URI Natural Resources Science Faculty Publications | Natural Resources Science | University of Rhode Island
Explore scholarly publications from the Department of Natural Resources Science faculty at the University of Rhode Island.


Submissions from 2021


The soil fauna, Josef H. Görres and José A. Amador


A low-investment, high-impact approach for training stronger and more confident graduate student science writers, Caroline Gottschalk Druschke, Nancy E. Karraker, Scott R. McWilliams, Al Scott, Jenna Morton-Aiken, Nedra Reynolds, Elaine Finan, and Ingrid E. Lofgren


Effect of caffeine on the growth and photosynthetic efficiency of marine macroalgae, Ira Gray, Lindsay A. Green-Gavrielidis, and Carol Thornber


Training Graduate Students in Multiple Genres of Public and Academic Science Writing: An Assessment Using an Adaptable, Interdisciplinary Rubric, Erin R. Harrington, Ingrid E. Lofgren, Caroline Gottschalk Druschke, Nancy E. Karraker, Nedra Reynolds, and Scott R. McWilliams


Analyzing long-term water quality of lakes in Rhode Island and the northeastern United States with an anomaly approach, J. W. Hollister, D. Q. Kellogg, B. J. Kreakie, S. D. Shivers, W. B. Milstead, E. M. Herron, L. T. Green, and Arthur J. Gold


Ghosts of Landuse Past: Legacy Effects of Milldams for Riparian Nitrogen (N) Processing and Water Quality Functions, Shreeram Inamdar, Marc Peipoc, Arthur Gold, Evan Lewis, Johanna Hripto, Melissa Sherman, Kelly Addy, Dorothy Merritts, Jinjun Kan, Peter M. Groffman, Robert Walter, and Tara L E Trammel


Rapid, robust, and automated mapping of tidal flats in China using time series Sentinel-2 images and Google Earth Engine, Mingming Jia, Zongming Wang, Dehua Mao, Chunying Ren, Chao Wang, and Yeqiao Wang


A Counter-history of Rhetorical Ecologies, Madison Jones


Contrasting Composition, Diversity and Predictive Metabolic Potential of the Rhizobacterial Microbiomes Associated with Native and Invasive Prosopis Congeners, Rishabh Kaushik, Maharaj K. Pandit, Laura A. Meyerson, Diptaraj S. Chaudhari, Meesha Sharma, Dhiraj Dhotre, and Yogesh S. Shouche


Annual-Cycle Movements and Phenology of Black Scoters in Eastern North America, Juliet S. Lamb, Scott G. Gilliland, Jean Pierre L. Savard, Pamela H. Loring, Scott R. McWilliams, Glenn H. Olsen, Jason E. Osenkowski, Peter W.C. Paton, Matthew C. Perry, and Timothy D. Bowman


Draining the Landscape: How Do Nitrogen Concentrations in Riparian Groundwater and Stream Water Change Following Milldam Removal?, Evan Lewis, Shreeram Inamdar, Arthur J. Gold, Kelly Addy, Tara L.E. Trammell, Dorothy Merritts, Marc Peipoch, Peter M. Groffman, Johanna Hripto, Melissa Sherman, Jinjun Kan, Robert Walter, and Erin Peck


Sectoral Impacts of Invasive Species in the United States and Approaches to Management, Anne S. Marsh, Deborah C. Hayes, Patrice Klein, Nicole Zimmerman, Alison Dalsimer, Douglas A. Burkett, Cynthia D. Huebner, Robert Rabaglia, Laura A. Meyerson, Bonnie L. Harper-Lore, Jamie L. Davidson, Marla R. Emery, Travis Warziniack, Rebecca Flitcroft, Becky K. Kerns, and Vanessa M. Lopez


How Birds During Migration Maintain (Oxidative) Balance, Scott R. McWilliams, Wales Carter, Clara Cooper-Mullin, Kristen DeMoranville, Abigail Frawley, Barbara Pierce, and Megan Skrip


Photoperiod decelerates the advance of spring phenology of six deciduous tree species under climate warming, Lin Meng, Yuyu Zhou, Lianhong Gu, Andrew D. Richardson, Josep Peñuelas, Yongshuo Fu, Yeqiao Wang, Ghasserm R. Asrar, Hans G. De Boeck, Jiafu Mao, Yongguang Zhang, and Zhousen Wang


Behavioral and Demographic Responses of Mule Deer to Energy Development on Winter Range, Joseph M. Northrup, Charles R. Anderson Jr, Brian D. Gerber, and George Wittemyer


The influence of environmental factors and fishing effort on demersal fish species in Ghanaian waters, Vida Samantha Osei, Graham E. Forrester, Michelle Naa Kordei Clottey, M. Connor McManus, and Jeremy Collie




Fate of Common (Sterna hirundo) and Roseate Terns (S. dougallii) with Satellite Transmitters Attached with Backpack Harnesses, Peter W.C. Paton, Pamela H. Loring, Grace D. Cormons, Kenneth D. Meyer, Sara Williams, and Linda J. Welch


An inexpensive, 3D-printable breast muscle meter for field ornithologists, Luke L. Powell, Adam Metallo, Crinan Jarrett, Nathan W. Cooper, Peter P. Marra, Scott R. McWilliams, Ulf Bauchinger, and Bryant C. Dossman


Manganese-coated IRIS to document reducing soil conditions, Martin C. Rabenhorst, Patrick J. Drohan, John M. Galbraith, Colby Moorberg, Lesley Spokas, Mark Stolt, James A. Thompson, Judith Turk, Bruce L. Vasilas, and Karen L. Vaughan


Four priority areas to advance invasion science in the face of rapid environmental change, Anthony Ricciardi, Josephine C. Iacarella, David C. Aldridge, Tim M. Blackburn, James T. Carlton, Jane A. Catford, Jaimie T.A. Dick, Philip E. Hulme, Jonathan M. Jeschke, Andrew M. Liebhold, Julie L. Lockwood, Hugh J. Macisaac, Laura A. Meyerson, Petr Pyšek, David M. Richardson, Gregory M. Ruiz, Daniel Simberloff, Montserrat Vilà, and David A. Wardle


Chronicling the Journey of the Society for the Advancement in Biology Education Research (SABER) in its Effort to Become Antiracist: From Acknowledgement to Action, Miriam Segura-Totten, Bryan Dewsbury, Stanley M. Lo, Elizabeth Gibbons Bailey, Laura Beaster-Jones, Robert J. Bills, Sara E. Brownell, Natalia Caporale, Ryan Dunk, Sarah L. Eddy, Marcos E. García-Ojeda, Stephanie M. Gardner, Linda E. Green, Laurel Hartley, Colin Harrison, Mays Imad, Alexis M. Janosik, Sophia Jeong, Tanya Josek, Pavan Kadandale, Jenny Knight, Melissa E. Ko, Sayali Kukday, Paula Lemons, Megan Litster, Barbara Lom, Patrice Ludwig, Kelly K. McDonald, Anne C.S. McIntosh, Sunshine Menezes, and Erika M. Nadile


An Ecological Assessment of Critically Endangered Chinese Pangolin Manis pentadactyla (Mammalia: Pholidota: Manidae) in the Midhills Region of Nepal, Sandeep Shrestha, Ashish Bashyal, Rojeena Rijal, Janam Shrestha, Palistha Shrestha, Nischal Shrestha, Thomas J. McGreevy Jr., Bill Buffum, and Sanjay Nath Khanal


Effects of Atmospheric Circulation on Stream Chemistry in Forested Watersheds Across the Northeastern United States: Part 1. Synoptic-Scale Forcing, C. M. Siegert, Z. J. Suriano, D. J. Leathers, A. J. Gold, K. Addy, A. W. Schroth, E. Seybold, S. Inamdar, and D. F. Levia


Spatial thinning and class balancing: Key choices lead to variation in the performance of species distribution models with citizen science data, Valerie A. Steen, Morgan W. Tingley, Peter W.C. Paton, and Chris S. Elphick


Changing the hierarchical placement of soil moisture regimes in Soil Taxonomy, Mark H. Stolt, Anthony T. O'Geen, Dylan E. Beaudette, Patrick J. Drohan, John M. Galbraith, David L. Lindbo, H. Curtis Monger, Brian A. Needelman, Michel D. Ransom, Martin C. Rabenhorst, and Joey N. Shaw


A landscape approach to nitrogen cycling in urban lawns reveals the interaction between topography and human behaviors, Amanda K. Suchy, Peter M. Groffman, Lawrence E. Band, Jonathan M. Duncan, Arthur J. Gold, J. Morgan Grove, Dexter H. Locke, and Laura Templeton


Novel Reproductive Behavior in an Asian Frog: Sex‐Reversed Inguinal Amplexus, Yik‐Hei Sung, Wing‐Ho Lee, Ho‐Nam Ng, Martha L. Crump, and Nancy E. Karraker


Assessing the diet of the endangered Beale’s eyed turtle (Sacalia bealei) using faecal content and stable isotope analyses: Implications for conservation, Yik Hei Sung, Jia Huan Liew, Hoi Kin Chan, Wing Ho Lee, Billy Ho Fung Wong, Caroline Dingle, Nancy E. Karraker, Ricky John Spencer, and Jonathan J. Fong


Effects of Atmospheric Circulation on Stream Chemistry in Forested Watersheds Across the Northeastern United States: Part 2. Interannual Weather Type Variability, Z. J. Suriano, C. M. Siegert, D. J. Leathers, A. J. Gold, K. Addy, A. W. Schroth, E. Seybold, S. Inamdar, and D. F. Levia


Riparian Zone Nitrogen Management through the Development of the Riparian Ecosystem Management Model (REMM) in a Formerly Glaciated Watershed of the US Northeast, Marzia Tamanna, Soni M. Pradhanang, Arthur J. Gold, Kelly Addy, and Philippe G. Vidon


A synthesis of life-history traits, functional traits, and consequences of anthropogenic pressures on Madagascar’s threatened carnivorans, Eupleridae, Erin M. Wampole, Zach J. Farris, and Brian D. Gerber


All Earth – an open access journal on all spherical perspectives of our home planet: editorial questions, Yeqiao Wang


Mesocosm- and Field-Scale Evaluation of Lignocellulose- Amended Soil Treatment Areas for Removal of Nitrogen from Wastewater, Sara Wigginton, José A. Amador, Brian Baumgaertei, George Loomis, and George Heufelder

Submissions from 2020


Intraspecific and biogeographical variation in foliar fungal communities and pathogen damage of native and invasive Phragmites australis, Warwick J. Allen, Aaron E. DeVries, Nicholas J. Bologna, Wesley A. Bickford, Kurt P. Kowalski, Laura A. Meyerson, and James T. Cronin


Sex-Segregated Range Use by Black-and-White Ruffed Lemurs (Varecia variegata) in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar, Andrea L. Baden, Jelisa Oliveras, and Brian Gerber


Squeezed by a Habitat Split: Warm Ocean Conditions and Old‐forest Loss Interact to Reduce Long‐term Occupancy of a Threatened Seabird, Matthew G. Betts, Joseph M. Northrup, Jennifer A. Bailey Guerrero, Lindsay J. Adrean, S. Kim Nelson, Jennifer L. Fisher, Brian D. Gerber, Marie‐Sophie Garcia‐Heras, Zhiqiang Yang, Daniel D. Roby, and James W. Rivers


Genetics and General Husbandry of Tree Kangaroos in Zoos, Jacque Blessington, Judie Steenberg, and Thomas J. McGreevy


Community Forestry: Sustainability and Equity Issues, Bill Buffum


Research Brief: Loss of forest in large unfragmented blocks of forest in Rhode Island, Bill Buffum


Salt marsh monitoring along the mid-Atlantic coast by Google Earth Engine enabled time series, Anthony D. Campbell and Yeqiao Wang


Assessment of Salt Marsh Change on Assateague Island National Seashore Between 1962 and 2016, Anthony Campbell and Yeqiao Wang


Assessment of salt marsh change on assateague island national seashore between 1962 and 2016, Anthony Campbell and Yeqiao Wang


The State of Inclusive Science Communication: A Landscape Study, Katherine Canfield and Sunshine Menezes


Science Communication Demands a Critical Approach That Centers Inclusion, Equity, and Intersectionality, Katherine N. Canfield, Sunshine Menezes, Shayle B. Matsuda, Amelia Moore, Alycia N. Mosley Austin, Bryan M. Dewsbury, Mónica I. Feliú-Mójer, Katharine W.B. McDuffie, Kendall Moore, Christine A. Reich, Hollie M. Smith, and Cynthia Taylor


The effects of dietary linoleic acid and hydrophilic antioxidants on basal, peak, and sustained metabolism in flight‐trained European starlings, Wales A. Carter, Kristen J. DeMoranville, Barbara J. Pierce, and Scott R. McWilliams


Dietary antioxidants attenuate the endocrine stress response during long-duration flight of a migratory bird, Stefania Casagrande, Kristen J. Demoranville, Lisa Trost, Barbara Pierce, Amadeusz Bryła, Maciej Dzialo, Edyta T. Sadowska, Ulf Bauchinger, and Scott R. McWilliams


Erratum to: Evaluation of Water Quality Functions of Conventional and Advanced Soil-Based Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (Journal of Environmental Quality, (2015), 44, 3, (953-962), 10.2134/jeq2014.06.0277), Jennifer A. Cooper, George W. Loomis, David V. Kalen, and José A. Amador


Contrasting Effects of Climate Change on Seasonal Survival of a Hibernating Mammal, Lina S. Cordes, Daniel T. Blumstein, Kenneth B. Armitage, Paul J. CaraDonna, Dylan Z. Childs, Brian Gerber, Julien GA Martin, Madan K. Oli, and Arpat Ozgul


Geospatial Modeling Suggests Threats from Stormy Seas to Rhode Island's Coastal Septic Systems, Alissa H. Cox, Matthew J. Dowling, George W. Loomis, Simon E. Engelhart, and José A. Amador


Temporal Variability in the Vertical Separation Distance of Septic System Drainfields Along the Southern Rhode Island Coast, Alissa H. Cox, Deborah Surabian, George W. Loomis, Jim D. Turenne, and José A. Amador


Structure of greenhouse gas-consuming microbial communities in surface soils of a nitrogen-removing experimental drainfield, Alissa H. Cox, Sara K. K. Wigginton, and José A. Amador


Lineage and latitudinal variation in Phragmites australis tolerance to herbivory: implications for invasion success, Jordan R. Croy, Laura A. Meyerson, Warwick J. Allen, Ganesh P. Bhattarai, and James T. Cronin


Flight training in a migratory bird drives metabolic gene expression in the flight muscle but not liver, and dietary fat quality influences select genes, Kristen J. DeMoranville, Wales A. Carter, Barbara J. Pierce, and Scott R. McWilliams


A Comparison of Estimating Crop Residue Cover from Sentinel-2 Data Using Empirical Regressions and Machine Learning Methods, Yanling Ding, Hongyan Zhang, Zhongqiang Wang, Qiaoyun Xie, Yeqiao Wang, Lin Liu, and Christopher C. Hall


Remote Sensing Applications in Monitoring of Protected Areas:A Bibliometric Analysis, Peili Duan, Yeqiao Wang, and Peng Yin


Power Pole Density and Avian Electrocution Risk in the Western United States, James F. Dwyer, Brian D. Gerber, Paul Petersen, William E. Armstrong, and Richard E. Harness


Drivers of future alien species impacts: An expert‐based assessment, Franz Essl, Bernd Lenzner, Sven Bacher, Sarah Bailey, Cesar Capinha, Curtis Daehler, Stefan Dullinger, Piero Genovesi, Cang Hui, Philip E. Hulme, Jonathan M. Jeschke, Stelios Katsanevakis, Ingolf Kuhn, Brian Leung, Andrew Liebhold, Chunlong Liu, Hugh J. MacIsaac, Laura A. Meyerson, and et al


Exploring and interpreting spatiotemporal interactions between native and invasive carnivores across a gradient of rainforest degradation, Zach J. Farris, Brian Gerber, Sarah Karpanty, Asia Murphy, Erin Wampole, Felix Ratelolahy, and Marcella J. Kelly


Energy Stores, Oxidative Balance, and Sleep in Migratory Garden Warblers ( Sylvia borin) and Whitethroats ( Sylvia communis) at a Spring Stopover Site, Andrea Ferretti, Scott R. McWilliams, Niels C. Rattenborg, Ivan Maggini, Massimiliano Cardinale, and Leonida Fusani


The influence of boat moorings on anchoring and potential anchor damage to coral reefs, Graham E. Forrester




The driving factors and their interactions of fire occurrence in Greater Khingan Mountains, China, Xiao yi Guo, Hong yan Zhang, Yeqiao Wang, Jian jun Zhao, and Zheng xiang Zhang


Road Mortality Threatens Endemic Species in a National Park in Sulawesi, Indonesia, Ryan M. Healey, Jessica R. Atutubo, Mirza Dikari Kusrini, Lesley Howard, Felicia Page, Noah Hallisey, and Nancy E. Karraker


Using Non-Invasive Techniques to Study Tree Kangaroos, Sigrid Heise-Pavlov, Thomas J. McGreevy, and Simon Burchill


Non‐marine turtle plays important functional roles in Indonesian ecosystems, Nancy E. Karraker, Mirza Dikari Kusrini, Jessica R. Atutubo, Ryan M. Healey, and Aini Yusratul


Detection of local-scale population declines through optimized tidal marsh bird monitoring design, Zachary S. Ladin, Whitney A. Wiest, Maureen D. Correll, Elizabeth L. Tymkiw, Meaghan Conway, Brian J. Olsen, Christopher S. Elphick, William L. Thompson, and W. Gregory Shriver


Assessing year-round habitat use by migratory sea ducks in a multi-species context reveals seasonal variation in habitat selection and partitioning, Juliet S. Lamb, Peter W. C. Paton, Jason E. Osenkowski, Shannon S. Badzinski, Alicia M. Berlin, Tim Bowman, Chris Dwyer, Luke J. Fara, Scott G. Gilliland, Kevin Kenow, Christine Lepage, Mark L. Mallory, Glenn H. Olsen, Matthew C. Perry, Scott A. Petrie, Jean-Pierre L. Savard, Lucas Savoy, Michael Schummer, Caleb S. Spiegel, and Scott R. McWilliams


Implanted Satellite Transmitters Affect Sea Duck Movement Patterns at Short and Long Timescales, Juliet S. Lamb, Peter W. C. Paton, Jason E. Osenkowski, Shannon S. Badzinski, Alicia M. Berlin, Tim Bowman, Chris Dwyer, Luke J. Fara, Scott G. Gilliland, Kevin Kenow, Christine Lepage, Mark L. Mallory, Glenn H. Olsen, Matthew C. Perry, Scott A. Petrie, Jean-Pierre L. Savard, Lucas Savoy, Michael Schummer, Caleb S. Spiegel, and Scott R. McWilliams


Supportive Wind Conditions Influence Offshore Movements of Atlantic Coast Piping Plovers during Fall Migration, Pamela H. Loring, James D. McLaren, Holly F. Goyert, and Peter W C Paton


National wetland mapping in China: A new product resulting from object-based and hierarchical classification of Landsat 8 OLI images, Dehua Mao, Zongming Wang, Baojia Du, Lin Li, Yanlin Tian, Mingming Jia, Yuan Zeng, Kaishan Song, Ming Jiang, and Yeqiao Wang


The Energy Savings-Oxidative Cost Trade- Off for Migratory Birds During Endurance Flight, Scott R. McWilliams, Barbara Pierce, Andrea Wittenzellner, Lillie Langlois, Sophia Engel, John R. Speakman, Olivia Fatica, Kristen J. DeMoranville, Wolfgang Goymann, Lisa Trost, Amadeusz Bryla, Maciej Dzialo, Edyta Sadowska, and Ulf Bauchinger


Divergent responses of spring phenology to daytime and nighttime warming, Lin Meng, Yuyu Zhou, Xuecao Li, Ghasserm R. Asrar, Jiafu Mao, Alan D. Wanamaker, and Yeqiao Wang


A conceptual map of invasion biology: Integrating hypotheses into a consensus network, Laura A. Meyerson and Et Al


Plant Genome Size Influences Stress Tolerance of Invasive and Native Plants via Plasticity, Laura A. Meyerson, Petr Pyšek, Magdalena Lučanová, Sarah Wigginton, Cao‐Tri Tran, and James T. Cronin


Stream Solutes and Particulates Export Regimes: A New Framework to Optimize Their Monitoring, Florentina Moatar, Mathieu Floury, Arthur Gold, Michel Meybeck, Benjamin Renard, Martial Ferréol, André Chandesris, Camille Minaudo, Kelly Addy, Jérémy Piffady, and Gilles Pinay


Invasion syndromes: a systematic approach for predicting biological invasions and facilitating effective management, Ana Novoa, David M. Richardson, Petr Pyšek, Laura A. Meyerson, Sven Bacher, Susan Canavan, Jane A. Catford, Jan Čuda, Franz Essl, Llewellyn C. Foxcroft, Piero Genovesi, Heidi Hirsch, Cang Hui, Michele C. Jackson, Christoph Kueffer, Johannes J. Le Roux, John Measey, Nitya P. Mohanty, Desika Moodley, Heinz Müller-Schärer, Jasmin G. Packer, Jan Pergl, Tamara B. Robinson, Wolf Christian Saul, Ross T. Shackleton, Vernon Visser, Olaf L.F. Weyl, Florencia A. Yannelli, and John R.U. Wilson


Implementing adaptive management into a climate change adaptation strategy for a drowning New England salt marsh, Danielle C. Perry, Caitlin Chaffee, Cathleen Wigand, and Carol S. Thornber


Competition among native and invasive Phragmites australis populations: An experimental test of the effects of invasion status, genome size, and ploidy level, Petr Pysek, Jan Cuda, Petr Smilauer, Hana Skalova, Zuzana Chumova, Carla Lambertini, Magdalena Lucanova, Hana Rysava, Pavel Travnicek, Kristyna Semberova, and Laura A. Meyerson


Scientists' Warning on Invasive Alien Species, Petr Pyšek, Philip E. Hulme, Dan Simberloff, Sven Bacher, Tim M. Blackburn, James T. Carlton, Wayne Dawson, Franz Essl, Llewellyn C. Foxcroft, Piero Genovesi, Jonathan M. Jeschke, Ingolf Kühn, Andrew M. Liebhold, Nicholas E. Mandrak, Laura A. Meyerson, Aníbal Pauchard, Jan Pergl, Helen E. Roy, Hanno Seebens, Mark van Kleunen, Montserrat Vilà, Michael J. Wingfield, and David M. Richardson


Dispersal Ability Predicts Spatial Genetic Structure in Native Mammals Persisting across an Urbanization Gradient, Jonathan L. Richardson, Sozos Michaelides, Matthew Combs, Mihajla Djan, Lianne Bisch, Kerry Barrett, Georgianna Silveira, Justin Butler, Than Thar Aye, Jason Munshi‐South, Michael DiMatteo, Charles Brown, and Thomas J. McGreevy Jr.


Effectiveness of Advanced Nitrogen-Removal Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems in a New England Coastal Community, Bianca Ross, Kevin P. Hoyt, George W. Loomis, and José A. Amador


Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Advanced Nitrogen-Removal Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems, Bianca Ross, Brittany V. Lancellotti, Elizabeth Q. Brannon, George W. Loomis, and José A. Amador


Influence of Season, Occupancy Pattern, and Technology on Structure and Composition of Nitrifying and Denitrifying Bacterial Communities in Advanced Nitrogen-Removal Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems, Bianca N. Ross, Sara K. Wigginton, Alissa H. Cox, George W. Loomis, and José A. Amador


Assessment of the Threatened Carnivore Community in the Recently Expanded Rainforest protected Area Anjanaharibe-Sud Special Reserve, Madagascar, Patrick H. Ross, Erik Patel, Barry Ferguson, Rojo Nandrianina Ravelijaona, Guy Irenel Raoloniana, Erin Wampole, Brian D. Gerber, and Zach J. Farris


Mitochondrial DNA analysis of critically endangered Chinese Pangolins (Manis pentadactyla) from Nepal, Sandeep Shrestha, Ashish Bashyal, Ashna Dhaka, Thomas J. McGreevy Jr., Bill Buffum, Jyoti Joshi, Hemanta Kumari Chaudhary, and Sanjay Nath Khanal


U.S. Action lowers barriers to invasive species, Daniel Simberloff, Jacob N. Barney, Richard N. Mack, James T. Carlton, Jamie K. Reaser, Brent S. Stewart, Gary Tabor, Eric M. Lane, William Hyatt, Jacob W. Malcom, Lori Buchanan, and Laura A. Meyerson


Corrigendum: Moving toward inclusion: Participant responses to the inclusive scicomm symposium (Frontiers in Communication (2020) 4 (77) DOI: 10.3389/fcomm.2019.00077), Hollie Smith, Sunshine Menezes, Katherine Canfield, Rachel Guldin, Meredith Morgoch, and Katharine McDuffie


Moving Toward Inclusion: Participant Responses to the Inclusive SciComm Symposium, Hollie Smith, Sunshine Menezes, Katherine Canfield, Rachel Guldin, Meredith Morgoch, and Katharine McDuffie


Evaluation of AnnAGNPS Model for Runoff Simulation on Watersheds from Glaciated Landscape of USA Midwest and Northeast, Marzia Tamanna, Soni M. Pradhanang, Arthur Gold, Kelly Addy, Philippe G. Vidon, and Ronald L. Bingner


Assessing macro-scale patterns in urban tree canopy and inequality, Elliott Volin, Alexis Ellis, Satoshi Hirabayashi, Scott Maco, David J. Nowak, Jason Parent, and Robert T. Fahey


Poyang Lake and wintering Siberian cranes, Yeqiao Wang


Remote Sensing Applications in Monitoring of Protected Areas, Yeqiao Wang, Zhong Lu, Yongwei Sheng, and Yuyu Zhou


Nitrifying and Denitrifying Microbial Communities in Centralized and Decentralized Biological Nitrogen Removing Wastewater Treatment Systems, Sara K. Wigginton, Elizabeth Q. Brannon, Patrick J. Kearns, Brittany V. Lancellotti, Alissa Cox, Serena Moseman-Valtierra, George W. Loomis, and José A. Amador


Greenhouse gas emissions from lignocellulose-amended soil treatment areas for removal of nitrogen from wastewater, Sara K. Wigginton, George W. Loomis, and José A. Amador


Current and future patterns of forest fire occurrence in China, Zhiwei Wu, Hong S. He, Robert E. Keane, Zhiliang Zhu, Yeqiao Wang, and Yanlong Shan


Extraction of Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Concentrations of Chlorophyll-a and Total Suspended Matter in Poyang Lake Using GF-1 Satellite Data, Jian Xu, Chen Gao, and Yeqiao Wang


Comparison of land surface phenology in the Northern Hemisphere based on AVHRR GIMMS3g and MODIS datasets, Jing Zhang, Jianjun Zhao, Yeqiao Wang, Hongyan Zhang, Zhengxiang Zhang, and Xiaoyi Guo



Submissions from 2019


Connectivity and Nitrate Uptake Potential of Intermittent Streams in the Northeast USA, Kelly Addy Lowder, Arthur Gold, Molly K. Welsh, Pete August, Mark Stolt, Clay P. Arango, and Peter M. Groffman