About This Journal
Markets, Globalization & Development Review (MGDR) is a peer-reviewed, open access online journal, published four times a year. It is the official journal of the International Society of Markets and Development (ISMD). There are no submission fees or processing fees for articles submitted to MGDR. Submissions to MGDR undergo a double-blind review process. Articles and book/media reviews in MGDR deal with intersections of ideas, concepts, theories, practices, and research explorations in the key areas of focus that form the title of the journal: Markets, Globalization, and Development. Each of these areas has major everyday life impacts as well as long-term life defining consequences. ‘Markets’, ‘Globalization’ and ‘Development’ also represent contested arenas of major intellectual and ideological ideas of our times, arenas in which battles for preferences and policies are waged. The editors encourage contributions that explore these intersecting concepts, and especially those that (while not ignoring it) go beyond the over-emphasized economic dimension, incorporating broader social, political, cultural, and ecological aspects in furthering our understanding of human development.
Indexed in Scopus and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).