University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography Faculty Publications | Graduate School of Oceanography | University of Rhode Island
Explore scholarly publications from the Graduate School of Oceanography faculty at the University of Rhode Island.


Manuscripts from 2013


Cleaning methods for the isotopic determination of diatombound nitrogen in non-fossil diatom frustules, Laura V. Morales, Daniel M. Sigman, Matthew G. Horn, and Rebecca S. Robinson


Water as a New Matrix for Global Assessment of Hydrophilic POPs, Derek Muir and Rainer Lohmann


Intermediate and deep water formation in the Okinawa trough, Hirohiko Nakamura, Ayako Nishina, Zhaojun Liu, Fumiyo Tanaka, Mark Wimbush, and Jae Hun Park


Characterizing the superparamagnetic grain distribution of Chinese red-clay sequences by thermal fluctuation tomography, Junsheng Nie, Mike Jackson, John King, and Xiaomin Fang


Six million years of magnetic grain-size records reveal that temperature and precipitation were decoupled on the Chinese Loess Plateau during ~4.5-2.6Ma, Junsheng Nie, Yougui Song, John W. King, Rui Zhang, and Xiaomin Fang


Morphological analysis and related volcanic features of the Kolumbo submarine volcanic chain (NE of Santorini Island, Aegean Volcanic Arc), Paraskevi Nomikou, Steven Carey, Katherine L.Croff Bell, Dimitros Papanikolaou, Konstantina Bejelou, Matina Alexandri, Kat Cantner, and Julie Fero Martin


The state of Lake Simcoe (Ontario, Canada): The effects of multiple stressors on phosphorus and oxygen dynamics, R. L. North, D. Barton, A. S. Crowe, P. J. Dillon, R. M.L. Dolson, D. O. Evans, B. K. Ginn, L. Håkanson, J. Hawryshyn, H. Jarjanazi, J. W. King, J. K.L. La Rose, L. León, C. F.M. Lewis, G. E. Liddle, Z. H. Lin, F. J. Longstaffe, R. A. Macdonald, L. Molot, T. Ozersky, M. E. Palmer, R. Quinlan, M. D. Rennie, M. M. Robillard, D. Rodé, K. M. Rühland, A. Schwalb, J. P. Smol, E. Stainsby, J. J. Trumpickas, J. G. Winter, and J. D. Young


Microbial activity in the marine deep biosphere: progress and prospects, Beth N. Orcutt, Douglas E. LaRowe, Jennifer F. Biddle, Frederick S. Colwell, Brian T. Glazer, Brandi Kiel Reese, John B. Kirkpatrick, Laura L. Lapham, Heath J. Mills, Jason B. Sylvan, Scott D. Wankel, and C. Geoff Wheat


Effects of Kuroshio intrusions on nonlinear internal waves in the South China Sea during winter, Jae Hun Park and David Farmer


Heterogeneities from the first 100 million years recorded in deep mantle noble gases from the Northern Lau Back-arc Basin, Maria K. Peto, Sujoy Mukhopadhyay, and Katherine A. Kelley


Why do mafic arc magmas contain ~4wt% water on average?, Terry Plank, Katherine A. Kelley, Mindy M. Zimmer, Erik H. Hauri, and Paul J. Wallace


The stable vanadium isotope composition of the mantle and mafic lavas, J. Prytulak, S. G. Nielsen, D. A. Ionov, A. N. Halliday, J. Harvey, K. A. Kelley, Y. L. Niu, D. W. Peate, K. Shimizu, and K. W.W. Sims


The challenges of using polyethylene passive samplers to determine dissolved concentrations of parent and alkylated PAHs under cold and saline conditions, Pamela J. Reitsma, Dave Adelman, and Rainer Lohmann


Diagenetic aluminum uptake into diatom frustules and the preservation of diatom-bound organic nitrogen, Haojia Ren, Brigitte G. Brunelle, Daniel M. Sigman, and Rebecca S. Robinson


Nature and distribution of slab-derived fluids and mantle sources beneath the Southeast Mariana forearc rift, Julia M. Ribeiro, Robert J. Stern, Katherine A. Kelley, Fernando Martinez, Osamu Ishizuka, William I. Manton, and Yasuhiko Ohara


Geodynamic Evolution of a Forearc Rift in the Southernmost Mariana Arc, Julia M. Ribeiro, Robert J. Stern, Fernando Martinez, Osamu Ishizuka, Susan G. Merle, Katherine Kelley, Elizabeth Y. Anthony, Minghua Ren, Yasuhiko Ohara, Mark Reagan, Guillaume Girard, and Sherman Bloomer


How Do Fishing and Environmental Effects Propagate Among and Within Functional Groups?, Marie-Joëlle Rochet, Jeremy Collie, and Verena M. Trenkel


Traces: Plankton on the move, Cynthia Beth Rubin, Susanne Menden-Deuer, Elizabeth Harvey, and Jerry Fishenden


Traces: Plankton on the move, Cynthia Beth Rubin, Susanne Menden-Deuer, Elizabeth Harvey, and Jerry Fishenden


Association of phosphate with rhyolite glass in marine Neogene tuffs from Patagonia, Argentina, Nora Rubinstein, Ana M. Fazio, Roberto A. Scasso, and Steven Carey


Conservation in the Context of Climate Change: Practical Guidelines for Land Protection at Local Scales, Kevin Ruddock, Peter V. August, Christopher Damon, Charles LaBash, Pamela Rubinoff, and Donald Robadue Jr.


Analysis of Energy Flow in US GLOBEC Ecosystems Using End-to-End Models, James J. Ruzicka, John H. Steele, Sarah K. Gaichas, Tosca Ballerini, Dian J. Gifford, Richard D. Brodeur, and Eileen E. Hofmann


Major contribution of diatom resting spores to vertical flux in the sub-polar North Atlantic, T. A. Rynearson, K. Richardson, R. S. Lampitt, M. E. Sieracki, A. J. Poulton, M. M. Lyngsgaard, and M. J. Perry


Using Hierarchical Bayes to Understand Movement, Health, and Survival in the Endangered North Atlantic Right Whale, Robert S. Schick, Scott D. Kraus, Rosalind M. Rolland, Amy R. Knowlton, Philip K. Hamilton, Heather M. Pettis, Robert D. Kenney, and James S. Clark


Spatial and temporal variability in sedimentological and geochemical properties of sediments from an anoxic crater lake in West Africa: Implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions, Timothy M. Shanahan, Nicholas McKay, Jonathan T. Overpeck, John A. Peck, Christopher Scholz, Clifford W. Heil, and John King


Age models for long lacustrine sediment records using multiple dating approaches - An example from Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana, Timothy M. Shanahan, John A. Peck, Nicholas McKay, Clifford W. Heil, John King, Steven L. Forman, Dirk L. Hoffmann, David A. Richards, Jonathan T. Overpeck, and Christopher Scholz


Effects of chronic bottom fishing on the benthic epifauna and diets of demersal fishes on northern georges bank, Brian E. Smith, Jeremy S. Collie, and Nicole L. Lengyel


On the structure of the Lofoten Basin Eddy, H. Søiland and T. Rossby


Broad Salinity Tolerance as a Refuge from Predation in the Harmful Raphidophyte Alga Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae), Suzanne L. Strom, Elizabeth L. Harvey, Kerri A. Fredrickson, and Susanne Menden-Deuer


Impact of Breaking Wave Form Drag on Near-Surface Turbulence and Drag Coefficient over Young Seas at High Winds, Nobuhiro Suzuki, Tetsu Hara, and Peter P. Sullivan


John H. Steele, 1926–2013, Elizabeth Turner, Eileen E. Hofmann, Dian J. Gifford, and Dale B. Haidvogel


Processing of Underway CTD Data, D. S. Ullman and David Hebert


Changes in the source of nutrients associated with oceanographic dynamics offshore southern Chile (41°S) over the last 25,000years, Thomas J. Verleye, Philippe Martinez, Rebecca S. Robinson, and Stephen Louwye


Four Current Meter Models Compared in Strong Currents in Drake Passage, D. Randolph Watts, Maureen A. Kennelly, Kathleen A. Donohue, Karen L. Tracey, Teresa K. Chereskin, Robert A. Weller, and Ivan Victoria


Unresolved complex mixture (UCM) in coastal environments is derived from fossil sources, Helen K. White, Li Xu, Paul Hartmann, James G. Quinn, and Christopher M. Reddy


Zooplankton in the eastern tropical north Pacific: Boundary effects of oxygen minimum zone expansion, Karen F. Wishner, Dawn M. Outram, Brad A. Seibel, Kendra L. Daly, and Rebecca L. Williams


Impact of a warm ocean Eddy's circulation on hurricane-induced sea surface cooling with implications for hurricane intensity, Richard M. Yablonsky and Isaac Ginis


Organochlorine Pollutants in Western Antarctic Peninsula Sediments and Benthic Deposit Feeders, Lin Zhang, Rebecca Dickhut, Dave DeMaster, Kari Pohl, and Rainer Lohmann

Manuscripts from 2012


Identifying Reference Genes with Stable Expression from High Throughput Sequence Data, Harriet Alexander, Bethany D. Jenkins, Tatiana A. Rynearson, Mak A. Saito, Melissa L. Mercier, and Sonya T. Dyhrman


Azimuthal anisotropy of Lg attenuation in eastern Tibetan Plateau, Xueyang Bao, Eric Sandvol, Yongshun John Chen, James Ni, Thomas Hearn, and Yang Shen


Continued Exploration of the Santorini Volcanic Field and Cretan Basin, Aegean Sea, Katherine L. C. Bell, Paraskevi Nomikou, Steven N. Carey, Eleni Stathopoulou, Paraskevi Polymenakou, Athanasios Godelitsas, Chris Roman, and Michelle Parks


Changes in the biomass of chambo in the southeast arm of Lake Malawi: A stock assessment of Oreochromis spp., Richard J. Bell, Jeremy S. Collie, Daniel Jamu, and Moses Banda


Manufacturing origin of perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) in Atlantic and Canadian Arctic seawater, Jonathan P. Benskin, Lutz Ahrens, Derek C.G. Muir, Brian F. Scott, Christine Spencer, Bruno Rosenberg, Gregg Tomy, Henrik Kylin, Rainer Lohmann, and Jonathan W. Martin


Perfluoroalkyl acids in the atlantic and Canadian arctic oceans, Jonathan P. Benskin, Derek C.G. Muir, Brian F. Scott, Christine Spencer, Amila O. De Silva, Henrik Kylin, Jonathan W. Martin, Adam Morris, Rainer Lohmann, Gregg Tomy, Bruno Rosenberg, Sachi Taniyasu, and Nobuyoshi Yamashita


Evidence of Bottom-Trapped Currents in the Kuroshio Extension Region, Stuart P. Bishop, D. Randolph Watts, Jae-Hun Park, and Nelson G. Hogg


Coastal Exploration of the Southern Black Sea Off Ereğli and Sinop, Turkey, Michael L. Brennan, Dan Davis, Chris Roman, Ilya V. Buynevich, Alexis Catsambis, Meko Kofahl, Maureen Merrigan, Suna Tuzun, Muhammet Duman, Derya Urkmez, J. Ian Vaughn, and Tufan Turanli


Submarine Volcanism in the Straits of Sicily, Steven N. Carey, Katherine L. C. Bell, Michael Marani, Mauro Rosi, Edward T. Baker, Chris Roman, Marco Pistolesi, and Joshua Kelly


Airborne lidar detection and characterization of internal waves in a shallow fjord, James H. Churnside, Richard D. Marchbanks, Jennifer H. Lee, Joseph A. Shaw, Alan Weidmann, and Percy L. Donaghay


Krill feeding on sediment in the Gulf of Maine (North Atlantic), Alison C. Cleary, Edward G. Durbin, and Tatiana A. Rynearson


A fisheries risk-assessment framework to evaluate trade-offs among management options in the presence of time-varying productivity, Jeremy S. Collie, Randall M. Peterman, and Brett M. Zuehlke


A Quantitative Comparison between 1D and 3D Source Inversion Methodologies: Application to the Middle East, Brian M. Covellone and Brian K. Savage


Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Rhode Island Coastal Ponds and the Estuarine Environment of Narragansett Bay, Annie M. Cox and Marta Gomez-Chiarri


Fracture of a ridged multi-year Arctic sea ice floe, J. P. Dempsey, Y. Xie, R. M. Adamson, and D. M. Farmer


Introduction to special section on Recent Advances in the Study of Optical Variability in the Near‐Surface and Upper Ocean, T. Dickey, David Farmer, and et al


Copepod feeding and digestion rates using prey DNA and qPCR, Edward G. Durbin, Maria C. Casas, and Tatiana A. Rynearson


Passive sampling provides evidence for Newark Bay as a source of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans to the New York/New Jersey, USA, atmosphere, Carey L. Friedman, Mark G. Cantwell, and Rainer Lohmann


Influence of Volatile Degassing on Initial Flow Structure and Entrainment During Undersea Volcanic Fire Fountaining Eruptions, P. D. Friedman, Steven Carey, and M. Raessi


Validation of Shear‐Wave Velocity Models of the Pacific Northwest, Haiying Gao and Yang Shen


In memory of Professor Howard A. Bern, E. Gordon Grau, Richard S. Nishioka, Alan Bern, Tetsuya Hirano, Russell Borski, Craig Clarke, Kevin Foskett, Louis J. Guillette, Taisen Iguchi, Lovell A. Jones, Christopher Loretz, Stephen McCormick, Anne MacLachlan, Carol A. Mason, Karen T. Mills, Yoshitaka Nagahama, Charles S. Nicoll, N. Harold Richman, Mark Sheridan, Jennifer L. Specker, James J. Sullivan, Timothy Turner, and Graham Young


Evidence of vertical coupling between the kuroshio extension and topographically controlled deep eddies, Andrew D. Greene, D. Randolph Watts, Georgi G. Sutyrin, and Hideharu Sasaki


Recent Arctic Climate Change and Its Remote Forcing of Northwest Atlantic Shelf Ecosystems, Charles H. Greene, Bruce C. Monger, Louise P. McGarry, Matthew D. Connelly, Neesha R. Schnepf, Andrew J. Pershing, Igor M. Belkin, Paula S. Ftratantoni, David G. Mountain, Robert S. Pickart, Rubao Ji, James J. Bisagni, Changsheng Chen, Sirpa M. A. Hakkinen, Dale B. Haidvogel, Jia Wang, Erica Head, Peter Smith, and Alessandra Conversi


Predator-Induced Fleeing Behaviors in Phytoplankton: A New Mechanism for Harmful Algal Bloom Formation?, Elizabeth L. Harvey and Susanne Menden-Deuer


Dominant eukaryotic export production during ocean anoxic events reflects the importance of recycled NH4+, Meytal B. Higgins, Rebecca S. Robinson, Jonathan M. Husson, Susan J. Carter, and Ann Pearson


A pipeline for structured light bathymetric mapping, Gabrielle Inglis, Clara Smart, Ian Vaughn, and Chris Roman


Global Distribution of Microbial Abundance and Biomass in Subseafloor Sediment, Jens Kallmeyer, Robert Pockalny, Rishi Ram Adhikari, David C. Smith, and Steven D'Hondt


The influence of magmatic differentiation on the oxidation state of Fe in a basaltic arc magma, Katherine A. Kelley and Elizabeth Cottrell


Field validation of polyethylene passive air samplers for parent and alkylated PAHs in Alexandria, Egypt, Mohammed A. Khairy and Rainer Lohmann


Concurrent activity of anammox and denitrifying bacteria in the Black Sea, John B. Kirkpatrick, Clara A. Fuchsman, Evgeniy Yakushev, James T. Staley, and James W. Murray


Identifying the research needs in the global assessment of toxic compounds 10 years after the signature of the Stockholm Convention, Gerhard Lammel and Rainer Lohmann


Drivers of protistan grazing pressure: Seasonal signals of plankton community composition and environmental conditions, Caitlyn Lawrence and Susanne Menden-Deuer


The PAMS (Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas) study, Jae Hak Lee, Takeshi Matsuno, Mark Wimbush, Dongliang Yuan, and Kyung Il Chang


A complex Tibetan upper mantle: A fragmented Indian slab and no south-verging subduction of Eurasian lithosphere, Xiaofeng Liang, Eric Sandvol, Y. John Chen, Thomas Hearn, James Ni, Simon Klemperer, Yang Shen, and Frederik Tilmann


Critical review of low-density polyethylene's partitioning and diffusion coefficients for trace organic contaminants and implications for its use as a passive sampler, Rainer Lohmann


Use of passive sampling devices for monitoring and compliance checking of POP concentrations in water, Rainer Lohmann, Kees Booij, Foppe Smedes, and Branislav Vrana


PCBs and OCPs on a east-to-west transect: The importance of major currents and net volatilization for PCBs in the atlantic ocean, Rainer Lohmann, Jana Klanova, Petr Kukucka, Shifra Yonis, and Kevyn Bollinger


Endospore abundance, microbial growth and necromass turnover in deep sub-seafloor sediment, Bente Aa Lomstein, Alice T. Langerhuus, Steven D'Hondt, Bo B. Jørgensen, and Arthur J. Spivack


Mantle dynamics beneath the Pacific Northwest and the generation of voluminous back‐arc volcanism, Maureen D. Long, Christy B. Till, Kelsey A. Drunken, Richard W. Carlson, Lara S. Wagner, Matthew J. Fouch, David E. James, Timothy L. Grove, Nicholas Schmerr, and Christopher R. Kincaid


Tracing mantle sources and Samoan influence in the northwestern Lau back-arc basin, Marion L. Lytle, Katherine A. Kelley, Erik H. Hauri, James B. Gill, Dominic Papia, and Richard J. Arculus


The Metabolic Response of Pteropods to Acidification Reflects Natural CO2-Exposure in Oxygen Minimum Zones, A. E. Maas, K. F. Wishner, and B. A. Seibel


Metabolic suppression in thecosomatous pteropods as an effect of low temperature and hypoxia in the eastern tropical North Pacific, Amy E. Maas, Karen F. Wishner, and Brad A. Seibel


Structure-Dependent phytoplankton photosynthesis and production rates: Implications for the formation, maintenance, and decline of plankton patches, Susanne Menden-Deuer


Introduction to "Holocene water levels and paleo-hydrology of the Laurentian Great Lakes", C. F. Michael Lewis and John W. King


Near 13 day barotropic ocean response to the atmospheric forcing in the North Pacific, Hanna Na, Jae Hun Park, D. Randolph Watts, Kathleen A. Donohue, and Ho Jin Lee


Submarine volcanoes of the Kolumbo volcanic zone NE of Santorini Caldera, Greece, P. Nomikou, S. Carey, D. Papanikolaou, K. Croff Bell, D. Sakellariou, M. Alexandri, and K. Bejelou


A serpentinite-hosted ecosystem in the Southern Mariana Forearc, Yashuiko Ohara, Mark K. Reagan, Katsunori Fujikura, Hiromi Watanabe, Katsuyoshi Michibayahi, Teruaki Ishii, Robert J. Stern, Ignacio Pujana, Fernando Martinez, Guillaume Girard, Julia Ribeiro, Maryjo Brounce, Naoaki Komori, and Masashi Kino


A Cenozoic record of the equatorial Pacific carbonate compensation depth, Heiko Pälike, Mitchell W. Lyle, Hiroshi Nishi, Isabella Raffi, Andy Ridgwell, Kusali Gamage, Adam Klaus, Gary Acton, Louise Anderson, Jan Backman, Jack Baldauf, Catherine Beltran, Steven M. Bohaty, Paul Bown, William Busch, Jim E.T. Channell, Cecily O.J. Chun, Margaret Delaney, Pawan Dewangan, Tom Dunkley Jones, Kirsty M. Edgar, Helen Evans, Peter Fitch, Gavin L. Foster, Nikolaus Gussone, Hitoshi Hasegawa, Ed C. Hathorne, Hiroki Hayashi, Jens O. Herrle, Ann Holbourn, Steve Hovan, Kiseong Hyeong, Koichi Iijima, Takashi Ito, Shin Ichi Kamikuri, and Katsunori Kimoto


Comparisons of sea surface height variability observed by pressure-recording inverted echo sounders and satellite altimetry in the Kuroshio Extension, Jae Hun Park, D. R. Watts, Kathleen A. Donohue, and Karen L. Tracey


Biomarkers challenge early Miocene loess and inferred Asian desertification, Tingjiang Peng, Jijun Li, Chunhui Song, Zhijun Zhao, Jun Zhang, Zhengchuang Hui, and John W. King


Quantifying dispersal and connectivity of surface waters using observational lagrangian measurements, Christopher G. Piecuch and Tatiana A. Rynearson


Upper mantle structures beneath the Carpathian-Pannonian region: Implications for the geodynamics of continental collision, Y. Ren, G. W. Stuart, G. A. Houseman, B. Dando, C. Ionescu, E. Hegedüs, S. Radovanović, and Y. Shen


A review of nitrogen isotopic alteration in marine sediments, Rebecca S. Robinson, Markus Kienast, Ana Luiza Albuquerque, Mark Altabet, Sergio Contreras, Ricardo De Pol Holz, Nathalie Dubois, Roger Francois, Eric Galbraith, Ting-Chang Hsu, Tara Ivanochko, Samuel Jaccard, Shuh-Ji Kao, Thorsten Kiefer, Stephanie Kienkast, Moritz Lehmann, Philippe Martinez, Matthew McCarthy, Jürgen Möbius, Tom Pedersen, Tracey M. Quan, Evgeniya Ryabenko, Andreas Schmittner, Ralph Schneider, Aya Schneider-Mor, Masahito Shigemitsu, Dan Sinclair, Christopher Somes, Anja Studer, Robert Thunell, and Jin-Yu Yang


The Development of High-Resolution Seafloor Mapping Techniques, Chris Roman, Gabrielle Inglis, J. Ian Vaughn, Clara Smart, Bertrand Douillard, and Stefan Williams


Aerosol effects on microstructure and intensity of tropical cyclones, Daniel Rosenfeld, William L. Woodley, Alexander Khain, William R. Cotton, Gustavo Carrió, Isaac Ginis, and Joseph H. Golden


Partnership proposed for ocean observation, T. Rossby


Direct measurement of volume flux in the Faroe-Shetland Channel and over the Iceland-Faroe Ridge, T. Rossby and C. N. Flagg


Aerobic microbial respiration in 86-million-year-old deep-sea red clay, Hans Røy, Jens Kallmeyer, Rishi Ram Adhikari, Robert Pockalny, Bo Barker Jørgensen, and Steven D'Hondt


Shelf‐basin exchange times of Arctic surface waters estimated from 228TH/228Ra disequilibrium, M. Rutgers van der Loeff, P. Cai, I. Stimac, D. Bauch, C. Hanfland, T. Roeske, and S. Bradley Moran


Freely dissolved PBDEs in water and porewater of an urban estuary, Victoria P. Sacks and Rainer Lohmann


Tsunami triggering mechanisms associated with the 17th cent. BC Minoan eruption of thera Volcano, Greece, Dimitris Sakellariou, Grigoris Rousakis, Paraskevi Nomikou, Kathy Croff Bell, Steve Carey, and Haraldur Sigurdsson


Late Quaternary sedimentological and climate changes at Lake Bosumtwi Ghana: New constraints from laminae analysis and radiocarbon age modeling, Timothy M. Shanahan, J. Warren Beck, Jonathan T. Overpeck, Nicholas P. McKay, Jeffrey S. Pigati, John A. Peck, Christopher A. Scholz, Clifford W. Heil, and John King