Explore scholarly publications from the Department of Physics faculty at the University of Rhode Island.


Submissions from 2012


Semistochastic Projector Monte Carlo Method, F. R. Petruzielo, A. A. Holmes, Hitesh J. Changlani, M. P. Nightingale, and C. J. Umrigar


Parking problem and negative cooperativity of binding of myosin subfragment 1 to F-actin, Yana K. Reshetnyak, Cynthia N. Prudence, James Segala, Vladislav S. Markin, and Oleg A. Andreev


Ultracold Neutron Depolarization in Magnetic Bottles, A. Steyerl, Charles Kaufman, Gerhard Müller, S. S. Malik, and A. M. Desai


Quasielastic scattering in the interaction of ultracold neutrons with a liquid wall and application in a reanalysis of the Mambo I neutron-lifetime experiment, Albert Steyerl, J. M. Pendlebury, Charles Kaufman, Surendra S. Malik, and A. M. Desai

Submissions from 2011


Roles of Carboxyl Groups in the Transmembrane Insertion of Peptides, Francisco N. Barrera, Dhammika Weerakkody, Michael Anderson, Oleg A. Andreev, Yana K. Reshetnyak, and Donald M. Engelman


Quantum Size Effect and the Two Types of Interference between Bulk and Boundary Scattering in Ultrathin Films, S. Chatterjee and A. E. Meyerovich


Beams of Gravitationally Bound Ultracold Neutrons in Rough Waveguides, Mauricio Escobar and A. E. Meyerovich


Taxonomy of Particles in Ising Spin Chains, Dan Liu, Ping Lu, Gerhard Müller, and Michael Karbach


Measuring Tumor Aggressiveness and Targeting Metastatic Lesions with Fluorescent pHLIP, Yana K. Reshetnyak, Lan Yao, Sida Zheng, Sergey Kuznetsov, Donald M. Engelman, and Oleg A. Andreev


Tuning a Polar Molecule for Selective Cytoplasmic Delivery by a pH (Low) Insertion Peptide, Dayanjali Wijesinghe, Donald M. Engelman, Oleg A. Andreev, and Yana K. Reshetnyak

Submissions from 2010


pH-sensitive membrane peptides (pHLIPs) as a novel class of delivery agents, Oleg A. Andreev, Donald M. Engelman, and Yana K. Reshetnyak


pH (low) insertion peptide (pHLIP) inserts across a lipid bilayer as a helix and exits by a different path, Oleg A. Andreev, Alexander G. Karabadzhak, Dhammika Weerakkody, Gregory O. Andreev, Donald M. Engelman, and Yana K. Reshetnyak


pH-(low)-insertion-peptide (pHLIP) translocation of membrane impermeable phalloidin toxin inhibits cancer cell proliferation, Ming An, Dayanjali Wijesinghe, Oleg A. Andreev, Yana K. Reshetnyak, and Donald M. Engelman


Interference between bulk and boundary scattering in high quality films, S. Chatterjee and A. E. Meyerovich


Tuning the insertion properties of pHLIP, Monka Musial-Siwek, Alexander Karabadzhak, Oleg A. Andreev, Yana K. Reshetnyak, and Donald M. Engelman


Surface Roughness Effect on Ultracold Neutron Interaction With a Wall and Implications for Computer Simulations, Albert Steyerl, Surendra S. Malik, A. M. Desai, and Charles Kaufman

Submissions from 2009


Bose-Einstein Condensation of Interacting Gases in Traps with and without Optical Lattice, S. Chatterjee and A. E. Meyerovich


Algorithm for the Analysis of Tryptophan Flourescence Spectra and Their Correlation With Protein Structural Parameters, John Hixon and Yana K. Reshetnyak


Quasiparticles in the XXZ Model, Ping Lu, Gerhard Müller, and Michael Karbach


Accurate Analysis of Tumor Margins Using a Fluorescent pH Low Insertion Peptide (pHLIP), James Segala, Donald M. Engelman, Yana K. Reshetnyak, and Oleg A. Andreev


A Novel Technology for the Imaging of Acidic Prostate Tumors by Positron Emission Tomography, Amy L. Vãvere, Gráinne B. Biddlecombe, William M. Spees, Joel R. Garbow, Dayanjali Wijesinghe, Oleg A. Andreev, Donald M. Engelman, Yana K. Reshetnyak, and Jason S. Lewis


Fabrication of semiconductor nanowires by conjugation of quantum dots to actin filaments, Lan Yao, Gregory O. Andreev, Yana K. Reshetnyak, and Oleg A. Andreev

Submissions from 2008


Fluorescence Probing of Aminofluorene-Induced Conformational Heterogeneity in DNA Duplexes, Nidhi Jain, Yana K. Reshetnyak, Lan Gao, M. Paul Chiarelli, and Bongsup P. Cho


Interaction and Thermodynamics of Spinons in the XX Chain, Michael Karbach, Gerhard Müller, and Klaus Wiele


The Growth and Tumor Suppressors NORE1A and RASSF1A Are Targets for Calpain-Mediated Proteolysis, Sergey Kuznetsov and Andrei V. Khokhlatchev


Statistically Interacting Quasiparticles in Ising Chains, Ping Lu, Jared Vanasse, Christopher Piecuch, Michael Karbach, and Gerhard Müller


Energetics of Peptide (pHLIP) Binding to and Folding Across a Lipid Bilayer Membrane, Yana K. Reshetnyak, Oleg A. Andreev, Michael Segala, Vladislav S. Markin, and Donald M. Engelman


Quantum Integrability and Nonintegrability in the Spin-boson Model, Vyacheslav V. Stepanov, Gerhard Müller, and Joachim Stolze


Bilayer Interactions of pHLIP, a Peptide that Can Deliver Drugs and Target Tumors, Manuela Zoonens, Yana K. Reshetnyak, and Donald M. Engelman

Submissions from 2007


Quantum Size Effect and Biased Diffusion of Gravitationally Bound Neutrons in a Rough Waveguide, R. Adhikari, Y. Cheng, A. E. Meyerovich, and V. V. Nesvizhevsky


Mechanism and Uses of a Membrane Peptide that Targets Tumors and Other Acidic Tissues In Vivo, Oleg A. Andreev, Alison D. Dupuy, Michael Segala, Srikanth Sandugu, David A. Serra, Clinton O. Chichester, Donald M. Engelman, and Yana K. Reshetnyak


Mechanism of Formation of Actomyosin Interface, Oleg A. Andreev and Yana K. Reshetnyak


The effect of gramicidin on the membrane potential of neurons in the CNS of L. stagnalis, John DiCecco, Michael Segala, Oleg Andreev, Yana Reshetnyak, and Ying Sun


Optical microscopy imaging method for detection of electromigration: Theory and experiment, L. H. Li, V. Dasika, D. Heskett, and W. H. Tang


Nightingale Replies:, M. P. Nightingale


Thermodynamics of a Statistically Interacting Quantum Gas in D Dimensions, Geoffrey G. Potter, Gerhard Müller, and Michael Karbach


Thermodynamics of Ideal Quantum Gas with Fractional Statistics in D Dimensions, Geoffrey G. Potter, Gerhard Müller, and Michael Karbach


A Monomeric Membrane Peptide that Lives in Three Worlds: In Solution, Attached to, and Inserted across Lipid Bilayers, Yana K. Reshetnyak, Michael Segala, Oleg A. Andreev, and Donald M. Engelman

Submissions from 2006

Injection of molecules into cells using a pH-triggered molecular nanosyringe, O. A. Andreev, S. Sandugu, D. M. Engelman, and Y. K. Reshetnyak


Spinon Excitations in the XX Chain: Spectra, Transition Rates, Observability, Mitsuhiro Arikawa, Michael Karbach, Gerhard Müller, and Klaus Wiele


Mode Coupling in Quantized High-Quality Films, Yiying Cheng and A. E. Meyerovich


Dynamics of quantum spin chains and multi-fermion excitation continua, Oleg Derzhko, Taras Krokhmalskii, Joachim Stolze, and Gerhard Müller


Gravitational Quantum States of Neutrons in a Rough Waveguide, A. E. Meyerovich and V. V. Nesvizhevsky


Translocation of Molecules into Cells by pH-Dependent Insertion of a Transmembrane Helix, Yana K. Reshetnyak, Oleg A. Andreev, Ursula Lehnert, and Donald M. Engelman

Submissions from 2005


Surface and Bulk Transitions in Three-Dimensional O(n) Models, Youjin Deng, Henk W.J. Blöte, and M. P. Nightingale


Dimer and Trimer Fluctuations in the s=1/2 Transverse XX Chain, Oleg Derzhko, Taras Krokhmalskii, Joachim Stolze, and Gerhard Müller


Drag Effect and Topological Complexes in Strongly Interacting Two-Component Lattice Superfluids, V. M. Kaurov, A. B. Kuklov, and A. E. Meyerovich


Interdimensional degeneracies in van der Waals clusters and quantum Monte Carlo computation of rovibrational states, M. P. Nightingale and Mervlyn Moodley

Submissions from 2004


Spectrum and Transition Rates of the XX Chain Analyzed via Bethe Ansatz, Daniel Biegel, Michael Karbach, Gerhard Müller, and Klaus Wiele


An optical microscopy imaging method for detection of electromigration-induced damage, L. H. Li, C. Piecuch, J. Hiatt, B. Setlik, and D. Heskett


Folding Kinetics and Structure of OEP16, Dirk Linke, Joachim Frank, Matthew S. Pope, Jurgen Soll, Iryna Ilkavets, Petra Fromme, Edward A. Burstein, Yana K. Reshetnyak, and Victor I. Emelyanenko

Submissions from 2003


Transition Rates via Bethe Ansatz for the Spin-1/2 Planar XXZ Antiferromagnet, Daniel Biegel, Michael Karbach, and Gerhard Müller


Magnetic and thermal properties of 4f−3d ladder-type molecular compounds, M. Evangelisti, L. Kahn, J. Bartolomé, J. De Jongh, C. Meyers, J. Leandri, Y. Leroyer, and C. Mathonière


Alkali-Metal Gases in Optical Lattices: Possible New Type of Quantum Crystals, A. E. Meyerovich


Quantum Size Effect in Conductivity of Multilayer Metal Films, A. E. Meyerovich and I. V. Ponomarev


Surface Roughness and Effective Stick-Slip Motion, I. V. Ponomarev and A. E. Meyerovich

Submissions from 2002


Evidence of Inter- and Intra-Molecular Crosslinking of Tyrosine Residues of Calmodulin Induced by Photo-Activation of Ruthenium(II), Oleg A. Andreev, Yana K. Reshetnyak, and Ronald H. Goldfarb


Astrometry with the Hubble Space Telescope: A Parallax of the Fundamental Distance Calibrator RR Lyrae, G. Fritz Benedict, B. E. McArthur, L. W. Fredrick, T. E. Harrison, J. Lee, C. L. Slesnick, J. Rhee, R. J. Patterson, E. Nelan, W. H. Jefferys, W. van Altena, P. J. Shelus, O. G. Franz, L. H. Wasserman, Paul D. Hemenway, R. L. Duncombe, D. Story, A. L. Whipple, and A. J. Bradley


Transition Rates via Bethe Ansatz for the Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Chain, Daniel Biegel, Michael Karbach, and Gerhard Müller


From atomistic lattice-gas models for surface reactions to hydrodynamic reaction-diffusion equations, J. W. Evans, Da-Jiang Liu, and M. Tammaro


Ion bombardment-induced changes in the electronic structure of Cu(1 1 0) investigated with inverse photoemission and computer simulations, D. Heskett, D. DePietro, G. Sabatino, and M. Tammaro


Quasiparticles Governing the Zero-temperature Dynamics of the One-dimensional Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet in a Magnetic Field, Michael Karbach, Daniel Biegel, and Gerhard Müller


Precessing Domains and the Castaing Instability in Confined Alkali-Metal Gases, A. Kuklov and A. E. Meyerovich


Topological Phase Transitions in Periodically Modulated Quantized Metal Films, A. E. Meyerovich and Dongmin Chen


Quasi-2D Flows of 3He-4He Mixtures, A. E. Meyerovich and Reyer Jochemsen


Surface Roughness and Size Effects in Quantized Films, A. E. Meyerovich and I. V. Ponomarev


Hybridization and Bond-Orbital Components in Site-Specific X-Ray Photoelectron Spectra of Rutile TiO2, J. C. Woicik, E. J. Nelson, Leeor Kronik, Manish Jain, James R. Chelikowsky, David R. Heskett, L. E. Berman, and G. S. Herman

Submissions from 2001


Precise Masses for Wolf 1062 AB from Hubble Space Telescope Interferometric Astrometry and McDonald Observatory Radial Velocities, G. F. Benedict, B. E. McArthur, O. G. Franz, L. H. Wasserman, T. J. Henry, T. Takato, I. V. Strateva, J. L. Crawford, P. A. Ianna, D. W. McCarthy, E. Nelan, W. H. Jefferys, W. van Altena, P. J. Shelus, Paul D. Hemenway, R. L. Duncombe, D. Story, A. L. Whipple, A. J. Bradley, and L. W. Frederick


Decomposition of Protein Tryptophan Fluorescence Spectra into Log-Normal Components. I. Decomposition Algorithms, Edward A. Burstein, Sergei M. Abornev, and Yana K. Reshetnyak


Transport in 3He-4He Mixtures in Restricted Geometry, A. E. Meyerovich


Optimization of Ground- and Excited-State Wave Functions and van der Waals Clusters, M. P. Nightingale and Vilen Melik-Alaverdian


Decomposition of Protein Tryptophan Fluorescence Spectra into Log-Normal Components. II. The Statistical Proof of Discreteness ofTryptophan Classes in Proteins, Yana K. Reshetnyak and Edward A. Burstein


Decomposition of Protein Tryptophan Fluorescence Spectra into Log- Normal Components. III. Correlation between Fluorescence and Microenvironment Parameters of Individual Tryptophan Residues, Yana K. Reshetnyak, Yuly Koshevnik, and Edward A. Burstein


Integrability and Action Operators in Quantum Hamiltonian Systems, Vyacheslav V. Stepanov and Gerhard Müller


X-Ray Standing-Wave Investigations of Valence Electronic Structure, J. C. Woicik, E. J. Nelson, David R. Heskett, J. Warner, L. E. Berman, B. A. Karlin, I. A. Vartanyants, M. Z. Hasan, T. Kendelewicz, Z. X. Shen, and P. Pianetta

Submissions from 2000


Interferometric Astrometry of the Detached White Dwarf-M Dwarf Binary Feige 24 Using HST Fine Guidance Sensor 3: White Dwarf Radius and Component Mass Estimates, G. Fritz Benedict, Barbara E. McArthur, Otto G. Franz, L. H. Wasserman, E. Nelan, J. Lee, L. W. Fredrick, W. H. Jefferys, W. van Altena, E. L. Robinson, W. J. Spiesman, P. J. Hemenway, R. L. Duncombe, D. Story, A. L. Whipple, and A. Bradley


X-ray Standing-Wave Investigation of (1X2)Rb/Cu(110), David R. Heskett and L. E. Berman


X-ray standing-wave investigation, D. Heskett and L. Berman


Introduction to the Bethe Ansatz III, Michael Karbach, Kun Hu, and Gerhard Müller


Line-shape Predictions via Bethe Ansatz for the One-dimensional Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet in a Magnetic Field, Michael Karbach and Gerhard Müller


Interference of Bulk and Boundary Scattering in Films with Quantum Size Effect, A. E. Meyerovich and A. Stepaniants


Interference of Bulk and Boundary Scattering in Ultrathin Quantized Systems, A. E. Meyerovich and A. Stepaniants


Localization and Diffusion in Quasi-2D Helium and Hydrogen Systems with Corrugated Boundaries, A. E. Meyerovich and A. Stepaniants


Computational Probes of Collective Excitations in Low-Dimensional Magnetism, Gerhard Müller and Michael Karbach


Monte Carlo Computation of Correlation Times of Independent Relaxation Modes at Criticality, M. P. Nightingale and H. W.J. Blöte


Signatures of quantum integrability and nonintegrability in the spectral properties of finite Hamiltonian matrices, Vyacheslav V. Stepanov and Gerhard Müller

Submissions from 1999


Interferometric Astrometry of Proxima Centauri and Barnard's Star Using HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE Fine Guidance Sensor 3: Detection Limits for Substellar Companions, G. Fritz Benedict, Barbara McArthur, D. W. Chappell, E. Nelan, W. H. Jefferys, W. van Altena, J. Lee, D. Cornell, P. J. Shelus, P. D. Hemenway, Otto G. Franz, L. H. Wasserman, R. L. Duncombe, D. Story, A. L. Whipple, and L. W. Frederick


Dynamical ansatz for path integrals and nonperturbative trace formulas, Yuri A. Dabaghian


Adsorption sites in O and CO coadsorption phases on Rh(111) investigated by high-resolution core-level photoemission, A. J. Jaworowski, A. Beutler, F. Strisland, R. Nyholm, B. Setlik, D. Heskett, and J. N. Andersen


Skyrmion physics beyond the lowest Landau-level approximation, V. Melik-Alaverdian, N. E. Bonesteel, and G. Ortiz


Quantum Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Mechanics, Vilen Melik-Alaverdian and M. P. Nightingale


Quantized Systems with Randomly Corrugated Walls and Interfaces, A. E. Meyerovich and A. Stepaniants


Diffusion and Localization of Ultra-Cold Particles on Rough Substrates, A. Stepaniants, D. Sarkisov, and A. E. Meyerovich

Submissions from 1998


Photometry of Proxima Centauri and Barnard's Star Using Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensor 3: A Search for Periodic Variations, G. Fritz Benedict, Barbara McArthur, E. Nelan, D. Story, A. L. Whipple, P. J. Shelus, W. H. Jefferys, P. D. Hemenway, Otto G. Franz, L. H. Wasserman, R. L. Ducombe, W. van Altena, and L. W. Frederick


Coverage- and temperature-dependent site occupancy of carbon monoxide on Rh(111) studied by high-resolution core-level photoemission, A. Beutler, E. Lundgren, R. Nyholm, J. N. Andersen, B. J. Setlik, and D. Heskett


Exact Two-spinon Dynamic Structure Factor of the One-dimensional s=1/2 Heisenberg-Ising Antiferromagnet, A. Hamid Bougourzi, Michael Karbach, and Gerhard Müller


Forward projection of transient signals obtained from a fiber-optic pressure sensor, G. T. Clement, R. Liu, S. V. Letcher, and P. R. Stephanishen


The First Definitive Binary Orbit Determined with the Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensors: Wolf 1062 (Gliese 748), Otto G. Franz, Todd J. Henry, Lawrence H. Wasserman, G. Fritz Benedict, Philip A. Ianna, J. Davy Kirkpatrick, Donald W. McCarthy Jr., Arthur J. Bradley, Raynor L. Duncombe, Laurence W. Frederick, Paul D. Hemenway, William H. Jefferys, Barbara E. McArthur, Edmund P. Nelan, Peter J. Shelus, Darrell B. Story, William F. van Altena, and Arthur L. Whipple


Introduction to the Bethe Ansatz II, Michael Karbach, Kun Hu, and Gerhard Müller


Transport Equation and Diffusion in Ultrathin Channels and Films, A. E. Meyerovich and A. Stepaniants