URI Faculty Publications | University of Rhode Island
All URI faculty publications that are in DigitalCommons@URI are listed here. Some articles include full-text PDFs, and some include links to the publications on journal sites. This list includes all articles that faculty members have chosen to deposit according to the URI Open Access Policy, as well as other articles. This is not a comprehensive list of scholarly publications by URI faculty members. For questions, contact the URI Libraries at digitalcommons-group@uri.edu.


Submissions from 2022


GIS rasters to identify best sites for creating habitat for American Woodcock in Rhode Island, Bill Buffum


Impact of Clopidogrel on Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia: a National Retrospective Cohort Study, Aisling R. Caffrey, J. Appaneal, Kerry L. LaPlante, Vrishali V. Lopes, Erlinda R. Ulloa, Victor Nizet, and George Sakoulas


The Comparative Effectiveness of Ceftolozane/Tazobactam versus Aminoglycoside- or Polymyxin-Based Regimens in Multi-Drug-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infections, Aisling R. Caffrey, J. Appaneal, J. Xin Liao, Emily C. Piehl, Vrishali Lopes, Ryan J. Dillon, Laura A. Puzniak, and Kerry L. LaPlante


Treatment heterogeneity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia, Aisling R. Caffrey, J. Appaneal, J. Xin Liao, Emily C. Piehl, Vrishali Lopes, and Laura A. Puzniak


Scalable relevance ranking algorithm via semantic similarity assessment improves efficiency of medical chart review, Tianrun Cai, Zeling He, Chuan Hong, Yichi Zhang, Yuk Lam Ho, Jacqueline Honerlaw, Alon Geva, Vidul Ayakulangara Panickan, Amanda King, David R. Gagnon, Michael Gaziano, Kelly Cho, Katherine Liao, and Tianxi Cai


A Soft Robotic Gripper With Neutrally Buoyant Jamming Pads for Gentle Yet Secure Grasping of Underwater Objects, Cristian Enrico Capalbo, Damiano Tomaino, Fabio Bruno, Domenico Rizzo, Brennan Phillips, and Stephen Licht


Organic farmers face persistent barriers to adopting diversification practices in California’s Central Coast, Liz Carlisle, Kenzo Esquivel, Patrick Baur, Nina F. Ichikawa, Elissa M. Olimpi, Joanna Ory, Hannah Waterhouse, Alastair Iles, Daniel S. Karp, Claire Kremen, and Timothy M. Bowles


Fish and complementary feeding practices for young children: Qualitative research findings from coastal Kenya, Mary Kate Cartmill, Ivy Blackmore, Catherine Sarange, Ruth Mbeyu, Christopher Cheupe, Joaquim Cheupe, Elizabeth Kamau-Mbuthia, Lora Iannotti, Andrew Wamukota, Austin T. Humphries, and Carolyn Lesorogol


Gear restrictions create conservation and fisheries trade-offs for management, Paul G. Carvalho and Austin Humphries


Peroxone activated persulfate oxidation of 1,4-Dioxane under column scale conditions, M. Cashman, R. Ball, T. Lewis, and T. B. Boving


Quantification of microplastics in sediments from Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island USA using a novel isolation and extraction method, Michaela A. Cashman, Troy Langknecht, Dounia El Khatib, Robert M. Burgess, Thomas B. Boving, Sandra Robinson, and Kay T. Ho


Performance Improvement of Lithium Metal Batteries Enabled By LiBF3CN as a New Electrolyte Additive, Oh B. Chae, Venkata A. K. Adiraju, and Brett L. Lucht


Modification of lithium electrodeposition behavior by variation of electrode distance, Oh B. B. Chae, Jongjung Kim, and Brett L. Lucht


Distance-Dependent Solid Electrolyte Interphase Control by Electrochemical Pretreatment, Oh B. Chae, Leah Rynearson, and Brett L. Lucht


Modification of solid electrolyte interphase on deposited lithium metal by large separation between the electrodes in ether-based electrolytes, Oh B. Chae, Munaiah Yeddala, and Brett L. Lucht


Irminger Sea Is the Center of Action for Subpolar AMOC Variability, L. Chafik, N. P. Holliday, S. Bacon, and T. Rossby


Social-ecological feedbacks drive tipping points in farming system diversification, Melissa Chapman, Serge Wiltshire, Patrick Baur, Timothy Bowles, Liz Carlisle, Federico Castillo, Kenzo Esquivel, Sasha Gennet, Alastair Iles, Daniel Karp, Claire Kremen, Jeffrey Liebert, Elissa M. Olimpi, Joanna Ory, Matthew Ryan, Amber Sciligo, Jennifer Thompson, Hannah Waterhouse, and Carl Boettiger


Interfacial Effects of the Photophysics of Rhodamine 6G Ultra-Thin Films on a Poly(methylmethacrylate) Surface, Mingyu Chapman, Navid Chapman, and William B. Euler


The effectiveness of government stock purchase during market crash: Evidence from China, Minying Cheng, Ling Jin, Zhisheng Li, and Bingxuan Lin


Building a Global Community: An Intercultural Communication Perspective, Guo-Ming Chen


Do politically connected, economically powerful firms comply with labor laws in China?, Ying Chen and Yuanyuan Sun


Chlorophyll bloom enhanced by a mesoscale eddy in the western South China Sea, Yongqiang Chen, Dajun Qiu, Peter Cornillon, and Meilin Wu


The Influence of Projected Outcomes on Preferences over Alternative Regulations: Evidence from a Recreational Fishery, Zhenshan Chen, Pengfei Liu, Eric T. Schultz, Jacob M. Kasper, and Stephen K. Swallow


Block-structured, equal-workload, multi-grid-nesting interface for the Boussinesq wave model FUNWAVE-TVD (Total Variation Diminishing), Young-Kwang Choi, Fengyan Shi, Matt Malej, Jane M. Smith, James T. Kirby, and Stephan Grilli


Editorial: Symbiotic Relationships as Shapers of Biodiversity, Guillaume Chomicki, Roxanne A. Beinart, Carlos Prada, Kimberly B. Ritchie, and Marjorie Gail Weber


Potential impacts of climate change on agriculture and fisheries production in 72 tropical coastal communities, Joshua E. Cinner, Iain R. Caldwell, Lauric Thiault, John Ben, Julia L. Blanchard, Marta Coll, Amy Diedrich, Tyler D. Eddy, Jason D. Everett, Christian Folberth, Didier Gascuel, Jerome Guiet, Georgina G. Gurney, Ryan F. Heneghan, Jonas Jägermeyr, Narriman Jiddawi, Rachael Lahari, John Kuange, Wengfeng Liu, Olivier Maury, Christoph Müller, Camilla Novaglio, Juliano Palacios-Abrantes, Colleen M. Petrik, Ando Rabearisoa, Derek P. Tittensor, Andrew Wamukota, and Richard B. Pollnac


Deep submarine infiltration of altered geothermal groundwater on the south Chilean Margin, Vincent J. Clementi, Yair Rosenthal, Samantha C. Bova, Elizabeth K. Thomas, James D. Wright, Richard A. Mortlock, Owen C. Cowling, Linda V. Godfrey, Laurel B. Childress, Ivano W. Aiello, Alejandro Avila, William Biggs, Christopher D. Charles, Anson H. Cheung, Kimberly deLong, Isabel A. Dove, Xiaojing Du, Emily R. Estes, Ursula Fuentes, Cristina García-Lasanta, Steven L. Goldstein, Anna Golub, Julia Rieke Hagemann, Robert G. Hatfield, Laura L. Haynes, Anya V. Hess, Nil Irvali, Yael Kiro, Minda M. Monteagudo, Jonathan E. Lambert, Chen Li, William M. Longo, Sarah McGrath, Hailey Riechelson, Rebecca S. Robinson, and John Sarao


A silicon isotopic perspective on the contribution of diagenesis to the sedimentary silicon budget in the Southern Ocean, Ivia Closset, Mark A. Brzezinski, Damien Cardinal, Arnaud Dapoigny, Janice L. Jones, and Rebecca S. Robinson


Managed Nitrogen Load Decrease Reduces Chlorophyll and Hypoxia in Warming Temperate Urban Estuary, Daniel L. Codiga, Heather E. Stoffel, Candace A. Oviatt, and Courtney E. Schmidt


Balancing Ecosystems, Harvests, and Seafood Markets, Jeremy Collie, Sarah Schumann, Kate Masury, Hirotsugu Uchida, and Claire Collie


Marine Geology and Sand Resources of the Southern North Carolina Inner Shelf, Ian Conery, John P. Walsh, David Mallinson, and David R. Corbett


Analysis of naloxone access and primary medication nonadherence in a community pharmacy setting, Erin Connolly, Lee McCall, Sara Couture, Meghan Felton, Brian J. Piper, Jeffrey P. Bratberg, and Chunhao Tu


Arc-Backarc Exchange Along the Tonga-Lau System: Constraints From Volatile Elements, Lauren Cooper, Terry Plank, Richard Arculus, Erik Hauri, and Katherine A. Kelley


Fat Stores and Antioxidant Capacity Affect Stopover Decisions in Three of Four Species of Migratory Passerines With Different Migration Strategies: An Experimental Approach, Clara Cooper-Mullin and Scott R. McWilliams


Certified Exercise Physiologists: Educated Leaders in Fitness and Beyond, Stephanie L. Cooper, Christie L. Ward-Ritacco, Tony Maloney, and P. Blaise Collins


Exploratory surveys in Taiwan of the roseau cane scale Nipponaclerda biwakoensis Kuwana (Hemiptera: Aclerdidae) and its associated parasitoids, Amado O. Cortez, Cheng Lung Chu, Hannah J. Broadley, Yong Sin Lo, Yu Chun Chen, Michael W. Gates, Laura A. Meyerson, Kim A. Hoelmer, Juli R. Gould, and Shaw Yhi Hwang

Biochemical and Regulatory Analyses of Xylanolytic Regulons in Caldicellulosiruptor bescii Reveal Genus-Wide Features of Hemicellulose Utilization, James R. Crosby, Tunyaboon Laemthong, Ryan G. Bing, Ke Zhang, Tania N.N. Tanwee, Gina L. Lipscomb, Dmitry A. Rodionov, Ying Zhang, Michael W.W. Adams, and Robert M. Kelly


Downward-propagating eruption following vent unloading implies no direct magmatic trigger for the 2018 lateral collapse of Anak Krakatau, Kyra S. Cutler, Sebastian F.L. Watt, Mike Cassidy, Amber L. Madden-Nadeau, Samantha L. Engwell, Mirzam Abdurrachman, Muhammad E.M. Nurshal, David R. Tappin, Steven N. Carey, Alessandro Novellino, Catherine Hayer, James E. Hunt, Simon J. Day, Stephan T. Grilli, Idham A. Kurniawan, and Nugraha Kartadinata


A new patient population for adult clinicians: Preterm born adults, Amy L. D'Agata, Carol E. Green, and Mary C. Sullivan


Molding influences of prematurity: Interviews with adults born preterm, Amy L. D'Agata, Michelle Kelly, Carol E. Green, and Mary C. Sullivan


Rapidly declining body size in an insectivorous bat is associated with increased precipitation and decreased survival, Christina M. Davy, Valerie von Zuben, Pila M. Kukka, Brian D. Gerber, Brian G. Slough, and Thomas S. Jung


Interviews with farmers suggest negative direct and indirect effects of the invasive green iguana (Iguana iguana) on agriculture in Puerto Rico, Christina N. De Jesús Villanueva, Gabriela P. Massanet Prado, William Gould, and Carlos G. Garcia-Quijano


URI Libraries' AI Lab--Evolving to Meet the Needs of Students and Research Communities, Harrison Dekker, Angel Ferria, and Indrani Mandal


A closer look at alcohol-induced changes in the ghrelin system: novel insights from preclinical and clinical data, Sara L. Deschaine, Mehdi Farokhnia, Adriana Gregory-Flores, Lia J. Zallar, Zhi Bing You, Hui Sun, Deon M. Harvey, Renata C.N. Marchette, Brendan J. Tunstall, Bharath K. Mani, Jacob E. Moose, Mary R. Lee, Eliot Gardner, Fatemeh Akhlaghi, Marisa Roberto, James L. Hougland, Jeffrey M. Zigman, George F. Koob, Leandro F. Vendruscolo, and Lorenzo Leggio


Impact of warming on aquatic body sizes explained by metabolic scaling from microbes to macrofauna, Curtis Deutsch, Justin L. Penn, Wilco C.E.P. Verberk, Keisuke Inomura, Martin Georg Endress, and Jonathan L. Payne


Assortative mixing in eastern spadefoot (Scaphiopus holbrookii) spatial networks is driven by landscape features, Anne Devan-Song, M. A. Walden, James R. Watson, Anna E. Jolles, Justine M. Fox, and Nancy E. Karraker


Conservative conservationists: reconciling conflicting identities on climate change, Emily Diamond


The Impact of Message Valence on Climate Change Attitudes: A Longitudinal Experiment, Emily Diamond and Kaitlin Urbanski


Whose policy is it anyway? Public support for clean energy policy depends on the message and the messenger, Emily Diamond and Jack Zhou


Responses in fisheries catch data to a warming ocean along a latitudinal gradient in the western Pacific Ocean, Donna Dimarchopoulou, Mitsutaku Makino, Mochammad Rachadian Prayoga, Dirk Zeller, Gabriel M.S. Vianna, and Austin T. Humphries


Do views of offshore wind energy detract? A hedonic price analysis of the Block Island wind farm in Rhode Island, Luran Dong and Corey Lang


Bibliometric Analysis of Coastal and Marine Tourism Research from 1990 to 2020, Peili Duan, Yanying Cao, Yeqiao Wang, and Peng Yin


Structural and Optical Properties of Rhodamine Dye Aqueous Solutions and Thin Films, Mara Dubnicka and William B. Euler


Reconstruction and Analysis of Thermodynamically Constrained Models Reveal Metabolic Responses of a Deep-Sea Bacterium to Temperature Perturbations, Keith Dufault-Thompson, Chang Nie, Huahua Jian, Fengping Wang, and Ying Zhang


Tracing the path of carbon export in the ocean though DNA sequencing of individual sinking particles, Colleen A. Durkin, Ivona Cetinić, Margaret Estapa, Zrinka Ljubešić, Maja Mucko, Aimee Neeley, and Melissa Omand


Total Body and Extracellular Water Measures Are Unrelated to Cramp Sensitivity in Euhydrated Cramp-Prone Individuals, Jacob E. Earp, Rebecca L. Stearns, James Agostinucci, Adam S. Lepley, and Christie L. Ward-Ritacco


Reporting racial and ethnic diversity in eating disorder research over the past 20 years, Amy H. Egbert, Rowan A. Hunt, Kayla L. Williams, Natasha L. Burke, and Karen Jennings Mathis


Home health care professionals’ experiences of working in integrated teams during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative thematic study, Lina Emmesjö, Jenny Hallgren, and Catharina Gillsjö


Alignment of optical backscatter measurements from the EXPORTS Northeast Pacific Field Deployment, Zachary K. Erickson, Ivona Cetinić, Xiaodong Zhang, Emmanuel Boss, P. Jeremy Werdell, Scott Freeman, Lianbo Hu, Craig Lee, Melissa Omand, and Mary Jane Perry


Contextual influences on implementation of online behavioral obesity treatment in primary care: Formative evaluation guided by the consolidated framework for implementation research, Hallie M. Espel-Huynh, Carly M. Goldstein, Michael L. Stephens, Olivia L. Finnegan, A. Rani Elwy, Rena R. Wing, and J. Graham Thomas


UAV and Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry Enhance River Restoration Monitoring: A Dam Removal Study, Alexandra D. Evans, Kevin H. Gardner, Scott Greenwood, and Brett Still


The glucagon-like peptide-1 system is modulated by acute and chronic alcohol exposure: Findings from human laboratory experiments and a post-mortem brain study, Mehdi Farokhnia, Brittney D. Browning, Madeline E. Crozier, Hui Sun, Fatemeh Akhlaghi, and Lorenzo Leggio


Editorial: Advances in 3D Habitat Mapping of Marine Ecosystem Ecology and Conservation, Renata Ferrari, Javier X. Leon, Andrew J. Davies, John H.R. Burns, Stuart A. Sandin, Will F. Figueira, and Manuel Gonzalez-Rivero


The fundamental links between climate change and marine plastic pollution, Helen V. Ford, Nia H. Jones, Andrew J. Davies, Brendan J. Godley, Jenna R. Jambeck, Imogen E. Napper, Coleen C. Suckling, Gareth J. Williams, Lucy C. Woodall, and Heather J. Koldewey


Antibiotic Treatment Ameliorates the Impact of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) on Coral Communities, G E. Forrester, Laura Arton, Argel Horton, Katie Nickles, and Linda M. Forrester


Host-parasite Interactions between a Copepod (Pharodes tortugensis) and Small Reef-associated Gobies (Coryphopterus) in the British Virgin Islands, Graham E. Forrester and Rachel J. Finley


Main street business owners: aging in plain sight, Nancy Forster-Holt


Maternal Stress and Excessive Weight Gain in Infancy, Katelyn Fox, Maya Vadiveloo, Karen McCurdy, Sara E. Benjamin-Neelon, Truls Østbye, and Alison Tovar


Workers of the World Unite . . . Behind American Labor Feminists, Jessica M. Frazier


Bio-Optical Measurements in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, 1999-2000, S. A. Freeman, M. N. McFarland, and J. A. Yoder


Evaluation of LAI Estimation of Mangrove Communities Using DLR and ELR Algorithms With UAV, Hyperspectral, and SAR Images, Bolin Fu, Jun Sun, Yeqiao Wang, Wenlan Yang, Hongchang He, Lilong Liu, Liangke Huang, Donglin Fan, and Ertao Gao


Nutrient capture and sustainable yield maximized by a gear modification in artisanal fishing traps, Bryan P. Galligan, Timothy R. McClanahan, and Austin T. Humphries


A Call to Action for Clinical Exercise Physiologists: Why You Need Your National Provider Identifier and How to Get One for Free, Paul M. Gallo, Christie L. Ward-Ritacco, and Michael Lynch


Mammals adjust diel activity across gradients of urbanization, Travis Gallo, Mason Fidino, Brian Gerber, Adam A. Ahlers, Julia L. Angstmann, Max Amaya, Amy L. Concilio, David Drake, Danielle Gay, Elizabeth W. Lehrer, Maureen H. Murray, Travis J. Ryan, Colleen Cassady St. Clair, Carmen M. Salsbury, Heather A. Sander, Theodore Stankowich, Jaque Williamson, J. Amy Belaire, Kelly Simon, and Seth B. Magle


Low-Ammonium Environment Increases the Nutrient Exchange between Diatom–Diazotroph Association Cells and Facilitates Photosynthesis and N2 Fixation—a Mechanistic Modeling Analysis, Meng Gao, Gabrielle Armin, and Keisuke Inomura


Field validation of a novel passive sampler for dissolved PFAS in surface waters, Christine Gardiner, Anna Robuck, Jitka Becanova, Mark Cantwell, Sarit Kaserzon, David Katz, Jochen Mueller, and Rainer Lohmann


Pharmacist-Administered Influenza Vaccination in Children and Corresponding Regulations, Dana M. Gates, A. Cohen, Kelly Orr, and Aisling R. Caffrey


Immediate Post-Concussion and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT): Effects of Data Integration Strategies on Classification Accuracy, Charles E. Gaudet


Multivariate Base Rates and Concussion Detection: A Comparative Study, Charles E. Gaudet


Limitations of Performance Validity Tests in Dementia Evaluations: The Role of Base Rates, Charles E. Gaudet, Brian Castelluccio, Dov Gold, Nicole C.R. McLaughlin, and Stephen Correia


Neuropsychological Assessment of the Aging Physician: A Review & Commentary, Charles E. Gaudet and Victor A. Del Bene


A Monolithic 3D Printed Axisymmetric Co-Flow Single and Compound Emulsion Generator, Amirreza Ghaznavi, Yang Lin, Mark Douvidzon, Adam Szmelter, Alannah Rodrigues, Malik Blackman, David Eddington, Tal Carmon, Lev Deych, Lan Yang, and Jie Xu


Selective Host Attachment by Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae): Tick-Lizard Associations in the Southeastern United States, Howard S. Ginsberg, Graham J. Hickling, Genevieve Pang, Jean I. Tsao, Meghan Fitzgerald, Breann Ross, Eric L. Rulison, and Russell L. Burke


Investigating preservation of stable isotope ratios in subfossil deep-sea proteinaceous coral skeletons as paleo-recorders of biogeochemical information over multimillennial timescales, Danielle S. Glynn, Kelton W. McMahon, Owen A. Sherwood, Thomas P. Guilderson, and Matthew D. McCarthy


Accountability in promoting representation of historically marginalized racial and ethnic populations in the eating disorders field: A call to action, Neha J. Goel, Karen Jennings Mathis, Amy H. Egbert, Felicia Petterway, Lauren Breithaupt, Kamryn T. Eddy, Debra L. Franko, and Andrea K. Graham


The Use of Simulation Based Learning: With Bachelor of Science Pharmaceutical Science and PharmD Students, Justin L. Gold, Amanda M. Chichester, and Clinton O. Chichester


Posttraumatic Stress as a Moderator of the Association between HPA-axis Functioning and Alcohol Use Disorder among a Community Sample of Women Currently Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence, Silvi C. Goldstein, Melissa R. Schick, Lisa Weyandt, Tami P. Sullivan, Hans Saint-Eloi Cadely, and Nicole H. Weiss


Jazz: The Trombone in the Hard Bop Era: An Exploration of the Improvisational Styles of Curtis Fuller and Locksely "Slide" Hampton (1955-1964), Emmett C. Goods


Emerging investigator series: moving beyond resilience by considering antifragility in potable water systems, Joseph E. Goodwill, Patrick Ray, Destenie Nock, and Christopher M. Miller


A bigger challenge: types of perceived corporate hypocrisy in employees and their resulting attitudes and turnover intentions, Saheli Goswami


The psychological antecedents of personal financial management behavior: a meta-analysis, Kirti Goyal, Satish Kumar, Jing Jian Xiao, and Sisira Colombage


Defining a Flexible Notion of “Good” STEM Writing Across Contexts: Lessons Learned From a Cross-Institutional Conversation, Sara M. Grady, Jenna Morton-Aiken, Caroline Gottschalk Druschke, Ingrid E. Lofgren, Nancy E. Karraker, Scott R. McWilliams, Nedra Reynolds, Elaine Finan, Patti L. Wolter, Donna R. Leff, and Michael Kennedy


Body composition of American Woodcock during fall staging: a validation of the non-invasive deuterium dilution method, Clayton L. Graham and Scott R. McWilliams


Cross-seasonal effects in the American Woodcock: Conditions prior to fall migration relate to migration strategy and implications for conservation, Clayton L. Graham, Tanner Steeves, and Scott R. Mcwilliams


An automated framework for long-range acoustic positioning of autonomous underwater vehicles, Cristian Graupe, Lora J. Van Uffelen, Peter F. Worcester, Matthew A. Dzieciuch, and Bruce M. Howe


Computing Individual Area per Head Group Reveals Lipid Bilayer Dynamics, Michael L. Greenfield, Lenore M. Martin, and Faramarz Joodaki


Will Climate Change Enhance Algal Blooms? The Individual and Interactive Effects of Temperature and Rain on the Macroalgae Ulva, Lindsay A. Green-Gavrielidis and Carol S. Thornber


Study protocol for the Respond to Prevent Study: a multi-state randomized controlled trial to improve provision of naloxone, buprenorphine and nonprescription syringes in community pharmacies, Traci C. Green, Bratberg, Adriane N. Irwin, Jesse Boggis, Mary Gray, Gillian Leichtling, Derek Bolivar, Anthony Floyd, Zain Al-Jammali, Jenny Arnold, Ryan Hansen, and Daniel Hartung


Pharmacy on-site overdose protocols and prevention of overdose, Traci C. Green, Soipe, Brianna Baloy, Dina Burstein, Ziming Xuan, Abigail Tapper, Alexander Y. Walley, Patricia Case, Jeffrey Bratberg, and Janette Baird


Tsunami coastal hazard along the US East Coast from coseismic sources in the Açores convergence zone and the Caribbean arc areas, Stéphan T. Grilli, Maryam Mohammadpour, Lauren Schambach, and Annette R. Grilli