Explore scholarly publications from the Graduate School of Oceanography faculty at the University of Rhode Island.


Manuscripts from 2015


Dynamics of wind-driven estuarine-shelf exchange in the Narragansett Bay estuary, A. S. Pfeiffer-Herbert, C. R. Kincaid, D. L. Bergondo, and R. A. Pockalny


Langmuir Turbulence under Hurricane Gustav (2008), Tyler J. Rabe, Tobias Kukulka, Isaac Ginis, Tetsu Hara, Brandon G. Reichl, Eric A. D'Asaro, Ramsey R. Harcourt, and Peter Sullivan


Composition of the slab-derived fluids released beneath the Mariana forearc: Evidence for shallow dehydration of the subducting plate, Julia M. Ribeiro, Robert J. Stern, Katherine A. Kelley, Alison M. Shaw, Fernando Martinez, and Yasuhiko Ohara


Evidence for Changes in Subsurface Circulation in the Late Eocene Equatorial Pacific from Radiolarian-Bound Nitrogen Isotope Values, Rebecca S. Robinson, Theodore C. Moore, Andrea M. Erhardt, and Howie D. Scher


Concentrations, Trends, and Air-Water Exchange of PAHs and PBDEs Derived from Passive Samplers in Lake Superior in 2011, Zoe Ruge, Derek Muir, Paul Helm, and Rainer Lohmann


Experimental evolution gone wild, M. Scheinin, U. Riebesell, Tatiana A. Rynearson, K. T. Lohbeck, and S. Collins


The time-transgressive termination of the African humid period, Timothy M. Shanahan, Nicholas P. Mckay, Konrad A. Hughen, Jonathan T. Overpeck, Bette Otto-Bliesner, Clifford W. Heil, John King, Christopher A. Scholz, and John Peck


Part I Origin and Transport of Magma, Haraldur Sigurdsson


Part V Extraterrestrial Volcanism, Haraldur Sigurdsson


The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes, Haraldur Sigurdsson


The History of Volcanology, Haraldur Sigurdsson


Volcanoes in Art, Haraldur Sigurdsson


Volcanoes in Literature and Film, Haraldur Sigurdsson and Rosaly M.C. Lopes


Exploration of Life in Deep Subseafloor Sediments, David C. Smith and Steven D'Hondt


Arrival of the Fukushima Radioactivity Plume in North American Continental Waters, John N. Smith, Robin M. Brown, William J. Williams, Marie Robert, Richard Nelson, and S. Bradley Moran


Late Miocene-Quaternary fault evolution and interaction in the southern California Inner Continental Borderland, Christopher C. Sorlien, Jonathan T. Bennett, Marie-Helene Cormier, Brian A. Campbell, Craig Nicholson, and Robert L. Bauer


A type study and emended description of Haslea wawrikae (Bacillariophyta), Frithjof A.S. Sterrenburg, Friedel Hinz, and Paul E. Hargraves


Seven new species expand the morphological spectrum of Haslea. A comparison with gyrosigma and pleurosigma (Bacillariophyta), Frithjof A.S. Sterrenburg, Mary Ann Tiffany, Friedel Hinz, Wulf E. Herwig, and Paul E. Hargraves


Variation of magnetic properties in sediments from Lake Towuti, Indonesia, and its paleoclimatic significance, Gerald Tamuntuan, Satria Bijaksana, John King, James Russell, Umar Fauzi, Khoiril Maryunani, Nurul Aufa, and La Ode Safiuddin


Evaluation and management implications of uncertainty in a multispecies size‐structured model of population and community responses to fishing, Robert B. Thorpe, Will J. F. Le Quesne, Fay Luxford, Jeremy S. Collie, and Simon Jennings


Assessing uncertainty in a multispecies age-structured assessment framework: The effects of data limitations and model assumptions, Kray F. Van Kirk, Terrance J. Quinn, Jeremy S. Collie, and Z. T. A'Mar


Bacterial Diversity and Community Composition from Seasurface to Subseafloor, Emily A. Walsh, John B. Kirkpatrick, Scott D. Rutherford, David C. Smith, Mitchell Sogin, and Steven D'Hondt


Bacterial and Archaeal Biogeography of the Deep Chlorophyll Maximum in the South Pacific Gyre, Emily A. Walsh, David C. Smith, Mitchell L. Sogin, and Steven D'Hondt


New Insights into Landslide Processes Around Volcanic Islands from Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Observations Offshore Montserrat, S. F.L. Watt, M. Jutzeler, P. J. Talling, Steven Carey, R. S.J. Sparks, M. Tucker, A. J. Stinton, J. K. Fisher, D. Wall-Palmer, V. Huhnerbach, and S. G. Moreton


Detection and quantification of oil under sea ice: The view from below, J. P. Wilkinson, T. Boyd, B. Hagen, T. Maksym, S. Pegau, Chris Roman, H. Singh, and L. Zabilansky


Ocean modeling with flexible initialization for improved coupled tropical cyclone-ocean model prediction, Richard M. Yablonsky, Isaac Ginis, and Biju Thomas


Description and Analysis of the Ocean Component of NOAA’s Operational Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) Model, Richard M. Yablonsky, Isaac Ginis, Biju Thomas, Vijay Tallapragada, Dmitry Sheinin, and Ligia Bernardet


Ocean versus atmosphere control on western European wintertime temperature variability, Ayako Yamamoto, Jaime B. Palter, M. Susan Lozier, Michel S. Bourqui, and Susan J. Leadbetter


The Influence of Sea Ice and Snow Cover and Nutrient Availability on the Formation of Massive Under-Ice Phytoplankton Blooms in the Chukchi Sea, Jinlun Zhang, Carin Ashjian, Robert Campbell, Yvette H. Spitz, Michael Steele, and Victoria Hill


Simulation of Observed PCBs and Pesticides in the Water Column during the North Atlantic Bloom Experiment, Lin Zhang, Louis Thibodeaux, Lee Jones, and Rainer Lohmann


Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau from Joint Analysis of Receiver Functions and Rayleigh Wave Dispersions, Dan Zheng, Hongyi Li, Yang Shen, Jing Tan, Longbin Ouyang, and Xinfu Lu

Manuscripts from 2014


Icehouse–Greenhouse Variations in Marine Denitrification, T. J. Algeo, P. A. Meyers, Rebecca S. Robinson, H. Rowe, and G. Q. Jiang


Near-Bottom Circulation and Dispersion of Sediment Containing Alexandrium fundyense Cysts in the Gulf of Maine During 2010–2011, Alfredo L. Aretxabaleta, Bradford Butman, Richard P. Signell, P. Soupy Dalyander, Christopher R. Sherwood, Vitalii A. Sheremet, and Dennis J. McGillicuddy Jr.


List of Reviewers, Wolfgang Bach, Jan Backmann, Ian Bailey, Peter Barrett, Gail Christeson, Mike Coffin, Thomas M. Cronin, André Droxler, Christian Dullo, Patrick Fulton, Joris Gieskes, Eberhard Gischler, Rob Harris, Roland von Huene, Eystein Jansen, Anna H. Kaksonen, Mike Kaminski, Dick Kroon, Mark A. Lever, Karen G. Lloyd, Andrew McCaig, Lisa McNeil, Heath Mills, Juli Morgan, Satoshi Nakagawa, David Naafs, Clive Neal, Geoff Wheat, Laura de Santis, Axel Schippers, Stefan Sievert, John Sinton, David C. Smith, Glenn Spinelli, Alfred Spormann, and Yohey Suzuki


Long-term variability of sea surface temperature in Taiwan Strait, Igor M. Belkin and Ming-An Lee


Stability in marine fish communities, Richard J. Bell, Michael J. Fogarty, and Jeremy S. Collie


Rapid Eddy-Induced Modification of Subtropical Mode Water During the Kuroshio Extension System Study, Stuart P. Bishop and D. Randolph Watts


Variations in Fe3+/∑Fe of Mariana Arc Basalts and Mantle Wedge fO2, M. N. Brounce, K. A. Kelley, and E. Cottrell


Global Observations of Quasi-Zonal Bands in Microwave Sea Surface Temperature, C. E. Buckingham, P. C. Cornillon, F. Schloesser, and K. M. Obenour


Tropical Cyclone–Induced Thermocline Warming and Its Regional and Global Impacts, Michael R. Bueti, Isaac Ginis, Lewis M. Rothstein, and Stephen M. Griffies


Three-Dimensional Double-Ridge Internal Tide Resonance in Luzon Strait, Maarten C. Buijsman, Jody M. Klymak, Sonya Legg, Matthew H. Alford, David Farmer, Jennifer A. MacKinnon, Jonathan D. Nash, Jae-Hun Park, Andy Pickering, and Harper Simmons


Volatile Cycling of H2O, CO2, F, and Cl in the HIMU Mantle: A New Window Provided by Melt Inclusions from Oceanic Hot Spot Lavas at Mangaia, Cook Islands, Rita A. Cabral, Matthew G. Jackson, Kenneth T. Koga, Estelle F. Rose-Koga, Erik H. Hauri, Martin J. Whitehouse, Allison A. Price, James M.D. Day, Nobumichi Shimizu, and Katherine A. Kelley


Integrated volcanologic and petrologic analysis of the 1650AD eruption of Kolumbo submarine volcano, Greece, Kathleen Cantner, Steven Carey, and Paraskevi Nomikou


Assessing organic contaminant fluxes from contaminated sediments following dam removal in an urbanized river, Mark G. Cantwell, Monique M. Perron, Julia C. Sullivan, David R. Katz, Robert M. Burgess, and John King


On the spatial structure and temporal variability of poleward transport between Scotland and Greenland, L. Chafik, T. Rossby, and C. Schrum


Magnetic properties of uncultivated magnetotactic bacteria and their contribution to a stratified estuary iron cycle, A. P. Chen, Veronica M. Berounsky, M. K. Chan, M. G. Blackford, C. Cady, B. M. Moskowitz, P. Kraal, E. A. Lima, R. E. Kopp, G. R. Lumpkin, B. P. Weiss, P. Hesse, and N. G. F. Vella


Baroclinic Transport Time Series of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current Measured in Drake Passage, María Paz Chidichimo, Kathleen A. Donohue, D. Randolph Watts, and Karen L. Tracey


Direct velocity observations of volume flux between Iceland and the Shetland Islands, Katelin H. Childers, Charles N. Flagg, and Thomas Rossby


Evolutionary potential of marine phytoplankton under ocean acidification, Sinéad Collins, Björn Rost, and Tatiana A. Rynearson


Geoacoustic Inversion of Ship Radiated Noise in Shallow Water Using Data from a Single Hydrophone, Steven E. Crocker, Peter L. Nielsen, James H. Miller, and Martin Siderius


The Underground Economy (Energetic Constraints of Subseafloor Life), Steven D'Hondt, Guizhi Wang, and Arthur J. Spivack


Plume-slab interaction: The Samoa-Tonga system, K. A. Druken, C. Kincaid, R. W. Griffiths, D. R. Stegman, and S. R. Hart


Early reproduction by Calanus glacialis in the Northern Bering Sea: The role of ice algae as revealed by molecular analysis, Edward G. Durbin and Maria C. Casas


Physical characteristics of tephra layers in the deep sea realm: The campanian ignimbrite eruption, S. L. Engwell, R. S.J. Sparks, and S. Carey


Special issue of 16th PAMS Meeting: Recent advances in the oceanography of Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas, David Farmer, Sen Jan, Yu heng Tseng, Dongliang Yuan, and Sang Ho Lee


Benthic metabolism and nutrient regeneration in hydrographically different regions on the inner continental shelf of Southern New England, Lindsey Fields, Scott W. Nixon, Candace Oviatt, and Robinson W. Fulweiler


Exploring New Drilling Prospects in the Southwest Pacific, S. J. Gallagher, N. Exon, M. Seton, M. Ikehara, C. J. Hollis, R. Arculus, Steven D'Hondt, C. Foster, M. Gurnis, J. P. Kennett, R. McKay, A. Malakoff, J. Mori, K. Takai, and L. Wallace


Upper Mantle Structure of the Cascades from Full-Wave Ambient Noise Tomography: Evidence for 3D Mantle Upwelling in the Back-Arc, Haiying Gao and Yang Shen


On the Generation of Roll Vortices Due to the Inflection Point Instability of the Hurricane Boundary Layer Flow, Kun Gao and Isaac Ginis


Diurnal Variability of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Atmosphere Over the Remote Southern Atlantic Ocean, Rosalinda Gioia, Matthew MacLeod, Javier Castro-Jiménez, Luca Nizzetto, Jordi Dachs, Rainer Lohmann, and Kevin C. Jones


Large Eddy Simulation of Sediment Transport Over Rippled Beds, J. C. Harris and Stephan Grilli


Active Pacific North America Plate boundary tectonics as evidenced by seismicity in the oceanic lithosphere offshore Baja California, Mexico, Egill Hauksson, Hiroo Kanamori, Joann Stock, Marie-Helene Cormier, and Mark Legg


Investigating the Effects of Mobile Bottom Fishing on Benthic Biota: A Systematic Review Protocol, Kathryn M. Hughes, Michel J. Kaiser, Simon Jennings, Robert A. McConnaughey, Roland Pitcher, Ray Hilborn, Ricardo O. Amoroso, Jeremy Collie, Jan Geert Hiddink, Ana M. Parma, and Adriaan Rijnsdorp


Reconstruction of Pacific Ocean Bottom Water Salinity During the Last Glacial Maximum, Tania Lado Insua, Arthur J. Spivack, Dennis Graham, Steven D'Hondt, and Kathryn Moran


Revised estimates for the volume of the late bronze age minoan eruption, santorini, Greece, E. N. Johnston, R. S.J. Sparks, J. C. Phillips, and S. Carey


The contribution of the Weddell Gyre to the lower limb of the Global Overturning Circulation, Loïc Jullion, Alberto C. Naveira Garabato, Sheldon Bacon, Michael P. Meredith, Pete J. Brown, Sinhue Torres-Valdés, Kevin G. Speer, Paul R. Holland, Jun Dong, Dorothée Bakker, Mario Hoppema, Brice Loose, Hugh J. Venables, William J. Jenkins, Marie-José Messias, and Eberhard Fahrbach


Inside earth runs hot and cold, Katherine A. Kelley


Exploration of the 1891 Foerstner submarine vent site (Pantelleria, Italy): Insights into the formation of basaltic balloons, Joshua T. Kelly, Steven Carey, Marco Pistolesi, Mauro Rosi, Katherine Lynn Croff-Bell, Chris Roman, and Michael Marani


Trophodynamic behavior of hydrophobic organic contaminants in the aquatic food web of a tidal river, Mohammed A. Khairy, Michael P. Weinstein, and Rainer Lohmann


Spatial trends, sources, and air-water exchange of organochlorine pesticides in the Great Lakes basin using low density polyethylene passive samplers, Mohammed Khairy, Derek Muir, Camilla Teixeira, and Rainer Lohmann


A comparison of top-down and bottom-up approaches to benthic habitat mapping to inform offshore wind energy development, Monique LaFrance, John W. King, Bryan A. Oakley, and Sheldon Pratt


The Distribution of the Mid-to-Lower Crustal Low-Velocity Zone Beneath the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau Revealed from Ambient Noise Tomography, Hongyi Li, Yang Shen, Zhongxian Huang, Xinfu Li, Meng Gong, Danian Shi, Eric Sandoval, and Aibeng Li


Crustal Velocity Structure of the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau from Ambient Noise Surface-Wave Tomography and its Tectonic Implications, Xinfu Li, Hongyi Li, Yang Shen, Meng Gong, Danian Shi, Eric Sandvol, and Aibing Li


Organic Pollutants and Ocean Fronts Across the Atlantic Ocean: A Review, Rainer Lohmann and Igor M. Belkin


The Five Stable Noble Gases are Sensitive Unambiguous Tracers of Glacial Meltwater, B. Loose and W. J. Jenkins


A Parameter Model of Gas Exchange for the Seasonal Sea Ice Zone, Brice Loose, W. R. McGillis, D. Perovich, C. J. Zappa, and P. Schlosser


The Impact of Slab Dip Variations, Gaps and Rollback on Mantle Wedge Flow: Insights from Fluids Experiments, Julia G. MacDougall, Chris Kincaid, Sara Szwaja, and Karen M. Fischer


Estimates of Micro-, Nano-, and Picoplankton Contributions to Particle Export in the Northeast Pacific, B. L. Mackinson, S. Bradley Moran, M. W. Lomas, G. M. Stewart, and R. P. Kelly


Fine-scale spatial patterns in the demersal fish and invertebrate community in a northwest Atlantic ecosystem, Anna J. Malek, Jeremy S. Collie, and James Gartland


Significance of Population Centers As Sources of Gaseous and Dissolved PAHs in the Lower Great Lakes, Carie A. McDonough, Mohammed A. Khairy, Derek C G Muir, and Rainer Lohmann


The Western Maine Coastal Current reduces primary production rates, zooplankton abundance and benthic nutrient fluxes in Massachusetts Bay, M. Conor McManus, Candace A. Oviatt, Anne E. Giblin, Jane Tucker, and Jefferson T. Turner


The Western Maine Coastal Current reduces primary production rates, zooplankton abundance and benthic nutrient fluxes in Massachusetts Bay, M. Conor McManus, Candace A. Oviatt, Anne E. Giblin, Jane Tucker, and Jefferson T. Turner


Many ways to stay in the game: Individual variability maintains high biodiversity in planktonic microorganisms, Susanne Menden-Deuer and Julie Rowlett


Pacific freshening drives Pliocene cooling and Asian monsoon intensification, Junsheng Nie, Thomas Stevens, Yongui Song, John W. King, Rui Zhang, Shunchuan Ji, Lisha Gong, and Danielle Cares


Tsunami hazard risk of a future volcanic eruption of Kolumbo submarine volcano, NE of Santorini Caldera, Greece, P. Nomikou, S. Carey, K. L.C. Bell, D. Papanikolaou, K. Bejelou, K. Cantner, D. Sakellariou, and I. Perros


The detection of volcanic debris avalanches (VDAs) along the Hellenic volcanic arc, through marine geophysical techniques, P. Nomikou, D. Papanikolaou, A. Tibaldi, S. Carey, I. Livanos, K. L.C. Bell, F. A. Pasquarè, and G. Rousakis


The emergence and growth of a submarine volcano: The Kameni islands, Santorini (Greece), P. Nomikou, M. M. Parks, D. Papanikolaou, D. M. Pyle, T. A. Mather, Steven Carey, A. B. Watts, M. Paulatto, M. L. Kalnins, I. Livanos, K. Bejelou, E. Simou, and I. Perros


Post Eruption inflation of the East Pacific Rise at 9°50′ N, Scott L. Nooner, Spahr C. Webb, W. Roger Buck, and Marie-Helene Cormier


Changing pH in the Surface Ocean, Michael E.Q. Pilson


Black Carbon Concentrations and Sources in the Marine Boundary Layer of the Tropical Atlantic Ocean using Four Methodologies, K. Pohl, M. Cantwell, P. Herckes, and Rainer Lohmann


Targeted search for actinomycetes from nearshore and deep-sea marine sediments, Alejandra Prieto-Davó, Luis J. Villarreal-Gómez, Stephanie Forschner-Dancause, Alan T. Bull, James E.M. Stach, David C. Smith, David C. Rowley, and Paul R. Jensen


Sea State Dependence of the Wind Stress Over the Ocean Under Hurricane Winds, Brandon G. Reichl, Tetsu Hara, and Isaac Ginis


The changing roles of iron and vertical mixing in regulating nitrogen and silicon cycling in the Southern Ocean over the last glacial cycle, Rebecca S. Robinson, Mark A. Brzezinski, Charlotte P. Beucher, Matthew G.S. Horn, and Patrick Bedsole


Expansion of pelagic denitrification during early Pleistocene cooling, Rebecca S. Robinson, Johan Etourneau, Philippe M. Martinez, and Ralph Schneider


On the structure and distribution of thin anticyclonic lenses in the southeast pacific ocean, T. Rossby


On the long-term stability of Gulf Stream transport based on 20 years of direct measurements, T. Rossby, C. N. Flagg, K. Donohue, A. Sanchez-Franks, and J. Lillibridge


First Evidence for the Presence of Iron Oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria at the Levantine Continental Margins, Maxim Rubin-Blum, Gilad Antler, Rami Tsadok, Eli Shemesh, James A. Austin Jr., Dwight F. Coleman, Beverly N. Goodman-Tchernov, Zvi Ben-Avraham, and Dan Tchernov


Glacial forcing of central Indonesian hydroclimate since 60,000 y B.P., James M. Russell, Hendrik Vogel, Bronwen L. Konecky, Satria Bijaksana, Yongsong Huang, Martin Melles, Nigel Wattrus, Kassandra Costa, and John W. King


A comparison of transport and position between the Gulf Stream east of Cape Hatteras and the Florida Current, A. Sanchez-Franks, C. N. Flagg, and T. Rossby


Determination of in situ dissolved inorganic carbon concentration and alkalinity for marine sedimentary porewater, Justine Sauvage, Arthur J. Spivack, Richard W. Murray, and Steven D'Hondt