Aims & Scope | Markets, Globalization & Development Review (MGDR) | University of Rhode Island
Markets, Globalization & Development Review

Aims & Scope

It is important to preface the Aims & Scope of this journal – Markets, Globalization & Development Review (MGDR) – with an acknowledgement of the intellectual history of the ideas and people that led to the creation of the International Society of Markets and Development (ISMD), the MGDR-sponsoring organization, and eventually spawned this journal. The pioneering people and influences were located in the applied disciplines of marketing and consumer research, but were in search of global, macro, and non-hegemonic orientations in the discussion of issues and ideas. Given this history, MGDR remains very open to interesting work coming out of applied social science disciplines, and, in addition, seeks to expand the scope of interests so that contributions from multiple disciplines – including pure social sciences and humanities – can enrich the knowledge about policy-oriented options pertaining to markets, globalization and development. MGDR is indexed in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Examining the three core areas – markets, globalization and development – from interdisciplinary lenses, Markets, Globalization & Development Review (MGDR) is international in its scope and encourages global diversity in its topics and contributions.

The editors invite the contributing authors to keep a spirit of openness in their writings; a receptivity to alternate, contested, controversial and evolving views on these three intersecting concepts. The editors also encourage research on alternative marketplaces, especially those with low or limited economic and social resources, envisioning alternative and sustainable routes that promise peaceful prosperity for everyone. Submissions to MGDR undergo a double-blind review process.