The University of Rhode Island archives and provides access to doctoral dissertations through DigitalCommons@URI. Dissertations prior to 2013 may or may not be available here. Please consult the URI library catalog to see all titles. For those dissertations available only in print, the library can usually scan a copy upon request.
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Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Wang, Juming. Nucleation behavior of saccharides in aqueous solutions
Whitworth, Donald R.. A Structural Equation Model of a Set of Operationalized Cognitive Social Learning Variables and Citizen Participation in Neighborhood Organizations
Whitworth, Donald Ray. A structural equation model of a set of operationalized cognitive social earning variables and citizen participation in neighborhood organizations
Wilson, Elizabeth J.. Transient detection and feature extraction using neural networks
Wisehart, Marilyn Perkins. Housework redone: The representation of domestic work and homemakers in depictions of the middle class in American literature and film
Wojcik, Marek K.. Morphological and physiological features influencing drought tolerance of turfgrasses
Youssef, Mohamed Mohamed. The behavior of the near ocean surface under the combined action of waves and currents in shallow water
Zhang, Hanzhong. Study of a numerical turbulence model for flow pass smooth and rough surfaces
Zlotnick, Caron Lyn. The incidence of university sexual harassment complaints related to institutional factors
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Abdelkader, Hatem. Electroabsorbtion in Multiple Quantum Well Structures
Abdelkader, Hatem Helmy. Electroabsorption in multiple quantum well structures
Abrams, Lewis Julius. The Seismic Stratigraphy, Crustal Structure, Volcanic and Sedimentary History of the East Mariana and Pigafetta Basins of the Western Pacific
Ahmadjian, Mark. Infared Spectral Measurement of Space Shuttle Glow
Ahmadjian, Mark. Infrared spectral measurement of space shuttle glow
Amato-Vealey, Elaine. Determinants of Exercise Behavior After a Myocardial Infraction: Beliefs, Intention, Behavior
Amato-Vealey, Elaine J.. Determinants of exercise behavior after a myocardial infarction: Beliefs, intention, behavior
Anderson, James A.. Out of the Shadows: A Structuralist Approach to Understanding the Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft
Ashraf, Muhammad. Formulation of functional diet for larval fish
Awal, Haris Mohammed Roufun. Reliability of hysteretic structures under seismic excitation
Brandes, Horst G.. Finite element modeling of time-dependent deformations in marine clays
Brooks, Priscilla Murray. The northeastern United States market for blue mussels: Consumer perceptions of seafood safety and the demand for mussels
Caldwell, Donna. The impact of a treatment program for male batterers on their sex role attitudes and abusive behaviors
Chang, Un-Jae. Dietary fat and low-intensity exercise in treatment of obesity in women
Chaudhury, Rajat Roy. Stormwater modeling of a combined sewer system
Ciombor, Deborah McKeighan. Alterations in the biosynthesis of extracellular matrix molecules in connective tissues by electric and magnetic fields
Dibiasio, Paige A.. An Analysis of Altering the Value of a Classically Conditioned Predictive Cue
Ellis, William Grenville Jr.. The long-range transport of aerosol particles over the North Atlantic Ocean
Fitts, Sherri Nelson. Models of Shame, Family Functioning, and Psychosocial Outcomes in a College Population
Futransky, Joanna S.. Relations Among Verbal Working Memory, Listening Comprehension, and Reading Skills
Gallagher, Patricia Lillian. AIDS risk reduction training among college women
Gans, Kim Marie. Enhancing compliance to referral and lifestyle recommendations given at cholesterol screening programs
Ghosh, Debashis. Performance of delta networks using self-routing multiple channel crossbar switches implemented in VLSI
Gibbes, Bertram S.. The Cognitive Control of Leveling-Sharpening and Acceptance of Interpersonal Violence in Adults
Gilman, Craig. Gulf Stream warm surges: Thermal and potential vorticity anomalies in the Stream
Gipstein, Myra Green. Phonological awareness in four-and five-year-old children
Glancy, Thomas J. Jr.. Sensitivity of modeled Cretaceous climate to insolation forcing created by varying Earth-Sun orbital relationships
Gnys, Judith Alison. School psychologists' diagnosis of learning disabilities: A study of illusory correlations
Graham, Marcus L.. A hierarchical approach to estimation, with application to target motion analysis
Hansen, Catherine Elizabeth. Development of a measure for the assessment of dyadic power sources
Hansen, Michael Dennis. Paternal acceptance and nurturance received and parents' acceptance and nurturance of their children
Harewood, Patrick Munro. Technological assessment of irradiated eggs
Harrington, Frances Marie. The memo as genre: A paradigm of context and community
Hartnett, Richard James. Improved methods for efficient FIR and IIR digital filter design and implementation
Hennedy, Marie C.. Authorized Infidelity: A Confidant Rereading of Charlotte Bronte's Villette
Herchen, James Raymond Jr.. Investigation of a simplified adaptive IIR filter
Horleifsson, Einar. Abundance, condition, growth and mortality of winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus, Walbaum) larvae in Narragansett Bay during spring of 1988
Hsieh, Feng-Yin. Structural equation modeling in chemistry
Jackson, Nancy Willard. Anne Anastasi and the heredity vs environment problem: A history in psychology
Jayarajah, Charles Niranjit. Evaluation of process parameters for UF/RO membrane concentration of lobster extract
Kenner, Ellen Lee. The Clinical Psychologist Practitioner: Job Autonomy and Burnout
Khanna, Sanjeev Kumar. Effect of reinforcement and fiber-matrix interface on dynamic fracture of fiber-reinforced composite materials
Kim, Jong Seong. Thin film wide bandgap semiconductors: Preparation, doping and characterization of structural and optoelectronic properties
Kontoyiannis, Harris. Variability of the Gulf Stream path between 74 degrees W and 70 degrees W: Observations and quasi-geostrophic modeling of mixed instabilities
Kusakabe, Yuko. A conjoint analysis of the Japanese salmon market
Larimer, Sharon Nicole. Aspects of the bioenergetics and ecology of sand lance on Georges Bank
Latimer, William Wilbur IV. Metacognitive training affects the application of learning strategies but not academic performance
Lee, Gangwoong. The variation of nitric acid vapor and nitrate aerosol concentrations near the island of Hawaii
Lee, Hagyoung. Mathematical model of a three-phase fluidized fermentor with cocurrent upward flow of gas and liquid
Liu, Haibo. Evaluating three turfgrasses for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrient uptake efficiency
Liu, Iching. Very limited-view reconstruction of three-dimensional tree-like structures
Liu, Jian-Min. High-temperature dynamics of classical spin systems
Liu, Yeuk-Chuen. Application of asymmetric biocatalysis to organic chemistry
Lo, Ying Har. The transduction mechanism of olfaction in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Maluso, Diane. Interventions to lessen racist prejudice and discrimination among college students
Minugh, Patricia Allison. Gender roles and drunken behavior: A cognitive analysis of normative and counternormative social expectations
Mora, Catherine A.. The relationship of PTSD in Vietnam veterans to family dysfunction as mediated by marital functioning: A structural model
Oleska, Carla Marie. This is my body which will not be given up for you: The postmodern feminist avant-garde and the female body
O'Neill, Eileen Sjoberg. Forms of knowledge and the use of the representativeness heuristic in clinical inferencing tasks of community health nurses
Panda, Satchidananda. Remote acoustic evaluation of seafloor sediment properties
Paquette, Gregory Ernest. Etiology, pathogenesis and epizootiology of hematopoietic neoplasia in the soft-shell clam, Mya arenaria
Patterson, Barbara J.. Social support: A fieldwork study of adjusting to life in a nursing home
Perrot-Maitre, Daniele. The use of indigenous knowledge in understanding resource allocation at the farm level: The case of lowland farms in Leyte Island, Philippines
Porter, Robert Joseph. Retrospective study of environmental, intrapersonal, and behavioral predictors of alcohol-associated problems in college and middle adulthood
Powell, Katherine Elaine. Disruption is the word: Transgressive poetics of spirituality in the poetry of G. M. Hopkins, Dylan Thomas, and Stevie Smith
Raine, Terryli McMillan. The Bronte Sisters' Quarrel: A Social Discourse Within the Bronte Novels
Rearick, Anderson Malvin III. Loss and reclamation in "David Copperfield"
Robinson, Deborah Ann Brown. Woman across time: A literary history
Rockhill, Virginia Ann. Family background and personality factors influencing health-related attitudes and behaviors toward medical treatment
Saad, Dale Laura. Seasonal disinfection with respect to marine waters
Sears, Donald Francis Jr.. An investigation of the photochemistry of 6-phenanthridinecarbonitrile
Seibert, Abigail A.. Family functioning and learning disorders
Sethi, Pardeep Kumar. Mechanistic approaches in understanding factors involved in iontophoretic skin retention and transport of drugs
Singh, Anjali. The effects of neutron irradiation and temperature on optical fibers and materials
Subramani, Anantha K.. Development of a design for service methodology
Tarasevich, Christine Duerr. Seafood consumption patterns and attitudes towards squid and mackerel by Chinese and Koreans
Tian, Wen-Miin. Long-term creep behavior of cohesive marine sediments under drained conditions
Ty, Nida R.. A hedonic price model of the Portland fish auction market
Viswanathan, K. Kuperan. Deterrence and voluntary compliance with the zoning regulation in the Malaysian fishery
Wahal, Sanjay. Electric field effects on wetting of solids by ionic surfactant and electrolyte solutions
Wang, Juei Shen. Bioaccumulation of PCB and the effects of supplemented diets in striped bass (Morone saxatilis)
Wang, Ronghua. The investigation of biologically active secondary metabolites produced by diatoms
Weiler, Michael David. A Measurement Model for Spectral Analyzed EEG
Weston, Andrea. The analysis of inorganic metal cations by capillary electrophoresis
Wilson, Thomas Armand. The influence of body composition, gonadal steroid status and gender on serum carotenoids and retinol