Volume 11, Issue 2 (2019) Media Literacy Education for All Ages
Päivi Rasi, Hanna Vuojärvi, and Heli Ruokamo
University of Lapland, Finland
Research Articles
Media Literacy Education for All Ages
Päivi Rasi, Hanna Vuojärvi, and Heli Ruokamo
Media Literacy Education in the Age of Machine Learning
Teemu Valtonen, Matti Tedre, Kati Mäkitalo, and Henriikka Vartiainen
Assessing Online Viewing Practices Among College Students
Elizabeth J. Threadgill and Larry R. Price
Adolescents' Digital Literacies in Flux: Intersections of Voice, Empowerment, and Practices
Sandra Schamroth Abrams, Mary Beth Schaefer, and Daniel Ness
Measuring Media Literacy Inquiry in Higher Education: Innovation in Assessment
Evelien Schilder and Theresa Redmond
Faith Leaders Developing Digital Literacies: Demands and Resources across Career Stages According to Theological Educators
Kyle M. Oliver and Stacy Williams-Duncan
“So, Tell Me What Kind of a Thing It Really Is”—Finnish Older Adults Making Sense of Home Technology
Pilvikki Lantela
Voices from the Field
Teaching Adolescents to Communicate (Better) Online: Best Practices from a Middle School Classroom
Michelle Ciccone
Real-Time Support: Using eCoaching to Increase Preservice Teachers’ Confidence to Teach
Morgan V. Blanton, Aftynne E. Cheek, and Elizabeth Bellows

Guest Editors
- Päivi Rasi, Heli Ruokamo, and Hanna Vuojärvi
- Faculty of Education, Centre for Media Pedagogy, University of Lapland, Finland