Manuscripts from 1989
The intensity of plinian eruptions, Steven Carey and Haraldur Sigurdsson
Unstable genes affecting chloroplast development in soybean, Joel M. Chandlee and Lila O. Vodkin
Dilatational-wave-induced pore-water pressure in soil, W. Charlie, G. E. Veyera, and D. O. Doehring
Cumulant Methods and Short Time Propagators, Rob D. Coalson, David L. Freeman, and Jimmie D. Doll
Speed and direction of swimming by postlarvae of the american lobster, J. S. Cobb, D. Wang, D. B. Campbell, and P. Rooney
Debunking Myths About Self-Quitting: Evidence From 10 Prospective Studies of Persons Who Attempt to Quit Smoking by Themselves, Sheldon Cohen, Edward Lichtenstein, James O. Prochaska, Joseph S. Rossi, Ellen R. Gritz, Clifford R. Carr, C. Tracy Orleans, Victor J. Schoenbach, Lois Biener, David Abrams, Carlo DiClemente, Susan Curry, G. Alan Marlatt, K. Michael Cummings, Seth L. Emont, Gary Giovino, and Deborah Ossip-Klein
Reliability of job evaluation: Differences across sex-typed jobs, Elizabeth A. Cooper and Richard W. Scholl
Consolidation and strength of Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments from Sites 646 and 647, ODP Leg 105, K. A. Dadey and A. J. Silva
Bipolar design course with fabrication, James C. Daly, James Alvernaz, Paul Ferrara, Brian Harnedy, and Teddy Neira
Magnetic resonance image processing system for cardiac research, Peter Daly, William J. Ohley, Henry Gewirtz, and Richard Haas
Comparison of the performance of two bottom-sampling trawls, Joseph T. DeAlteris, Conrad W. Recksiek, Abdesslam Fahfouhi, and Xu Liuxiong
Who's using what?, Robin B. Devin
Supporting Analyses for the Economic Assessment of Diecasting in Product Design, P. Dewhurst and C. Blum
Determination of optimum processing conditions for injection moulding, P. Dewhurst and D. Kuppurajan
A simple frequency rate estimator, Petar M. Djuric and Steven M. Kay
Classical monte carlo dynamics: A simulated annealing approach to the construction of double‐ended classical trajectories, J. D. Doll, Thomas L. Beck, and David L. Freeman
Effect of the straw itch mite on larvae and adults of the Colorado potato beetle, Francis A. Drummond and Richard A. Casagrande
Population dynamics of Chrysomelobia labidomerae Eickwort, a parasite of the Colorado potato beetle, Francis A. Drummond, Richard A. Casagrande, and Patrick A. Logan
Effect of Increasing Propyl Group Substitution on PermethyI Polyazine, William B. Euler and Gregory S. King
Solid state NMR on oligomeric and polymeric azines, William B. Euler and James E. Roberts
Solid-State13C NMR Study of Oligomeric and Polymeric Azines, William B. Euler and James E. Roberts
HPLC analysis of lobster haemolymph over the molt cycle, D. A. Fadool, P. R. Brown, J. S. Cobb, and G. Kass-Simon
Preliminary experimental study of forced air-cooling of rectangular blocks encountered in electronic equipment, M. Faghri, R. C. Lessmann, S. Sridhar, R. Schmidt, and Y. Asako
Pedogenic development at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, Garfield County, Montana, D. E. Fastovsky, K. McSweeney, and L. D. Norton
Data integration in legal evaluations: Can clinicians deliver on their premises?, David Faust
Switched-capacitor building block for analog FIR filters, G. Fischer
Body dysmorphic disorder: Implications for its validity as a DSM-III-R clinical syndrome, S. N. Fitts, P. Gibson, C. A. Redding, and P. J. Deiter
Minimal trajectories of nonconvex differential inclusions, H. Frankowska and B. Kaskosz
Autoregressive modeling for the spectral analysis of oceanographic data, A. Gangopadhyay, P. Cornillon, and L. B. Jackson
An account of action research investigating teacher change, Lingbiao Gao, Adcock, Malcolm Carr, Anne Hume, David Nicholson, Janet Silvester, and Daryl Smith
Field inoculation of American beachgrass (Ammophila breviligulata) with V-A mycorrhizal fungi, J. N. Gemma and R. E. Koske
Seasonal dynamics of selected species of V-A mycorrhizal fungi in a sand dune, J. N. Gemma, R. E. Koske, and M. Carreiro
Novel content addressable memory, D. Ghosh, J. C. Daly, and J. Fried
Tillage effects on surface runoff water quality from artificially drained cropland, A. J. Gold and T. L. Loudon
Using soil surveys to delineate stratified drift deposits for groundwater protection, A. J. Gold, S. Tso, P. V. August, and W. R. Wright
Organization and developmental timing of the Bombyx mori chorion gene clusters in strain C108, Marian R. Goldsmith
Oscillations and global attractivity in respiratory dynamics, K. Gopalsamy, M. R.S. Kulenović, and G. Ladas
Managing contaminated marine sediments. Economic considerations, Thomas A. Grigalunas and James J. Opaluch
Perspective on validating the natural resource damage assessment model system, Thomas A. Grigalunas, James J. Opaluch, Deborah P. French, and Mark Reed
The economic damages component of the natural resource damage assessment model system, Thomas A. Grigalunas, James J. Opaluch, and Timothy J. Tyrrell
Middle to late Quaternary sediment fluxes in the Labrador Sea, ODP Leg 105, Site 646: a synthesis of rock-magnetic, oxygen-isotopic, carbonate, and planktonic foraminiferal data, F. R. Hall, J. Bloemendal, J. W. King, M. A. Arthur, and A. E. Aksu
The relationship between variations in rock-magnetic properties and grain size of sediments from ODP Hole 645C, F. R. Hall, W. H. Busch, and J. W. King
Rock-magnetic stratigraphy of Site 645 (Baffin Bay) from ODP Leg 105, F. R. Hall and J. W. King
Applying quality of life data in practice. Considerations for antihypertensive therapy., A. L. Hume
Converting-Enzyme Inhibitors in the Treatment of Hypertension, Anne Hume, Generali, William John Powell, Robert I. Henkin, Gordon H. Williams, J. Koch-Weser, and Haralambos Gavras
Angiotensin‐Converting Enzyme Inhibitor‐Induced Cough, Anne L. Hume, L. Murphy, and Scott E. Lauerman
Dynamic response statistics of linear system under Morison- type wave force., S.-L. J. Hu and M. Muin
Dynamic response statistics of linear system under Morison-type wave force, S.-L. J. Hu and M. Muin
Recombinant baculoviruses as vectors for identifying proteins encoded by intron-containing members of complex multigene families, Kostas Iatrou, Roy G. Meidinger, and Marian R. Goldsmith
Quantum mechanical studies of local water structure near fixed ions in ion exchange membranes, Kenneth J. Irwin, Stanley M. Barnett, and David L. Freeman
Noncausal ARMA Modeling of Voiced Speech, Leland B. Jackson
AR, ARMA, and AR-in-Noise Modeling by Fitting Windowed Correlation Data, Leland B. Jackson, Jianguo Huang, Kevin P. Richards, and Haiguang Chen
Forecasting monthly earnings per share-Time series models, J. Jarrett
Plasma protein changes in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) during parr-smolt transformation, Karla M. Johanning and Terence M. Bradley
Introduction to managing marine conflicts, Jeffrey C. Johnson and Richard B. Pollnac
Window length selection for smoothing the Wigner distribution by applying an adaptive filter technique, Shubha Kadambe, G. Faye Boudreaux-Bartels, and Patrick Duvaut
Comparison of nonlinear optical responses of periodic and quasiperiodic superlattices, L. M. Kahn, K. Huang, and D. L. Mills
Adsorption studies of xylenes and ethylbenzene on soil and humic acid by a purge and trap gas chromatographic method, Reyaz A. Kango and James G. Quinn
The maximum principle without the adjoint equation, Barbara Kas̀kosz and Stanisław Łojasiewicz
Periodic and Aperiodic Orbits in the Hamiltonian Formulation of a Model Magnetic System, Charles Kaufman, Niraj Srivastava, and Gerhard Müller
A Fast and Accurate Single Frequency Estimator, Steven Kay
Asymptotically Optimal Detection In Incompletely Characterized Non-Gaussian Noise, Steven M. Kay
The impact of monographs in vertebrate zoology on the scientific literature: A citation analysis, John Laurence Kelland
Globalization of the software industry: Trends and strategies, Chai Kim, Stu Westin, and Nikhilesh Dholakia
Intraaortic balloon pump: optimization assist device parameters during low cardiac output by use of a mathematical model, Chang H. Kim and W. J. Ohley
Theoretical thinking in nursing: problems and prospects., H. S. Kim
Kinetics of the reduction of the tetrahydroxyargentate(III) ion by sulphite in aqueous alkaline media, Louis J. Kirschenbaum, Issifou Kouadio, and Edoardo Mentasti
vic-Dioximate Complexes of Silver(III), Louis J. Kirschenbaum, Rama K. Panda, Edward T. Borish, and Edoardo Mentasti
A modified procedure for staining roots to detect VA mycorrhizas, R. E. Koske and J. N. Gemma
Observations on ‘sporocarps’ of the VA mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus litchii, R. E. Koske, J. N. Gemma, and W. Mueller
Mycorrhizal associations of selected plant species from San Miguel Island, Channel Islands National Park, California, R. E. Koske and W. L. Halvorson
Global attractivity in population dynamics, M. R.S. Kulenović, G. Ladas, and Y. G. Sficas
The Average Distribution of Volume Transport and Potential Vorticity with Temperature at Three Sections across the Gulf Stream, K. D. Leaman, E. Johns, and Hans Thomas Rossby
Cocoa feeding and human lactose intolerance, C. M. Lee and C. M. Hardy
Experiments on transition to turbulence in a constant-acceleration pipe flow, P. J. Lefebvre and F. M. White
Sea Beam survey of an active strike‐slip fault: The San Clemente fault in the California Continental Borderland, Mark R. Legg, Bruce P. Luyendyk, Jacqueline Mammerickx, Christian de Moustier, and Robert C. Tyce
Min-norm linear prediction for arbitrary sensor arrays, Fu Li, Richard J. Vaccaro, and Donald W. Tufts
Concurrent error detection in arithmetic and logical operations using Berger codes, Jien Chung Lo, Suchai Thanawastien, and T. R.N. Rao
Ultrastructural alterations in branchial chloride cells of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, during parr‐smolt transformation and early development in sea water, R. T. Lubin, A. W. Rourke, and T. M. Bradley
Neutron Lifetime Measured with Stored Ultracold Neutrons, W. Mampe, P. Ageron, C. Bates, J. M. Pendlebury, and A. Steyerl
Applications to subseabed disposal: (ISHTE)-A model experiment, C. Mark Percival, Leroy O. Olson, Richard H. Bennett, Frederick L. Sayles, and Armand J. Silva
Stages of change in psychotherapy: A follow-up report, E. A. McConnaughy, C. C. DiClemente, J. O. Prochaska, and W. F. Velicer
Type 1 pili are not necessary for colonization of the streptomycin-treated mouse large intestine by type 1-piliated Escherichia coli F-18 and E. coli K-12, Beth A. McCormick, David P. Franklin, David C. Laux, and Paul S. Cohen
Kinetics and Mechanism of the Oxidation of the Hypophosphite Ion by the Tetrahydroxoargentate(III) Ion, Raj N. Mehrotra and Louis J. Kirschenbaum
Meteorological analysis of long range transport of mineral aerosols over the North Pacific, J. T. Merrill, M. Uematsu, and R. Bleck
Kinetic Phenomena in Spin‐Polarized Quantum Systems, Alexander E. Meyerovich
Quantum and Nonlocal Coherent Effects in Boltzmann Gases, Alexander E. Meyerovich
Dissolved organic copper isolated by C18 reverse-phase extraction in an anoxic basin located in the Pettaquamscutt River Estuary, Gary L. Mills, Gregory S. Douglas, and James G. Quinn
Discriminative ability of the Trail Making Test in young children, C. Mittelmeier, J. S. Rossi, and A. Berman
Evaluation of effects of deicing additives on properties of asphalt mixtures, K. S, Mogawer; Kevin Stuart; and K. Wayne Lee
Sex Bias and POD, Patricia J. Morokoff
Muller replies:, Gerhard Müller
The Suicide Phenomenon in Motile Aeromonads, Hassan Namdari and Victor J. Cabelli
The boulder and/or the vail model: Training preferences of clinical psychologists, John C. Norcross, Kathleen M. Gallagher, and James O. Prochaska
Of Barfights and Gadflies: Attitudes and Practices concerning Extra Credit in College Courses, John C. Norcross, Linda J. Horrocks, and John F. Stevenson
Binding energy of large icosahedral and cuboctahedral Lennard-Jones clusters, J. A. Northby, J. Xie, David Freeman, and J. D. Doll
Generation of 3-D cardiac images from magnetic resonance data, William J. Ohley, Peter M. Daly, and Henry Gewirtz