Volume 6, Number 4 (2021)
The Conundrums of Happiness and Subjective Well-being: Views from Brazil
Nikhilesh Dholakia and Deniz Atik
Consumers' Perceptions of the Role of the Marketing System in Subjective Well-being
Valcir Farias and Ramon Silva Leite
Subjective Well-being, Happiness, and Fairness of Marketing Systems in Brazil: Some Further Thoughts
Stefânia Ordovás De Almeida and Ely José de Mattos
Consumers’ Subjective Well-being in Brazil: Suggested Extensions for Researching a Market with Continental Dimensions
Igor de Jesus Lobato Pompeu Gammarano
MGDR Founding Editors
- Nikhilesh Dholakia
- University of Rhode Island, USA
- Deniz Atik
- University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA