URI Natural Resources Science Faculty Publications | Natural Resources Science | University of Rhode Island
Explore scholarly publications from the Department of Natural Resources Science faculty at the University of Rhode Island.


Submissions from 2015

Road effects on habitat quality for small animals, Tom A. Langen, Kimberly M. Andrews, Steven P. Brady, Nancy E. Karraker, and Daniel J. Smith


Temperature-dependent acute toxicity of methomyl pesticide on larvae of 3 Asian amphibian species, Edward Tak Chuen Lau, Nancy Elizabeth Karraker, and Kenneth Mei Yee Leung


Beaver Ponds: Resurgent Nitrogen Sinks for Rural Watersheds in the Northeastern United States, Julia G. Lazar, Kelly Addy, Arthur J. Gold, Peter M. Groffman, Richard A. McKinney, and Dorothy Q. Kellogg

Contribution of nitrogen from litter and soil mineralization to shade and sun coffee (Coffea arabica L.) agroecosystems, Glenny López-Rodríguez, David Sotomayor-Ramírez, José A. Amador, and Eduardo C. Schröder


Higher bird abundance and diversity where American woodcock sing: Fringe benefits of managing forests for woodcock, Roger Masse, Brian C. Tefft, and Scott R. McWilliams


Responses of Birds to Humans at a Coastal Barrier Beach: Napatree Point, Rhode Island, Thomas W. Mayo, Peter W. C. Paton, and Pete August


Estuarine subaqueous soil organic carbon accounting: Sequestration and storage, Christina M. Miilar, Adiza Ama Owusu Aduomih, Brett Still, and Mark H. Stolt


Effects of three conservation tillage strategies on yields and soil health in a mixed vegetable production system, Jeffrey R. Pieper, Rebecca Nelson Brown, and José A. Amador


Ecological implications of reduced forage quality on growth and survival of sympatric geese, Samantha E. Richman, James O. Leafloor, William H. Karasov, and Scott R. Mcwilliams


Migrating Songbirds on Stopover Prepare for, and Recover from, Oxidative Challenges Posed by Long-Distance Flight, Megan M. Skrip, Ulf Bauchinger, Wolfgang Goymann, Leonida Fusani, Massimiliano Cardinale, Rebecca R. Alan, and Scott R. McWilliams


Access to water affects the condition dependency of nocturnal restlessness in Garden Warblers on a Mediterranean island stopover, Megan M. Skrip, Ulf Bauchinger, Wolfgang Goymann, Leonida Fusani, and Scott R. McWilliams


Using Land-Based Surveys to Assess Sea Duck Abundance and Behavior in Nearshore Waters of Southern New England, USA, Adam Smith, Scott R. McWilliams, Kristopher J. Winiarski, Carol L. Trocki, Brian Harris, Jason E. Osenkowski, and Peter W. C. Paton


Subaqueous soils and coastal acidification: A hydropedology perspective with implications for calcifying organisms, Brett M. Still and Mark H. Stolt


Quantifying iron, manganese, and carbon fluxes in near-surface horizons of palustrine wetlands, Mark H. Stolt, Michael H. Genthner, W. Lee Daniels, Velva A.L. Groover, and Nagle Nagle


Fundamental changes in soil taxonomy, Mark H. Stolt and Brian A. Needelman


The hidden side of plant invasions: The role of genome size, Jan Suda, Laura A. Meyerson, Ilia J. Leitch, and Petr Pyšek


Spatial ecology of endangered big-headed turtles (Platysternon megacephalum): Implications of its vulnerability to illegal trapping, Yik Hei Sung, Billy C.H. Hau, and Nancy E. Karraker

Submissions from 2014


Does Proximity to Wetland Shrubland Increase the Habitat Value for Shrubland Birds of Small Patches of Upland Shrubland in the Northeastern United States?, Bill Buffum and Richard A. McKinney


Encouraging Family Forest Owners to Create Early Successional Wildlife Habitat in Southern New England, Bill Buffum, Christopher Modisette, and Scott R. McWilliams


Assessment of small mammal diversity in coffee agroforestry in the Western Ghats, India, S. Amanda Caudill, Philippe Vaast, and Thomas P. Husband


Assessing current and projected suitable habitats for tree-of-heaven along the appalachian trail, John Clark, Yeqiao Wang, and Peter V. August


Introduced and Native Congeners Use Different Resource Allocation Strategies to Maintain Performance During Infection, Courtney A.C. Coon, Amber J. Brace, Scott R. McWilliams, Marshall D. McCue, and Lynn B. Martin


Citizen science reveals widespread negative effects of roads on amphibian distributions, Bradley J. Cosentino, David M. Marsh, Kara S. Jones, Joseph J. Apodaca, Christopher Bates, Jessica Beach, Karen H. Beard, Kelsie Becklin, Jane Margaret Bell, Christopher Crockett, George Fawson, Jennifer Fjelsted, Elizabeth A. Forys, Kristen S. Genet, Melanie Grover, Jaimie Holmes, Katherine Indeck, Nancy E. Karraker, Eran S. Kilpatrick, Tom A. Langen, Stephen G. Mugel, Alessandro Molina, James R. Vonesh, Ryan J. Weaver, and Anisha Willey


The Effects of Plant Invasion and Ecosystem Restoration on Energy Flow through Salt Marsh Food Webs, Kimberly L. Dibble and Laura A. Meyerson


Utilization of the invasive alga Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi) Papenfuss by the native mud snail Ilyanassa obsoleta (Say), Michele Guidone, Christine Newton, and Carol S. Thornber


Site-specific regulation of adult neurogenesis by dietary fatty acid content, vitamin E and flight exercise in European starlings, Zachary J. Hall, Ulf Bauchinger, Alexander R. Gerson, Edwin R. Price, Lillie A. Langlois, Michelle Boyles, Barbara Pierce, Scott R. Mcwilliams, David F. Sherry, and Scott A. Macdougall-Shackleton


Study on the polarized reflectance hyperspectral characteristics and models of typical saline soil in the west of Jilin Province, China, Yang Han, Wei Chao Qin, and Yeqiao Wang


Study on Polarized Spectral Characteristics of Soil with Different Water Content, Yang Han, Yunsheng Zhao, and Yeqiao Wang


Ecological thresholds for salt marsh nekton and vegetation communities, Elizabeth James-Pirri, Jeffrey L. Swanson, Charles T. Roman, Howard S. Ginsberg, and James F. Heltshe


Policy language in restoration ecology, Dolly Jørgensen, Christer Nilsson, Anouschka R. Hof, Eliza M. Hasselquist, Susan Baker, F. Stuart Chapin, Katarina Eckerberg, Joakim Hjältén, Lina Polvi, and Laura A. Meyerson


Assessing anthropogenic disturbances to develop buffer zones for shorebirds using a stopover site, Stephanie L. Koch and Peter W.C. Paton


Regional and intraseasonal variation in diet of wintering and staging Atlantic brant, Zachary S. Ladin, Christopher K. Williams, Paul M. Castelli, Kristopher J. Winiarski, Jay Osenkowski, and Scott R. McWilliams


Resurgent beaver ponds in the northeastern United States: Implications for greenhouse gas emissions, Julia G. Lazar, Kelly Addy, Molly K. Welsh, Arthur J. Gold, and Peter M. Groffman


Instream large wood: Denitrification hotspots with low N2O production, Julia G. Lazar, Arthur J. Gold, Kelly Addy, Paul M. Mayer, Kenneth J. Forshay, and Peter M. Groffman


Habitat use and selection of black scoters in southern New England and siting of offshore wind energy facilities, Pamela H. Loring, Peter W.C. Paton, Jason E. Osenkowski, Scott G. Gilliland, Jean Pierre L. Savard, and Scott R. McWilliams


Multiscale habitat selection by a forest-dwelling shorebird, the American woodcock: Implications for forest management in southern New England, USA, Roger J. Masse, Brian C. Tefft, and Scott R. McWilliams


Spare capacity and phenotypic flexibility in the digestive system of a migratory bird: Defining the limits of animal design, Scott R. McWilliams and William H. Karasov


Making waves about spreading weeds, Laura A. Meyerson, Jan Pergl, and Petr Pyšek


Maintaining a way of life for São Miguel Island (the Azores archipelago, Portugal): An assessment of coastal processes and protection, K. Ng, M. R. Phillips, P. Borges, T. Thomas, P. August, H. Calado, and F. Veloso-Gomes


The fat of the matter: how dietary fatty acids can affect exercise performance, Barbara J. Pierce and Scott R. McWilliams


Mechanisms of ammonium transformation and loss in intermittently aerated leachfield soil, John T. Richard, David A. Potts, and José A. Amador


Comparison of soil organic carbon dynamics in forested riparian wetlands and adjacent uplands, Matthew C. Ricker, Mark H. Stolt, and Michael S. Zavada


Fruit removal rate depends on neighborhood fruit density, frugivore abundance, and spatial context, Adam D. Smith and Scott R. McWilliams


What to do when stopping over: Behavioral decisions of a migrating songbird during stopover are dictated by initial change in their body condition and mediated by key environmental conditions, Adam D. Smith and Scott R. McWilliams


Using Nocturnal Flight Calls to Assess the Fall Migration of Warblers and Sparrows Along a Coastal Ecological Barrier, Adam D. Smith, Peter W. C. Paton, and Scott R. McWilliams


Inconsistencies in terminology and definitions of organic soil materials, Mark H. Stolt and Jonathan Bakken


Reproduction of Endangered Big-Headed Turtle, Platysternon megacephalum (Reptilia: Testudines: Platysternidae), Yik-Hei Sung, Billy C.H. Hau, and Nancy E. Karraker


Tree diversity in cacao agroforests in San Alejandro, Peruvian Amazon, Hana Vebrova, Bohdan Lojka, Thomas P. Husband, Maria Elena Chuspe Zans, Patrick Van Damme, Alexandr Rollo, and Marie Kalousova


Below the Disappearing Marshes of an Urban Estuary: Historic Nitrogen Trends and Soil Structure, Cathleen Wigand, Charles T. Roman, Earl Davey, Mark Stolt, Roxanne Johnson, Alana Hanson, Elizabeth B. Watson, S. Bradley Moran, Donald R. Cahoon, James C. Lynch, and Patricia Rafferty

Estimating habitat carrying capacity for migrating and wintering waterfowl: Considerations, pitfalls and improvements, Christopher K. Williams, Bruce D. Dugger, Michael G. Brasher, John M. Coluccy, Dane M. Cramer, John M. Eadie, Matthew J. Gray, Heath M. Hagy, Mark Livolsi, Scott R. Mcwilliams, Mark Petrie, Gregory J. Soulliere, John M. Tirpak, and Elisabeth B. Webb


Integrating aerial and ship surveys of marine birds into a combined density surface model: A case study of wintering Common Loons, Kristopher J. Winiarski, M. Louise Burt, Eric Rexstad, David L. Miller, Carol L. Trocki, Peter W.C. Paton, and Scott R. Mcwilliams


A spatial conservation prioritization approach for protecting marine birds given proposed offshore wind energy development, Kristopher J. Winiarski, David L. Miller, Peter W.C. Paton, and Scott R. McWilliams

Submissions from 2013


Groundwater denitrification capacity and nitrous oxide flux of former fringing salt marshes filled with human-transported materials, Kelly Addy, Art Gold, Mark Stolt, and Sean Donohue


Oxidative stress, circulating antioxidants, and dietary preferences in songbirds, Rebecca R. Alan and Scott R. McWilliams


The importance of antioxidants for avian fruit selection during autumn migration, Rebecca R. Alan, Scott R. McWilliams, and Kevin J. McGraw


Response of Nitrous Oxide Flux to Addition of Anecic Earthworms to an Agricultural Field, José A. Amador and Edward J. Avizinis


Migrating Successful Student Engagement Strategies Online: Opportunities and Challenges Using Jigsaw Groups and Problem-Based Learning, José A. Amador and Helen Mederer

Earthworm communities along a forest-coffee agroecosystem gradient: Preliminary evidence supporting the habitat-dependent feeding hypothesis, José A. Amador, Kristopher Winiarski, and David Sotomayor-Ramirez


Ambient temperature and nutritional stress influence fatty acid composition of structural and fuel lipids in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) tissues, Miriam Ben-Hamo, Marshall D. McCue, Inna Khozin-Goldberg, Scott R. McWilliams, and Berry Pinshow


Modis-derived land surface moisture conditions for monitoring blacklegged tick habitat in southern New England, K. A. Berger, Y. Wang, and T. N. Mather


Birds select fruits with more anthocyanins and phenolic compounds during autumn migration, Jessica A. Bolser, Rebecca R. Alan, Adam D. Smith, Liya Li, Navindra P. Seeram, and Scott R. McWilliams


Balancing nitrogen retention ecosystem services and greenhouse gas disservices at the landscape scale, Amy J. Burgin, Julia G. Lazar, Peter M. Groffman, Arthur J. Gold, and D. Q. Kellogg


Does growing vegetables in plastic greenhouses enhance regional ecosystem services beyond the food supply?, Jie Chang, Xu Wu, Yan Wang, Laura A. Meyerson, Baojing Gu, Yong Min, Hui Xue, Changhui Peng, and Ying Ge


Aerobic Cr(VI) Reduction by Bacteria in Culture and Soil Conditions, Maria Chrysochoou, Xiaolong Zhang, and José A. Amador


Impacts of plant invasions can be reversed through restoration: A regional meta-analysis of faunal communities, Kimberly L. Dibble, Penelope S. Pooler, and Laura A. Meyerson


Effectiveness of squid hydrolysate as a home lawn fertilizer, Joseph C. Fetter, Rebecca N. Brown, and José A. Amador


Should coral fragments collected for restoration be subdivided to create more, smaller pieces for transplanting?, Graham E. Forrester, Russell P. Dauksis, and Megan A. Ferguson


Long-term survival and colony growth of Acropora palmata fragments transplanted by volunteers for restoration, Graham E. Forrester, Megan A. Ferguson, Caitlin E. O'Connell-Rodwell, and Lianna L. Jarecki


Colony growth of corals transplanted for restoration depends on their site of origin and environmental factors, Graham E. Forrester, Kerianne Taylor, Stephanie Schofield, and Amy Maynard


Advancing water resource management in agricultural, rural, and urbanizing watersheds: Why land-grant universities matter, A. J. Gold, D. Parker, R. M. Waskom, J. Dobrowolski, M. O'Neill, P. M. Groffman, K. Addy, M. Barber, S. Batie, B. Benham, M. Bianchi, T. Blewett, C. Evensen, K. Farrell-Poe, C. Gardner, W. Graham, J. Harrison, T. Harter, J. Kushner, R. Lowrance, J. Lund, R. Mahler, M. McClaran, M. McFarland, D. Osmond, J. Pritchett, L. Prokopy, C. Rock, A. Shober, M. Silitonga, and D. Swackhamer


Molecular and morphological diversity of Narragansett Bay (RI, USA) Ulva (Ulvales, Chlorophyta) populations, Michele Guidone, Carol Thornber, Brian Wysor, and Charles J. O'Kelly


Invasion of old world phragmites australis in the new world: Precipitation and temperature patterns combined with human influences redesign the invasive niche, Wen Yong Guo, Carl Lambertini, Xiu Zhen Li, Laura A. Meyerson, and Hans Brix


Study on the response to the soil moisture polarized spectrum under visible-near infrared band, Yang Han, Yun Sheng Zhao, and Yeqiao Wang


Quantitative research on spectral polarization characteristics of soil with different water content, Yang Han, Yunsheng Zhao, and Yeqiao Wang


Oceans and marine resources in a changing climate, Jennifer Howard, Eleanora Babij, Roger Griffis, Brian Helmuth, Amber Himes-Cornell, Paul Niemier, Michael Orbach, Laura Petes, Stewart Allen, Guillermo Auad, Carol Auer, Russell Beard, Mary Boatman, Nicholas Bond, Timothy Boyer, David Brown, Patricia Clay, Katherine Crane, Scott Cross, Michael Dalton, Jordan Diamond, Robert Diaz, Quay Dortch, Emmett Duffy, Deborah Fauquier, William Fisher, Michael Graham, Benjamin Halpern, Lara Hansen, Bryan Hayum, and Samuel Herrick


Densities of wintering scoters in relation to benthic prey assemblages in a north atlantic estuary, Pamela H. Loring, Peter W.C. Paton, Scott R. McWilliams, Richard A. McKinney, and Candace A. Oviatt


Why woodcock commute: Testing the foraging-benefit and predation-risk hypotheses, Roger J. Masse, Brian C. Tefft, José A. Amador, and Scott R. McWilliams


Non-destructive techniques to assess body composition of birds: A review and validation study, Scott R. McWilliams and Megan Whitman


Caribbean damselfish recolonize reefs following coral restoration, Sarah A. Merolla, Allison J. Holevoet, Samantha L. Musser, and Graham E. Forrester


Evidence for multiple introductions of Phragmites australis to North America: Detection of a new non-native haplotype, Laura A. Meyerson and James T. Cronin


Manipulating alien plant species propagule pressure as a prevention strategy for protected areas, Laura A. Meyerson and Petr Pyšek


Assessment of inundation risk from sea level rise and storm surge in northeastern coastal national parks, Angelica Murdukhayeva, Peter August, Michael Bradley, Charles Labash, and Nigel Shaw


Introduction of gracilaria vermiculophylla (Rhodophyta, Gracilariales) to New England, USA: Estimated arrival times and current distribution, Jeremy C. Nettleton, Arthur C. Mathieson, Carol Thornber, Christopher D. Neefus, and Charles Yarish


Ecological Impacts of Macroalgal Blooms on Salt Marsh Communities, Christine Newton and Carol Thornber


Ecological engineering practices for the reduction of excess nitrogen in human-influenced landscapes: A guide for watershed managers, Elodie Passeport, Philippe Vidon, Kenneth J. Forshay, Lora Harris, Sujay S. Kaushal, Dorothy Q. Kellogg, Julia Lazar, Paul Mayer, and Emilie K. Stander


Hitting the right target: taxonomic challenges for, and of, plant invasions, Peter Pyšek, Philip E. Hulme, Laura A. Meyerson, Gideon F. Smith, James S. Boatwright, Neil R. Crouch, Estrela Figueiredo, Llewellyn C. Foxcroft, Vojtěch Jarošik, David M. Richardson, Jan Suda, and John R. U. Wilson


Measuring soil organic carbon sequestration in aggrading temperate forests, Matthew Richardson and Mark Stolt


Soil organic carbon pools in riparian landscapes of southern new England, Matthew C. Ricker, Mark H. Stolt, Sean W. Donohue, Gary A. Blazejewski, and Michael S. Zavada


Conservation in the Context of Climate Change: Practical Guidelines for Land Protection at Local Scales, Kevin Ruddock, Peter V. August, Christopher Damon, Charles LaBash, Pamela Rubinoff, and Donald Robadue Jr.


Spatially explicit model of wintering common loons: conservation implications, Kristopher J. Winiarski, David L. Miller, Peter W. C. Patton, and Scott R. McWilliams


High population density recruitment and survival of a harvested coral reef fish, Clare L. Wormald, Mark A. Steele, and Graham E. Forrester


The variation of land surface phenology from 1982 to 2006 along the appalachian trail, Jianjun Zhao, Yeqiao Wang, Hirofumi Hashimoto, Forrest S. Melton, Samuel H. Hiatt, Hongyan Zhang, and Ramakrishna R. Nemani

Submissions from 2012


Introduction to Soil Science: Transforming a Problem-Based Learning Course to Online, José A. Amador

Microbial ecology of tropical forest soils, José A. Amador


Structure and composition of leachfield bacterial communities: role of soil texture, depth and septic tank effluent inputs, José A. Amador and Janet A. Atoyan


Tissue-specific mass changes during fasting: The protein turnover hypothesis, Ulf Bauchinger and Scott R. McWilliams


Evaluating spatially explicit viability of a declining ruffed grouse population, Erik J. Blomberg, Brian C. Tefft, J. Michael Reed, and Scott R. McWilliams


A New Tool for Mapping Forest Habitats in Rhode Island, Bill Buffum


Concept for Forest Management Demonstration, Peckham Farm, University of Rhode Island, Bill Buffum


Why is There No Tragedy in These Commons? An Analysis of Forest User Groups and Forest Policy in Bhutan, Bill Buffum