Explore scholarly publications from the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering faculty at the University of Rhode Island.


Submissions from 2010


Design and implementation of a special purpose embedded system for neural machine interface, Xiaorong Zhang, He Huang, and Qing Yang

Submissions from 2009


An optimal spatial filtering electrode for brain computer interface, W. G. Besio, S. M. Kay, and X. Liu


Noise enhanced nonparametric detection, Hao Chen, Pramod K. Varshney, Steven Kay, and James H. Michels


Adaptive simulation sampling using an autoregressive framework, Sharookh Daruwalla, Resit Sendag, and Joshua Yi


User behavior modeling in peer-to-peer file sharing networks: Dissecting download and removal actions, Qinyuan Feng, Yu Wu, Yan Sun, Jing Jiang, and Yafei Dai


Distributed Cooperative Transmission with Unreliable and Untrustworthy Relay Channels, Zhu Han and Yan (Lindsay) Sun

Test methodologies for eloran transmitters, Gregory W. Johnson, Mark Wiggins, Ken Dykstra, Peter F. Swaszek, and Richard Hartnett


Central vs. distributed dynamic thermal management for multi-core processors: Which one is better?, Michael Kadin, Sherief Reda, and Augustus Uht


Waveform design for multistatic radar dsetection, Steven Kay


CatchIt: Detect malicious nodes in collaborative spectrum sensing, Wenkai Wang, Husheng Li, Yan Sun, and Zhu Han


Promise of embedded system with GPU in artificial leg control: Enabling time-frequency feature extraction from electromyography, Weijun Xiao, He Huang, Yan Sun, and Qing Yang


A case for continuous data protection at block level in disk array storages, Weijun Xiao, Jin Ren, and Qing Yang


Design and analysis of block-level snapshots for data protection and recovery, Weijun Xiao, Qing Yang, Jin Ren, Changsheng Xie, and Huaiyang Li


System reliability analysis considering fatal and non-fatal shocks in a fault tolerant system, Liudong Xing, Dartmouth Prashanthi, and Yan Sun


Dishonest behaviors in online rating systems: Cyber competition, attack models, and attack generator, Ya Fei Yang, Qinyuan Feng, Yan Sun, and Yafei Dai


Defending online reputation systems against collaborative unfair raters through signal modeling and trust, Yafei Yang, Yan Sun, Steven Kay, and Qing Yang


Defending online reputation systems against collaborative unfair raters through signal modeling and trust, Yafei Yang, Yan Sun, Steven Kay, and Qing Yang


Securing rating aggregation systems using statistical detectors and trust, Yafei Yang, Yan Lindsay Sun, Steven Kay, and Qing Yang


Securing rating aggregation systems using statistical detectors and trust, Yafei Yang, Yan Lindsay Sun, Steven Kay, and Qing Yang

Submissions from 2008


Modeling attack behaviors in rating systems, Qinyuan Feng, Yafei Yang, Yan Lindsay Sun, and Yafei Dai


Cooperative transmission for underwater acoustic communications, Zhu Han, Yan Lindsay Sun, and Hongyuan Shi


Frequency-domain Steiglitz-McBride method for least-squares IIR filter design, ARMA modeling, and periodogram smoothing, Leland B. Jackson

Software defined radio for HA-NDGPS performance improvements, Gregory W. Johnson, Ken Dykstra, Ruslan Shalaev, and Peter F. Swaszek

An evaluation of eloran as a backup navigation sensor for ADS-B, Gregory W. Johnson, Christian Oates, Mark Wiggins, James V. Carroll, Peter Swaszek, and Richard Hartnett

Temporal variation of Loran ASFs and their effects on HEA navigation, Gregory W. Johnson, Peter F. Swaszek, Richard J. Hartnett, Ken Dykstra, and Ruslan Shalaev


A new nonstationarity detector, Steven Kay


Noise enhanced detection as a special case of randomization, Steven Kay


Rethinking biased estimation, Steven Kay and Yonina C. Eldar


CRLB via the characteristic function with application to the K-distribution, Steven Kay and Cuichun Xu


Chemical detection and-classification in Raman spectra, Steven Kay, Cuichun Xu, and Darren Emge


Detection of collusion behaviors in online reputation systems, Yuhong Liu, Yafei Yang, and Yan Lindsay Sun


Optimal implementation of Continuous Data Protection (CDP) in Linux Kernel, Xu Li, Changsheng Xie, and Qing Yang


Low power/area branch prediction using complementary branch predictors, Resit Sendag, Joshua J. Yi, Peng Fei Chuang, and David Lilja


Network-aware security for group communications, Yan Sun, K. J.R. Liu, and Wade Trappe


Loran Phase Codes, Revisited, Peter F. Swaszek, Gregory Johnson, Ruslan Shalaev, and Richard Hartnett

Improved signal processing methodologies for the loran data channel, Peter F. Swaszek, Gregory W. Johnson, Ken Dykstra, Ruslan Shalaev, and Richard Hartnett


An importance sampling maximum likelihood direction of arrival estimator, Huigang Wang, Steven Kay, and S. Saha


Can we really recover data if storage subsystem fails?, Weijun Xiao and Qing Yang


On centralized composite detection with distributed sensors, Cuichun Xu and Steven Kay


Source enumeration via the EEF criterion, Cuichun Xu and Steven Kay


RepTrap: A novel attack on feedback-based reputation systems, Yafei Yang, Qinyuan Feng, Yan Lindsay Sun, and Yafei Dai


Securing time-synchronization protocols in sensor networks: Attack detection and self-healing, Yafei Yang and Yan Sun

Submissions from 2007


Estimation of the parameters of a bilinear model with applications to submarine detection and system identification, Richard Abrahamsson, Steven M. Kay, and Petre Stoica


Deflection-optimal data forwarding over a Gaussian multiaccess channel, Christian R. Berger, Peter Willett, Shengli Zhou, and Peter F. Swaszek


Theory of the stochastic resonance effect in signal detection: Part I - Fixed detectors, Hao Chen, Pramod K. Varshney, Steven M. Kay, and James H. Michels


Single-threaded vs. multithreaded: Where should we focus?, Joel Emer, Mark D. Hill, Yale N. Patt, Joshua J. Yi, Derek Chiou, and Resit Sendag


A custom chip set for a frequency-agile high-resolution sonar array, Godi Fischer, Alan J. Davis, and Prasan Kasturi


Reliability: Fallacy or reality?, Antonio González, Scott Mahlke, Shubu Mukherjee, Resit Sendag, Derek Chiou, and Joshua J. Yi


Where does security stand? New vulnerabilities vs. trusted computing, Shay Gueron, Jean Pierre Seifert, Geoffrey Strongin, Derek Chiou, Resit Sendag, and Joshua J. Yi


Securing cooperative transmission in wireless communications, Zhu Han and Yan Lindsay Sun


Self-learning cooperative transmission - Coping with unreliability due to mobility, channel estimation errors, and untrustworthy nodes, Zhu Han and Yan Lindsay Sun

Navigating harbors at high accuracy without GPS: ELoran proof-of-concept on the thames river, Gregory W. Johnson, Ken Dykstra, Christian Oates, Peter F. Swaszek, and Richard Hartnett

Beacon-Loran integrated navigation concept (BLINC): An integrated Medium Frequency ranging system, Gregory W. Johnson, Christian Oates, Mark Wiggins, Peter F. Swaszek, and Richard Hartnett


An evaluation of eLoran as a backup to GPS, Gregory W. Johnson, Peter F. Swaszek, Richard J. Hartnett, Ruslan Shalaev, and Mark Wiggins


Asymptotically optimal approximation of multidimensional pdf's by lower dimensional pdf's, Steven Kay


Optimal signal design for detection of Gaussian point targets in stationary Gaussian clutter/reverberation, Steven Kay


Optimum radar signal for detection in clutter, Steven Kay

Performance analysis and potential improvements of the loran data channel, Michael Kuhn, Gregory W. Johnson, Ken Dykstra, Peter F. Swaszek, and Richard Hartnett

Encoding bandpass signals using level crossings: A model-based approach, Ramdas Kumaresan and Nitesh Panchal


Loran data modulation: Extensions and examples, Sherman C. Lo, Benjamin B. Peterson, Per K. Enge, and Peter Swaszek


Microprocessor based algorithms for controlling electromyogram-driven devices, Nikola Mrvaljevic, Ryan Zaczynski, Eugene Chabot, and Ying Sun


Model order estimation for adaptive radar clutter cancellation, Muralidhar Rangaswamy, Steven Kay, Cuichun Xu, and Freeman C. Lin


External cardiac defibrillation during wet-surface cooling in pigs, Alexandra Schratter, Wolfgang Weihs, Michael Holzer, Andreas Janata, Wilhelm Behringer, Udo M. Losert, William J. Ohley, Robert B. Schock, and Fritz Sterz


Branch misprediction prediction: Complementary branch predictors, Resit Sendag, Joshua J. Yi, and Peng Fei Chuang


The impact of wrong-path memory references in cache-coherent multiprocessor systems, Resit Sendag, Ayse Yilmazer, Joshua J. Yi, and Augustus K. Uht


Low-power design and temperature management, Kevin Skadron, Pradip Bose, Kanad Ghose, Resit Sendag, Joshua J. Yi, and Derek Chiou


Analysis and protection of dynamic membership information for group key distribution schemes, Yan Lindsay Sun and K. J. Ray Liu


Trust establishment in distributed networks: Analysis and modeling, Yan Lindsay Sun and Yafei Yang


Hierarchical group access control for secure multicast communications, Yan Sun and K. J. Ray Liu


Total least squares and errors-in-variables modeling, Sabine Van Huffel, Ivan Markovsky, Richard J. Vaccaro, and Torsten Söderström


Building trust in online rating systems through signal modeling, Yafei Yang, Yan Lindsay Sun, Jin Ren, and Qing Yang


Building trust in online rating systems through signal modeling, Yafei Yang, Yan Lindsay Sun, Jin Ren, and Qing Yang


Speed versus accuracy trade-offs in microarchitectural simulations, Joshua J. Yi, Resit Sendag, David J. Lilja, and Douglas M. Hawkins


Optimizing the rekeying cost for contributory group key agreement schemes, Wei Yu, Yan Sun, and K. J. Ray Liu

Submissions from 2006


Displacements, damage measures and response spectra obtained from a synthetic accelerogram processed by causal and acausal Butterworth filters, Pelin Gundes Bakir and Richard J. Vaccaro

Time-frequency signal representations for biomedical signals, G. Faye Boudreaux-Bartels and Robin Murray


Model based classification using multi-ping data, Christopher P. Carbone and Steven M. Kay

Hardware single-switch keyboard and mouse replacement for computer control, Eugene Chabot, John DiCecco, Nicole Baugh, and Sun Ying

Visual-to-tactile interface to detect motions in real-time for persons with visual impairments, Eugene Chabot and Ying Sun


An indirect current sensing technique for IDDQ and IDDT tests, Chuen Song Chen, Jien Chung Lo, and Tian Xia


Equivalent IDDQ tests for systems with regulated power supply, Chuen Song Chen, Jien Chung Lo, and Tian Xia


Approaching near optimal detection performance via stochastic resonance, Hao Chen, Pramod K. Varshney, James H. Michels, and Steven Kay


Can addition of noise improve distributed detection performance?, Hao Chen, Pramod K. Varshney, James H. Michels, and Steven M. Kay


2006 International Workshop on Networking, Architecture, and Storages: Foreword, Dan Feng, Hong Jiang, Jie Wu, Changsheng Xie, and Qing Yang


Tracking fishes with a microwatt acoustical receiver - An archival tag development, Godi Fischer, Sangmok Lee, Michael Obara, Prasan Kasturi, H. Thomas Rossby, and Conrad W. Recksiek


Improving nonparametric detectors via stochastic resonance, Chen Hao, Pramod K. Varshney, Steven Kay, and James H. Michels

Performance of Loran-C 9th pulse modulation techniques, Lee Hartshorn, Peter F. Swaszek, Gregory Johnson, Mark Wiggins, and Richard Hartnett

BALOR model validity for the airport ASF mapping methodology, Gregory Johnson, Ruslan Shalaev, Christian Oates, Peter F. Swaszek, and Richard Hartnett


Possible optimizations for the US Loran system, Gregory Johnson, Mark Wiggins, Peter F. Swaszek, Lee Hartshorn, and Richard Hartnett

A procedure for creating optimal ASF grids for harbor entrance & approach, Gregory W. Johnson, Ruslan Shalaev, Christian Oates, Peter F. Swaszek, Richard Hartnett, Dave Lown, and Kevin Shmihluk

Development of a design platform for CMOS amplifiers, Prasan Kasturi and Godi Fischer


Intuitive probability and random processes using MATLAB®, Steven M. Kay


Reducing probability of decision error using stochastic resonance, Steven Kay, James H. Michels, Hao Chen, and Pramod K. Varshney

Electrically modeled reciprocal inhibitory oscillator, Christoph Keseberg, Shannon Maio-Cannon, Christopher Mackenzie, Eugene Chabot, John DiCecco, Jiang Wu, and Ying Sun

Effective defibrillation in a wet environment: A preliminary study, J. C. Klock-Frézot, W. J. Ohley, R. B. Schock, M. Cote, R. Freeman, L. Schofield, and D. Serra


Successful defibrillation in water: A preliminary study, J. C. Klock-Frézot, W. J. Ohley, R. B. Schock, M. Cote, and L. Schofield


JET: Dynamic join-sexit-tree amortization and scheduling for contributory key management, Yinian Mao, Yan Sun, Min Wu, and K. J. Ray Liu


Multiple-valued logic buses for reducing bus energy in low-power systems, E. Özer, R. Sendag, and D. Gregg


Approximating noncausal IIR digital filters having arbitrary poles, including new hilbert transformer designs, via forward/backward block recursion, Charles M. Rader and Leland B. Jackson


Quantifying and reducing the effects of wrong-path memory references in cache-coherent multiprocessor systems, Resit Sendag, Ayse Yilmazer, Joshua J. Yi, and Augustus K. Uht