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The effect of coupling of quantized modes on transport and localization in ultrathin films with quantum size effect (QSE) is discussed. The emphasis is on comparison of films with Gaussian, exponential, and power-law long-range behavior of the correlation function of surface, thickness, or bulk fluctuations. For small-size inhomogeneities, the mode coupling is the same for inhomogeneities of all types and the transport coefficients behave in the same way. The mode coupling becomes extremely sensitive to the correlators for large-size inhomogeneities leading to the drastically distinct behavior of the transport coefficients. In high-quality films there is a noticeable difference between the QSE patterns for films with bulk and surface inhomogeneities, which explains why the recently predicted type of QSE with large oscillations of the transport coefficients can be observed mostly in films with surface-driven relaxation. In such films with surface-dominated scattering the higher modes contribute to the transport only as a result of opening of the corresponding mode coupling channels and appear one by one. Mode coupling also explains a much higher transport contribution from the higher modes than it is commonly believed. Possible correlations between the inhomogeneities from the opposite walls provide, because of their oscillating response to the mode quantum numbers, a unique insight into the mode coupling. The presence of inhomogeneities of several sizes leads not to a mechanical mixture of QSE patterns, but to the overall shifting and smoothing of the oscillations. The results can lead to unique non-destructive ways of analysis of the buried interfaces and to study of inhomogeneities on the scales which are inaccessible for scanning techniques.

Publisher Statement

© 2006 The American Physical Society
