"Examining the structural and philosophical positions of community-base" by Dana Scott Mills

Date of Award


Degree Type


First Advisor

Paul Florin


Research examining the gap between science and practice in community health promotion often acknowledges the relevance of differing philosophies between science and practice populations and their relative influence on technology transfer. However, few studies have examined the nature of the philosophical differences on the adoption of science-based health promotion and prevention program adoption. This dissertation explored the paradigmatic views and philosophical orientations of community-based prevention providers with a focus on how paradigm differences between researchers and practitioners sustain gaps and block the transfer of technology (a.k.a., diffusion of innovations, utilization of research findings, adopting science-based programs) in community health promotion psychology. A sample of 19 community-based organization practitioners were included in the analyses of this study. A semi-structured, qualitative interview was conducted on each of the 19 participants, with questions designed to assess the epistemology, ontology, and methodology of the sample. Results indicated that the majority of the sample held philosophical beliefs that were incongruent with the philosophical positions held by researchers. These differences led to misunderstandings between the two groups, making acceptance, diffusion, and utilization of science-based programs difficult for practitioners.



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