The University of Rhode Island archives and provides access to doctoral dissertations through DigitalCommons@URI. Dissertations prior to 2013 may or may not be available here. Please consult the URI library catalog to see all titles. For those dissertations available only in print, the library can usually scan a copy upon request.
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Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Yoo, Byoungseung. Rheological properties of surimi sol and gel in the composite system
Yoo, Whachun. Mechanism of antibacterial action of glucose oxidase/catalase system
Young, Kurt Alan. Bioactive peptides from toxic and non-toxic strains of the freshwater cyanobacteria, Microcystis spp
Young, Robert Franklin. Habitat utilization, diet, and foraging behavior of two species of Caribbean moray eels, Gymnothorax moringa and Gymnothorax vicinus
Zhao, Dongsheng. Nonlinear random wave theory and non-Gaussian structural response
Zheng, Dian. Environment-dependent fatigue crack growth in alloy 718
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
Adley, Mark David. Computation of the Effective Properties of Materials with Microstructure
Ashjian, Carin Jessica. The influence of the Gulf Stream on the regional biogeography of zooplankton (Copepods)
Beatty, Lynn Laffin. The response of benthic suspension feeders and their grazing impact on phytoplankton in eutrophied coastal ecosystems
Bisagni, James John. The relationship of mid-ocean eddy fields to sea surface temperature fronts during the Frontal Air-Sea Interaction Experiment
Blazka, Mark Eric. Factors controlling cadmium and mercury accumulations in hepatocytes
Boucher, Joceline M.. Nutrient and Phosphorus Geochemistry in the Taunton River Estuary, Massachusetts
Bray, James L.. Transformational and Transactional Church Leadership Perspectives of Pastors and Parishioners – An Extension
Bray, James Luther. Transformational and transactional church leadership perspectives of pastors and parishioners: An extension
Burghoff, Robert Leslie. The isolation and preliminary characterization of a human fecal Escherichia coli colonization enhancement sequence using a novel in vivo shot-gun cloning assay
Burkhardt, William III. Accumulation, Persistence, and Elimination of Microbial Indicators by Molluscan Shellfish
Bussolari, Jacqueline Cirillo. Synthesis of imidazo-and v-triazolo(4,5-d)pyridazine nucleosides
Chase, Steven Bradley. The integration of hydrologic simulation models and geographic information systems
Chen, Haiguang. Two-dimensional autoregressive modeling by autocorrelation fitting and applications to signal processing
Chinman, Richard. Phosphorus Dynamics in the Parker River Estuary
Choi, Byeong-Jin. The effect of nitrogen nutrition on carbon and nitrogen metabolism in Rhododendron catawbiense x 'English Roseum'
Chrappa, Rita C.. Great Expectations: A Workshop on Responsible Dating
Chueh, Hann Rong. Optimization and Its Applications on Pharmaceutical Conventional and Extended Release Solid Dosage Forms
Clark, Robert Lee. Spectro-electrochemical study of ring-substituted polyaniline: Poly(2-methylaniline), poly(2-methoxyaniline), and poly(2,5-dimethoxyaniline)
Cooper, Michele F.. Chretien de Troyes' Perceval: Androgynous development of the hero
Corriveau, Pierre Joseph. Turbulent boundary layer driven acoustic radiation of a solid body of revolution
Crook, Joan Elizabeth. An exploratory investigation of stepfamily functioning
Crouse, Robert H.. Optimal linear estimators with empirical prior information
Dadey, Kathleen Ann. Hydrothermal activity in the Mariana Mounds area: Processes and products
Deering, Catherine Gray. Correlates of Sibling Jealousy and Parental Favoritism
Deschene, James Michael. Joy in a minor key: The mystery of gender and sex in the thought of C. S. Lewis
Devlin, Constance Leah. An analysis of serotonergic control of the ventricle of a mollusc
Dibiase, Mary Diana Giddins. Topical formulation of epidermal growth factor for wound healing
Di Leonardo, Concetta Mary. The effects of age and occupation on selective attention: American adaptation of the Bedini Test of Distributed Attention
Escobar, Jose M.. Extractive bioconversion for rennet synthesis
Evans, Bernadette F.. The Role of Working Memory in Phoneme Awareness
Foley, Timothy Daniel. A neurochemical basis for inhibition of neural activity by ethanol
Fortuna, Jose A.. Dynamic model for forced flow through sintered powdered metals
Garcia-Sais, Jorge R.. Plankton production dynamics in Laguna Joyuda
Gibson, Pamela Reed. An intervention designed to modify attitudes toward acquaintance rape in college students
Green, Laura Ann. Validity studies on the Family Functioning Scale: Family of Origin version
Grindlay, Nancy Ruth. Morphology and tectonics of the southern mid-Atlantic ridge: Implications for accretion of oceanic lithosphere
Harriman, Geraldine Cirillo Bussolari. Synthesis of and biological evaluation of C1' and C1' 3-deaza derivatives of (+)-erythro-9-(2S-hydroxy-3R-nonyl)adenine
Harvey, Kathy Laighton. The course of change in time-limited psychotherapy
He, Gang. A theoretical and experimental study of the fiber optic lever sensors
Hess, Jennifer. The Strontium Isotope Geochemistry of the Cenozoic Ocean
Ho, Kay Tze Yau. Sediment bioassays: Factors which influence their interpretation and their use in bioassay directed fractionation
Hughes, Stanley Leake. Levels of attribution and change in the transtheoretical model: Development, synthesis and application
Jin, Di. An investment-production-regulatory model for firms in the offshore oil and gas industry
Jin, Myung-Sub. Evaluation of seasonal variation on resilient modulus of subgrade granular soils
Juinio, Marie Antonette Revilla. Feeding ecology of the postlarval lobster Homarus americanus
Kadambe, Shubha L.. The application of time-frequency and time-scale representations in speech analysis
Killeen, Rea Cassidy. Meridel Le Sueur's vision of women: Begetters and birthers of change
King, Jay T.. Preconscious Factors in Romantic Attraction
Kirsteins, Ivars Peter. Analysis of reduced-rank interference cancellation
Lee, Pau-Ju. Seasonal dynamics of Gigaspora gigantea and associated microorganisms in a sand dune
Lee, Sang-go. Regulatory enforcement and compliance: Industrial wastewater pretreatment programs
Lemunyon, Jerrell Lynn. Grass species influence on the fate of nitrogen entrapped in vegetated filter strips
Letcher, Bettina Havens. In the belly of this story: The role of fantasy in four American women's novels of the 1980s
Lo, Su-Chin. Novel spectroscopic analyses of mixtures
Marks, Pamela Ann. A voice in Ramah: Rhetorical structure and cultural context in "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
Martino, Thomas John. A tandem joint inspection and queueing model employing posynomial geometric programming
McCabe, Victoria Margaret. Effects of various winemaking practices on the quality of wines produced from Rhode Island grown grapes
McCaughey-Silvia, Regina C.. Lectures and discussion questions of the Franklin Lyceum: A guide to attitudes and ideas in nineteenth century Providence
McGoldrick, James A.. Dunbar and Skelton: A comparative analysis of the satiric court poetry
Michael, Sharon Ann. Psychosocial factors related to the maintenance of weight loss in very low-calorie diets
Morris, Ellen. New geophysical constraints on the structure of oceanic crust
Narendran, Nadarajah. Fiber optic sensors for static fracture studies and dynamic wave propagation problems
Nowicki, Barbara Louise. The fate of nutrient inputs to estuaries: Evidence from estuarine mesocosms
Ong, Tun Liang. A pattern recognition approach to stock identification of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., based on derived morphometric features of scales
Ozguc, Ismail Hakki. Advanced switched capacitor circuits
Pockalny, Robert Avery. Morphology of mid-ocean ridges and ridge flanks: Implications for processes operative at mid-ocean ridges
Robinson, Elmer Richard. Perturbation theory in depth and range-dependent environments
Rosenbloom, Dena. A transtheoretical analysis of change among cocaine users
Senecal, Andre Gerald Jr.. Fat replacement and lactose reduction processes for production of a nutritionally improved low-fat milk
Sherman, Mark A.. Reading allegory in the old poet and the new: The "Canterbury Tales" and the 1590 "Faerie Queene"
Shi, Jinrui. Ultrastructural characterization of the interaction between cotton and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum
Skrmetti, Thomas J.. Experientially-Modulated Neuronal Death in Overconnected Neural Networks
Snow, Matthew Gordon. A transtheoretical analysis of strategies in the recovery process from alcohol problems
Soiland, Henrik. Numerical studies of Lagrangian motion in a meandering jet
Sowers, Todd Anthony. The isotopic composition of trapped oxygen molecule and nitrogen molecule in ice cores: Biogeochemical and stratigraphic implications
Srivastava, Niraj. Manifestations of Hamiltonian chaos in classical and quantum spin clusters
Surrette, Michael Anthony. Level of Satisfaction and Commitment to a Decisional Choice as Mediated by Locus of Control
Surrette, Michael Anthony. Level of satisfaction and commitment to a decisional choice as mediated by locus-of-control
Taft, Edward Donley. The land and moral responsibility in the work of Wendell Berry
Tahajod, Ahmad S.. Growth studies, comparison and immobilization of selected potential sour dough lactic acid bacteria
Talukdar, Kushal K.. Backscatter analysis and sidescan imaging of the deep sea floor using the multi-beam sonar Sea Beam
Tsai, Cheng-jen. Effects of crustacean wastes on the viability of Beauveria bassiana in soil
Utrup, Linda Jane. Gene expression during symbiotic interactions of Rhizobium meliloti and white sweetclover
Venkat, N. Kolluru. Numerical simulation of planar and axisymmetric unsteady flows over vibrating bodies
Vukina, Tomislav. Hedging with forecasting: A state-space approach to time series modeling
Walker, Henry Allen. On assessing ocean disposal risks: Oceanographic, climatic, and anthropogenic considerations
Ward, John Michael. Modeling Vessel Mobility: The Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fleet