Submissions from 1991
The polarization dependence of Bi-induced surface states on GaAs(110), A. B. McLean, R. Ludeke, M. Prietsch, D. Heskett, D. Tang, and T. Maeda Wong
Characterization and Identification of a Porcine Small Intestine Mucus Receptor for the K88ab Fimbrial Adhesin, John W. Metcalfe, Karen A. Krogfelt, Howard C. Krivan, Paul S. Cohen, and David C. Laux
The 1783 Lakagigar eruption in Iceland: geochemistry, CO2 and sulfur degassing, Nicole Metrich, Haraldur Sigurdsson, Peter S. Meyer, and Joseph D. Devine
Married women's tastes and the decision to participate in the labour market: Results from a fixed effects model, Carole F. Miller
An evaluation of journals in physical education, athletics, and sports, Michael A. Miranda and Deborah Mongeau
Electrokinetic measurements of particles in lubricating oils: Implications for filtrations, Tushar K. Misra and Stanley M. Barnett
Neoplasms and nonneoplastic liver lesions in winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, from Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, R. A. Murchelano and R. E. Wolke
Application of fiber optic sensors to fracture mechanics problems, Nadarajah Narendran, Arun Shukla, and Stephen Letcher
Determination of fracture parameters using embedded fiber-optic sensors, N. Narendran, A. Shukla, and S. V. Letcher
The filling of Long Bay: The legacy of a colonial past, Dennis W. Nixon
Treating ourselves vs. Treating our clients: A replication with alcohol abuse, John C. Norcross, James O. Prochaska, and Martin Hambrecht
Outline of Paper "The Bibliography of Irish Literary Studies" Presented at the American Conference for Irish Studies (ACIS), Southern Conference Meeting, University of Montevallo, Alabama, William T. O'Malley
Snitched-capacitor Lattice Filters, Ismail H. Ozguc and Godi Fischer
A model of temporal synaptic interactions, N. Padmanaban, W. J. Ohley, G. Kass-Simon, and R. F. Constantino
Analysis of the performance of optimized distributed erbium doped fiber amplifiers, Michael J. Platek, Steven P. Bastien, Harish R.D. Sunak, and Vas E. Kalomiris
Dynamic load transfer in virgin and damaged granular rock media, V. Prakash and A. Shukla
Assessing how people change, James O. Prochaska
Patterns of Change: Dynamic Typology Applied to Smoking Cessation, James O. Prochaska, Wayne F. Velicer, Edward Guadagnoli, Joseph S. Rossi, and Carlo C. DiClemente
Prescribing to the stage and level of phobic patients, J. O. Prochaska
Process of smoking cessation: Implications for clinicians, J. O. Prochaska and M. G. Goldstein
New pole-by-pole model fitting approach for signal parameter estimation, C. S. Ramalingam, R. Kumaresan, and D. van Ormondt
A Simple Approximation Algorithm to Obtain Sequences with Nonnegative Fourier Transforms, C. S. Ramalingam and R. J. Vaccaro
Human environments, phenomena, crises, and lifestyles. Unifying concepts of nursing curriculum., B. Rambur
Studies of fish traps as stock assessment devices on a shallow reef in south-western Puerto Rico, Conrad W. Recksiek, Richard S. Appeldoorn, and Ralph G. Turingan
The Quantum Mechanics of Clusters: The Low -Temperature Equilibrium and Dynamical Behavior of Rare-Gas Systems, Steven W. Rick, D. L. Leitner, Jimmie D. Doll, David L. Freeman, and D. D. Frantz
Hepatic ulstrastructure changes associated with the parr‐smolt transformation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), John C. Robertson and Terence M. Bradley
In vitro effects of arginine vasotocin on testosterone production by testes of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Mildred Rodríguez and Jennifer L. Specker
Effects of time of day, water temperature, and water velocity on swimming by postlarvae of the American lobster, Homarus americanus, P. Rooney and J. S. Cobb
Measuring Mean Velocities with POGO, Hans Thomas Rossby, J. Fontaine, and J. Hummon
Cancer risk and behavior change [4], Joseph S. Rossi
A carbon budget for a eutrophic marine ecosystem and the role of sulfur metabolism in sedimentary carbon, oxygen and energy dynamics, P. Sampou and C. A. Oviatt
Seasonal patterns of sedimentary carbon and anaerobic respiration along a simulated eutrophication gradient, P. Sampou and Candace A. Oviatt
Sudden extinction of the dinosaurs: Latest cretaceous, upper great plains, U.S.A., Peter M. Sheehan, David E. Fastovsky, Raymond G. Hoffmann, Claudia B. Bergbaus, and Diane L. Gabriel
Needs and recommendations for behavior research in the prevention and early detection of cancer, Saul Shiffman, Barrie R. Cassileth, Bruce L. Black, Joel Buxbaum, David D. Celentano, Ruth D. Corcoran, Ellen R. Gritz, John Laszlo, Edward Lichtenstein, Terry F. Pechacek, James Prochaska, and Peter G. Scholefield
Dynamic photoelastic studies of wave propagation in granular media, Arun Shukla
Effect of fiber-matrix interface on toughening mechanisms during dynamic fracture of fiber reinforced materials, Arun Shukla and Sanjeev K. Khanna
Comments on the early settlement of Iceland, Haraldur Sigurdsson
Pyroclastic flows of the 1883 Krakatau eruption, Haraldur Sigurdsson, Steven Carey, Charles Mandeville, and Sutikno Bronto
Glass from the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in Haiti, Haraldur Sigurdsson, Steven D'Hondt, Michael A. Arthur, Timothy J. Bralower, James C. Zachos, Mickey Van Fossen, and James E.T. Channel
Geochemical constraints on source region of Cretaceous/Tertiary impact glasses, H. Sigurdsson, Ph Bonté, L. Turpin, M. Chaussidon, N. Metrich, M. Steinberg, Ph Pradel, and S. D'Hondt
Submarine pyroclastic flows of the 1883 eruption of Krakatau volcano, H. Sigurdsson, S. Carey, and C. Mandeville
Creep behavior of fine-grained ocean sediments, A. J. Silva, W. M. Tian, M. H. Sadd, and H. G. Brandes
A neural network approach to cloud detection in AVHRR images, Olga Slawinski, James G. Kowalski, and Peter C. Cornillon
Test of Structural Relationships Within a Proposed Exercise and Self-Esteem Model, Robert J. Sonstroem, Lisa L. Harlow, Loren M. Gemma, and Suzanne Osborne
Sedimentation from gravity currents generated by turbulent plumes, R. S.J. SPARKS, S. N. CAREY, and H. SIGURDSSON
Investigation of surface roughness characterization using an ART2 neural network, N. Srinivasa and M. Jouaneh
Hamiltonian Chaos II, Niraj Srivastava, Charles Kaufman, and Gerhard Müller
Automatic Generation of Product Disassembly Sequences, A. K. Subramani and P. Dewhurst
Interactions with the benthos alter pelagic food web structure in coastal waters, B. K. Sullivan, P. H. Doering, C. A. Oviatt, A. A. Keller, and J. B. Frithsen
Kinetics and mechanism of the multi-step oxidation of ethylenediaminetetraacetate by [Ag(OH)4]- in alkaline media, Yunfu Sun, Louis J. Kirschenbaum, and Issifou Kouadio
A Vector Quantizer for the Laplace Source, Peter F. Swaszek
Effect of interface properties on the elastic response of unidirectional fiber composites, David G. Taggart and Jaychandar Muthu
Elastic-plastic behavior of particle reinforced composites influence of residual stresses, D. G. Taggart and J. L. Bassani
The structure of Na overlayers on Cu(111) at room temperature, D. Tang, D. McIlroy, X. Shi, C. Su, and D. Heskett
Earthquake response of hysteretic mass-column using non-Gaussian closure, G. Tsiatas and H. Sadid
Electron loss spectra from thin alkali films on al(111), K. D. Tsuei, D. Heskett, A. P. Baddorf, and E. W. Plummer
Improvements in signal processing for time-varying multipath propagation environments, D. W. Tufts, I. P. Kirsteins, R. J. Vaccaro, C. S. Ramalingam, and A. Shah
Attention tasks and EEG power spectra, Dominic A. Valentino and L. Dufresne
Chronic DMI reduces thresholds for brain stimulation reward in the rat, Dominic A. Valentino, J. Riccitelli, and Robert L. Dufresne
Numerical model to predict the nonlinear response of external flow over vibrating bodies (planar flow), N. Kolluru Venkat and Malcolm Spaulding
Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Laminar Flow Over Vibrating Bodies (Planar Flow), N. Kolluru Venkat and Malcolm Spaulding
A numerical model to predict the nonlinear response of external flow over vibrating bodies (planar flow), N. K. Venkat and M. Spaulding
The Recursion Method Applied to the T=0 Dynamics of the 1D s=1/2 Heisenberg and XY Models, V. S. Viswanath and Gerhard Müller
Equatorward currents in temperatures 1.8 - 6.0°C on the continental slope in the mid-atlantic bight, D. Randolph Watts
Textiles from New England Indian burial sites, L. Welters, M. Ordonez, and K. Tarleton
Source identification and ranking of wet weather discharges in an urban area, Raymond M. Wright, Leon T. Thiem, and Igor Runge
A Dynamical Definition of Atomic Clusters, J. Xie, J. A. Northby, and David L. Freeman
Amino acid sequence of growth hormone isolated from medium of incubated pituitary glands of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), Kazuo Yamaguchi, David S. King, Jennifer L. Specker, Richard S. Nishioka, Tetsuya Hirano, and Howard A. Bern
A knowledge engineer based on natural language understanding for an expert system: DOMES, B. Yang and P. Datseris
An integrated system for design of mechanisms by an expert system—domes: Applications, B. Yang, P. Datseris, U. Datta, and J. Kowalski
Analysis of Packet-Switched Multiple-Bus Multiprocessor Systems, Qing Yang and Laxmi N. Bhuyan
Atmospheric iron inputs and primary productivity: Phytoplankton responses in the North Pacific, R. W. Young, K. L. Carder, P. R. Betzer, D. K. Costello, R. A. Duce, G. R. DiTullio, N. W. Tindale, E. A. Laws, M. Uematsu, J. T. Merrill, and R. A. Feely
Influence of singularity dominated zone for propagating cracks in finite size specimens, C. Y. Zhu, R. Chona, and A. Shukla
Prediction of dynamic contact loads in granular assemblies, C. Y. Zhu, A. Shukla, and M. H. Sadd
The use of fluorescent microspheres in the study of piscine macrophage aggregate kinetics, Michael C. Ziegenfuss and Richard E. Wolke
Reply to Matarazzo, Jay Ziskin and David Faust
Submissions from 1990
Self-perception and personal commitment: A challenge to current theory of marital dissolution and stability and implications for marital therapy, Jerome F. Adams and Douglas H. Sprenkle
Biogeochemistry of Butyitins in an Enclosed Marine Ecosystem, David Adelman, Kenneth R. Hinga, and Michael E.Q. Pilson
Natural convection in a vertical heated tube attached to a thermally insulated chimney of a different diameter, Y. Asako, H. Nakamura, and M. Faghri
Three-dimensional laminar natural convection in a vertical air slot with hexagonal honeycomb core, Y. Asako, H. Nakamura, and M. Faghri
Local land use regulations in the USA. A study of their impacts on housing cost, Farhad Atash
Satellite town development in Shanghai, China: an overview, Farhad Atash and Xinhao Wang
Optimized designs of Er3+ doped silica fiber lasers at 1.56μm pumped with 980nm diode lasers, Steven P. Bastien and Harish R.D. Sunak
Theoretical modeling of Er3+doped silica fiber amplifiers at 1.53μm pumped with 980 nm diode lasers, Steven P. Bastien and Harish R.D. Sunak
Theoretical modeling of macrobending loss for small bend radii, Steven P. Bastien and Harish R.D. Sunak
Airborne measurements of dimethylsulfide, sulfur dioxide, and aerosol ions over the Southern Ocean South of Australia, H. Berresheim, M. O. Andreae, G. P. Ayers, R. W. Gillett, J. T. Merrill, V. J. Davis, and W. L. Chameides
Synthesis of nanocomposite particles by intravesicular coprecipitation, Suhas Bhandarkar and Arijit Bose
Synthesis of submicrometer crystals of aluminum oxide by aqueous intravesicular precipitation, Suhas Bhandarkar and Arijit Bose
Correlation functions of the XY model (abstract), J. C. Bonner, G. Müller, and J. B. Parkinson
Product design decisions anticipate robotic assembly, G. Boothroyd and P. Dewhurst
Effects of heat shock upon the expression of developmentally regulated genes in Myxococcus xanthus, Deborah Britt and David R. Nelson
Construction of Stable Cloning Vectors That Do Not Segregate from a Human Fecal Escherichia coli Strain in the Streptomycin-Treated Mouse Large Intestine, Robert L. Burghoff, David C. Laux, and Paul S. Cohen
Variations in column height and magma discharge during the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, S. Carey, H. Sigurdsson, J. E. Gardner, and W. Criswell
Characterization of the heat shock response and identification of heat shock protein antigens of Borrelia burgdorferi, Margaret M. Carreiro, David C. Laux, and David R. Nelson
Characterization of the heat shock response and identification of heat shock protein antigens of Borrelia burgdorferi, M. M. Carreiro, D. C. Laux, and D. R. R. Nelson
Effects of trap saturation and species interaction on the capture of Callinectes Spp. crabs in the Guayas Estuary, Kathleen M. Castro and Joseph T. DeAlteris