Submissions from 2023
"We Deh": Women-Loving Women, Rurality, and Creole Linguistic Potentials, Preity Kumar
Distributing transmitters to maximize population-level representativeness in automated radio telemetry studies of animal movement, Juliet S. Lamb, Pamela H. Loring, and Peter W. C. Paton
Taking stock: Is recovery of a depleted population possible in a changing climate?, Joseph A. Langan, Richard J. Bell, and Jeremy S. Collie
Increasing voluntary enrollment in time-of-use electricity rates: Findings from a survey experiment, Corey Lang, Yueming (Lucy) Qiu, and Luran Dong
Increasing voluntary enrollment in time-of-use electricity rates: Findings from a survey experiment, Corey Lang, Yueming Lucy Qiu, and Luran Dong
Production potential of seaweed and shellfish integrated aquaculture in Narragansett Bay (Rhode Island, U.S.) using an ecosystem model, Romain Lavaud, David S. Ullman, Celeste Venolia, Carol Thornber, Lindsay Green-Gavrielidis, and Austin Humphries
Venous thromboembolism, chronic liver disease and anticoagulant choice: effectiveness and safety of direct oral anticoagulants versus warfarin, Oluwadolapo D. Lawal, Herbert D. Aronow, Anne L. Hume, Fisayomi Shobayo, Kerry L. Matson, Marilyn Barbour, Yichi Zhang, and Xuerong Wen
Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of Direct Oral Anticoagulants and Warfarin in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation and Chronic Liver Disease: A Nationwide Cohort Study, Oluwadolapo D. Lawal, Herbert D. Aronow, Fisayomi Shobayo, Anne L. Hume, Tracey H. Taveira, Kelly L. Matson, Yichi Zhang, and Xuerong Wen
Using a Quasi-Experimental Study to Examine Program Participation and Outcomes for Older Adult Intergenerational Technology Program Participants, Skye N. Leedahl, Melanie S. Brasher, Alexandria Capolino, and Erica Estus
Beyond employment: Lower-income participants’ experiences in a healthcare training program for medical assistants, pharmacy technicians, and certified nursing assistants, Skye N. Leedahl, Emma Pascuzzi, Karen McCurdy, and Nilton Porto
Improving Technology Use, Digital Competence, and Access to Community Resources Among Older Participants in the University of Rhode Island Engaging Generations Cyber-Seniors digiAGE Pilot Study, Skye N. Leedahl, Kristin Souza, Alexandria Capolino, Melanie S. Brasher, Emma Pascuzzi, Christina Azzinaro, Tyler-Ann Ellison, Erica Estus, and Maureen Maigret
Nursing students’ attitudes towards the use of digital technology in the healthcare of older adults- a cross-sectional study in Norway and Sweden, Ann-Chatrin Linqvist Leonardsen, Camilla Hardeland, Jenny Hallgren, Ingrid Femdal, Dip Raj Thapa, Ann Karin Helgesen, Carina Bååth, Liv Halvorsrud, Vigdis Abrahamsen Grøndahl, and Catharina Gillsjö
Effects of expanding electric vehicle charging stations in California on the housing market, Jing Liang, Yueming (Lucy) Qiu, Pengfei Liu, Pan He, and Denise L. Mauzerall
Roles and activities of nurses in cancer prevention and early detection in low- and middle-income countries: A scoping review, Erica Liebermann, Ruth Sego, Dorice Vieira, Qinqin Cheng, Binbin Xu, Maureen Arome, Alexandra Azevedo, Ophira Ginsburg, and Winnie K.W. So
DNA assays for genetic discrimination of three Phragmites australis subspecies in the United States, Denise L. Lindsay, Xin Guan, Nathan E. Harms, James T. Cronin, Laura A. Meyerson, and Richard F. Lance
Failure to fail – Perspective from junior faculty preceptors on the challenges of evaluating underperforming students in the experiential learning environment, Kathryn P. Litten, Brianna M. McQuade, Sara A. Wettergreen, Joseph A. Nardolillo, and Morgan P. Stewart
Bridge-Mediated Metal-to-Metal Electron and Hole Transfer in a Supermolecular Dinuclear Complex: A Computational Study Using Quantum Electron-Nuclear Dynamics, Xiaolin Liu, Dugan Hayes, Lin X. Chen, and Xiaosong Li
Moving scholarship on invasion science forward, Julie L. Lockwood, Deah Lieurance, S. Luke Flory, Laura A. Meyerson, Anthony Ricciardi, and Dan Simberloff
Considerations of Low Carbohydrate Availability (LCA) to Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) in Female Endurance Athletes: A Narrative Review, Melissa T. Lodge, Christie L. Ward-Ritacco, and Kathleen Melanson
Perspective: Dimensions of Environment and Health in Arctic Communities, Rainer Lohmann, Bonita Beatty, Jessica Graybill, Elena Grigorieva, Ketil Lenert Hansen, and Anu Soikkeli
The universe of fluorinated polymers and polymeric substances and potential environmental impacts and concerns, Rainer Lohmann and Robert J. Letcher
Passive-Sampler-Derived PCB and OCP Concentrations in the Waters of the World─First Results from the AQUA-GAPS/MONET Network, Rainer Lohmann, Branislav Vrana, Derek Muir, Foppe Smedes, Jaromír Sobotka, Eddy Y. Zeng, Lian-Jun Bao, Ian J. Allan, Peleg Astrahan, Ricardo O. Barra, Terry Bidleman, Evgen Dykyi, Nicolas Estoppey, Gilberto Fillmann, Naomi Greenwood, Paul A. Helm, Liisa Jantunen, Sarit Kaserzon, J. Vinicio Macías, Keith A. Maruya, Francisco Molina, Brent Newman, Raimon M. Prats, Manolis Tsapakis, Mats Tysklind, Barent L. van Drooge, Cameron J. Veal, and Charles S. Wong
Sea Ice Formation, Glacial Melt and the Solubility Pump Boundary Conditions in the Ross Sea, Brice Loose, Sharon Stammerjohn, Peter Sedwick, and Stephen Ackley
Tracking carbon from subduction to outgassing along the Aleutian-Alaska Volcanic Arc, Taryn Lopez, Tobias P. Fischer, Terry Plank, Alberto Malinverno, Andrea L. Rizzo, Daniel J. Rasmussen, Elizabeth Cottrell, Cynthia Werner, Christoph Kern, Deborah Bergfeld, Tehnuka Ilanko, Janine L. Andrys, and Katherine A. Kelley
Levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the Antarctic atmosphere over time (1980 to 2021) and estimation of their atmospheric half-lives, Thais Luarte, Victoria A. Gómez-Aburto, Ignacio Poblete-Castro, Eduardo Castro-Nallar, Nicolas Hunneus, Marco Molina-Montenegro, Claudia Egas, Germán Azcune, Andrés Pérez-Parada, Rainier Lohmann, Pernilla Bohlin-Nizzetto, Jordi Dachs, Susan Bengtson-Nash, Gustavo Chiang, Karla Pozo, and Cristóbal J. Galbán-Malagón
Occurrence and diffusive air-seawater exchanges of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Fildes Bay, King George Island, Antarctica, Thais Luarte, Andrea Hirmas-Olivares, Juan Höfer, Ricardo Giesecke, Mireia Mestre, Sergio Guajardo-Leiva, Eduardo Castro-Nallar, Andrés Pérez-Parada, Gustavo Chiang, Rainer Lohmann, Jordi Dachs, Susan Bengston Nash, José Pulgar, Karla Pozo, Petra P. Pribylová, Jakub Martiník, and Cristóbal Galbán-Malagón
Pre-vaporized ignition behavior of ethyl- and propyl-terminated oxymethylene ethers, Stephen P. Lucas, Nicole J. Labbe, Anthony J. Marchese, and Bret Windom
Marketing sustainability within the jewelry industry, Lauren Machado and Saheli Goswami
Water diffusion mechanisms in bitumen studied through molecular dynamics simulations, Lili Ma, Hirad S. Salehi, Ruxin Jing, Sandra Erkens, Thijs J.H. Vlugt, Othonas A. Moultos, Michael L. Greenfield, and Aikaterini Varveri
Virtual interviews vs. in person interviews: Factors Influencing Researchers to Conduct Virtual Interviews, Lauren H. Mandel
Investigating and acquiring motor expertise using virtual reality, Madhur Mangalam, Mathew Yarossi, Mariusz P. Furmanek, John W. Krakauer, and Eugene Tunik
Glacial Southern Ocean Expansion Recorded in Foraminifera-Bound Nitrogen Isotopes From the Agulhas Plateau During the Mid-Pleistocene Transition, B. A. Marcks, T. P. Dos Santos, D. V.O. Lessa, A. Cartagena-Sierra, M. A. Berke, A. Starr, I. R. Hall, R. P. Kelly, and Rebecca S. Robinson
Deer management generally reduces densities of nymphal Ixodes scapularis, but not prevalence of infection with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, Alynn M. Martin, Danielle Buttke, Jordan Raphael, Kelsey Taylor, Sarah Maes, Christina M. Parise, Howard S. Ginsberg, and Paul C. Cross
Conjugated Imine Polymer Synthesized via Step-Growth Metathesis for Highly Stable Silicon Nanoparticle Anodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries, Trevor R. Martin, Leah Rynearson, Mackenzie Kuller, Joseph Quinn, Chongmin Wang, Brett L. Lucht, and Nathan R. Neale
Understanding and modeling tephra transport: lessons learned from the 18 May 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, Larry G. Mastin, Steven N. Carey, Alexa R. Van Eaton, Julia Eychenne, and R. S.J. Sparks
The balance between photosynthesis and respiration explains the niche differentiation between Crocosphaera and Cyanothece, Takako Masuda, Keisuke Inomura, Meng Gao, Gabrielle Armin, Eva Kotabová, Gábor Bernát, Evelyn Lawrenz-Kendrick, Martin Lukeš, Martina Bečková, Gábor Steinbach, Josef Komenda, and Ondřej Prášil
Coexistence of dominant marine phytoplankton sustained by nutrient specialization, Takako Masuda, Keisuke Inomura, Jan Mareš, Taketoshi Kodama, Takuhei Shiozaki, Takato Matsui, Koji Suzuki, Shigenobu Takeda, Curtis Deutsch, Ondrej Prášil, and Ken Furuya
Erratum: Author Correction: Heterogeneous nitrogen fixation rates confer energetic advantage and expanded ecological niche of unicellular diazotroph populations (Communications biology (2020) 3 1 (172)), Takako Masuda, Keisuke Inomura, Naoto Takahata, Takuhei Shiozaki, Yuji Sano, Curtis Deutsch, Ondřej Prášil, and Ken Furuya
Evaluating the impact of the hexosamine biosynthesis pathway and O-GlcNAcylation on glucose metabolism in bovine granulosa cells, Abigail M. Maucieri and David H. Townson
Paradigm Shift, Expansion, and Inclusion: Visual Literacy Research for the Field of Information, Yan Ma
Hip Joint Angles and Moments during Stair Ascent Using Neural Networks and Wearable Sensors, Megan V. McCabe, Douglas W. Van Citters, and Ryan M. Chapman
Cascading, interactive, and indirect effects of climate change on aquatic communities, habitats, and ecosystems, Susanne Menden-Deuer, Julia C. Mullarney, Maarten Boersma, Hans Peter Grossart, Ryan Sponseller, and Sarah Ann Woodin
The BBNJ agreement and liability, Elizabeth Mendenhall and Kahlil Hassanali
Sustaining Critical Approaches to Translanguaging in Education: A Contextual Framework, Anna Mendoza, Laura Hamman-Ortiz, Zhongfeng Tian, Shakina Rajendram, Kevin W.H. Tai, Wing Yee Jenifer Ho, and Pramod K. Sah
Contemporary controversies in umbilical cord clamping practices, Judith Mercer, Anup Katheria, and Carl H. Backes
Cardiac Asystole at Birth Re-Visited: Effects of Acute Hypovolemic Shock, Judith S. Mercer, Debra A. Erickson-Owens, Heike Rabe, and Ola Andersson
Beyond the tip of the seamount: Distinct megabenthic communities found beyond the charismatic summit sponge ground on an arctic seamount (Schulz Bank, Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge), H. K. Meyer, Andrew J. Davies, E. M. Roberts, J. R. Xavier, P. A. Ribeiro, H. Glenner, S.-R. Birkley, and H. T. Rapp
Holocene climate change shifted Southern Ocean biogeochemical cycling and predator trophic dynamics, Chantel I. Michelson, Michael J. Polito, Michael B. Wunder, Steven D. Emslie, Matthew D. McCarthy, William P. Patterson, and Kelton W. McMahon
Unified depth-limited wave breaking detection and dissipation in fully nonlinear potential flow models, Sunil Mohanlal, Jeffrey C. Harris, Marissa L. Yates, and Stephan T. Grilli
Considerations for hypothetical carbon dioxide removal via alkalinity addition in the Amazon River watershed, Linquan Mu, Jaime B. Palter, and Hongjie Wang
Health care professionals' experiences of possibilities and constraints in caring for older adults living with long-term pain in community home care, Kristina Nässén, Catharina Gillsjö, and Mia Berglund
Validity, Reliability, and Differential Item Functioning of English and French Versions of the 10-Item Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale in Systemic Sclerosis: A Scleroderma Patient-Centered Intervention Network Cohort Study, Marieke A. Neyer, Richard S. Henry, Marie-Eve Carrier, Linda Kwakkenbos, Robyn K. Wojeck, Amy Gietzen, Karen Gottesman, Geneviève Guillot, Amanda Lawrie-Jones, Maureen D. Mayes, Luc Mouthon, Warren R. Nielson, Michelle Richard, Maureen Worron-Sauvé, Daphna Harel, Vanessa L. Malcarne, Susan J. Bartlett, and Brett D. Thombs
Evaluation of new and net community production estimates by multiple ship-based and autonomous observations in the Northeast Pacific Ocean, Alexandria K. Niebergall, Shawnee Traylor, Yibin Huang, Melanie Feen, Meredith G. Meyer, Heather M. McNair, David Nicholson, Andrea J. Fassbender, Melissa M. Omand, Adrian Marchetti, Susanne Menden-Deuer, Weiyi Tang, Weida Gong, Philippe Tortell, Roberta Hamme, and Nicolas Cassar
Hydroclimate reconstruction during the last 1000 years inferred from the mineralogical and geochemical composition of a sediment core from Lake-Azuei (Haiti), David Noncent, Abdelfettah Sifeddine, Evens Emmanuel, Marie Helene Cormier, Francisco J. Briceño-Zuluaga, Mercedes Mendez-Millan, Bruno Turcq, Sandrine Caquineau, Jorge Valdés, Juan Pablo Bernal, John W. King, Irina Djouraev, Fethiye Cetin, and Heather Sloan
Computational Algorithms for Acoustic Signals Direction of Arrival and Sound Speed Estimation, Chris Norton, Ryan Harvey, James Miller, Peter Willett, Lingyi Zhang, and Krishna Pattipati
Exploring the performance of Biological Invasions in social media five years after opening its Facebook and Twitter accounts, Ana Novoa, Susan Canavan, Deah Lieurance, Daniel Simberloff, and Laura A. Meyerson
Hepatic Transporters Alternations Associated with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD): A Systematic Review, Navid Omidkhoda, Simin zare, Sina Mahdiani, Sara Samadi, Fatemeh Akhlaghi, and Amir Hooshang Mohammadpour
A global review of legal protection mechanisms for the management of surf breaks, Shane Orchard, Jesse Reiblich, and Maurício D. dos Santos
Response of macrophyte litter decomposition in global blue carbon ecosystems to climate change, Xiaoguang Ouyang, Erik Kristensen, Martin Zimmer, Carol Thornber, Zhifeng Yang, and Shing Yip Lee
Technical Requirements for Clinical Exercise Physiologists as Qualified Health Professionals, Brittany Overstreet, Christie Ward-Ritacco, Francis Neric, Clinton A. Brawner, Benjamin Thompson, Trent Hargens, and Walt Thompson
Ocean Carbon Dioxide Uptake in the Tailpipe of Industrialized Continents, J. B. Palter, S. Nickford, and L. Mu
Delineating bedrock topography with geophysical techniques: An implication for groundwater mapping, Jeeban Panthi, Carole D. Johnson, Soni M. Pradhanang, Brian Savage, Mamoon Y. Ismail, and Thomas B. Boving
Rapid viewshed analyses: A case study with visibilities limited by trees and buildings, Jason R. Parent and Qian Lei-Parent
The Weight of New York City: Possible Contributions to Subsidence From Anthropogenic Sources, Tom Parsons, Pei-Chin Wu, Meng (Matt) Wei, and Steven D'Hondt
The Impact of Fatigue on the Sense of Local and Global Rhythmic Movement, Michał Pawłowski, Mariusz P. Furmanek, Bogdan Bacik, and Tomasz Skowronek
Influence of relict milldams on riparian sediment biogeochemistry, Erin K. Peck, Shreeram P. Inamdar, Marc Peipoch, and Arthur J. Gold
Solvent-Free Electrolyte for High-Temperature Rechargeable Lithium Metal Batteries, An L. Phan, Chamithri Jayawardana, Phung M. L. Le, Jiaxun Zhang, Bo Nan, Weiran Zhang, Brett L. Lucht, Singyuk Hou, and Chunsheng Wang
First in situ documentation of a fossil tooth of the megatooth shark Otodus (Megaselachus) megalodon from the deep sea in the Pacific Ocean, Jürgen Pollerspöck, Danielle Cares, David A. Ebert, Katherine S. Kelley, Robert Pockalny, Rebecca S. Robinson, Daniel Wagner, and Nicolas Straube
Doppler effects on acoustic ranging uncertainties on autonomous underwater vehicles in the Beaufort Sea, Luis O. Pomales Velázquez, Isaac B. Salazar, Cristian E. Graupe, Jessica B. Desrochers, Sarah E. Webster, and Lora J. Van Uffelen
A reassessment of the sulfur, chlorine and fluorine atmospheric loading during the 1815 Tambora eruption, Manon Pouget, Yves Moussallam, Estelle F. Rose-Koga, and Haraldur Sigurdsson
The Fundamental Patterns of Sea Surface Temperature, J. Xavier Prochaska, Erdong Guo, Peter C. Cornillon, and Christian E. Buckingham
Mechanistic Assessment of Metabolic Interaction between Single Oral Commensal Cells by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy, Surendra R. Puri, Eric Almeida, Subhashini Elangovan, Alex Labossiere, Cybele Collins, Matthew Ramsey, and Jiyeon Kim
A PDK-1 allosteric agonist improves spatial learning and memory in a βAPP/PS-1 transgenic mouse-high fat diet intervention model of Alzheimer's disease, Henry Querfurth, Angela Slitt, Amy DiCamillo, Nathan Surles, Brenton DeBoef, and Han Kyu Lee
Knowledge gaps in optimal umbilical cord management at birth, Heike Rabe and Judith Mercer
Thank You to Our 2022 Peer Reviewers, Harihar Rajaram, Suzana Camargo, Christopher D. Cappa, Andrew J. Dombard, Kathleen A. Donohue, Sarah Feakins, Lucy Flesch, Alessandra Giannini, yu Gu, Christian Huber, Valeriy Ivanov, Kristopher Karnauskas, Monika Korte, Gang Lu, Gudrun Magnusdottir, Mathieu Morlighem, Germán A. Prieto, Bo Qiu, Hui Su, Daoyuan Sun, Kaicun Wang, Caitlin Whalen, Angelique E. White, Quentin Williams, and Andrew Yau
Developing Motivational Interviewing Skills Among Undergraduate Nursing Students, Andrea Ramirez, Karen Jennings Mathis, Amy M. Moore, and Alison Tovar
Dietary plasticity linked to divergent growth trajectories in a critically endangered sea turtle, Matthew D. Ramirez, Larisa Avens, Anne B. Meylan, Donna J. Shaver, Angela R. Stahl, Peter A. Meylan, Jamie M. Clark, Lyndsey N. Howell, Brian A. Stacy, Wendy G. Teas, and Kelton W. McMahon
Characterizing the Impedance Properties of Dry E-Textile Electrodes Based on Contact Force and Perspiration, Vignesh Ravichandran, Izabela Ciesielska-Wrobel, Md Abdullah al Rumon, Dhaval Solanki, and Kunal Mankodiya
The role of executive function in shaping the longitudinal stability of math achievement during early elementary grades, Andrew D. Ribner, Sammy F. Ahmed, Dana Miller-Cotto, and Alexa Ellis
Fish consumption pathways and food security in an Indonesian fishing community, Nicky Roberts, Buchari Mengge, Brietta Oaks, Novita Sari, Irsan, and Austin Humphries
Insights from Fossil-Bound Nitrogen Isotopes in Diatoms, Foraminifera, and Corals, Rebecca S. Robinson, Sandi M. Smart, Jonathan D. Cybulski, Kelton W. McMahon, Basia Marcks, and Catherine Nowakowski
Modeling of historical and current distributions of lone star tick, Amblyomma americanum (Acari: Ixodidae), is consistent with ancestral range recovery, Ilia Rochlin, Andrea Egizi, and Howard S. Ginsberg
Minoritized Scientists in the United States: An Identity Perspective to Science Communication, Leilane Rodrigues, Bruno Takahashi, Leigh Anne Tiffany, Sunshine Menezes, and Evelyn Valdéz-Ward
Twenty-Year Record of Salt Marsh Elevation Dynamics in Response to Sea-Level Rise and Storm-Driven Barrier Island Geomorphic Processes: Fire Island, NY, USA, Charles T. Roman, James C. Lynch, and Donald R. Cahoon
IPBES Invasive Alien Species Assessment: Summary for Policymakers, Helen E. Roy, Aníbal Pauchard, Peter Stoett, Tanara Renard Truong, Sven Bacher, Bella S. Galil, Philip E. Hulme, Tohru Ikeda, Kavileveettil Sankaran, Melodie A. McGeoch, Laura A. Meyerson, Martin A. Nuñez, Alejandro Ordonez, Sebataolo J. Rahlao, Evangelina Schwindt, Hanno Seebens, Andy W. Sheppard, and Vigdis Vandvik
IPBES Invasive Alien Species Assessment: Chapter 1. Introducing biological invasions and the IPBES thematic assessment of invasive alien species and their control, Helen E. Roy, Aníbal Pauchard, Peter Stoett, Tanara Renard Truong, Tatsiana Lipinskaya, Joana R. Vincete, Sven Bacher, Cebuan Bliss, James M. Bullock, Morelia Camacho-Cervantes, Franck Courchamp, Chika Egawa, Llewellyn C. Foxcroft, Bella S. Galil, Ankila J. Hiremath, Patricia L. Howard, Bernd Lenzner, Cristina Lima, Ângela Lomba, Laura A. Meyerson, Carolina L. Morales, Harriet Neal, Martin A. Nuñez, Alejandro Ordonez, Eva Pinto, Rajindra Puri, Petr Pyšek, David M. Richardson, Sophie Riley, Betty J. Rono, Hanieh Saeedi, Andy W. Sheppard, Daniel Simberloff, Charles van Rees, Sonia Vanderhoeven, A. Sofia Vaz, Montserrat Vilà, and Rafael D. Zenni
Nitrifying Microorganisms Linked to Biotransformation of Perfluoroalkyl Sulfonamido Precursors from Legacy Aqueous Film-Forming Foams, Bridger J. Ruyle, Lara Schultes, Denise A. Akob, Cassandra R. Harris, Michelle M. Lorah, Simon Votja, Jitka Becanova, Shelley McCann, Heidi M. Pickard, Ann Pearson, Rainer Lohmann, Chad D. Vecitis, and Elsie M. Sunderland
Improved Performance of Silicon-Containing Anodes with Organic Solvent-Solubilized Lithium Nitrate, Leah Rynearson, Chamithri Jayawardana, Munaiah Yeddala, and Brett L. Lucht
Over One Million DNA and Protein Events Through Ultra-Stable Chemically-Tuned Solid-State Nanopores, Jugal Saharia, Yapa Mudiyanselage Nuwan Dhananjaya Yapa Bandara, Buddini Iroshika Karawdeniya, Jason Rodger Dwyer, and Min Jun Kim
Metabolomic Evenness Underlies Intraspecific Differences Among Lineages of a Wetland Grass, Ana L. Salgado, Andrea E. Glassmire, Brian E. E. Sedio, Rodrigo Diaz, Michael J. Stout, Jan Čuda, Petr Pyšek, Laura A. Meyerson, and James T. Cronin
Conflicts of Interest in the Assessment of Chemicals, Waste, and Pollution, Andreas Schäffer, Ksenia J. Groh, Gabriel Sigmund, David Azoulay, Thomas Backhaus, Michael G. Bertram, Bethanie Carney Almroth, Ian T. Cousins, Alex T. Ford, Joan O. Grimalt, Yago Guida, Maria C. Hansson, Yunsun Jeong, Rainer Lohmann, David Michaels, Leonie Mueller, Jane Muncke, Gunilla Öberg, Marcos A. Orellana, Edmond Sanganyado, Ralf Bernhard Schäfer, Ishmail Sheriff, Ryan C. Sullivan, Noriyuki Suzuki, Laura N. Vandenberg, Marta Venier, Penny Vlahos, Martin Wagner, Fang Wang, Mengjiao Wang, Anna Soehl, Marlene Agerstrand, Miriam L. Diamond, and Martin Scheringer
Sustainable Water Treatment with Induced Bank Filtration, Miles Schelling, Kavita Patil, and Thomas B. Boving
Assessing the morphodynamic response of a New England beach-barrier system to an artificial reef, Elin Schuh, Annette R. Grilli, Felix Groetsch, Stephan T. Grilli, Deborah Crowley, Isaac Ginis, and Peter Stempel
IPBES Invasive Alien Species Assessment: Chapter 2. Trends and status of alien and invasive alien species, Hanno Seebens, Laura A. Meyerson, Sebataolo J. Rahlao, Bernd Lenzner, Elena Tricarico, Alla Aleksanyan, Franck Courchamp, Emre Keskin, Hanieh Saeedi, Alifereti Tawake, Petr Pyšek, and et al
Oligotrophic waters of the Northwest Atlantic support taxonomically diverse diatom communities that are distinct from coastal waters, Samantha P. Setta, Sarah Lerch, Bethany D. Jenkins, Sonya T. Dyhrman, and Tatiana A. Rynearson
Development of a porous layer-by-layer microsphere with branched aliphatic hydrocarbon porogens, Farah Shahjin, Milankumar Patel, Mahmudul Hasan, Jacob D. Cohen, Farhana Islam, Md Ashaduzzaman, Mohammad Ullah Nayan, Mahadevan Subramaniam, You Zhou, Irene Andreu, Howard E. Gendelman, and Bhavesh D. Kevadiya
Editorial: Vegetation phenology and response to climate change, Xiangjin Shen, Yeqiao Wang, and Binhui Liu
New Insights into the Mesozoic Large-scale Intra-plate Magmatism and Mineralization in South China from Seismic Tomography, Danian Shi, L. Qingtian, Yang Shen, X. U. Xiaoming, Yongqian Zhang, X. U. Yao, Jinhua Zhao, G. U. Yumin, Jianyu Shi, and Changxin Chen
Southern Ocean glacial conditions and their influence on deglacial events, Elisabeth L. Sikes, Natalie E. Umling, Katherine A. Allen, Ulysses S. Ninnemann, Rebecca S. Robinson, Joellen L. Russell, and Thomas J. Williams
Determining the Effects of Pelleted Cranberry Vine Grains on the Ewe and Offspring during Pregnancy and Lactation, Delaney Smith, Katherine Petersson, and Maria L. Peterson