Date of Award
Degree Type
First Advisor
Edward A. Grove
We study the global stability, the boundedness nature, and the periodic character of the positive solutions of the difference equation [special characters omitted]where the parameters α and β are positive real numbers and the initial conditions x−1 and x0 are arbitrary non-negative real numbers. This problem was proposed by Dr. Richard Levins of the Harvard School of Public Health as a population model in Mathematical Biology. We consider α to be the immigration rate and β to be the population growth rate. We will also investigate the periodic character and the boundedness nature of all positive solutions of following two max - type difference equations: [special characters omitted]and [special characters omitted]where [special characters omitted] is a sequence of positive real numbers with prime period three and the initial conditions x−1 and x0 are arbitrary positive real numbers.
Recommended Citation
Radin, Michael Alexander, "The global stability, boundedness, and periodicity character of certain difference equations" (2001). Open Access Dissertations. Paper 1777.
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