The University of Rhode Island archives and provides access to doctoral dissertations through DigitalCommons@URI. Dissertations prior to 2013 may or may not be available here. Please consult the URI library catalog to see all titles. For those dissertations available only in print, the library can usually scan a copy upon request.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Butler, Mari. Catch basin ecosystems and effects of the mosquito larvicide methoprene
Bwalya, Samuel Mulenga. The experimental analysis of the political economics of fisheries governance
Campion, Christopher Lawrence. An Analysis of the Thermal Decomposition Reactions of Organic Electrolytes Used in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Campion, Christopher Lawrence. An analysis of the thermal decomposition reactions of organic electrolytes used in lithium-ion batteries
Center, Carole Eileen. The representation of race in composition studies and stories
Chen, Xuanjuan. Three essays on stock selection ability and agency problem of mutual funds
Choi, Younhee. Modeling and parameter estimation of cardiopulmonary dynamics
Choudhury, Arpita. The use of microsatellite DNA fingerprinting for aquaculture and fisheries science
Collins, Jarred T.. Moore-Greig Designs: A new combinatorial structure
Cousins, David Bruce. A model-based algorithm for environmentally adaptive bathymetry and sound velocity profile estimation
Craig, Melynda Leigh. "What I think of as a positive experience, is the lack of a negative experience": Exploring female-to-male transgender and transsexual individuals' interactions with health care providers
Cullinen, Kathleen Mary. Obesity and colorectal cancer and the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors related to colorectal cancer prevention among non-Hispanic Black women in Rhode Island
Defrancis, Theresa. Women-writing-women: Three American responses to the Woman Question
Delorenzo, Amy Susanna. An assessment of the habitat quality and nutritional intake of North Atlantic right whales in Cape Cod Bay
Demircubuk, Murat. Design and manufacture of optimum product structures
Dias-Vieira, Christine. An analogue study of stigma, help-seeking attitudes, and symptom severity in postpartum depression
Dorrington, Tarquin. Recombinant antimicrobials for feed based delivery in aquaculture
Dutta, Udayan. Advanced glycation endproducts analysis of glucosamine with reducing sugars, DNA nucleosides and serum proteins
Elsaid, Khaled Ahmed. The relationship between articular cartilage damage and lubricin integrity following injury and in inflammatory arthritis
Faubert, Glenn E.. Caterpillar tolerance representations of graphs
Finger, Erik J.. Two-stage heat engine for converting waste heat to useful work
Gallo, Frank Joseph. A self-report approach to screening police candidates' aggressive tendencies
Gallo, Frank Joseph. A Self-Report Approach to Screening Police Candidates’ Aggressive Tendencies
Jacob, Jean M.. Factors influencing hiring decisions for welfare recipients
Jain, Nitesh. Experiment and analytical evaluation of dynamic fracture in *graded multifunctional materials
Jean-Pierre, Pascal. Attitudes toward seeking professional help in a multi-ethnic sample: The roles of beliefs about mental illness etiology, religious orientation, and acculturation
Johnson, Gregory William. Loran: Creating a viable backup for GPS
Jordan, Katerina Serlemitsos. The ecology of plant-parasitic nematodes and their antagonists on golf course greens turf in southern New England
Kellogg, Dorothy Q. N.. The influence of geomorphic setting on ground water denitrification in forested riparian wetlands
Kirs, Marek. Quantitative analyses of F+ specific RNA coliphages
Kwon, Oh-Sun. Quasi-elastic scattering of ultracold neutrons
Lambert, Adam Matthew. Native and exotic Phragmites australis in Rhode Island: Distribution and differential resistance to insect herbivores
La Valley, Kenneth John. Aspects of bacterial community ecology within the American oyster (Crassostrea virginica), and surveillance of post-harvest Vibrio vulnificus occurrence
Lee, Sharon K.. The effects of a kit-based science curriculum and teacher characteristics on students' attitude toward science
Lee, Sungsoo. Functional and structural study of the protein tyrosine kinase Csk, as a model system
Li, Linghong. Using the optical microscopy imaging method for studying electromigration
Lin, Xiaofeng. Probing the regulatory mechanisms of protein tyrosine kinases, using c-terminal Src kinase (Csk) as a model system
Liu, Ming. Multidimensional damage state identification using phase space warping
Lopes, Christopher John. Bilingual school psychologists' practices with students with limited English proficiency
Low, Gregory A.. Validation of a tool to measure drug knowledge: Evaluating bioterrorism preparedness activities
Lynch, Marie A.. The relationship between school and independent educational evaluations: Issues in identification and eligibility for students with learning disabilities
McKinney, Richard A.. Habitat use by waterfowl wintering in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Melfi, James. A descriptive study of beta2-agonist use in asthma patients based on a nationally representative sample
Meloro, Phyllis C.. Do high school advisory programs promote personalization? Correlates of school belonging
Melrose, Donald Christopher. Underway profiling of photosynthesis and dissolved oxygen in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Menezes, Sunshine. Nanoplankton biodiversity in the Pettaquamscutt River Estuary, Rhode Island, Unites States
Michaelis, Bjoern. Dissolved oxygen dynamics in a shallow stream system
Miller, Teresa L.. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A survey of assessment practices by school psychologists
Mohanty, Natali. A multi commodity recyclables collection model using partitioned vehicles
Nair, Arun Unnikrishnan. Evolutionary numerical methods applied to minimum weight structural design and cardiac mechanics
Petluri, Raghuram. Angular dependent interaction of metastable helium molecules on the surfaces of helium nanodroplets
Petrik-Finley, Rachel Jeanne Mahr. The impact of a parasitic gill copepod on the demography of a reef fish host
Plouffe, Jeffrey Stewart. The development and validation of a fuzzy logic method for time-series extrapolation
Proestou, Dina A.. Sex change in Crepidula fornicata: Influence of environmental factors on reproductive success and the timing of sex change
Robinson, Marshall Jackson. Psychopathy and compliance correlates for male delinquents in a community program
Ruskin, Danielle Alexandra. Problematic interactions between parents and their children with ADHD: Role of attributions, emotions, discipline practices, and comorbid ODD
Sachdeva, Karuna. Regulation of cytochrome P450-3A (CYP3A) and pregnane X receptor (PXR): Implications to drug-drug interactions
Saumweber, Whitley Joseph. Energetic constraints on diapause in Calanus finmarchicus: Implications for population dynamics in the Gulf of Maine
Sheeley, Amy Elizabeth. Dietary restraint, self-efficacy, and gender differences in weight loss program participants
Siliezar, Diana Catalina. Restructuring school: Improving K-8 science teaching and learning in schools through systematic professional development
Smith, Anabela Da Silva. Youth Self-Report: Profile patterns of adjudicated adolescents and diagnostic efficiency of clinical scales
Stevos, Joyce L.. Youth in action: A study of developing citizen identity
Suckle, Jessica A.. Challenges and resolution strategies of ordained Protestant clergywomen
Tang, Zhexiong. Inter-polymer complexes of conducting polymers: Synthesis, characterization and applications
Tolunay, Adviye. Group identity effects on social influence
Toolan, Timothy M.. Advances in sliding window subspace tracking
Tracy, Susanne Mary Koszalka. A pilot study of tailored teaching on non-drug enhancements for managing postoperative pain
Trombetti, Isabel A.. Meanings in the Lives of Older Adults: In Their Own Voices
Veilleux, Douglas L. II. Melting in a low gravity environment with applied electromagnetic fields
Viso, Richard. Mid-Cretaceous tectonic evolution of the Pacific-Phoenix-Farallon triple junction
Wang, Yu. Synthesis and investigation of the thermochromic properties of polythiophenes and oligothiophenes
Xie, Jianxun. Involvement of transcription factors in cadmium-induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in rat kidney cells
Yang, Chun-Ming. Enhancing driving safety through proper message design on variable message signs
Yue, Junqi. Destruction of TNT and RDX residues and devices
Zhang, Ming. Toward high performance and highly reliable storage service
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Aflague, John M.. Suicide Assessment by Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses: A Phenomenographic Study
Agarwal, Vivek. Microstructure Studies in Surfacant Systems
Agarwal, Vivek. Microstructure studies in surfactant systems
Allen, James H.. Regulation of cra, A Regulatory Gene of Glycolytic and Gluconeogenic Pathways in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium
Anatchkova, Milena D.. Smoking and Stress: Exploring Patterns Among High School Youth in Bulgaria
Andreozzi Stern, Lucille. The Pros and Cons of the Learned Helplessness Construct and the Battered Woman Syndrome: A Critical Analysis and Possible Reformulation
Baggerly, Joanne. The experience of mild traumatic brain injury for selected cases
Baskaran, Ramesh. Essays on fisheries management
Bautista, Cynthia A.. Survivorship of a low-grade glioma brain tumor
Bergondo, Deanna L.. Examining the processes controlling water column variability in Narragansett Bay: Time series data and numerical modeling
Botonjic, Edita. Forensic and biological applications of vibrational spectroscopy
Carr, Jamie M.. Queer times: Christopher Isherwood's modernity
Center, Laurie E.. Issues of gender and peer collaboration in a problem-solving computer activity
Cerimagic, Zlata. Self-reported medication adherence among patients with diabetes
Chadwick, Kristine Leigh. A narrative exploration of personal factors and organizational contexts in the development of local leadership
Chaves, Joaquin E.. Potential use of nitrogen-15 to assess nitrogen sources and fate in Narragansett Bay
Chokshi, Rina. Evaluation of hot-melt extrusion technology to improve dissolution rates of poorly water soluble drugs
Clark, Cathy Ann. Global behavior of nonlinear difference equations
Dai, Qingli. Micromechanical modeling of constitutive and damage behavior of heterogeneous asphalt materials
Desplaces, David Edouard. A multi-level approach to individual readiness to adopt entreprise resource planning software