Manuscripts from 2010
Sonar constrained stereo correspondence for three-dimensional seafloor reconstruction, Gabrielle Inglis and Chris Roman
Seasonal movement of the American horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus in a semi-enclosed bay on Cape Cod, Massachusetts (USA) as determined by acoustic telemetry, Mary-Jane James-Pirri
Mantle melting as a function of water content beneath the Mariana arc, Katherine A. Kelley, Terry Plank, Sally Newman, Edward M. Stolper, Timothy L. Grove, Stephen Parman, and Erik H. Hauri
Emplacement of magma in Eastern Iceland dikes: Insights from magnetic fabric and rock magnetic analyses, C. Kissel, C. Laj, H. Sigurdsson, and H. Guillou
Simulations of tephra dispersal from the 1991 explosive eruptions of Hudson volcano, Chile, David J. Kratzmann, Steven N. Carey, Julie Fero, Roberto A. Scasso, and Jose Antonio Naranjo
Role of cryptic amphibole crystallization in magma differentiation at Hudson volcano, Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile, David J. Kratzmann, Steven Carey, Roberto A. Scasso, and Jose Antonio Naranjo
Simulating property exchange in estuarine ecosystem models at ecologically appropriate scales, James N. Kremer, Jamie M.P. Vaudrey, Dave S. Ullman, Deanna L. Bergondo, Nicole LaSota, Chris Kincaid, Dan L. Codiga, and Mark J. Brush
Using geological history of the Laurentian Great Lakes to better understand their future, C. F.M. Lewis, D. K. Rea, J. B. Hubeny, T. A. Thompson, S. M. Blasco, J. W. King, M. Reddin, and T. C. Moore
Deposition of Dissolved and Particulate-Bound Chemicals from the Surface Ocean, Rainer Lohmann and Jordi Dachs
Global aquatic passive sampling (AQUA-GAPS): Using passive samplers to monitor POPs in the waters of the world, Rainer Lohmann and Derek Muir
Response to comment on "global aquatic sampling (aqua-gaps): Using passive samplers to monitor pops in the waters of the world", Rainer Lohmann and Derek Muir
Increase in water column denitrification during the last deglaciation: the influence of oxygen demand in the eastern equatorial Pacific, P. Martinez and Rebecca S. Robinson
Role of mangroves as nurseries for French grunt Haemulon flavolineatum and schoolmaster Lutjanus apodus assessed by otolith elemental fingerprints, Ivan Mateo, Edward G. Durbin, Richard S. Appeldoorn, Aaron J. Adams, Francis Juanes, Richard Kingsley, Peter Swart, and Daisy Durant
Seasonal distribution of dissolved inorganic carbon and net community production on the Bering Sea shelf, J. T. Mathis, J. N. Cross, N. R. Bates, S. Bradley Moran, M. W. Lomas, C. W. Mordy, and P. J. Stabeno
Control system performance and efficiency for a mid-depth Lagrangian profiling float, Bryan McGilvray and Chris Roman
Drifters in the Gulf Stream, G. G. McGrath, T. Rossby, and J. T. Merrill
Inherent High Correlation of Individual Motility Enhances Population Dispersal in a Heterotrophic, Planktonic Protist, Susanne Menden-Deuer
Structure-dependent, protistan grazing and its implication for the formation, maintenance and decline of plankton patches, Susanne Menden-Deuer and Kerri Fredrickson
PAH mineralization and bacterial organotolerance in surface sediments of the Charleston Harbor estuary, Michael T. Montgomery, Thomas J. Boyd, Christopher L. Osburn, and David C. Smith
Dietary uptake from historically contaminated sediments as a source of pcbs to migratory fish and invertebrates in an urban estuary, Eric J. Morgan and Rainer Lohmann
Optical determination of phytoplankton size composition from global SeaWiFS imagery, Colleen B. Mouw and James A. Yoder
Consistent grain size distribution of pedogenic maghemite of surface soils and Miocene loessic soils on the Chinese loess plateau, Junsheng Nie, Yougui Song, John W. King, and Ramon Egli
HIRM variations in the Chinese red-clay sequence: Insights into pedogenesis in the dust source area, Junsheng Nie, Yougui Song, John W. King, Xiaomin Fang, and Clifford Heil
Atlantic ocean surface waters buffer declining atmospheric concentrations of persistent organic pollutants, Luca Nizzetto, Rainer Lohmann, Rosalinda Gioia, Jordi Dachs, and Kevin C. Jones
A marked gradient in δ13C values of clams Mercenaria mercenaria across a marine embayment may reflect variations in ecosystem metabolism, Autumn J. Oczkowski, Michael E.Q. Pilson, and Scott W. Nixon
Plio-Pleistocene trends in ice rafted debris on the Lomonosov Ridge, Matthew O'Regan, Kristen St. John, Kathryn Moran, Jan Backman, John King, Brian A. Haley, Martin Jakobsson, Martin Frank, and Ursula Röhl
Distribution of deep near-inertial waves observed in the Kuroshio Extension, Jae Hun Park, Kathleen A. Donohue, D. Randolph Watts, and Luc Rainville
Blue is the desert color of the sea. Where does this sentence come from?, Michael E.Q. Pilson
Fore‐arc basalts and subduction initiation in the Izu‐Bonin‐ Mariana system, Mark K. Reagan, Osamu Ishizuka, Robert J. Stern, Katherine A. Kelley, Yasuhiko Ohara, Janne Blichert-Toft, Sherman H. Bloomer, Jennifer Cash, Patricia Fryer, Barry B. Hanan, Rosemary Hickey-Vargas, Teruaki Ishii, Jun-Ichi Kimura, David W. Peate, Michael C. Rowe, and Melinda Woods
Mesopelagic zone ecology and biogeochemistry - A synthesis, Carol Robinson, Deborah K. Steinberg, Thomas R. Anderson, Javier Arístegui, Craig A. Carlson, Jessica R. Frost, Jean François Ghiglione, Santiago Hernández-León, George A. Jackson, Rolf Koppelmann, Bernard Quéguiner, Olivier Ragueneau, Fereidoun Rassoulzadegan, Bruce H. Robison, Christian Tamburini, Tsuneo Tanaka, Karen F. Wishner, and Jing Zhang
South Atlantic mass transports obtained from subsurface float and hydrographic data, Regina R. Rodrigues, Mark Wimbush, D. Randolph Watts, Lewis M. Rothstein, and Michel Ollitrault
Application of Structured Light Imaging for High Resolution Mapping of Underwater Archaeological Sites, Chris Roman, Gabrielle Inglis, and James Rutter
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles as Tools for Deep-Submergence Archaeology, Christopher N. Roman and Ian Roderick Mather
On the variability of Gulf Stream transport from seasonal to decadal timescales, T. Rossby, C. Flagg, and K. Donohue
Coastal New England pilot study to determine fossil and biogenic formaldehyde source contributions using radiocarbon, Haiwei Shen, Brian G. Heikes, John T. Merrill, Ann P. McNichol, and Li Xu
Comparison of methods for integrating biological and physical data for marine habitat mapping and classification, E. J. Shumchenia and J. W. King
Evaluation of sediment profile imagery as a tool for assessing water quality in Greenwich Bay, Rhode Island, USA, Emily J. Shumchenia and John W. King
Impacts of Climate Change on Narragansett Bay, Leslie Smith, Sandra Whitehouse, and Candace A. Oviatt
Effects of the dioxin-like PCB 126 on larval summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus), Bruno Soffientino, Diane E. Nacci, and Jennifer L. Specker
Asphalt volcanoes as a potential source of methane to late Pleistocene coastal waters, David L. Valentine, Christopher M. Reddy, Christopher Farwell, Tessa M. Hill, Oscar Pizarro, Dana R. Yoerger, Richard Camilli, Robert K. Nelson, Emily E. Peacock, Sarah C. Bagby, Brian A. Clarke, Christopher N. Roman, and Morgan Soloway
A multispecies age-structured assessment model for the Gulf of Alaska, Kray F. van Kirk, Terrance J. Quinn, and Jeremy S. Collie
Wavenumber Spectrum in the Gulf Stream from Shipboard ADCP Observations and Comparison with Altimetry Measurements, Dong-Ping Wang, Charles N. Flagg, Kathleen A. Donohue, and Hans Thomas Rossby
Gibbs energies of reaction and microbial mutualism in anaerobic deep subseafloor sediments of ODP Site 1226, Guizhi Wang, Arthur J. Spivack, and Steven D'Hondt
Are trends in SeaWiFS chlorophyll time-series unusual relative to historic variability, James A. Yoder, Maureen A. Kennelly, Scott C. Doney, and Ivan D. Lima
Modeling the impact of declining sea ice on the Arctic marine planktonic ecosystem, Jinlun Zhang, Yvette H. Spitz, Michael Steele, Carin Ashjian, Robert Campbell, Léo Berline, and Patricia Matrai
Cycling of PCBs and HCB in the surface ocean-lower atmosphere of the open pacific, Lin Zhang and Rainer Lohmann
Unsplit complex frequency-shifted PML implementation using auxiliary differential equations for seismic wave modeling, Wei Zhang and Yang Shen
Glacial geomorphology and glacial history of the Muzart River valley, Tianshan Range, China, Jingdong Zhao, Yougui Song, John W. King, Shiyin Liu, Jie Wang, and Min Wu
Dust Storms Come to Central and Southwestern China, Too: Implications from a Major Dust Event in Chongqing, Q. Zhao, K. He, K. A. Rahn, Y. Ma, Y. Jia, F. Yang, F. Duan, Y. Lei, G. Chen, Y. Cheng, H. Liu, and S. Wang
Manuscripts from 2009
A regional scale modeling analysis of aerosol and trace gas distributions over the eastern Pacific during the INTEX-B field campaign, D. Adhikary, Brian G. Heikes, and et al
Manifestation of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation in the Kuroshio, Magdalena Andres, Jae-Hun Park, Mark Wimbush, Xiao-Hua Zhu, Hirohiko Nakamura, Kuh Kim, and Kyung-Il Chang
Coastal Lagoons and Climate Change: Ecological and Social Ramifications in the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coast Ecosystems, Abigail Anthony, Joshua Atwood, Peter V. August, Carrie Byron, J. Stanley Cobb, Cheryl Foster, Crystal Fry, Arthur Gold, Kifle Hagos, Leanna Heffner, D. Q. Kellogg, Kimberly Lellis-Dibble, James J. Opaluch, Candace A. Oviatt, Anna Pfeiffer-Herbert, Nicole Rohr, Leslie Smith, Tiffany Smythe, Judith Swift, and Nathan Vinhateiro
Measurements of Sea Surface Height Variability in the Eastern South Atlantic from Pressure Sensor–Equipped Inverted Echo Sounders: Baroclinic and Barotropic Components, Sheekela Baker-Yeboah, D. Randolph Watts, and Deirdre A. Byrne
Extraction and determination of trinitrotoluenes and products of their biotransformation in soil samples, Jitka Bečanová, Zdeněk Friedl, and Zdeněk Šimek
Fronts in Large Marine Ecosystems, Igor M. Belkin, Peter C. Cornillon, and Kenneth Sherman
Serving GODAE Data and Products to the Ocean Community, Jon D. Blower, Frederique Blanc, Mike Clancy, Peter C. Cornillon, Craig Donlon, Peter Hacker, Keith Haines, Steve C. Hankin, Thomas Loubrie, Sylvie Pouliquen, Martin Price, Timothy F. Pugh, and Ashwanth Srinivasan
North Adriatic tides: Observations, variational data assimilation modeling, and linear tide dynamics, Jeffrey W. Book, Henry Perkins, and Mark Wimbush
Vertical structure of bottom Ekman tidal flows: Observations, theory, and modeling from the northern Adriatic, J. W. Book, P. J. Martin, I. Janeković, M. Kuzmić, and Mark Wimbush
Ghrelin in the summer flounder: Immunolocalization to the gastric glands and action on plasma cortisol levels, Jason P. Breves, Philip A. Veillette, and Jennifer L. Specker
A 1000-year record of dry conditions in the eastern Canadian prairies reconstructed from oxygen and carbon isotope measurements on Lake Winnipeg sediment organics, William Mark Buhay, Shawna Simpson, Harvey Thorleifson, Mike Lewis, John King, Alice Telka, Paul Wilkinson, Jeff Babb, Sandra Timsic, and Dan Bailey
Spherulite crystallization induces Fe-redox redistribution in silicic melt, Jonathan M. Castro, Elizabeth Cottrell, Hugh Tuffen, Amelia V. Logan, and Katherine A. Kelley
US GODAE: Global Ocean Prediction with the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM), Eric P. Chassignet, Harley E. Hurlburt, E. Joseph Metzger, Ole Martin Smedstad, James A. Cummings, George R. Halliwell, Rainer Bleck, Remy Baraille, Alan J. Wallcraft, Carlos Lozano, Hendrik L. Tolman, Ashwanth Srinivasan, Steven Hankin, Peter C. Cornillon, Robert Weisberg, Alexander Barth, Ruoying He, Francisco Werner, and John Wilkin
Strong bottom currents and cyclogenesis in Drake Passage, T. K. Chereskin, K. A. Donohue, D. R. Watts, K. L. Tracey, Y. L. Firing, and A. L. Cutting
Narragansett Bay hypoxic event characteristics based on fixed-site monitoring network time series: Intermittency, geographic distribution, spatial synchronicity, and interannual variability, Daniel L. Codiga, Heather E. Stoffel, Christopher F. Deacutis, Susan Kiernan, and Candace A. Oviatt
End-to-end foodweb control of fish production on Georges Bank, Jeremy S. Collie, Dian J. Gifford, and John H. Steele
Recolonization of gravel habitats on Georges Bank (northwest Atlantic), Jeremy S. Collie, Jerome M. Hermsen, and Page C. Valentine
NVODS and the Development of OPeNDAP, Peter C. Cornillon, Jennifer Adams, M. Benno Blumenthal, Eric Chassignet, Ethan Davis, Steve Hankin, James Kinter, Roy Mendelssohn, James T. Potemra, Ashwanth Srinivasan, and Joseph Sirott
High-precision determination of iron oxidation state in silicate glasses using XANES, Elizabeth Cottrell, Katherine A. Kelley, Antonio Lanzirotti, and Rebecca A. Fischer
Controls on sedimentary nitrogen isotopes along the Chile margin, Ricardo De Pol-Holz, Rebecca S. Robinson, Dierk Hebbeln, Daniel M. Sigman, and Osvaldo Ulloa
Subseafloor Sedimentary Life in the South Pacific Gyre, Steven D'Hondt, Arthur J. Spivack, Robert Pockalny, Timothy G. Ferdelman, Jan P. Fischer, Jens Kallmeyer, Lewis J. Abrams, David C. Smith, Dennis Graham, Franciszek Hasiuk, Heather Schrum, and Andrea M. Stancin
Hydrometeor‐enhanced tephra sedimentation: Constraints from the 18 May 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, A. J. Durant, W. I. Rose, A. M. Sarna-Wojcicki, Steven Carey, and A. C. M. Volentik
The Effect of Wind–Wave–Current Interaction on Air–Sea Momentum Fluxes and Ocean Response in Tropical Cyclones, Yalin Fan, Isaac Ginis, and Tetsu Hara
Numerical Simulations and Observations of Surface Wave Fields under an Extreme Tropical Cyclone, Yalin Fan, Isaac Ginis, Tetsu Hara, C. Wayne Wright, and Edward J. Walsh
Internal wave observations in the South China sea: The role of rotation and non-linearity, David Farmer, Qiang Li, and Jae Hun Park
Simulating the dispersal of tephra from the 1991 Pinatubo eruption: Implications for the formation of widespread ash layers, Julie Fero, Steven N. Carey, and John T. Merrill
Oxygen penetration deep into the sediment of the South Pacific gyre, J. P. Fischer, T. G. Ferdelman, Steven D'Hondt, H. Røy, and F. Wenzhöfer
Fisheries Overview, M. J. Fogarty and J. S. Collie
The 2005 Chios Ancient Shipwreck Survey: New Methods for Underwater Archaeology, Brendan P. Foley, Katerina Dellaporta, Dimitris Sakellariou, Brian S. Bingham, Richard Camilli, Ryan M. Eustice, Dionysis Evagelistis, Vicki Lynn Ferrini, Kostas Katsaros, Dimitris Kourkoumelis, Aggelos Mallios, Paraskevi Micha, David A. Mindell, Christopher Roman, Hanumant Singh, David S. Switzer, and Theotokis Theodoulou
Comparing polychaete and polyethylene uptake to assess sediment resuspension effects on PCB bioavailability, Carey L. Friedman; Robert M. Burgess; Monique M. Perron; Mark G. Cantwell; Kay T, Ho; and Rainer Lohmann
Functional diversity in a marine fish community, Dian J. Gifford, Jeremy S. Collie, and John H. Steele
Applications of Satellite-Derived Ocean Measurements to Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasting, Gustavo Goni, Mark DeMaria, John Knaff, Charles Sampson, Isaac Ginis, Francis Bringas, Alberto Mavume, Chris Lauer, I.-I. Lin, M. M. Ali, Paul Sandery, Silvana Ramos-Buarque, KiRyong Kang, Avichal Mehra, Eric Chassignet, and George Halliwell
Deep cyclogenesis by synoptic eddies interacting with a seamount, Andrew D. Greene, Georgi G. Sutyrin, and D. Randolph Watts
Turbulent supply of nutrients to phytoplankton at the New England shelf break front, Burke Hales, Dave Hebert, and John Marra
High-resolution surveys of the biogeochemistry of the New England shelfbreak front during Summer, 2002, Burke Hales, Robert D. Vaillancourt, Laura Prieto, John Marra, Robert Houghton, and Dave Hebert
Paleomagnetism and environmental magnetism of GLAD800 sediment cores from Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho, Clifford W. Heil, John W. King, Joseph G. Rosenbaum, Richard L. Reynolds, and Steven M. Colman
A method for determining the nitrogen isotopic composition of porphyrins, Meytal B. Higgins, Rebecca S. Robinson, Karen L. Casciotti, Matthew R. McIlvin, and Ann Pearson
The fissure swarm of the Askja volcanic system along the divergent plate boundary of N Iceland, Ásta Rut Hjartardóttir, Páll Einarsson, and Haraldur Sigurdsson
Cross-shelf circulation and phytoplankton distribution at the summertime New England shelfbreak front, Robert W. Houghton, Robert D. Vaillancourt, John Marra, Dave Hebert, and Burke Hales
Stream-coordinate structure and variability of the Kuroshio Extension, Penelope J. Howe, Kathleen A. Donohue, and D. Randolph Watts
Anthropogenic influences on estuarine sedimentation and ecology: Examples from the varved sediments of the Pettaquamscutt River Estuary, Rhode Island, J. Bradford Hubeny, John W. King, and Mark Cantwell
Terrain Constrained Stereo Correspondence, Gabrielle Inglis and Chris Roman
Effects of Open Marsh Water Management on Numbers of Larval Salt Marsh Mosquitoes, Mary-Jane James-Pirri, Howard S. Ginsberg, R. Michael Erwin, and Janith Taylor
The Kuroshio Extension and its recirculation gyres, Steven R. Jayne, Nelson G. Hogg, Stephanie N. Waterman, Luc Rainville, Kathleen A. Donohue, D. Randolph Watts, Karen L. Tracey, Julie L. McClean, Mathew E. Maltrud, Bo Qiu, Shuiming Chen, and Peter Hacker
An improved electroelution method for separation of DNA from humic substances in marine sediment DNA extracts: Research article, Jens Kallmeyer and David C. Smith
Erratum: Water and the oxidation state of subduction zone magmas (Science (605)), K. A. Kelley and E. Cottrell
Water and the oxidation state of subduction zone magmas, Katherine A. Kelley and Elizabeth Cottrell
Compositional variations and magma mixing in the 1991 eruptions of Hudson volcano, Chile, David J. Kratzmann, Steven Carey, Roberto Scasso, and Jose Antonio Naranjo
Erratum: Compositional variations and magma mixing in the 1991 eruptions of Hudson volcano, Chile (Bulletin of Volcanology 10.1007/s00445-008-0234-x), David J. Kratzmann, Steven Carey, Roberto Scasso, and Jose Antonio Naranjo
Toward extraplanetary under-ice exploration: Robotic steps in the arctic, Clayton Kunz, Chris Murphy, Hanumant Singh, Claire Pontbriand, Robert A. Sohn, Sandipa Singh, Taichi Sato, Chris Roman, Ko Ichi Nakamura, Michael Jakuba, Ryan Eustice, Richard Camilli, and John Bailey
The invasive colonial ascidian Didemnum vexillum on Georges Bank - Ecological effects and genetic identification, Nicole L. Lengyel, Jeremy S. Collie, and Page C. Valentine