Manuscripts from 2025
Final Cruise Report: TN401, Roxanne A. Beinart, Shawn Arellano, and Craig Young
Sylvan Rhetoric in the Planes of Plato’s Phaedrus, Madison Jones
Financial resilience: A scoping review, conceptual synthesis, and theoretical framework, Jing Jian Xiao
Manuscripts from 2024
Patterns in the temporal complexity of global chlorophyll concentration, Vitul Agarwal, Jonathan Chávez-Casillas, Keisuke Inomura, and Colleen B. Mouw
Phytoplankton thermal trait parameterization alters community structure and biogeochemical processes in a modeled ocean, Stephanie I. Anderson, Clara Fronda, Andrew D. Barton, Sophie Clayton, Tatiana A. Rynearson, and Stephanie Dutkiewicz
Mobile payment, financial behavior and financial anxiety: A multi-group structural equation modeling study, Ting An, Jing Jian Xiao, Nilton Porto, and Luiz Cruz
The human health effects of harmful algal blooms in Florida: The importance of high resolution data, Andrew Bechard and Corey Lang
Voter Approval of Bond Referendums: The Role of Bond Amount and Ballot Characteristics, Andrew Bechard, Corey Lang, and Shanna Pearson-Merkowitz
Performance of Fabrics with 3D-Printed Photosensitive Acrylic Resin on the Surface, Payton Becker and Izabela Ciesielska-Wrobel
Ongoing Laboratory Performance Study on Chemical Analysis of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Compounds in Three Aquatic Passive Samplers, Kees Booij, Steven Crum, Branislav Vrana, Roman Grabic, Nicolas A.O. Morin, Koen Parmentier, Cécile Kech, Petra Krystek, Kazushi Noro, Benjamin Becker, Rainer Lohmann, Laure Malleret, Sarit L. Kaserzon, Cécile Miège, Fabrice Alliot, Fabienne Pfeiffer, Denis Crowley, Magdalena Rakowska, Tomas Ocelka, Gi Beum Kim, and Laura Röhler
Impact of the JumpStart Service—Learning Experience on Leadership Skills Among University Student Ameri-Corp Volunteers, Susan T. Brand and Hyunjin Kim
Evaluating the Appropriateness of Vitamin K (phytonadione) Usage for Reversing an Elevated International Normalized Ratio Secondary to Warfarin Therapy, Bailey Burke and Nicole J. Asal
Exploring boaters’ intentions and awareness to explain why some anchor on coral reefs, Caroline P. Caton and Graham E. Forrester
Expanding the pathfinder’s purpose: A pedagogical approach to redesigning LibGuides, Amanda Crego-Emley and Kate Lambaria
Zürich II Statement on Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs): Scientific and Regulatory Needs, Jamie C. DeWitt, Juliane Glüge, Ian T. Cousins, Gretta Goldenman, Dorte Herzke, Rainer Lohmann, Mark Miller, Carla A. Ng, Sharyle Patton, Xenia Trier, Lena Vierke, Zhanyun Wang, Sam Adu-Kumi, Simona Balan, Andreas M. Buser, Tony Fletcher, Line Småstuen Haug, Jun Huang, Sarit Kaserzon, Juliana Leonel, Ishmail Sheriff, Ya-Li Shi, Sara Valsecchi, and Martin Scheringer
Focusing the view: Improved methods for assessing viewshed impacts of onshore wind turbines, Luran Dong, Corey Lang, and Jason R. Parent
Passive Sampler Derived Profiles and Mass Flows of Perfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFASs) across the Fram Strait in the North Atlantic, Matthew Dunn, Simon Vojta, Thomas Soltwedel, Wilken-Jon von Appen, and Rainer Lohmann
Towards a combined human-natural system approach in the Northern Red Sea Region: Ecological challenges, sustainable development, and community engagement, Ahmed Eladawy, Neil C. Mitchell, Takashi Nakamura, Momen El-Husseiny, Yuta A. Takagi, Nabil Elhady, Brook Muller, Sara Abdel-Hamid, Asmaa Mohammed, Kazuo Nadaoka, and J. P. Walsh
Literature review on appropriate health-based standards for direct and indirect potable reuse as well as various non-potable reuse scenarios, Carrie Ellis, Alexandra Russo, and Joseph E. Goodwill
The Routledge Companion to Eighteenth-Century Literatures in English, Sarah Eron, Nicole N. Aljoe, and Suvir Kaul
Facies-neoichnological variability and sedimentation rates of modern continental shelves, Sunny C. Ezeh, Angelina A. Abi Daoud, Ignacio D. Cabrera, Mackenzie Mailhot, Janok P. Bhattacharya, John P. Walsh, and D. Reide Corbett
Finding non-fluorinated alternatives to fluorinated gases used as refrigerants, Juliane Glüge, Katharina Breuer, Armin Hafner, Christian Vering, Dirk Müller, Ian T. Cousins, Rainer Lohmann, Gretta Goldenman, and Martin Scheringer
Effect of sampling bias on global estimates of ocean carbon export, Stephanie Henson, Kelsey Bisson, Matthew L. Hammond, Adrian Martin, Colleen B. Mouw, and Andrew Yool
Overall, Direct, Spillover, and Composite Effects of Components of a Peer-Driven Intervention Package on Injection Risk Behavior Among People Who Inject Drugs in the HPTN 037 Study, Raúl Hernández-Ramírez, Donna Spiegelman, Judith J. Lok, Laura Forastiere, Samuel R. Friedman, Carl A. Latkin, Sten H. Vermund, and Ashley L. Buchanan
Bioconcentration of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and precursors in fathead minnow tissues environmentally exposed to aqueous film-forming foam–contaminated waters, Nicholas I. Hill, Jitka Becanova, Simon Vojta, Larry A. Barber, Denis R. LeBlanc, Alan M. Vajda, Heidi M. Pickard, and Rainer Lohmann
Assessment of oceanographic conditions during the North Atlantic EXport processes in the ocean from RemoTe sensing (EXPORTS) field campaign, Leah Johnson, David A. Siegel, Andrew F. Thompson, Erik Fields, Zachary K. Erickson, Ivona Cetinic, Craig M. Lee, Eric A. D'Asaro, Norman B. Nelson, Melissa M. Omand, Michaela Sten, Shawnee Traylor, David P. Nicholson, Jason R. Graff, Deborah K. Steinberg, Heidi M. Sosik, Ken O. Buesseler, Mark A. Brzezinski, Inia Soto Ramos, Filipa Carvalho, and Stephanie A. Henson
Biomass burning is a source of modern black carbon to equatorial Atlantic Ocean sediments, Samuel D. Katz, Roger Patrick Kelly, Rebecca S. Robinson, Frank J. Pavia, Robert Pockalny, and Rainer Lohmann
Land for Whom? Diversity, Land Trusts, and Farmers and Gardeners from Marginalized Backgrounds in New England, U.S., Julie C. Keller, Blake Harrison, and Corey Lang
Multicultural attitudes among early childhood teachers: characteristics, sense of teacher efficacy, and efficacy to implement inclusive practices, Hyunjin Kim, Sue K. Adams, Rachel Zeltzer, and Avery Beatty
Exploring the Current Landscape of the United States Early Childhood Care and Education Workforce, Hyunjin Kim, Susan Trostle Brand, and Rachel Zeltzer
Color-Blind Racial Attitudes and Multicultural Teaching Efficacy among Early Childhood Preservice Teachers: Implications for Teacher Education, Hyunjin Kim and Diana Marshall
Uncertainty of extreme wind and wave loads for marine renewable energy farms in hurricane-prone regions, Boma Kresning, M. Reza Hashemi, Amir Shirvani, and Javad Hashemi
Voter support for bond referenda: Does it matter if costs are presented as aggregate vs. personal costs?, Corey Lang, Shanna Pearson-Merkowitz, and Zachary Scott
Cross-cutting studies of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in Arctic wildlife and humans, Rainer Lohmann, Khaled Abass, Eva Cecilie Bonefeld-Jørgensen, Rossana Bossi, Rune Dietz, Steve Ferguson, Kim J. Fernie, Philippe Grandjean, Dorte Herzke, Magali Houde, Mélanie Lemire, Robert J. Letcher, Derek Muir, Amila O. De Silva, Sonja K. Ostertag, Amy A. Rand, Jens Søndergaard, Christian Sonne, Elsie M. Sunderland, Katrin Vorkamp, Simon Wilson, and Pal Weihe
Effective Leader Practices to Leverage School Librarians as Leaders in One-to-One Computing, Mary Moen
A decade of marine inorganic carbon chemistry observations in the northern Gulf of Alaska – insights into an environment in transition, Natalie M. Monacci, Jessica N. Cross, Wiley Evans, Jeremy T. Mathis, and Hongjie Wang
Considerations and challenges in support of science and communication of fish consumption advisories for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, Jonathan Michael Petali, Erin L. Pulster, Christopher McCarthy, Heidi M. Pickard, Elsie M. Sunderland, Jacqueline Bangma, Courtney C. Carignan, Anna Robuck, Kathryn A. Crawford, Megan E. Romano, Rainer Lohmann, and Katherine von Stackelburg
Belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) create facial displays during social interactions by changing the shape of their melons, Justin T. Richard, Isabelle Pellegrini, and Rachael Levine
Unbound Fractions of PFAS in Human and Rodent Tissues: Rat Liver a Suitable Proxy for Evaluating Emerging PFAS?, Sangwoo Ryu, Woodrow Burchett, Sam Zhang, Xuelian Jia, Seyed Mohamad Sadegh Modaresi, Juliana Agudelo Areiza, David Rodrigues, Hao Zhu, Elsie M. Sunderland, Fabian Christoph Fischer, and Angela Slitt
Evaluation of 14 PFAS for permeability and organic anion transporter interactions: Implications for renal clearance in humans, Sangwoo Ryu, Emi Yamaguchi, Seyed Mohamad Sadegh Modaresi, Juliana Agudelo, Chester Costales, Mark A. West, Fabian Fischer, and Angela L. Slitt
Whale Baleen To Monitor Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Marine Environments, Matthew S. Savoca, Anna R. Robuck, Michaela A. Cashman, Mark G. Cantwell, Lindsay C. Agvent, David N. Wiley, Rachel Rice, Sean Todd, Nicole E. Hunter, Jooke Robbins, Jeremy A. Goldbogen, and Rainer Lohmann
Complexation of Diserinol Isophthalamide with Phosphorylated Biomolecules in Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry, Madeline Schultz, Neil A. Ellis, Nwanne D. Banor, and Daniel A. Thomas
Compartmentalization of Axial Seamount's Magma Reservoir Inferred by Analytical and Numerical Deformation Modeling With Realistic Geometry, S. R. Slead, M. Wei, S. L. Nooner, W. W. Chadwick, D. W. Caress, and J. Beeson
Hit or miss? Impact of time series resolution on resolving phytoplankton dynamics at hourly, weekly, and satellite remote sensing frequencies, Virginia Sonnet, Colleen B. Mouw, Audrey B. Ciochetto, and Jessica Carney-Almeida
Beyond the Classroom: An Internship Model That Builds Age-Friendliness & Career Readiness, Kristin Souza, Skye N. Leedahl, Emma Pascuzzi, and Alexandra Morelli
”It´s like walking in a bubble”, nursing students´ perspectives on age suit simulation in a home environment – group interviews from reflection seminars, Björn Bouwmeester Stjernetun, Catharina Gillsjö, Elzana Odzakovic, and Jenny Hallgren
Health screenings in college health centers: Variations in practice, Melissa A. Sutherland, M. Katherine Hutchinson, Bing Si, Yu Ding, Erica Liebermann, Somatra L. Connolly, Hans Saint-Eloi Cadely, Jacqueline F. Hayes, and Susan D. Mueller
Financial education and budgeting behavior among college students: Extending the theory of planned behavior, Xiawei Tan, Jing Jian Xiao, Kexin Meng, and Jiuping Xu
Online Video-Mediated Compassion Training Program for Mental Health and Well-Being of University Students, Thupten Tendhar, Melissa Ann Marcotte, Paul Bueno de Mesquita, and Manob Jyoti Saikia
Introducing emerging library instructors to information literacy instruction through programmatic instruction, Alicia G. Vaandering, Amanda K. Izenstark, Colin Braun, Erin Cunningham, Reina Kirkendall, and Laura Marasco
Every color of the rainbow: a framework for analyzing LGBTQIA + representation in children’s picture books, Alicia G. Vaandering and James W. Rosenzweig
Dissident Gut: Technologies of Regularity, Politics of Revolt, Jean Walton
In Donald Sutherland’s 1970s career, the personal and political met in European ‘auteur’ films, Jean Walton
Emerging contaminants: A One Health perspective, Fang Wang, Rainer Lohmann, and et al
Effect of nutrient reductions on dissolved oxygen and pH: a case study of Narragansett bay, Hongjie Wang, Daniel L. Codiga, Heather Stoffel, Candace A. Oviatt, Kristin Huizenga, and Jason Grear
Air-sea CO2 flux in the Gulf of Mexico from observations and multiple machine-learning data products, Zelun Wu, Hongjie Wang, Enhui Liao, Chuanmin Hu, Kelsea Edwing, Xiao Hai Yan, and Wei Jun Cai
An FPGA-Enabled Framework for Rapid Automated Design of Photonic Integrated Circuits, Zhenyu Xu, Miaoxiang Yu, Jillian Cai, Saddam Gafsi, Judson Douglas Ryckman, and Tao Wei
Submissions from 2023
Highly Soluble Lithium Nitrate-Containing Additive for Carbonate-Based Electrolyte in Lithium Metal Batteries, Venkata A.K. Adiraju, Oh B. Chae, Jerome R. Robinson, and Brett L. Lucht
Sub-monthly prediction of harmful algal blooms based on automated cell imaging, Vitul Agarwal, Jonathan Chávez-Casillas, and Colleen B. Mouw
Key Principles for the Intergovernmental Science–Policy Panel on Chemicals and Waste, Marlene Ågerstrand, Kenneth Arinaitwe, Thomas Backhaus, Richardo O. Barra, Miriam L. Diamond, Joan O. Grimalt, Ksenia Groh, Faith Kandie, Perihan Binnur Kurt-Karakus, Robert J. Letcher, Rainer Lohmann, Rodrigo O. Meire, Temilola Olueyi, Andreas Schäfer, Mochamad Septiono, Gabriel Sigmund, Anna Soehl, Temitope O. Sogbanmu, Noriyuki Suzuki, Marta Venier, Penny Vlahos, and Martin Scheringer
Developmental cascades and educational attainment, Sammy F. Ahmed, Natasha Chaku, Nicholas E. Waters, Alexa Ellis, and Pamela E. Davis-Kean
The timing of executive function development is associated with growth in math achievement from preschool through second grade, Sammy F. Ahmed, Janelle Montroy, Lori Skibbe, Ryan Bowles, and Frederick Morrison
Trans-cinnamaldehyde nanoemulsion wash inactivates Salmonella Enteritidis on shelled eggs without affecting egg color, J. Allen, B. Balasubramanian, K. Rankin, T. Shah, A. M. Donoghue, I. Upadhyaya, Becky L. Sartini, Y. Luo, and A. Upadhyay
Simulated climate change impacts on striped bass, blue crab and Eastern oyster in oyster sanctuary habitats of Chesapeake Bay, Kira L. Allen, Thomas Ihde, Scott Knoche, Howard Townsend, and Kristy A. Lewis
The Humpty Dumpty Scale: cross-cultural adaptation and validation for Brazilian culture, Elke Sandra Alves Rodrigues, Daniela Fernanda dos Santos Alves, Ana Márcia Chiaradia Mendes-Castillo, Thaís Moreira São-João, Giselli Cristina Villela Bueno, Deborah Hill-Rodriguez, and Renata Cristina Gasparino
Multi-annual and multi-decadal evolution of sediment accretion in a saltmarsh of the French Atlantic coast: Implications for carbon sequestration, B. Amann, E. Chaumillon, S. Schmidt, L. Olivier, J. Jupin, M. C. Perello, and J. P. Walsh
A Ten-Fold Solvent Kinetic Isotope Effect for the Nonradiative Relaxation of the Aqueous Ferrate(VI) Ion, Cali Antolini, Danielle J. Jacoby, Sophia M. Tiano, Christopher J. Otolski, Gilles Doumy, Anne Marie March, Donald A. Walko, Joseph E. Goodwill, and Dugan Hayes
Saturating growth rate against phosphorus concentration explained by macromolecular allocation, Gabrielle Armin, Jongsun Kim, and Keisuke Inomura
Impact of Discrepancies Related to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Medications on Hospital Length of Stay, Nicole J. Asal and Cassandra Crompton
ChatGPT for Higher Education and Professional Development: A Guide to Conversational AI, Stephen Atlas
ChatGPT para o Ensino Superior e Desenvolvimento Profissional: Um Guia para IA Conversacional, Stephen A. Atlas and Flávio Bortolozzi, translator
Contemporary controversies in umbilical cord clamping practices, Carl H. Backes, Judith Mercer, and Anup Katheria
Hydrovolcanic Explosions at the Lava Ocean Entry of the 2018 Kilauea Eruption Recorded by Ocean-Bottom Seismometers, Puja Banerjee and Yang Shen
ROVIA: Automated Underwater Video Highlight Generation using Deep Neural Network, Puja Banerjee and Adam Soule
Toward systems-informed models for biologics disposition: covariates of the abundance of the neonatal Fc Receptor (FcRn) in human tissues and implications for pharmacokinetic modelling, Jill Barber, Zubida M. Al-Majdoub, Narciso Couto, Martyn Howard, Yasmine Elmorsi, Daniel Scotcher, Naved Alizai, Saskia de Wildt, Felix Stader, Armin Sepp, Amin Rostami-Hodjegan, and Brahim Achour
Uptake of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances by Fish, Mussel, and Passive Samplers in Mobile-Laboratory Exposures Using Groundwater from a Contamination Plume at a Historical Fire Training Area, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Larry B. Barber, Heidi M. Pickard, David A. Alvarez, Jitka Becanova, Steffanie H. Keefe, Denise R. LeBlanc, Rainer Lohmann, Jeffrey A. Steevens, and Alan M. Vajda
Cliques in realization graphs, Michael D. Barrus and Nathan Haronian
Seafood consumption during harmful algal blooms: The impact of information regarding safety and health, Andrew Bechard and Corey Lang
A carbon, nitrogen, and multi-isotope study of basalt glasses near 14°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Part A: Degassing processes, D. V. Bekaert, P. H. Barry, J. Curtice, J. Blusztajn, M. Hudak, A. Seltzer, M. W. Broadley, J. A. Krantz, V. D. Wanless, S. A. Soule, E. Mittelstaedt, and M. D. Kurz
A carbon, nitrogen, and multi-isotope study of basalt glasses near 14°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Part B: Mantle source heterogeneities, D. V. Bekaert, P. H. Barry, J. Curtice, J. Blusztajn, M. Hudak, A. Seltzer, M. W. Broadley, J. A. Krantz, V. D. Wanless, S. A. Soule, E. Mittelstaedt, and M. D. Kurz
Changes in the productivity of US West Coast fish stocks, Richard J. Bell, Adrien Tableau, and Jeremy S. Collie
Monitoring persistent organic chemicals in Antarctica in support of global chemical policy: a horizon scan of priority actions and challenges, Susan Bengston Nash, Pernilla Bohlin-Nizzetto, Cristobel Galban-Malagon, Simonetta Corsolini, Alessandra Cincinelli, and Rainer Lohmann
Neurodiversity, Networks, and Narratives: Exploring Intimacy and Expressive Freedom in the Time of Covid‐19, Kerri Betts, Louise Creechan, Rosemarie Cawkwell, Isabelle Finn-Kelcey, C. J. Griffin, Alice Hagopian, David Hartley, Marie Adrienne R. Manalili, Inika Murkumbi, Sarinah O'Donoghue, Cassandra Shanahan, Anna Stenning, and Alyssa Zisk
I Can Talk: Corporate Moral Responsibility, Word-of-Mouth, and Shared Values, Gargi Bhaduri and Saheli Goswami
A study of ignition and combustion of liquid hydrocarbon droplets in premixed fuel/air mixtures in a rapid compression machine, Siddhesh Bhoite, Bret Windom, Jaswinder Singh, David Montgomery, and Anthony J. Marchese
Tourists are people too: Nonresidents’ values, beliefs, and acceptance of a nearshore wind farm, David Bidwell
Anglers' support for an offshore wind farm: Fishing effects or clean energy symbolism, David Bidwell, Tiffany Smythe, and Grant Tyler
Uneasy tensions in energy justice and systems transformation, David Bidwell and Benjamin K. Sovacool
Winds of change: examining attitude shifts regarding an offshore wind project, Samantha Bingaman, Jeremy Firestone, and David Bidwell
Contaminant Back Diffusion from Low-Conductivity Matrices: Case Studies of Remedial Strategies, Julie Blue, Thomas Boving, Mary Ellen Tuccillo, Jonathan Koplos, Jason Rose, Michael Brooks, and David Burden
Effects of an age suit simulation on nursing students’ perspectives on providing care to older persons - an education intervention study, Björn Bouwmeester Stjernetun, Jenny Hallgren, and Catharina Gillsjö
Interactions of bioactive trace metals in shipboard Southern Ocean incubation experiments, Shannon M. Burns, Randelle M. Bundy, William Abbott, Zuzanna Abdala, Alexa R. Sterling, P. Dreux Chappell, Bethany D. Jenkins, and Kristen N. Buck
Depressive symptoms, but not moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, impacts sexual well-being and menopause-specific quality of life in middle-aged women, Isaura M. Castillo-Hernández, Christie L. Ward-Ritacco, and Ellen M. Evans
Probabilistic landslide tsunami modeling of the 2018 Palu Bay event, Claudia Cecioni, Verdiana Iorio, Giorgio Bellotti, and Stephan T. Grilli
Interfacial Issues and Modification of Solid Electrolyte Interphase for Li Metal Anode in Liquid and Solid Electrolytes, Oh B. Chae and Brett L. Lucht
The Faroe-Shetland Channel Jet: Structure, Variability, and Driving Mechanisms, L. Chafik, J. Nilsson, T. Rossby, and A. Kondetharayil Soman
Using inertial measurement units to quantify shoulder elevation after reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: a pilot study comparing goniometric measures captured clinically to inertial measures captured ‘in-the-wild’, Ryan M. Chapman, Michael T. Torchia, John-Erik Bell, and Douglas W. Van Citters
Partitioning the Apparent Temperature Sensitivity into Withinand Across-Taxa Responses: Revisiting the Difference between Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Protists, Bingzhang Chen, David J.S. Montagnes, Qing Wang, Hongbin Liu, and Susanne Menden-Deuer