URI Natural Resources Science Faculty Publications | Natural Resources Science | University of Rhode Island
Explore scholarly publications from the Department of Natural Resources Science faculty at the University of Rhode Island.


Submissions from 2010

Working toward a common strategy for U.K. sediment transport research, Michael O'Neill, James Dobrowolski, Arthur Gold, Thomas Blewett, and Reagan Waskom


The role of interface organizations in science communication and understanding, Deanna L. Osmond, Nalini M. Nadkarni, Charles T. Driscoll, Elaine Andrews, Arthur J. Gold, Shorna R. Broussard Allred, Alan R. Berkowitz, Michael W. Klemens, Terry L. Loecke, Mary Ann McGarry, Kristen Schwarz, Mary L. Washington, and Peter M. Groffman


A method to identify estuarine macroinvertebrate pollution indicator species in the Virginian Biogeographic Province, Marguerite C. Pelletier, Arthur J. Gold, James F. Heltshe, and Henry W. Buffum


Marine reserves as linked social–ecological systems, Richard Pollnac, Patrick Christie, Joshua E. Cinner, Tracey Dalton, Tim M. Daw, Graham E. Forrester, Nicholas A. J. Graham, and Timothy R. McClanahan


Genetics and reproduction of common (Phragmites australis) and giant reed (Arundo donax), Kristin Saltonstall, Adam Lambert, and Laura A. Meyerson


Managing denitrification in human-dominated landscapes, L. A. Schipper, A. J. Gold, and E. A. Davidson


Denitrifying bioreactors-An approach for reducing nitrate loads to receiving waters, Louis A. Schipper, Will D. Robertson, Arthur J. Gold, Dan B. Jaynes, and Stewart C. Cameron


Patterns of fuel use and storage in migrating passerines in relation to fruit resources at autumn stopover sites, Susan B. Smith and Scott R. McWilliams


Insights and approaches for mapping soil organic carbon as a dynamic soil property, Mark H. Stolt, Patrick J. Drohan, and Matthew J. Richardson


Soil Organic Matter, Mark H. Stolt and David L. Lindbo


Using an individual-based model to quantify scale transition in demographic rate functions: Deaths in a coral reef fish, Richard R. Vance, Mark A. Steele, and Graham E. Forrester


Spatial patterns of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) sightings and survey effort: Insight into North Atlantic population structure, Kathleen J. Vigness-Raposa, Robert D. Kenney, M. Liliana Gonzalez, and Peter V. August


Development of a decision support system for monitoring, reporting and forecasting ecological conditions of the Appalachian Trail, Yeqiao Wang, Ramakrishna Nemani, Fred Dieffenbach, Kenneth Stolte, Glenn Holcomb, Matt Robinson, C. Casey Reese, Marcia McNiff, Roland Duhaime, Geri Tierney, Brian Mitchell, Peter August, Peter Paton, and Charles LaBash


Groundwater denitrification capacity of riparian zones in suburban and agricultural watersheds, Tara K. Watson, Dorothy Q. Kellogg, Kelly Addy, Arthur J. Gold, Mark H. Stolt, Sean W. Donohue, and Peter M. Groffman


A review on the eco-geography of soil fauna in China, Xiuqin Yin, Bo Song, Weihua Dong, Weidong Xin, and Yeqiao Wang


Modeling watershed rainfall-runoff relations using impervious surface-area data with high spatial resolution, Yuyu Zhou, Yeqiao Wang, Arthur J. Gold, and Peter V. August

Submissions from 2009

EO-1 advanced land imager data in submerged aquatic vegetation mapping, Eric R. Akins, Yeqiao Wang, and Yuyu Zhou


Coastal Lagoons and Climate Change: Ecological and Social Ramifications in the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coast Ecosystems, Abigail Anthony, Joshua Atwood, Peter V. August, Carrie Byron, J. Stanley Cobb, Cheryl Foster, Crystal Fry, Arthur Gold, Kifle Hagos, Leanna Heffner, D. Q. Kellogg, Kimberly Lellis-Dibble, James J. Opaluch, Candace A. Oviatt, Anna Pfeiffer-Herbert, Nicole Rohr, Leslie Smith, Tiffany Smythe, Judith Swift, and Nathan Vinhateiro

Preface, Peter V. August and James Yoder


Options for National Parks and Reserves for Adapting to Climate Change, Jill S. Baron, Lance Gunderson, Craig D. Allen, Erica Fleishman, Donald McKenzie, Laura A. Meyerson, Jill Oropeza, and Nate Stephenson


Carbon turnover in tissues of a passerine bird: Allometry, isotopic clocks, and phenotypic flexibility in organ size, Ulf Bauchinger and Scott McWilliams


Spatial distribution of carbon in the subsurface of riparian zones, Gary A. Blazejewski, Mark H. Stolt, Arthur J. Gold, Noel Gurwick, and Peter M. Groffman


Predicting landscape-scale habitat distribution for ruffed grouse bonasa umbellus using presence-only data, Erik J. Blomberg, Brian C. Tefft, Erik G. Endrulat, and Scott R. McWilliams


Forest Grazing and Natural Regeneration in a Late Successional Broadleaved Community Forest in Bhutan, Bill Buffum, Georg Gratzer, and Yeshi Tenzin


Human-transported material soils of urbanizing estuarine landscapes, Sean W. Donohue, Mark H. Stolt, Art Gold, and Peter Groffman


Using Planning and Evaluation Tools to Target Extension Outputs & Outcomes: The New England Private Well Symposium Example, Arthur J. Gold, Alyson McCann, and Julia Peterson


Challenges to incorporating spatially and temporally explicit phenomena (hotspots and hot moments) in denitrification models, Peter M. Groffman, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Robinson W. Fulweiler, Arthur J. Gold, Jennifer L. Morse, Emilie K. Stander, Christina Tague, Christina Tonitto, and Philippe Vidon


Inversion modeling of chlorophyll-a concentration in water by multi-angle polarized reflection, Yang Han, Yunsheng Zhao, Yunfeng Lu, and Yeqiao Wang


Remote sensing change detection tools for natural resource managers: Understanding concepts and tradeoffs in the design of landscape monitoring projects, Robert E. Kennedy, Philip A. Townsend, John E. Gross, Warren B. Cohen, Paul Bolstad, Y. Q. Wang, and Phyllis Adams


Palmitic acid is a novel cd4 fusion inhibitor that blocks HIV entry and infection, David Y.W. Lee, Xudong Lin, Elena E. Paskaleva, Yanze Liu, Shadakshara S. Puttamadappa, Carol Thornber, James R. Drake, Maja Habulin, Alexander Shekhtman, and Mario Canki


Dynamics of macroalgal blooms along the Cape Cod National Seashore, Patrick Lyons, Carol Thornber, John Portnoy, and Evan Gwilliam


Using planning and evaluation tools to target extension outputs & outcomes: The New England private well symposium example, Alyson McCann, Julia Peterson, and Arthur J. Gold


Effect of dietary fatty acid composition on fatty acid profiles of polar and neutral lipid tissue fractions in zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, Marshall D. McCue, Oren Amitai, Inna Khozin-Goldberg, Scott R. McWilliams, and Berry Pinshow


Breeding birds associated with seasonal pools in the northeastern United States, Richard A. McKinney and Peter W.C. Paton


Biosecurity from the ecologist's perspective: developing a more comprehensive approach, Frederick A.B. Meyerson, Laura A. Meyerson, and Jamie K. Reaser


Using hydrologic patterns and precipitation data to construct an empirical model for understanding cumulative saturation, Charles P. Morgan and Mark H. Stolt


Recent Region-wide Declines in Caribbean Reef Fish Abundance, Michelle J. Paddack, John D. Reynolds, Consuelo Aguilar, Richard S. Appeldoorn, Jim Beets, Edward W. Burkett, Paul M. Chittaro, Kristen Clarke, Rene Esteves, Ana C. Fonseca, Graham E. Forrester, Alan M. Friedlander, Jorge García-Sais, Gaspar González-Sansón, Lance K.B. Jordan, David B. McClellan, Margaret W. Miller, Philip P. Molloy, Peter J. Mumby, Ivan Nagelkerken, Michael Nemeth, Raúl Navas-Camacho, Joanna Pitt, Nicholas V.C. Polunin, Maria Catalina Reyes-Nivia, D. Ross Robertson, Alberto Rodríguez-Ramírez, Eva Salas, Struan R. Smith, Richard E. Spieler, and Mark A. Steele


Phenotopic Plasticity of Leaf Shape Along a Temperature Gradient in Acer Rubrum, Dana L. Royer, Laura A. Meyerson, Kevin M. Robertson, and Jonathan M. Adams


Inter-Cohort Competition Drives Density Dependence and Selective Mortality in a Marine Fish, Jameal F. Samhouri, Mark A. Steele, and Graham E. Forrester


Musical chairs mortality functions: density-dependent deaths caused by competition for unguarded refuges, Jameal F. Samhouri, Richard R. Vance, Graham E. Forrester, and Mark A. Steele


Responses of plant communities to incremental hydrologic restoration of a tide-restricted salt marsh in Southern New England (Massachusetts, U.S.A.), Stephen M. Smith, Charles T. Roman, Mary Jane James-Pirri, Kelly Chapman, John Portnoy, and Evan Gwilliam


Dietary macronutrients affect lipid metabolites and body composition of a migratory Passerine, the white-throated sparrow (zonotrichia albicollis), Susan B. Smith and Scott R. McWilliams


Discrimination of dominant forest types for Matschie's tree kangaroo conservation in Papua New Guinea using high-resolution remote sensing data, J. A. Stabach, L. Dabek, R. Jensen, and Y. Q. Wang

Remote sensing of coastal environments, Yeqiao Wang

Remote sensing of coastal environments: An overview, Yeqiao Wang

Mapping salt marshes in Jamaica Bay and terrestrial vegetation in fire island national seashore using quickbird satellite data, Yeqiao Wang, Mark Christiano, and Michael Traber


Remote sensing of land-cover change and landscape context of the National Parks: A case study of the Northeast Temperate Network, Yeqiao Wang, Brian R. Mitchell, Jarunee Nugranad-Marzilli, Gregory Bonynge, Yuyu Zhou, and Gregory Shriver

Geospatial information for sustainable development: A case study in coastal East Africa, Yeqiao Wang, James Tobey, Amani Ngusaru, Vedast Makota, Gregory Bonynge, and Jarunee Nugranad


Earth observation and ecological security: An integrated multidisciplinary approach towards a regional inventory and monitoring, Yeqiao Wang, Zhengfang Wu, Jiang Feng, Xing Yuan, Hongyan Zhang, Jiquan Zhang, and Jiawei Xu


Simulation of short-term post-fire vegetation recovery by integration of LANDFIRE data products, DNBR data and LANDIS modeling, Y. Q. Wang, Y. Zhou, J. Yang, H. S. He, Z. Zhu, and D. Ohlen


Examining effects of past volcanic eruptions on forests of the Changbai Mountain with in situ and remote sensing observations, Jiawei Xu, Yu Liang, and Yeqiao Wang

True-color digital orthophotography data for mapping coastal impervious surface areas, Yuyu Zhou and Yeqiao Wang

Effects of increasing urban impervious surface on hydrology of coastal Rhode island watersheds, Yuyu Zhou, Yeqiao Wang, Arthur J. Gold, and Peter V. August

Submissions from 2008


Effects of sand depth on domestic wastewater renovation in intermittently aerated leachfield mesocosms, José A. Amador, David A. Potts, Erika L. Patenaude, and Josef H. Görres


Tracking human faecal contamination in tropical reservoirs in Puerto Rico, José A. Amador, David Sotomayor-Ramírez, Gustavo Martínez, Lixian Chen, and Dave Bachoon


Using stable isotopes to monitor anthropogenic nitrogen inputs to estuaries, Rebecca O. Bannon and Charles T. Roman


Spatial Density Dependence Scales up but Does Not Produce Temporal Density Dependence in a Reef Fish, Graham E. Forrester, Mark A. Steele, Jameal F. Samhouri, Bryn Evans, and Richard R. Vance


Settling larvae of a small coral-reef fish discriminate reef features at large, but not small, spatial scales, Graham E. Forrester, Mark A. Steele, Jameal F. Samhouri, and Richard R. Vance


Microbially available carbon in buried riparian soils in a glaciated landscape, Noel P. Gurwick, Peter M. Groffman, Joseph B. Yavitt, Arthur J. Gold, Gary Blazejewski, and Mark Stolt


Mineralization of ancient carbon in the subsurface of riparian forests, Noel P. Gurwick, Daniel M. McCorkle, Peter M. Groffman, Arthur J. Gold, D. Q. Kellogg, and Peter Seitz-Rundlett


Effects of spatial extent on landscape structure and sediment metal concentration relationships in small estuarine systems of the United States' Mid-Atlantic Coast, Jeffrey W. Hollister, Peter V. August, and John F. Paul


Predicting estuarine sediment metal concentrations and inferred ecological conditions: An information theoretic approach, Jeffrey W. Hollister, Peter V. August, John F. Paul, and Henry A. Walker


Effects of stream restoration on denitrification in an urbanizing watershed, Sumy S. Kaushal, Peter M. Groffman, Paul M. Mayer, Elise Striz, and Arthur J. Gold


Riparian ground-water flow patterns using flownet analysis: Evapotranspiration-induced upwelling and implications for N removal, D. Q. Kellogg, A. J. Gold, P. M. Groffman, M. H. Stolt, and K. Addy


Experimental manipulation of testosterone and condition during molt affects activity and vocalizations of male blue tits, Ralf H.J.M. Kurvers, Mark L. Roberts, Scott R. McWilliams, and Anne Peters


Biosecurity, biofuels, and biodiversity, Laura A. Meyerson


Tracking non-native vertebrate species: Indicator design for the United States of America, Laura A. Meyerson, Richard Engeman, and Robin O'Malley


Multi-scale occupancy estimation and modelling using multiple detection methods, James D. Nichols, Larissa L. Bailey, Allan F. O'Connell, Neil W. Talancy, Evan H. Campbell Grant, Andrew T. Gilbert, Elizabeth M. Annand, Thomas P. Husband, and James E. Hines


Distribution and trophic importance of anthropogenic nitrogen in Narragansett Bay: An assessment using stable isotopes, Autumn Oczkowski, Scott Nixon, Kelly Henry, Peter DiMilla, Michael Pilson, Stephen Granger, Betty Buckley, Carol Thornber, Richard McKinney, and Joaquin Chaves


Effects of tetracycline on water quality, soil and gases in aerated and unaerated leachfield mesocosms, Erika L. Patenaude, Janet A. Atoyan, David A. Potts, and José A. Amador


Saving camels from straws: how propagule pressure-based prevention policies can reduce the risk of biological invasion, Jamie K. Reaser, Laura A. Meyerson, and Betsy Von Holle


Anthropogenic alterations of genetic diversity within tree populations: Implications for forest ecosystem resilience, Paul G. Schaberg, Donald H. DeHayes, Gary J. Hawley, and Samuel E. Nijensohn


Natural and anthropogenic nitrogen uptake by bloom-forming macroalgae, Carol S. Thornber, Peter DiMilla, Scott W. Nixon, and Richard A. McKinney


Differences in herbivore feeding preferences across a vertical rocky intertidal gradient, Carol S. Thornber, Emily Jones, and John J. Stachowicz

Monitoring landscape dynamics and conditions of natural resources within and adjacent to protected areas, Y. Q. Wang, Y. Zhou, Z. Wu, H. Zhang, J. Zhang, Y. Jin, F. Huang, and X. Yin


Nitrous oxide generation, denitrification, and nitrate removal in a seepage wetland intercepting surface and subsurface flows from a grazed dairy catchment, M. Zaman, M. L. Nguyen, A. J. Gold, P. M. Groffman, D. Q. Kellogg, and R. J. Wilcock


Extraction of Impervious Surface Areas from High Spatial Resolution Imagery by Multiple Agent Segmentation and Classification, Yuyu Zhou and Yeqiao Wang

A distributed and object-oriented rainfall-runoff simulation model with high spatial resolution impervious surface, Yuyu Zhou and Y. Q. Q. Wang

Remote sensing of impervious surface area for improved hydrologic modeling, Y. Zhou and Y. Q. Wang

Submissions from 2007


Microbiological characterization of the structures built by earthworms and ants in an agricultural field, José A. Amador and Josef H. Görres


Potential nitrate leaching under common landscaping plants, José A. Amador, Richard J. Hull, Erika L. Patenaude, John T. Bushoven, and Josef H. Görres


The Practice of Problem Based Learning, José A. Amador, Libby Miles, and Calvin B. Peters


Effects of tetracycline on antibiotic resistance and removal of fecal indicator bacteria in aerated and unaerated leachfield mesocosms, Janet A. Atoyan, Erika L. Patenaude, David A. Potts, and José A. Amador


Population trends and habitat use of Harlequin Ducks in Rhode Island, Christine M. Caron and Peter W.C. Paton


Dynamics of nitrous oxide in groundwater at the aquatic-terrestrial interface, Tim J. Clough, Kelly Addy, Dorothy Q. Kellogg, Barbara L. Nowicki, Arthur J. Gold, and Peter M. Groffman


An ecological risk assessment framework for effects of onsite wastewater treatment systems and other localized sources of nutrients on aquatic ecosystems, Rebecca A. Efroymson, Daniel S. Jones, and Arthur J. Gold


Power analysis to determine sample size for monitoring vegetation change in salt marsh habitats, Mary Jane James-Pirri, Charles T. Roman, and James F. Heltshe


Designing a spatially-explicit nature reserve network based on ecological functions: An integer programming approach, Yong Jiang, Stephen K. Swallow, and Peter W.C. Paton


Salamander dispersal across a forested landscape fragmented by a golf course, Christin McDonough and Peter W.C. Paton


Habitat Characteristics Associated with the Distribution and Abundance of Histrionicus histrionicus (Harlequin Ducks) Wintering in Southern New England, Richard A. McKinney, Scott R. McWilliams, and Michael A. Charpentier


Effects of prescribed fall burning on a wetland plant community, with implications for management of plants and herbivores, Scott R. McWilliams, Todd Sloat, Catherine A. Toft, and Daphne Hatch


Migration and environment in the context of globalization, Frederick A.B. Meyerson, Leticia Merino, and Jorge Durand


Phragmites australis: It's Not All Bad, Laura A. Meyerson


Assessing Invasive Alien Species Across Multiple Spatial Scales: Working Globally and Locally, Laura A. Meyerson, Richard N. Mack, and Betsy Von Holle


Invasive Alien Species in an Era of Globalization, Laura A. Meyerson and Harold A. Mooney


Metabolic routing of dietary nutrients in birds: Effects of dietary lipid concentration on δ13C of depot fat and its ecological implications, David W. Podlesak and Scott R. McWilliams


Ecological and socioeconomic impacts of invasive alien species in island ecosystems, Jamie K. Reaser, Laura A. Meyerson, Quentin Cronk, Maj De Poorter, L. G. Eldrege, Edmund Green, Moses Kairo, Pepetua Latasi, Richard N. Mack, John Mauremootoo, Dennis O'Dowd, Warea Orapa, Soetikno Sastroutomo, Alan Saunders, Clare Shine, Sigurdur Thrainsson, and Leliua Vaiutu


Empirical relationships between land use/cover and estuarine condition in the Northeastern United States, Wilfrid Rodriguez, Peter V. August, Yeqiao Wang, John F. Paul, Arthur Gold, and Norman Rubinstein


Using nest temperature to estimate nest attendance of piping plovers, Eric G. Schneider and Scott R. McWilliams


Habitat Correlates of Reproductive Effort in Wood Frogs and Spotted Salamanders in an Urbanizing Watershed, Dennis E. Skidds, Francis C. Golet, Peter W. C. Paton, and Jonathan C. Mitchell