"Geographic systems and ecological security of the Changbai mountains: " by Yang Han, Yunsheng Zhao et al.

Geographic systems and ecological security of the Changbai mountains: An EOS approach of study

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Date of Original Version



Data based on the satellites measured reflected or emitted energy can provide valuable information on the spatial evolution of geographical system and ecological security. Information regarding NDVI, land use and land cover change, and classification were obtained from remotely sensed data in the Changbai Mountains area. Remotely sensed data were combined into different indices to compare characteristics of land cover and create an information base for continued study. A classification was performed on the different earth targets and land use classes were grouped together. The results of these analyses allowed researchers to examine the geographical system and ecological security within the Changbai Mountains area. © 2011 IEEE.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Proceedings - 2011 4th International Symposium on Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling, KAM 2011
