The University of Rhode Island archives and provides access to doctoral dissertations through DigitalCommons@URI. Dissertations prior to 2013 may or may not be available here. Please consult the URI library catalog to see all titles. For those dissertations available only in print, the library can usually scan a copy upon request.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Mowerman, Illya. Data mining in the health care industry
Murray, John Condon. Speech and power negotiations in industrial novels from 1849 to 1866
Nam, Jong-Oh. Korean fisheries: Policies, stock assessment and compliance issues
Nora, Julie. Student engagement in a 7 th/8 th grade social studies, ESL classroom
Oliver, Jason D.. Increasing the adoption of environmentally friendly products: Who are the non-adopters, and what will get them to buy green
O'Regan, Matthew Aaron. A Cenozoic history of the central Arctic Ocean
O'Reilly Foran, Megan. Representational status of minority students in special education in the state of Rhode Island
Osborne, Deborah J.. Experimental and computational study of interphase properties and mechanics in titanium metal matrix composites at elevated temperatures
Pastille, Catherine L.. Personal energy management styles and their influence on work performance
Pinto, Silas Otniel Rodrigues. The cross-generational influence of parental authority and acculturation on parenting of Cape Verdean immigrants
Ren, Tiegeng. Graph coloring algorithms for TDMA scheduling in wireless sensor networks
Rollins, Ivy E.. Using spelling performance to study literacy acquisition in English for Spanish-speaking students in the seventh grade
Salgado, Dawn M.. An examination of risk and resiliency factors in predicting recidivism rates among incarcerated women
Sims, Kimberly A.. Modernism's nervous genre: The diaries of Woolf, James, and Sassoon
Smith, Susan B.. Patterns of fuel use and storage in songbirds in relation to diet composition and food availability during migration
Sullivan, Lindsay J.. Feeding ecology of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz (Ctenophora, Lobata)
Tekalur, Srinivasan Arjun. Failure of marine composite materials due to blast loading
Tiner, Gary F.. On the Erdős-Sós conjecture
Whipple, Diane L.. Effectiveness of social competence promotion on disruptive behavior: A quantitative review
White, Andrew William. Frequent use of psychiatric emergency services: A multilevel approach
White, Patricia A.. Exploration of nurse practitioner practice with clients who are grieving
Wood, Anthony Darrell. Population dynamics of the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, in the northwest Atlantic: An examination of food habits, movement and habitat, survival, and population size
Wormald, Clare Louise. Effects of density and habitat structure on growth and survival of harvested coral reef fishes
Zhang, Liqun. Physical and mechanical properties of model asphalt systems calculated using molecular simulation
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Almesallmy, Mohammed. Experimental and analytical investigation of inertial propulsion mechanisms and motion simulation of rigid multi-body mechanical systems
Almesallmy, Mohammed. Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Inertial Propulsion Mechanisms and Motion Simulation of Rigid-Multi-Body Mechanical Systems
Ashley, Christy. Information processing in consumer relationships: The effect of emotional commitment
Auld, Robin Kirkwood. The relationship between tactical knowledge and tactical performance for varying levels of expertise
Ayrapetov, Marina. Structural and functional studies of the Csk and *Src family protein tyrosine kinases
Barak, Boaz. Consideration for the impact of climate change information on stated preferences
Black, Amy. Objectification or liberation? Bisexual and lesbian women's experiences with physical appearance
Borges, Vladia. The incorporation of communicative language teaching into the elaboration of interactive software for ESL/EFL learning
Bradshaw, Aaron S.. Liquefaction potential of non-plastic silts
Brooks, Kelly. Sexual identity construction among lesbian, bisexual and unlabeled women
Burns, William. Space-people-language: A grounded theory of a place-based pedagogy in a first year writing class
Cahill, Bronwyn Elizabeth. A regional comparison between the seasonal cycles of the Western Irish Shelf and the Georges Bank, Gulf of Maine ecosystems: The impact of physical variability
Cai, Hong. Microbiologically influenced corrosion and titanate conversion coatings on aluminum alloy 2024-T3
Conners, Erica E.. Social capital and the intent to graduate among Black and Hispanic high school students
Cooper-Nicols, Marjorie. Exploring the experiences of gay, lesbian, and bisexual adolescents in school: Lessons for school psychologists
Diedrich, Amy. Assessment of the impacts of tourism development in coastal communities in Belize
Dombroski, Janet K.. Exercise behavior among women post-myocardial infarction: Applying the transtheoretical model of behavior change
Dong, Rumei. Modeling of the cardiovascular system with integrated finite element and electrical analog methods
Ernst, Catherine. High school teachers' *attitudes toward inclusion of students with special needs
Frank, Heather M.. Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Anger Management Program in a Detention Facility
Gormley, Mary V.. Discourse on diversity: A qualitative study of a college communication course in multiculturalism
Hagstrom, Kate. Particle dynamics and shelf-basin interactions in the western Arctic Ocean investigated using radiochemical tracers
Harris, Lora Anna. The virtual eelgrass meadow: A simulation of Zostera marina L. linking physiology to population level processes
Hays, Elaine. The genres of tutor training: Searching for reflective practice
Hedrick, Molly Ann. Self, other and the sociopolitical in politically active women survivors of domestic violence
Hubeny, Jeremiah Bradford. Late Holocene climate variability as preserved in high-resolution estuarine and lacustrine sediment archives
Hyde, Kimberly Joy Whitman. Interannual and seasonal phytoplankton variability in Massachusetts Bay from remote and in situ measurements
Kasturi, Prasan. A CAD tool for analog and mixed signal CMOS circuits
Kramer, David Scott. The rhetorical war: Class, race and redemption in Spanish-American War fiction. Stephen Crane, Frank Norris, Richard Harding Davis and Sutton Griggs
Kukulka, Tobias. The effect of breaking waves on a coupled model of wind and ocean surface waves
Kwon, Suk-Jae. Noise externalities: A hybrid model to assess effects and management with application to transportation issues in Rhode Island
Kyper, Eric. An information criterion for use in predictive data mining
Lasunon, On-Uma. Capabilities and economical evaluation of rapid prototyping processes for sheet metal parts
Lomas-Neira, Joanne. The contributions of murine KC and MIP-2 in hemorrhage induced neutrophil priming for acute lung injury following subsequent septic challenge
Magnusson, Gisele Marie. Economic-ecological relationships in coastal wetland restoration
Malley, David D.. "Man with Box"
Marimganti, Suvarna Kishore. Testing for explosives: Forensics and hazards
Methot, Greta. The horror of looking: Lynching and the empathetic eye
Miksis-Olds, Jennifer L.. Manatee response to environmental noise
Mills, Lesley Judith. Effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on fish reproduction and reproductive indicators
Murty, Aruna Mummini. Evaluation of potential multi-particulate drug delivery systems
Osychny, Vladimir. Analysis of the Gulf Stream path and Rossby waves in the North Atlantic based on satellite data
Paiva, Andrea Eastwood. Youth at risk for alcohol use and smoking: A longitudinal examination of profiles of prevention
Patel, Chirag G.. The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of mycophenolic acid in kidney transplant recipients
Quinlan, Kristen J.. "Defining a new normal": An exploration of psychosocial adjustment in young adult survivors of adolescent cancer
Quinn, Eugene P.. On the boundedness character of third-order rational difference equations
Quinn, Jeffrey Alan. Requirement of integrin α5β1 and tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc for proHB-EGF release by GPR30, a seven transmembrane receptor for estrogen
Rashid Horn, Susan. What's wrong and who cares? Reader reaction to error
Romanow, Rebecca Fine. The postcolonial body in queer space and time
Ross, Marcus R.. Richness trends of mosasaurs (Diapsida, Squamata) during the late Cretaceous
Ross, Marcus R.. Richness Trends of Mosasaurs (Diapside, Squamata) During the Late Cretaceous
Sarma, Ashwin. Nonparametric approaches for analysis and design of incoherent adaptive CFAR detectors
Song, Qingtao. Surface wind response to oceanic fronts
Steadman, Pamela Lea. An examination of the relationship between perceived parental involvement and adolescent eating and exercise habits
Velamakanni, Aruna M.. Functional silane based polymers for sensing and separations
Wang, Guizhi. Metabolic activities in deep subseafloor sediments
Williams, Edward M. Jr.. The color of sympathy: Biology, race, and feeling in republican and antebellum culture
Wilson, Christine M.. Determining the effects of a foundations of education/diversity preparation class on the multicultural knowledge, skills and dispositions of preservice teacher applicants
Xu, Yongsheng. Analyses of sea surface height, bottom pressure and acoustic travel time in the Japan/East Sea
Yates, Andrea L.. Riding the hyphen: Derrida-Woolf
Zarate, Jacques. The role of osmolyte transporters and heat shock proteins in adaptation of Atlantic salmon to selected stressors
Zhou, Wenliang. Multivariate analysis in vibration modal parameter identification
Zhu, Weijia. A new instrumentation for particle velocity and velocity related measurements under water
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Bakheet, Saleh Abdulrahman. Identification of Oct-2 as a mediator of lead neurotoxicity
Bauer, Dana Marie. Cost-effective land development with a spatially realistic ecosystem constraint
Beaubien, Jason Michael. Effectiveness of recipient restriction programs in Medicaid managed care organizations
Bettridge, Shannon Olivia Marie. The role of planning in marine resource management: The effect of differing legislative mandates on the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan
Boller, Michael Louis. Hydrodynamics of marine macroalgae: Biotic and physical determinants of drag