmin G. Packer


The journal Biological Invasions evolves, Laura A. Meyerson and Daniel Simberloff


Modeling dynamic soil carbon attributes among common southern New England land uses, David Millar, Mark Stolt, José A. Amador, and Andrew Paolucci


Online sale of small turtles circumvents public health regulations in the United States, Lauren E. Montague, Juliana M. Macrotrigiano, Niamh E. Keane, Hannah E. Marquardt, Jennifer A. Sevin, and Nancy E. Karraker


CO2 Uptake Offsets Other Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Salt Marshes with Chronic Nitrogen Loading, Serena M. Moseman-Valtierra, Katelyn Szura, Meagan Eagle, Carol S. Thornber, and Faming Wang


Conceptual and methodological advances in habitat-selection modeling: guidelines for ecology and evolution, Joseph M. Northrup, Eric Vander Wal, Maegwin Bonar, John Fieberg, Michel P. Laforge, Martin Leclerc, Christina M. Prokopenko, and Brian Gerber


Two decades of data reveal that Biological Invasions needs to increase participation beyond North America, Europe, and Australasia, Martin A. Nuñez, Mariana C. Chiuffo, Hanno Seebens, Sara Kuebbing, Matthew A. McCary, Deah Lieurance, Bo Zhang, Daniel Simberloff, and Laura A. Meyerson


Ocean acidification but not nutrient enrichment reduces grazing and alters diet preference in Littorina littorea, Gordon T. Ober, Carol S. Thornber, and Jason S. Grear


Classifying and Georeferencing Indoor Point Clouds with ArcGIS, Jason R. Parent, Chandi Witharana, and Michael Bradley


Nitrogen Sinks or Sources? Denitrification and Nitrogen Removal Potential in Riparian Legacy Sediment Terraces Affected by Milldams, Erin K. Peck, Shreeram Inamdar, Melissa Sherman, Johanna Hripto, Marc Peipoch, Arthur J. Gold, and Kelly Addy


Salt marsh climate change adaptation: Using runnels to adapt to accelerating sea level rise within a drowning New England salt marsh, Danielle C. Perry, Wenley Ferguson, and Carol S. Thornber


The effects of training, acute exercise and dietary fatty acid composition on muscle lipid oxidative capacity in European starlings, Edwin R. Price, Ulf Bauchinger, Scott R. McWilliams, Michelle L. Boyles, Lillie A. Langlois, Alexander R. Gerson, and Christopher G. Guglielmo


Correction: Four priority areas to advance invasion science in the face of rapid environmental change (Ref: Environ. Rev. 29(2): 119–141 (2021), 10.1139/er-2020-0088), Anthony Ricciardi, Josephine C. Iacarella, David C. Aldridge, Tim M. Blackburn, James T. Carlton, Jane A. Catford, Jaimie T.A. Dick, Philip E. Hulme, Jonathan M. Jeschke, Andrew M. Liebhold, Julie L. Lockwood, Hugh J. Macisaac, Laura A. Meyerson, Petr Pyšek, David M. Richardson, Gregory M. Ruiz, Daniel Simberloff, Montserrat Vilà, and David A. Wardle


Rethinking Habitat Occupancy Modeling and the Role of Diel Activity in an Anthropogenic World, Kimberly Rivera, Mason Fidino, Zach J. Farris, Seth B. Magle, Asia Murphy, and Brian Gerber


Measuring circulating triglycerides in free-living birds: evaluation of a field-usable point-of-care analyzer for American woodcock, Christopher M. Roelandt, Amber M. Roth, Scott R. McWilliams, and Jill C. Witt


Backed-Up, Saturated, and Stagnant: Effect of Milldams on Upstream Riparian Groundwater Hydrologic and Mixing Regimes, Melissa Sherman, Johanna Hripto, Erin K. Peck, Arthur J. Gold, Marc Peipoch, Paul Imhoff, and Shreeram Inamdar


Carbon sequestration in back-barrier tidal marsh soils, Mark Stolt and Amber Hardy


Editorial: Helping scientists to communicate well for all considered: Strategic science communication in an age of environmental and health crises, Brianne Suldovsky, Marcia Allison, Marina Joubert, Ingrid E. Lofgren, and Scott R. McWilliams


Madagascar Terrestrial Camera Survey Database 2021: A collation of protected forest camera surveys from 2007–2021, Erin M. Wampole, Brian D. Gerber, Zach J. Farris, Jean Claude Razafimahaimodison, Mahandry Hugues Andrianarisoa, Claude Jacquot Ralazampirenena, Patricia C. Wright, C. Delaid Rasamisoa, Dean Gibson, Mathias W. Tobler, Timothy M. Eppley, Natalie Vasey, Steig E. Johnson, Caitlynn Filla, Kim Valenta, Patrick Ross, Asia Murphy, Sarah M. Karpanty, Marcella J. Kelly, Cullen Anderson, Claire Cardinal, Giuseppe Donati, Prisca Razafy, Radoniaina Rafaliarison, Fidisoa Rasambainarivo, Josia Razafindramanana, Samuel D. Merson, and Eileen Larney


Annual wetland mapping in metropolis by temporal sample migration and Random Forest classification with time series Landsat data and Google Earth Engine, Ming Wang, Dehua Mao, Yeqiao Wang, Kaishan Song, Henqi Yan, Mingming Jia, and Zongming Wang


Earth science research contributing to sustainability of our home planet, Yeqiao Wang


A Comprehensive Comparison of Machine Learning and Feature Selection Methods for Maize Biomass Estimation Using Sentinel-1 SAR, Sentinel-2 Vegetation Indices, and Biophysical Variables, Chi Xu, Yanling Ding, Xingming Zheng, Yeqiao Wang, Rui Zhang, Hongyan Zhang, Zewen Dai, and Qiaoyun Xie


Blue-Sky Albedo Reduction and Associated Influencing Factors of Stable Land Cover Types in the Middle-High Latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere during 1982–2015, Saisai Yuan, Yeqiao Wang, Hongyan Zhang, Jianjun Zhao, Xiaoyi Guo, Tao Xiong, Hui Li, and Hang Zhao


Decision surface optimization in mapping exotic mangrove species (Sonneratia apetala) across latitudinal coastal areas of China, Chuanpeng Zhao, Cheng Zhi Qin, Zongming Wang, Dehua Mao, Yeqiao Wang, and Mingming Jia

Submissions from 2021


Mortality of Eastern Box Turtles (Terrapene c. carolina) After a Growing Season Prescribed Fire, Scott W. Buchanan, Tanner K. Steeves, and Nancy E. Karraker


Novel Use of Species Distribution Modeling to Identify High Priority Sites for American Woodcock Habitat Management, Bill Buffum, Roger Masse, and Scott R. McWilliams


Deep mapping for environmental communication design, Shannon Butts and Madison Jones


Dietary linoleic acid, antioxidants, and flight training influence the activity of oxidative enzymes in European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), Wales A. Carter, Kristen J. DeMoranville, Barbara J. Pierce, and Scott R. McWilliams


Seasonal and Interspecific Variation in Frugivory by a Mixed Resident-Migrant Overwintering Songbird Community, Wales A. Carter, Scott F. Pearson, Adam D. Smith, Scott R. McWilliams, and Douglas J. Levey


Modern cities modelled as “super-cells” rather than multicellular organisms: Implications for industry, goods and services, Jie Chang, Ying Ge, Zhaoping Wu, Yuanyuan Du, Kaixuan Pan, Guofu Yang, Yuan Ren, Mikko P. Hein, Feng Mao, Kang Hao Cheong, Zelong Qu, Xing Fan, Yong Min, Changhui Peng, and Laura A. Meyerson


Dietary vitamin E reaches the mitochondria in the flight muscle of zebra finches but only if they exercise, Clara Cooper-Mullin, Wales A. Carter, Ronald S. Amato, David Podlesak, and Scott R. McWilliams


SNAPSHOT USA 2019: a coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States, Michael V. Cove, Roland Kays, Helen Bontrager, Claire Bresnan, Monica Lasky, Taylor Frerichs, Renee Klann, Thomas E. Lee, Seth C. Crockett, Anthony P. Crupi, Katherine C.B. Weiss, Helen Rowe, Tiffany Sprague, Jan Schipper, Chelsey Tellez, Christopher A. Lepczyk, Jean E. Fantle-Lepczyk, Scott LaPoint, Jacque Williamson, M. Caitlin Fisher-Reid, Sean M. King, Alexandra J. Bebko, Petros Chrysafis, Alex J. Jensen, David S. Jachowski, Joshua Sands, Kelly Anne MacCombie, Daniel J. Herrera, Marius van der Merwe, Travis W. Knowles, and Robert V. Horan


Regeneration of Phragmites australis from rhizome and culm fragments: An experimental test of environmental effects, population origin and invasion status, Jan Čuda, Hana Skálová, Laura A. Meyerson, and Petr Pyšek


Flight and Dietary Antioxidants Influence Antioxidant Expression and Activity in a Migratory Bird, Kristen J. DeMoranville, Wales A. Carter, Barbara J. Pierce, and Scott R. McWilliams


Confirmation bias perpetuates century-old ecological misconception: Evidence against 'Secretive' behavior of Eastern Spadefoots, Anne Devan-Song, M. A. Walden, Haley A. Moniz, Justine M. Fox, Mary Ruth Low, Emma Wilkinson, Scott W. Buchanan, and Nancy E. Karraker


Inclusive Science Communication Starter Kit, Christina DiCenzo, Sunshine Menezes, H. Smith, K. Murray-Johnson, M. Azizi, and K. McDuffie


Use of social-media networking to facilitate a grass-roots lionfish removal program in the British Virgin Islands, Graham E. Forrester, Kristian B. Dzilenski, and David W. Gleeson


Season, anthocyanin supplementation, and flight training have mixed effects on the antioxidant system of migratory European Starlings, Abigail E. Frawley, Kristen J. DeMoranville, Katherine M. Carbeck, Lisa Trost, Amadeusz Bryla, Maciej Dzialo, Edyta T. Sadowska, Ulf Bauchinger, Barbara J. Pierce, and Scott R. McWilliams


Flight training and dietary antioxidants have mixed effects on the oxidative status of multiple tissues in a female migratory songbird, Abigail E. Frawley, Kristen J. DeMoranville, Katherine M. Carbeck, Lisa Trost, Amadeusz Bryła, Maciej Działo, Edyta T. Sadowska, Ulf Bauchinger, Barbara J. Pierce, and Scott R. McWilliams