URI Natural Resources Science Faculty Publications | Natural Resources Science | University of Rhode Island
Explore scholarly publications from the Department of Natural Resources Science faculty at the University of Rhode Island.


Submissions from 2012


Breeding Birds and Forest Management in Lawton Farm Recreation Area, Scituate Rhode Island, Bill Buffum and Rick McKinney


Salt marsh responses to tidal restriction and restoration: A summary of experiences, David M. Burdick and Charles T. Roman


Ecology of phragmites Australis and responses to tidal restoration, Randolph M. Chambers, Laura A. Meyerson, and Kimberly L. Dibble


Physiological regulatory networks: Ecological roles and evolutionary constraints, Alan A. Cohen, Lynn B. Martin, John C. Wingfield, Scott R. McWilliams, and Jennifer A. Dunne


Salt marsh mosquito-control ditches: Sedimentation, landscape change, and restoration implications, Sarah S. Corman, Charles T. Roman, John W. King, and Peter G. Appleby


Tidal Flushing Restores the Physiological Condition of Fish Residing in Degraded Salt Marshes, Kimberly L. Dibble and Laura A. Meyerson


Evaluating causes of transplant stress in fragments of Acropora Palmata used for coral reef restoration, Graham E. Forrester, Amy Maynard, Stephanie Schofield, and Kerianne Taylor


Engendering Behavior Change Through Single-Session Workshops: Lessons Learned from Extension's Private Well Initiative, Arthur J. Gold and Alyson McCann


Role of science and partnerships in salt marsh restoration at the Galilee Bird Sanctuary, Narragansett, Rhode Island, Francis C. Golet, Dennis H.A. Myshrall, Lawrence R. Oliver, Peter W.C. Paton, and Brian C. Tefft


Snail grazing facilitates growth of two morphologically similar bloom-forming Ulva species through different mechanisms, Michele Guidone, Carol S. Thornber, and Emily Vincent


Erratum: Time energy budgets and food use of Atlantic brant across their wintering range (The Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (273-282) DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.58), Zachary S. Ladin, Paul M. Castelli, Scott R. McWilliams, and Christopher K. Williams


Tree kangaroo molecular systematics based on partial cytochrome b sequences: Are Matschie's tree kangaroo (Dendrolagus matschiei) and Goodfellow's tree kangaroo (D. goodfellowi buergersi) sister taxa?, Thomas J. McGreevy, Lisa Dabek, and Thomas P. Husband


Energy-Based Carrying Capacities of Bufflehead Bucephala albeola Wintering Habitats, Richard A. McKinney and Scott R. McWilliams


Hybridization of Common Reed in North America? The Answer is Blowing in the Wind, Laura A. Meyerson, C. Lambertini, M. K. McCormick, and D. F. Whigham


Allocation of endogenous and dietary protein in the reconstitution of the gastrointestinal tract in migratory blackcaps at stopover sites, Agusti Muñoz-Garcia, Sarah Aamidor, Marshall D. McCue, Scott R. McWilliams, and Berry Pinshow


Influence of natural and novel organic carbon sources on denitrification in forest, degraded urban, and restored streams, Tamara A. Newcomer, Sujay A. Kaushal, Paul M. Mayer, Amy R. Shields, Elizabeth A. Canuel, Peter M. Groffman, and Arthur J. Gold


Using Long-Term Constant-Effort Banding Data to Monitor Population Trends of Migratory Birds: A 33-Year Assessment of Adjacent Coastal Stations, Jason E. Osenkowski, Peter W. C. Paton, and Douglas Kraus


Application of multiple index development approaches to benthic invertebrate data from the Virginian biogeographic Province, USA, Marguerite C. Pelletier, Arthur J. Gold, Liliana Gonzalez, and Candace Oviatt


Field estimations of soil organic carbon, M. C. Rabenhorst and M. H. Stolt


Subaqueous Soils: Pedogenesis, Mapping, and Applications, M. C. Rabenhorst and M. H. Stolt


Subaqueous soils: Pedogenesis, mapping, and applications, M. C. Rabenhorst and M. H. Stolt


Development and application of multi-proxy indices of land use change for riparian soils in southern New England, USA, M. C. Ricker, S. W. Donohue, M. H. Stolt, and M. S. Zavada


Tidal marsh restoration: A synthesis of science and management, Charles T. Roman and David Burdick


A synthesis of research and practice on restoring tides to salt marshes, Charles T. Roman and David M. Burdick


An Adaptive Framework for Selecting Environmental Monitoring Protocols to Support Ocean Renewable Energy Development, Emily J. Shumchenia, Sarah L. Smith, Jennifer McCann, Michelle Carnevale, Grover Fugate, Robert D. Kenney, John W. King, Peter W. C. Paton, Malia Schwartz, Malcolm Spaulding, and Kritopher J. Winiarski


Taking Your Course Online: An Interdisciplinary Journey, Kathleen M. Torrens and José A. Amador


Variation and trends of landscape dynamics, land surface phenology and net primary production of the Appalachian Mountains, Yeqiao Wang, Jianjun Zhao, Yuyu Zhou, and Hongyan Zhang


North Atlantic coastal tidal wetlands, Cathleen Wigand and Charles T. Roman


Rapid environmental degradation in a subarctic ecosystem influences resource use of a keystone avian herbivore, Kristopher J. Winiarski, Scott R. Mcwilliams, and Robert F. Rockwell

Submissions from 2011


During stopover, migrating blackcaps adjust behavior and intake of food depending on the content of protein in their diets, Sarah E. Aamidor, Ulf Bauchinger, Ortal Mizrahy, Scott R. McWilliams, and Berry Pinshow


Evaluation of microbiological water quality in the Pettaquamscutt River (Rhode Island, USA) using chemical, molecular and culture-dependent methods, Janet A. Atoyan, Elizabeth M. Herron, and José A. Amador


Island biogeography extends to small-scale habitats: Low competitor density and richness on islands may drive trait variation in nonnative plants, Joshua P. Atwood and Laura A. Meyerson


Flight muscle shape reliably predicts flight muscle mass of migratory songbirds: A new tool for field ornithologists, Ulf Bauchinger, Scott R. McWilliams, Harald Kolb, Vladimir M. Popenko, Edwin R. Price, and Herbert Biebach


Reduced body mass gain in small passerines during migratory stopover under simulated heat wave conditions, Ulf Bauchinger, Scott R. McWilliams, and Berry Pinshow


Dietary fatty acid composition influences tissue lipid profiles and regulation of body temperature in Japanese quail, Miriam Ben-Hamo, Marshall D. McCue, Scott R. McWilliams, and Berry Pinshow


Silviculture Training for Staff to Support Community Forestry Programs in Developing Countries, Bill Buffum


A spatial analysis of forest management and its contribution to maintaining the extent of shrubland habitat in southern New England, United States, Bill Buffum, Scott R. McWilliams, and Peter V. August


Mobilizing Private Landowners to Manage Forests for Wildlife Habitat - the Experience of the Rhode Island Coverts Program, Bill Buffum and Chris Modisette


Assessment of net ecosystem services of plastic greenhouse vegetable cultivation in China, Jie Chang, Xu Wu, Anqin Liu, Yan Wang, Bin Xu, Wu Yang, Laura A. Meyerson, Baojing Gu, Changhui Peng, and Ying Ge


Effects of temperature and temporal factors on anuran detection probabilities at Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts, USA: Implications for long-term monitoring, Robert P. Cook, Todd A. Tupper, Peter W.C. Paton, and Brad C. Timm


Comparison of salt marsh creeks and ditches as habitat for nekton, Sarah S. Corman and Charles T. Roman


Use of computed tomography imaging for quantifying coarse roots, rhizomes, peat, and particle densities in marsh soils, Earl Davey, Cathleen Wigand, Roxanne Johnson, Karen Sundberg, James Morris, and Charles T. Roman


Evaluating methods for transplanting endangered elkhorn corals in the Virgin Islands, Graham E. Forrester, Caitlin O'Connell-Rodwell, Patricia Baily, Linda M. Forrester, Sandra Giovannini, Lindsay Harmon, Rebecca Karis, Jason Krumholz, Timothy Rodwell, and Lianna Jarecki


Reef fishes: Density dependence and equilibrium in populations?, Graham E. Forrester and Mark A. Steele


Experimental evidence for density-dependent reproductive output in a coral reef fish, Graham Forrester, Lindsay Harmon, Jason Helyer, William Holden, and Rebecca Karis


Geographic systems and ecological security of the Changbai mountains: An EOS approach of study, Yang Han, Yunsheng Zhao, Chunlin Chen, and Yeqiao Wang


Predicting Maximum Lake Depth from Surrounding Topography, Jeffrey W. Hollister, W. Bryan Milstead, and M. Andrea Urrutia


Vegetation dynamics and its relationship with climatic factors in the Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve, Guanglei Hou, Hongyan Zhang, and Yeqiao Wang


Modeling Habitat Associations for the Common Loon (Gavia immer) at Multiple Scales in Northeastern North America, Anne Kuhn, Jane Copeland, John Cooley, Harry Vogel, Kate Taylor, Diane Nacci, and Peter V. August


Nonnative Phragmites australis Invasion into Utah Wetlands, Andrew Kulmatiski, Karen H. Beard, Laura A. Meyerson, Jacob R. Gibson, and Karen E. Mock


Time energy budgets and food use of Atlantic brant across their wintering range, Zachary S. Ladin, Paul M. Castelli, Scott R. Mcwilliams, and Christopher K. Williams


Ontogeny and nutritional status influence oxidative kinetics of nutrients and whole-animal bioenergetics in zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata: New applications for 13C breath testing, Marshall D. McCue, Scott R. McWilliams, and Berry Pinshow


A Mass Balance Approach to Identify and Compare Differential Routing of 13C-Labeled Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins In Vivo, Marshall D. McCue, Adam Smith, Richard McKinney, Boris Rewald, Berry Pinshow, and Scott R. McWilliams


Genetic evaluation of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Matschie's tree Kangaroo (Dendrolagus matschiei) captive breeding program, Thomas J. McGreevy, Lisa Dabek, and Thomas P. Husband


The effect of a protected area on the tradeoffs between short-run and long-run benefits from mangrove ecosystems, Catherine G. McNally, Emi Uchida, and Arthur J. Gold


Availability of water affects renewal of tissues in migratory blackcaps during stopover, Ortal Mizrahy, Ulf Bauchinger, Sarah E. Aamidor, Scott R. McWilliams, and Berry Pinshow


Constitutive immune function in European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris, is decreased immediately after an endurance flight in a wind tunnel, Silke Nebel, Ulf Bauchinger, Deborah M. Buehler, Lillie A. Langlois, Michelle Boyles, Alexander R. Gerson, Edwin R. Price, Scott R. McWilliams, and Christopher Guglielmo


Migration- and exercise-induced changes to flight muscle size in migratory birds and association with IGF1 and myostatin mRNA expression, Edwin R. Price, Ulf Buachinger, Daria M. Zajac, David J. Cerasale, Jay T. McFarlan, Alexander R. Gerson, Scott R. McWilliams, and Christopher G. Guglielmo


Assessing long-term population trends of wood frogs using egg-mass counts, Christopher J. Raithel, Peter W.C. Paton, Penelope S. Pooler, and Frank C. Golet


Epiphyte and herbivore interactions impact recruitment in a marine subtidal system, Nicole E. Rohr, Carol S. Thornber, and Emily Jones


Estuarine subaqueous soil temperature, Alexander Salisbury and Mark H. Stolt


Non-natives: 141 scientists object, Daniel Simberloff, Jake Alexander, Fred Allendorf, James Aronson, Pedro M. Antunes, Sven Bacher, Richard Bardgett, Sandro Bertolino, Melanie Bishop, Tim M. Blackburn, April Blakeslee, Dana Blumenthal, Alejandro Bortolus, Ralf Buckley, Yvonne Buckley, Jeb Byers, Ragan M., Faith Campbell, Karl Campbell, Marnie Campbell, James T. Carlton, Phillip Cassey, Jane Catford, Laura Celesti-Grapow, John Chapman, Paul Clark, Andre Clewell, João Canning Clode, Andrew Chang, Milan Chytrý, and Mick Clout


Long-term shifts in autumn migration by songbirds at a coastal eastern north American stopover site, Susan B. Smith and Peter W.C. Paton


Mapping Shallow Coastal Ecosystems: A Case Study of a Rhode Island Lagoon, Mark Stolt, Michael Bradley, Jim Turenne, Maggie Payne, Eric Scherer, Giancarlo Cicchetti, Emily Shumchenia, Marisa Guarinello, John W. King, Jon Boothroyd, Bryan Oakley, Carol Thornber, and Pete August


Soils-based rapid assessment for quantifying changes in salt marsh condition as a result of hydrologic alteration, Timothy M. Twohig and Mark H. Stolt


Biological invasions in rapidly urbanizing areas: A case study of Beijing, China, Hua Feng Wang, Jordi López-Pujol, Laura A. Meyerson, Jiang Xiao Qiu, Xiao Ke Wang, and Zhi Yun Ouyang


Remote sensing of land surface dynamics along the appalachian trail, Yeqiao Wang, Jianjun Zhao, and Hongyan Zhang


Automated batch processing of mass remote sensing and geospatial data to meet the needs of end users, Jianjun Zhao, Yeqiao Wang, and Hongyan Zhang

Submissions from 2010


Improvement of Hydraulic and Water Quality Renovation Functions by Intermittent Aeration of Soil Treatment Areas in Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems, José A. Amador, David A. Potts, George W. Loomis, David V. Kalen, Erika L. Patenaude, and Josef H. Görres


Impact of coffee management practices on earthworm populations in Puerto Rico, José A. Amador, Cynthia V. Ramos, Monica Alfaro, and David Sotomayor-Ramirez


Exposure to cold but not exercise increases carbon turnover rates in specific tissues of a passerine, U. Bauchinger, J. Keil, R. A. McKinney, J. M. Starck, and Scott R. McWilliams


Erratum: Carbon turnover in tissues of a passerine bird: Allometry, isotopic clocks, and phenotypic flexibility in organ size (Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 82 (787-797)), Ulf Bauchinger and Scott R. McWilliams


Extent of phenotypic flexibility during long-distance flight is determined by tissue-specific turnover rates: A new hypothesis, Ulf Bauchinger and Scott R. McWilliams


Cost-effective species conservation in exurban communities: A spatial analysis, Dana Marie Bauer, Stephen K. Swallow, and Peter W.C. Paton


Are Wetland Regulations Cost Effective for Species Protection? A Case Study of Amphibian Metapopulations, Dana M. Bauer, Peter W. C. Paton, and Stephen K. Swallow


Fasting triggers hypothermia, and ambient temperature modulates its depth in Japanese quail Coturnix japonica, Miriam Ben-Hamo, Berry Pinshow, Marshall D. McCue, Scott R. McWilliams, and Ulf Bauchinger


Earthworm taxonomic structure of coffee plantations at three soil associations in puerto rico: (Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae, Megascolecidae), Sonia Borges, Cynthia Ramos, Mónica Alfaro, and José A. Amador


Equity in Community Forests in Bhutan, Bill Buffum, A. Lawrence, and K. J. Temphel


Assessing detection probabilities of larval amphibians and macroinvertebrates in isolated ponds, Annie E. Curtis and Peter W.C. Paton


Reversible blunting of arousal from sleep in response to intermittent hypoxia in the developing rat, R. A. Darnall, S. McWilliams, R. W. Schneider, and C. M. Tobia


Soil respiration and ecosystem carbon stocks in New England forests with varying soil drainage, Aletta A. Davis, Jana E. Compton, and Mark H. Stolt


Evaluating if energy and protein limit abundance of hawaiian moorhen, David W. Desrochers, Scott R. Mcwilliams, and J. Michael Reed


Partitioning of habitable pore space in earthworm burrows, Josef H. Gorres and José A. Amador


Snail grazing facilitates growth of a bloom-forming alga, Michele Guidone, Carol S. Thornber, and Emily Field

Effects of three interactive factors on the multi-angle polarized hyperspectrum of vegetation leaves, Yang Han, Qian Li, Yun Sheng Zhao, Yeqiao Wang, Chun Lin Chen, and Li Li Zhang


Estimating soil moisture conditions of the greater changbai mountains by land surface temperature and ndvi, Yang Han, Yeqiao Wang, and Y. Zhao


A method to quantitatively sample nekton in salt-marsh ditches and small tidal creeks, Mary Jane James-Pirri, Charles T. Roman, and Jeffrey L. Swanson


Effects of habitat-modifying invasive macroalgae on epiphytic algal communities, Emily Jones and Carol S. Thornber


A geospatial approach for assessing denitrification sinks within lower-order catchments, D. Q. Kellogg, Arthur J. Gold, Suzanne Cox, Kelly Addy, and Peter V. August


Redoximorphic Features, David L. Lindbo, Mark H. Stolt, and Mike J. Vepraskas


Population Genetic Diversity and Fitness in Multiple Environments, Jeffrey A. Markert, Denise M. Champlin, Ruth Gutjahr-Gobell, Jason S. Grear, Anne Kuhn, Thomas J. McGreevy Jr., Annette Roth, Mark J. Bagley, and Diane E. Nacci


Tracking the oxidative kinetics of carbohydrates, amino acids and fatty acids in the house sparrow using exhaled 13CO2, Marshall D. McCue, O. Sivan, Scott R. McWilliams, and B. Pinshow


Microsatellite marker development and mendelian analysis in the matschie's tree kangaroo (Dendrolagus matschiei), Thomas J. McGreevy, Lisa Dabek, and Thomas P. Husband


A multiplex PCR assay to distinguish among three sympatric marsupial taxa from Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea, using the mitochondrial control region, T. J. McGreevy, L. Dabek, and T. P. Husband


A tale of three lineages: Expansion of common reed (Phragmites australis) in the U.S. Southwest and Gulf Coast, Laura A. Meyerson, Adam M. Lambert, and Kristin Saltonstall


Hybridization of invasive Phragmites australis with a native subspecies in North America, Laura A. Meyerson, David V. Viola, and Rebecca N. Brown


Quantification and implications of soil losses from commercial sod production, David Millar, Mark Stolt, and José A. Amador


Highly Variable Acquisition Rates of Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) by Birds on an Atlantic Barrier Island, S. S. Mitra, P. A. Buckley, F. G. Buckley, and Howard S. Ginsberg


Nitrogen control through decentralized wastewater treatment: Process performance and alternative management strategies, Stewart M. Oakley, Arthur J. Gold, and Autumn J. Oczkowski


Comment on "developing and implementing an effective public outreach program", Michael O'Neill, James Dobrowolski, Arthur Gold, Thomas Blewett, and Reagan Waskom