The University of Rhode Island archives and provides access to doctoral dissertations through DigitalCommons@URI. Dissertations prior to 2013 may or may not be available here. Please consult the URI library catalog to see all titles. For those dissertations available only in print, the library can usually scan a copy upon request.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Anthony, Abigail Walker. Climate Change and Peak Demand for Electricity: Evaluating Policies for Reducing Peak Demand Under Different Climate Change Scenarios
August, Gerri. Making room for one another: Practicing dynamic and designed dialogicality in a kindergarten classroom
Basu, Sukanya. Global behavior of solutions to a class of second-order rational difference equations
Bell, Richard James. Overwintering ecology of young-of-the-year winter flounder in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Bissonnette, Sharon. The effects of a peer-mediated intervention on language and reciprocity in young children with social communication disorders
Butler, John D.. Exploring some inattended affective factors in performing nonroutine mathematical tasks
Caffrey, Aisling R.. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: Pharmacoepidemiologic assessment of common medications
Calabretta, Christopher John. Benthic macrofauna in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island: An examination of factors causing variability in community structure
Chu, Jingjie. Aquaculture stakeholders' perceptions, actions, and implications for its future: A comparison of the U.S.A. and Norway
Cotter-Lemus, Kimberly. Children of possibility: Children's musicking in communities of practice
Crawford, Brian R.. Factors influencing the success of community-based marine protected areas in North Sulawesi Indonesia
Dalton, Elizabeth Minchin. The Relationship Between Assistive Technology State Standards for Teachers, Assistive Technology Implementation, and Student Performance in the Context of Evidence-Based Practice
Dixon, Brian A.. Sex for dinner, death for breakfast: James Bond and the body
Donoyan, Giovanna Guadagno. A quantitative study of the summer slide in science of elementary school students
Doucet, Jennifer M.. Qualitative Examination of Satisfaction with Three Expert System Interventions to Reduce Cancer
Erickson-Owens, Debra A.. Milking the umbilical cord at term Cesarean section: Effect on hemoglobin levels in the first 48 hours of life
Fero, Julie Ann. Simulating widespread tephra dispersal from explosive volcanic eruptions
Fogg-Matarese, Sarah. The use of cnidarian nematocysts by the aeolidian nudibranch Cratena pilata
Freeman, Matthew Alan. Economic decisions in quota and license fishery management plans
Frost, Megan. A stereotype threat intervention that examines causal attributions, self-efficacy, and perceived faculty support
Frost, Megan. A Stereotype Threat Intervention That Examines Causal Attributions, Self-Efficacy, and Perceived Faculty Support
Gamie, Samaa. A study of selected errors in Arab students' English compositions and an investigation of Arabic rhetoric
Golden, Hayley Y.. The effects of wife-abuser socio-economic level, type of abuse, and rater gender, on attribution of blame for wife abuse
Hawes, Katheleen. Nurse job stress, burnout, practice environment and maternal satisfaction in the neonatal intensive care unit
Hettenbach, Kevin. Gas scrubber design in pharmaceutical R & D
Jin, Guanglan. East meets West: Chinese reception and translation of Virginia Woolf
Kang, Kyung Woo. To obtain or to provide? Antecedents of knowledge intentions in virtual knowledge communities: Self-efficacy, individual motivations, and social capital
Kaur, Parminderjit. Resistance to northern root-knot nematode (Meloidygyne hapla Chitwood) in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
Kemble, David J.. A biochemical study on the regulation of the Src and FGFR family of protein tyrosine kinases
Kidane, Addis Asmelash. An experimental and analytical study of graded materials under thermo-mechanical dynamic loading
Kluft, Jacqueline Michele. Beach invertebrates of Cape Cod National Seashore: Environmental factors and the effects of off-road vehicles
Kortz, Karen Melissa. Alternative conceptions of introductory geoscience students and a method to decrease them
Kratzmann, David Jon. Petrogenesis and eruption dynamics at Hudson Volcano, southern Chile
Kuehl, Joseph J.. Finite-time invariant manifold detection from experimental phase space trajectories
Kuehl, Joseph J.. On the dynamics of oceanic gap-traversing boundary currents
Kumar, Anurag. Computational modeling of microfluidic processes using dissipative particle dynamics
Li, Gang. Polyaniline as stationary phase for HPLC
Li, Ling. Identification and regulation of hemolysin genes of Vibrio anguillarum
Liu, Chang. Micro-fluidic based numerical simulations and experiments on streaming induced by oscillatory flows
Longval, Brooke A.. Biomass spectra in Narragansett Bay from phytoplankton to fish
Lubertazzi, Maria Adella Aliberti. Natal Habitat Use by Dragonflies Along Landscape Gradients in Rhode Island
Lu, Ping. Quasiparticles in quantum spin chains with strong axial exchange anisotropy
Mateo, Ivan. Assessing essential fish habitat and connectivity using otolith chemistry and growth of temperate and tropical fish
McElroy, William David. Diet, feeding ecology, trophic relationships, morphometric condition, and ontogeny for the sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus, and smooth dogfish, Mustelus canis, within the Delaware Bay estuary
McGreevy, Thomas Joseph Jr.. Conservation genetics of Association of Zoos and Aquariums and wild Matshie's tree kangaroo (Dendrolagus matschiei) from Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea
Mouw, Colleen Beckmann. Bio-optical and remote sensing investigation of phytoplankton community size structure
Nargiso, Jessica E.. Adolescent gender differences in risk of alcohol use
Narwal, Rajesh. Evaluation of mixed-effects modeling techniques for the analysis of longitudinal data collected from PK-PD and efficacy clinical trials
Oczkowski, Autumn Jean. Fertilizing the land, lagoons, and sea: A first look at human impacts on the Nile Delta fishery, Egypt
Pabla, Dimple. Solubility and permeability enhancement of levothyroxine sodium for oral administration
Radford, Kari A.. Exploration of the quality of three measures for assessing state anxiety in hospitalized cardiac patients
Ragusa, Daniela Antonina. Writing Ethics in the Writing Major: Rhetorical applications for plagiarism pedagogies in the collaborative age
Ramotowski, Thomas Scott. Synthesis and characterization of polyurethane-urea-clay and polyvinylidene fluoride-clay nanocomposites
Ramoutar, Darryl. Pyrethroid resistance in the annual bluegrass weevil, Listronotus maculicollis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), from southern New England golf courses
Reavy, Racheal Taki. A validation study of the Misbehaviors Questionnaire
Rhee, Beau La. "All the world's a stage": (Re)familiarizing Shakespeare: A study of Romeo and Juliet in the East and the West
Rhodes, Ryan Gregory. Characterization of N-acetylglucosamine utilization by the Lyme disease spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi
Schembre, Susan M.. Development and validation of a weight-related behaviors questionnaire
Schrum, Heather Nicole. Subseafloor sulfate reduction: Investigation of an unrecognized pathway and quantification of low rates
Segala, James J.. Interface dosimetry for electronic brachytherapy Xoft Axxent intracavitary breast balloon applicators, and, Fluorescence anisotropy imaging of quantum dots
Shamshak, Gina Louise. Economics of bluefin tuna aquaculture in the United States
Sharma, Narendra. Modeling and experiments in microchannels for the separation and detection of bacteria using antibody-coated filter and quantum dots
Sieberg, Christine Barrett. Therapeutic treatments for children with Recurrent Abdominal Pain: A multiple baseline pilot study
Siegel, Bryna L.. Persistence, resistance, and change: Toward a critical praxis for student researched writing
Sipala, Christine E.. Studying the development of word recognition using a pseudoword task
Stamm, Karen E.. Stereotype Threat and Implicit Attitudes: Implications for the Leaky Pipeline of Women in Science
Steele, George. Scoring silent film: Music/nation/affect
Tillman, Aaron. Magical American Jew: The enigma of difference in contemporary Jewish American short fiction and film
Trandafir, Simona Carmen. A strategic model of investment and price competition among container ports
Wielt, Dustin Brent. A grounded theory analysis of the Rhode Island community response to The Station nightclub fire disaster
Xiao, Weijun. Design and analysis of high-performance and recoverable data storages
Yablonsky, Richard Michael. Assimilating mesoscale oceanic features and understanding their impact on hurricanes
Yang, Li. The improved electrolyte system for lithium battery
Zhang, Ting. Three essays on corporate pension underfunding, securities valuation and market efficiency
Zhou, Long. Mesoscale variability and Lagrangian statistics in the tropical North Atlantic
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Agarabi, Cyrus D.. The Formulation and Process Development of a Novel Multiparticulate Extended Release Pharmaceutical Delivery Platform for a Highly Water Soluble Compound
Agarwal, Hitesh Kumar. Design and Evaluation of Nucleoside Derivatives for Targeted Drug Delivery and Therapeutic Applications
Amale, Amit. New Approach to the Design and Optimization of Energy Efficient Chemical Processes
Andrade, Marco S.. Exploring the Decision Making Process of Prevention Providers in Adopting or Rejecting a Community-Level Approach to Substance Abuse Prevention
Andrade, Marco S.. Exploring the decision-making process of prevention providers in adopting or rejecting a community-level approach to substance abuse prevention
Andres, Magdalena. An Observational Study of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea: Local, Regional and Basin-Wide Perspectives on a Western Boundary Current
Banerjee, Syagnik. Consumer ubiquity or anytime anywhere consumption: Scale development and validation
Bernier, Evan Thomas. Explosive signatures: Pre & post blast
Bierman, Donald Bruce. Short title: Teacher-student epistemological interplay
Blackwell, Deidre Lynn. Silane-based copolymers as chromatographic stationary phases
Blake, Roger Holland. Three essays on success factors for information systems
Borrelli, Mark. Sediment transport in a dynamic, tidally-influenced coastal embayment exemplified by Pleasant Bay and Chatham Harbor, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Burns, Amy L.. The opportunity to learn: Identification and measurement of school conditions that contextualize student achievement
Chen, Chuen-Song. On-chip current and power measurement techniques for integrated circuits with regulated power
Cohenour, Gretchen M.. Eighteenth-century gothic novels and gendered spaces: What's left to say
Corey, Jonathan. A concurrent validation of the Violence Sensitivity Scale
Coy, Wendy Meredith. Examination of spoT, rpoS and rpoN gene expression in response to fatty acid starvation in Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease spirochete
Davis, Xujing Jia. Numerical and theoretical investigations of North Pacific subtropical mode water with implications to Pacific climate variability
Deangelis, Julie Ann. To treat or not to treat: The role of antibiotics in the management of community-acquired respiratory tract infections in an ambulatory setting
DiCecco, John. A sequential algorithm for biological event detection using statistical nonstationarity
Dobrot, Gabriela. Forest management in the presence of harvest restrictions around vernal pools: A metaheuristic approach
Doleski, Robert Francis. Design and analysis of lightweight pressure vessels
Eaton, Mary Anne. Effect of varying inclusion levels of linseed oil on growth, fatty acid profile, membrane fluidity and EPA/DHA production in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)