

In the digital internet age, media literacy (ML) continues to be updated to accommodate change and keep up with the times. Discovering the most recent developments and trends in this field is essential to provide new research perspectives. In this study, 776 ML studies spanning 21 years (2000-2021) were analyzed using the VOS viewer, a program for bibliometric analysis. In tandem with the high number of citations, the research indicates that the interest of researchers in this topic is growing. In the past six years, media and information literacy, citizenship, anti-colonial, and communication and education have been the most frequently cited keywords in media literacy studies. The most frequently cited authors in the study are the focal point of the discussion. The new subtopics broaden the study topic’s scope and foundation. Penn State University Harrisburg, University of California, Los Angeles, Salzburg Global Seminar, and Emerson College are the most frequently cited institutions. On this basis, the study discusses the future direction of media literacy research and makes corresponding recommendations.

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