Submissions from 1992
Diurnal behavior of the agrimi, Capra aegagrus, M. C. Nicholson and T. P. Husband
Nitrate dynamics in riparian forests: Groundwater studies, R. C. Simmons, A. J. Gold, and P. M. Groffman
Submissions from 1991
Denitrification in grass and forest vegetated filter strips, P. M. Groffman, E. A. Axelrod, J. L. Lemunyon, and W. M. Sullivan
Nitrogen removal for on-site sewage disposal. Field evaluation of buried sand filter/greywater systems, B. E. Lamb, A. J. Gold, G. W. Loomis, and C. G. McKiel
Submissions from 1990
Nitrate-nitrogen losses to groundwater from rural and suburban land uses, A. J. Gold, W. R. Deragon, W. M. Sullivan, and J. L. Lemunyon
Nitrogen removal for on-site sewage disposal. A recirculating sand filter/rock tank design, B. E. Lamb, A. J. Gold, G. W. Loomis, and C. G. McKiel
A regional strategy for wetlands protection, C. T. Roman and R. E. Good
Ecology of Atlantic white cedar swamps in the New Jersey Pinelands, C. T. Roman, R. E. Good, and S. Little
Submissions from 1989
Magnetic orientation in a small mammal, Peromyscus leucopus, P. V. August, S. G. Ayvazian, and J. G.T. Anderson
Tillage effects on surface runoff water quality from artificially drained cropland, A. J. Gold and T. L. Loudon
Using soil surveys to delineate stratified drift deposits for groundwater protection, A. J. Gold, S. Tso, P. V. August, and W. R. Wright
Submissions from 1988
Impact of gypsy moth defoliation in stands containing white pine, J. H. Brown, V. B. Cruickshank, W. P. Gould, and T. P. Husband
Leaching of 2,4-D and dicamba from home lawns, A. J. Gold, T. G. Morton, W. M. Sullivan, and J. McClory
Denitrification hysteresis during wetting and drying cycles in soil, P. M. Groffman and J. M. Tiedje
Winter roost site characteristics of eastern wild turkeys, H. J. Kilpatrick, T. P. Husband, and C. A. Pringle
Influence of overwatering and fertilization on nitrogen losses from home lawns, T. Morton, A. J. Gold, and W. M. Sullivan
Submissions from 1987
Impacts of low and high input agriculture on landscape structure and function, Richard Lowrance and Peter M. Groffman
Submissions from 1986
Lake profiles: Tailoring lake and watershed data for local water quality protection, John Gannon, Arthur J. Gold, and Donald C. Pelz
SEASONING MIXED-OAK FUELWOOD., Charles G. McKiel and Thomas P. Husband
Calicoblastic neoplasms in Acropora palmata, with a review of reports on anomalies of growth and form in corals, E. C. Peters, J. C. Halas, and H. B. McCarty
Submissions from 1985
Biomass and cordwood production of red maple stands in Rhode Island., M. A. Braiewa, J. H. Brown, and W. P. Gould
A comparative study of the effects of sedimentation on symbiotic and asymbiotic colonies of the coral Astrangia danae Milne Edwards and Haime 1849, Esther C. Peters and Michael E.Q. Pilson
Submissions from 1984
Competition in neotropical small mammals., P. V. August and T. H. Fleming
Ecology and behaviour of the Cretan agrimi., T. P. Husband and P. B. Davis
Bleaching of reef coelenterates in the San Blas Islands, Panama, Howard R. Lasker, Esther C. Peters, and Mary Alice Coffroth
Blue-Winged Teal Nesting in Hawaii, Peter W. C. Paton, Avery Taylor, and Philip R. Ashman
Submissions from 1983
The role of habitat complexity and heterogeneity in structuring tropical mammal communities., P. V. August
Possible causal agent of "white band disease" in caribbean acroporid corals, Esther C. Peters, John J. Oprandy, and Paul P. Yevich
Submissions from 1982
Observations on the reproductive ecology of some Neotropical bats, Peter V. August and Robert J. J. Baker
Floristic relationships and dynamics of hemlock ( Tsuga canadensis) communities in Rhode Island., J. H. Brown, C. A. Castaneda, and R. J. Hindle
Utilization of industrial fermentation residues for turfgrass production., W. R. Wright, P. S. Schauer, and R. E. Huling
Submissions from 1981
Freshwater Wetland dynamics in South Kingstown, Rhode Island, 1939-1972, Francis C. Golet and James A. Parkhurst
Components of Reproductive Effort and Yield in Goldenrods, Richard B. Primack, Ann R. Rittenhouse, and Peter August
Submissions from 1980
Sludge-borne heavy metal availability and uptake by vegetable crops under field conditions, P. S. Schauer, W. R. Wright, and J. Pelchat
Submissions from 1978
Laboratory and field mineralization of nitrogen from fermentation residues, W. R. Wright
Submissions from 1977
Effects of recreational use on forested sites, J. H. Brown, S. P. Kallsz, and W. R. Wright
Submissions from 1970
An analysis of throughfall and stemflow in mixed oak stands, James H. Brown and Albert C. Barker