Submissions from 2019
Active Learning Approaches to Teaching Soil Science at the College Level, José A. Amador
Soil-based wastewater treatment, José A. Amador and George W. Loomis
Laboratory-Scale Evaluation of the Effects of Water-Filled Pore Space on Emissions of CO2, CH4, N2O, and N2 from Soil-Based Wastewater Treatment, Faith L. Anderson, Jennifer A. Cooper, and José A. Amador
Landscape context matters when American Woodcock select singing grounds: Results from a reciprocal transplant experiment, Stephen J. Brenner, Bill Buffum, Brian C. Tefft, and Scott R. McWilliams
Observations of certain breeding behaviors in a bilateral gynandromorph Eastern Towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus), Stephen J. Brenner, Olivia A. Darugna, and Scott R. McWilliams
Independence day: Post-fledging movements and behavior of adult Eastern Towhees (Pipilo erythrophthalmus) in landscapes managed for American Woodcock (Scolopax minor), Stephen J. Brenner and Scott R. McWilliams
A Comparison of the Population Genetic Structure and Diversity between a Common (Chrysemys p. picta) and an Endangered (Clemmys guttata) Freshwater Turtle, Scott W. Buchanan, Jason J. Kolbe, Johanna E. Wegener, Jessica R. Atutubo, and Nancy E. Karraker
Assessment of Community-Based Activities to Reduce Human–Elephant Conflict in Nepal, Bill Buffum, Thomas P. Husband, and Sandeep Shrestha
Mobilizing Private Landowners to Create American Woodcock Habitat: Lessons Learned in Rhode Island, USA, BILL BUFFUM, BRIAN C. TEFFT, ROGER J. MASSE, and SCOTT R. MCWILLIAMS
Evaluating the Relationship Among Wetland Vertical Development, Elevation Capital, Sea-Level Rise, and Tidal Marsh Sustainability, Donald R. Cahoon, James C. Lynch, Charles T. Roman, John Paul Schmit, and Dennis E. Skidds
High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing for Salt Marsh Mapping and Change Analysis at Fire Island National Seashore, Anthony Campbell and Yeqiao Wang
Tall-statured grasses: a useful functional group for invasion science, Susan Canavan, Laura A. Meyerson, Jasmin G. Packer, Petr Pyšek, Noëlie Maurel, Vanessa Lozano, David M. Richardson, Giuseppe Brundu, Kim Canavan, Angela Cicatelli, Jan Čuda, Wayne Dawson, Franz Essl, Francesco Guarino, Wen Yong Guo, Mark van Kleunen, Holger Kreft, Carla Lambertini, Jan Pergl, Hana Skálová, Robert J. Soreng, Vernon Visser, Maria S. Vorontsova, Patrick Weigelt, Marten Winter, and John R.U. Wilson
The Importance of Isotopic Turnover for Understanding Key Aspects of Animal Ecology and Nutrition, Wales A. Carter, Ulf Bauchinger, and Scott R. McWilliams
Dynamics of individual fatty acids in muscle fat stores and membranes of a songbird and its functional and ecological importance, Wales A. Carter, John P. Whiteman, Clara Cooper-Mullin, Seth D. Newsome, and Scott R. McWilliams
A Comparative Assessment of Geostatistical, Machine Learning, and Hybrid Approaches for Mapping Topsoil Organic Carbon Content, Lin Chen, Chunying Ren, Lin Li, Yeqiao Wang, Bai Zhang, Zongming Wang, and Linfeng Li
Mapping Spatial Variations of Structure and Function Parameters for Forest Condition Assessment of the Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve, Lin Chen, Chunying Ren, Bai Zhang, Zongming Wang, and Yeqiao Wang
Assessment of multi-wavelength SAR and multispectral instrument data for forest aboveground biomass mapping using random forest kriging, Lin Chen, Yeqiao Wang, Chunying Ren, Bai Zhang, and Zongming Wang
Optimal Combination of Predictors and Algorithms for Forest Above-Ground Biomass Mapping from Sentinel and SRTM Data, Lin Chen, Yeqiao Wang, Chunying Ren, Bai Zhang, and Zongming Wang
Acute effects of intense exercise on the antioxidant system in birds: Does exercise training help?, Clara Cooper-Mullin, Wales A. Carter, and Scott R. McWilliams
Preliminary Evidence That Rising Groundwater Tables Threaten Coastal Septic Systems, Alissa H. Cox, George W. Loomis, and José A. Amador
Impacts of oyster aquaculture on subaqueous soils and infauna, Chelsea E. Duball, Jose Amador, Lauren E. Salisbury, and Mark H. Stolt
Assessment of Night-Time Lighting for Global Terrestrial Protected and Wilderness Areas, Liangxian Fan, Jianjun Zhao, Yeqiao Wang, Zhoupeng Ren, Hongyan Zhang, and Xiaoyi Guo
Sleeping Unsafely Tucked in to Conserve Energy in a Nocturnal Migratory Songbird, Andrea Ferretti, Niels C. Rattenborg, Thomas Ruf, Scott R. McWilliams, Massimiliano Cardinale, and Leonida Fusani
Boat anchoring contributes substantially to coral reef degradation in the British Virgin Islands, Rebecca L. Flynn and G E. Forrester
Comparing the Efficiency of Nursery and Direct Transplanting Methods for Restoring Endangered Corals, Graham E. Forrester, Maggie Chan, Dennis Conetta, Russell Dauksis, Katie Nickles, and Alicia Siravo
Behavioural mechanisms underlying parasite-mediated competition for refuges in a coral reef fish, Graham E. Forrester, Erin Chille, Katie Nickles, and Kiran Reed
Extreme site fidelity as an optimal strategy in an unpredictable and homogeneous environment, Brian D. Gerber, Mevin B. Hooten, Christopher P. Peck, Mindy B. Rice, James H. Gammonley, Anthony D. Apa, and Amy J. Davis
Improving spatial predictions of animal resource selection to guide conservation decision making, Brian Gerber and Joseph M. Northrup
Migratory shorebird adheres to Bergmann's Rule by responding to environmental conditions through the annual lifecycle, Daniel Gibson, Angela D. Hornsby, Mary B. Brown, Jonathan B. Cohen, Lauren R. Dinan, James D. Fraser, Meryl J. Friedrich, Cheri L. Gratto-Trevor, Kelsi L. Hunt, Matthew Jeffery, Joel G. Jorgensen, Peter W.C. Paton, Samantha G. Robinson, Jen Rock, Michelle L. Stantial, Chelsea E. Weithman, and Daniel H. Catlin
The brown macroalga Colpomenia peregrina (Sauvageau, 1927) reaches Rhode Island, USA, Lindsay A. Green-Gavrielidis, Niels-Viggo Hobbs, and Carol S. Thornber
Warming seas increase cold-stunning events for Kemp’s ridley sea turtles in the northwest Atlantic, Lucas P. Griffin, Curtice R. Griffin, John T. Finn, Robert L. Prescott, Mark Faherty, Brett Matthew Still, and Andy J. Danylchuk
Bioeconomic analysis of Engraulicypris sardella (USIPA) in South east arm of Lake Malawi, Innocent Gumulira, Graham E. Forrester, and Najih Lazar
RZ-TRADEOFF: A New Model to Estimate Riparian Water and Air Quality Functions, Yasaman T. Hassanzadeh, Philippe G. Vidon, Arthur J. Gold, Soni M. Pradhanang, and Kelly Addy Lowder
Evidence does not support the targeting of cryptic invaders at the subspecies level using classical biological control: the example of Phragmites, Erik Kiviat, Laura A. Meyerson, Thomas J. Mozdzer, Warwick J. Allen, Andrew H. Baldwin, Ganesh P. Bhattarai, Hans Brix, Joshua S. Caplan, Karin M. Kettenring, Carla Lambertini, Judith Weis, Dennis F. Whigham, and James T. Cronin
Spatially Explicit Network Analysis Reveals Multi‐Species Annual Cycle Movement Patterns of Sea Ducks, Juliet S. Lamb, Peter W. C. Paton, Jason E. Osenkowski, Shannon S. Badzinski, Alicia M. Berlin, Tim Bowman, Chris Dwyer, Luke J. Fara, Scott G. Gilliland, Kevin Kenow, Christine Lepage, Mark L. Mallory, Glenn H. Olsen, Matthew C. Perry, Scott A. Petrie, Jean‐Pierre L. Savard, Lucas Savoy, Michael Schummer, Caleb S. Spiegel, and Scott R. McWilliams
Native amphibian larvae exhibit higher upper thermal limits but lower performance than their introduced predator Gambusia affinis, Edward Tak Chuen Lau, Kenneth Mei Yee Leung, and Nancy Elizabeth Karraker
Habitat Selection of American Woodcock and Its Implications for Habitat Management Where Young Forests are Rare, ROGER J. MASSE, BRIAN C. TEFFT, BILL BUFFUM, and SCOTT R. MCWILLIAMS
Resource selection and wintering phenology of White-winged Scoters in southern New England: Implications for offshore wind energy development, Dustin E. Meattey, Scott R. McWilliams, Peter W.C. Paton, Christine Lepage, Scott G. Gilliland, Lucas Savoy, Glenn H. Olsen, and Jason E. Osenkowski
The growing peril of biological invasions, Laura A. Meyerson, James T. Carlton, Daniel Simberloff, and David M. Lodge
Landscape structure and land use affect estuarine benthic invertebrates in the Virginian Biogeographic Province, USA, Marguerite C. Pelletier, Arthur J. Gold, Jane Copeland, M. Liliana Gonzalez, and Peter V. August
Physiology of a plant invasion: Biomass production, growth and tissue chemistry of invasive and native Phragmites australis populations, Petr Pyšek, Hana Skálová, Jan Čuda, Wen Yong Guo, Jan Doležal, Ondřej Kauzál, Carla Lambertini, Klára Pyšková, Hans Brix, and Laura A. Meyerson
Pollen Preservation in Alluvial Soils: Implications for Paleoecology and Land Use Studies, Matthew C. Ricker, Mark H. Stolt, and Michael S. Zavada
Population demography of Oldham’s leaf turtle (Cyclemys oldhamii) in protected and disturbed habitats in Thailand, Sengvilay Seateun, Nancy E. Karraker, Bryan L. Stuart, and Anchalee Aowphol
Modeling spatiotemporal abundance of mobile wildlife in highly variable environments using boosted GAMLSS hurdle models, Adam Smith, Benjamin Hofner, Juliet S. Lamb, Jason Osenkowski, Taber Allison, Giancarlo Sadoti, Scott R. McWilliams, and Peter W. C. Paton
Radio Transmitters did not Affect Apparent Survival Rates of Adult Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus), Michelle L. Stantial, Jonathan B. Cohen, Pamela H. Loring, and Peter W.C. Paton
Effects of land use, topography, climate and socio-economic factors on geographical variation pattern of inland surface water quality in China, Qinghui You, Na Fang, Lingling Liu, Wenjing Yang, Li Zhang, and Yeqiao Wang
Submissions from 2018
Stream response to an extreme drought-induced defoliation event, Kelly Addy, Arthur J. Gold, Joseph A. Loffredo, Andrew W. Schroth, Shreeram P. Inamdar, William B. Bowden, D. Q. Kellogg, and François Birgand
Intraspecific variation in indirect plant–soil feedbacks influences a wetland plant invasion, Warwick J. Allen, Laura A. Meyerson, Andrew J. Flick, and James T. Cronin
Nitrogen Loading from Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems in the Greater Narragansett Bay (Rhode Island, USA) Watershed: Magnitude and Reduction Strategies, José A. Amador, Josef H. Görres, George W. Loomis, and Brittany V. Lancellotti
Range position and climate sensitivity: The structure of among-population demographic responses to climatic variation, Staci M. Amburgey, David A.W. Miller, Evan H. Campbell Grant, Tracy A.G. Rittenhouse, Michael F. Benard, Jonathan L. Richardson, Mark C. Urban, Ward Hughson, Adrianne B. Brand, Christopher J. Davis, Carmen R. Hardin, Peter W.C. Paton, Christopher J. Raithel, Rick A. Relyea, A. Floyd Scott, David K. Skelly, Dennis E. Skidds, Charles K. Smith, and Earl E. Werner
Mapping freshwater subaqueous soil resources: Examples from Southern New England, Jonathan Bakken and Mark H. Stolt
Occupancy of Freshwater Turtles Across a Gradient of Altered Landscapes, Scott W. Buchanan, Bill Buffum, Gavino Puggioni, and Nancy E. Karraker
Examining the influence of tidal stage on salt marsh mapping using high-spatial-resolution satellite remote sensing and topobathymetric LiDAR, Anthony Campbell and Yeqiao Wang
Environmental cues and dietary antioxidants affect breeding behavior and testosterone of male European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), Katherine M. Carbeck, Kristen J. DeMoranville, Pietro B. D'Amelio, Wolfgang Goymann, Lisa Trost, Barbara Pierce, Amadeusz Bryła, Maciej Dzialo, Ulf Bauchinger, and Scott R. McWilliams
Turnover of muscle lipids and response to exercise differ between neutral and polar fractions in a model songbird, the zebra finch, Wales A. Carter, Clara Cooper-Mullin, and Scott R. McWilliams
Elevated potential for intraspecific competition in territorial carnivores occupying fragmented landscapes, Pranav Chanchani, Brian D. Gerber, and Barry R. Noon
How grazing affects soil quality of soils formed in the glaciated northeastern United States, Alissa H. Cox and José Amador
A global strategy to mitigate the environmental impact of China’s ruminant consumption boom, Yuanyuan Du, Ying Ge, Yuan Ren, Xing Fan, Kaixuan Pan, Linshan Lin, Xu Wu, Yong Min, Laura A. Meyerson, Mikko Heino, Scott X. Chang, Xiaozi Liu, Feng Mao, Guofu Yang, Changhui Peng, Zelong Qu, Jie Chang, and Raphael K. Didham
Recoupling Industrial Dairy Feedlots and Industrial Farmlands Mitigates the Environmental Impacts of Milk Production in China, Xing Fan, Jie Chang, Yuan Ren, Xu Wu, Yuanyuan Du, Ronghua Xu, Dong Liu, Scott X. Chang, Laura A. Meyerson, Changhui Peng, and Ying Ge
Impacts of fundamental changes to Soil Taxonomy, John M. Galbraith, Mark H. Stolt, Martin C. Rabenhorst, and Michel D. Ransom
Accounting for Location Uncertainty in Azimuthal Telemetry Data Improves Ecological Inference, Brian D. Gerber, Mevin B. B. Hooten, Christopher P. Peck, Mindy B. Rice, James H. Gammonley, Anthony D. Apa, and Amy J. Davis
Adaptive management of animal populations with significant unknowns and uncertainties: a case study, Brian D. Gerber and William L. Kendall
Fine-Scale Habitat Comparison of Two Sympatric Cottontail Species in Eastern Connecticut, Amy E. Gottfried Mayer, Thomas J. McGreevy Jr., Mary E. Sullivan, Bill Buffum, and Thomas P. Husband
Bloom-forming macroalgae (Ulva spp.) inhibit the growth of co-occurring macroalgae and decrease eastern oyster larval survival, Lindsay A. Green-Gavrielidis, Fiona MacKechnie, Carol S. Thornber, and Marta Gomez-Chiarri
Living in two worlds: Evolutionary mechanisms act differently in the native and introduced ranges of an invasive plant, Wen-Yong Guo, Carla Lambertini, Petr Pyšek, Laura A. Meyerson, and Hans Brix
Comparison of the spatio-temporal dynamics of vegetation between the Changbai Mountains of eastern Eurasia and the Appalachian Mountains of eastern North America, Xiao yi Guo, Hong yan Zhang, Yeqiao Wang, Hong shi He, Zheng fang Wu, Ying hua Jin, Zheng xiang Zhang, and Jian jun Zhao
Signals of forest degradation in the demography of common Asian amphibians, Nancy E. Karraker, Samantha Fischer, Archalee Aowphol, Jennifer Sheridan, and Sinlan Poo
Watershed ‘chemical cocktails’: forming novel elemental combinations in Anthropocene fresh waters, Sujay S. Kaushal, Arthur J. Gold, Susana Bernal, Tammy A. Newcomer Johnson, Kelly Addy, Amy Burgin, Douglas A. Burns, Ashley A. Coble, Eran Hood, Yue Han Lu, Paul Mayer, Elizabeth C. Minor, Andrew W. Schroth, Philippe Vidon, Henry Wilson, Marguerite A. Xenopoulos, Thomas Doody, Joseph G. Galella, Phillip Goodling, Katherine Haviland, Shahan Haq, Barret Wessel, Kelsey L. Wood, Norbert Jaworski, and Kenneth T. Belt
Diverse water quality responses to extreme climate events: an introduction, Sujay S. Kaushal, Arthur J. Gold, Susana Bernal, and Jennifer L. Tank
Evaluating how variants of floristic quality assessment indicate wetland condition, Thomas E. Kutcher and Graham E. Forrester
Comparing fishers' and scientists' estimates of size-at-maturity and maximum body size as indicators of overfishing, Elizabeth Layli Mclean and Graham E. Forrester
Annual cycle of white-winged scoters (Melanitta fusca) in eastern north america: Migratory phenology, population delineation, and connectivity, D. E. Meattey, S. R. McWilliams, P. W.C. Paton, C. Lepage, S. G. Gilliland, L. Savoy, G. H. Olsen, and J. E. Osenkowski
Science Training for Journalists: An Essential Tool in the Post-Specialist Era of Journalism, Sunshine Menezes
A tribute to Elizabeth J. Farnsworth, Laura A. Meyerson, Martha F. Hoopes, Julie Richburg, and Kristina Stinson
Making the most of sparse data to estimate density of a rare and threatened species: a case study with the fosa, a little-studied Malagasy carnivore, A. Murphy, B. D. Gerber, Z. J. Farris, S. Karpanty, F. Ratelolahy, and M. J. Kelly
A Comment on Priors for Bayesian Occupancy Models, Joseph Northrup and Brian D. Gerber
Assessing dynamic soil properties in Southern New England forests within an ecological site framework, Andrew J. Paolucci and Mark H. Stolt
Biodiversity Assessments: Origin Matters, Aníbal Pauchard, Laura A. Meyerson, Sven Bacher, Tim M. Blackburn, Giuseppe Brundu, Marc W. Cadotte, Franck Courchamp, Franz Essl, Piero Genovesi, Sylvia Haider, Nick D. Holmes, Philip E. Hulme, Jonathan M. Jeschke, Julie L. Lockwood, Ana Novoa, Martin A. Nuñez, Duane A. Peltzer, Petr Pyšek, David M. Richardson, Daniel Simberloff, Kevin Smith, Brian W. van Wilgen, Montserrat Vilà, John R. U. Wilson, Marten Winter, and Rafael D. Zenni
Introducing “Alien Floras and Faunas”, a new series in Biological Invasions, Petr Pyšek, Laura A. Meyerson, and Daniel Simberloff
Small Genome Separates Native and Invasive Populations in an Ecologically Important Cosmopolitan Grass, Petr Pyšek, Hana Skálová, Jan Čuda, Wen-Yong Guo, Jan Suda, Jan Doležal, Ondřej Kauzál, Carla Lambertini, Magdalena Lučanová, Terezie Mandáková, Lenka Moravcová, Klára Pyšková, Hans Brix, and Laura A. Meyerson
User-Based Photometer Analysis of Effluent from Advanced Nitrogen-Removal Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems, Bianca N. Ross, George W. Loomis, Kevin P. Hoyt, and José A. Amador
A multiscale approach to balance trade-offs among dam infrastructure, river restoration, and cost, Samuel G. Roy, Emi Uchida, Simone P. de Souza, Ben Blachly, Emma Fox, Kevin Gardner, Arthur Gold, Jessica Jansujwicz, Sharon Klein, Bridie McGreavy, Weiwei Mo, Sean M.C. Smith, Emily Vogler, Karen Wilson, Joseph Zydlewski, and David Hart
Modeling anthropogenic nitrogen flow for the Niantic River catchment in coastal New England, Melinda Shimizu, Elizabeth A. Wentz, Joanna Merson, D. Q. Kellogg, and Arthur J. Gold
Science training and environmental journalism today: Effects of science journalism training for midcareer professionals, Hollie Smith, Sunshine Menezes, and Christine Gilbert
Radio transmitters did not affect daily nest and chick survival of Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus), Michelle L. Stantial, Jonathan B. Cohen, Abigail J. Darrah, Kate E. Iaquinto, Pam H. Loring, and Peter W.C. Paton
Identification of a putative man-made object from an underwater crash site using CAD model superimposition, Jay Vincelli, Fatih Calakli, Michael Stone, Graham E. Forrester, Timothy Mellon, and John Jarrell
Transboundary Cooperation Improves Endangered Species Monitoring and Conservation Actions: A Case Study of the Global Population of Amur Leopards, Anna Vitkalova, Limin Feng, Alexander N. Rybin, Brian D. Gerber, Dale G. Miquelle, Tianming Wang, Haitao Yang, Elena I. Shevtsova, Vladimir V. Aramilev, and Jianping Ge
Remote Sensing of Floodpath Lakes and Wetlands: A Challenging Frontier in the Monitoring of Changing Environments, Yeqiao Wang and Hervé Yésou
Soil taxonomy proposals for acid sulfate soils and subaqueous soils raised by the 8th International Acid Sulfate Soils Conference§, Barret M. Wessel, John M. Galbraith, Mark H. Stolt, Martin C. Rabenhorst, Delvin S. Fanning, and Maxine J. Levin
Nitrifying and denitrifying bacterial communities in advanced nitrogen-removal onsite wastewater treatment systems, Sara Wigginton, Elizabeth Brannon, Patrick J. Kearns, Brittany Lancellotti, Alissa Cox, George W. Loomis, and José A. Amador
Passive roadside restoration reduces management costs and fosters native habitat, Sara K. Wigginton and Laura A. Meyerson
Usa wetlands: Classification, Bill O. O. Wilen and Frank C. Golet
Optical models for remote sensing of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption in Poyang Lake, Jian Xu, Chaoyang Fang, Dan Gao, Hongsheng Zhang, Chen Gao, Zhichao Xu, and Yeqiao Wang
Assessment of wetland health status of Poyang Lake using vegetation-based indices of biotic integrity, Wenjing Yang, Qinghui You, Na Fang, Liting Xu, Yi Zhou, Nanxi Wu, Caiying Ni, Ying Liu, Guihua Liu, Tao Yang, and Yeqiao Wang
Exploring an efficient habitat index for predicting population and abundance of migratory birds in Poyang Lake Wetland, South China, Hongmei Zhao, Yeqiao Wang, Bing Xu, Xiaoling Chen, and Zhiyong Jiang
Submissions from 2017
Biogeography of a plant invasion: drivers of latitudinal variation in enemy release, Warwick J. Allen, Laura A. Meyerson, David Cummings, John Anderson, Ganesh P. Bhattarai, and James T. Cronin
Habitat use and movements of common eiders wintering in southern New England, Joshua M. Beuth, Scott R. Mcwilliams, Peter W.C. Paton, and Jason E. Osenkowski
Geographic variation in apparent competition between native and invasive Phragmites australis, Ganesh P. Bhattarai, Laura A. Meyerson, and James T. Cronin
Impacts of climate change on amphibian biodiversity, D. P. Bickford, R. Alford, M. L. Crump, S. Whitfield, N. Karraker, and M. A. Donnelly
Lineage overwhelms environmental conditions in determining rhizosphere bacterial community structure in a cosmopolitan invasive plant, Jennifer L. Bowen, Patrick J. Kearns, Jarrett E. K. Byrnes, Sara Wigginton, Warwick J. Allen, Michael Greenwood, Khang Tran, Jennifer Yu, James T. Cronin, and Laura A. Meyerson