Publications from the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Clinical Research faculty at the University of Rhode Island.


Submissions from 2004


Nonadherence as a predictor of antidiabetic drug therapy intensification (augmentation), Stephen J. Kogut, E. Andrade, Cynthia Willey, and E. Paul Larrat


Daptomycin - A novel antibiotic against Gram-positive pathogens, Kerry L. LaPlante and J. Rybak


Desmethoxyyangonin and dihydromethysticin are two major pharmacologigal kavalactones with marked activity on the induction of CYP3A23, Yuzhong Ma, Sachdeva, Jirong Liu, Michael Ford, Dongfang Yang, Ikhlas A. Khan, Clinton O. Chichester, and Bingfang Yan


Principles for modeling propensity scores in medical research: A systematic literature review, Sherry Weitzen, L. Lapane, Alicia Y. Toledano, Anne L. Hume, and Vincent Mor

Submissions from 2003


Metabolic syndrome and antipsychotic therapy: A summary of the findings, Robert L. Dufresne


Detection of collagen type II and proteoglycans in the synovial fluids of patients diagnosed with non-infectious knee joint synovitis indicates early damage to the articular cartilage matrix, K. A. Elsaid, D. Jay, and C. O. Chichester


Lumiracoxib: A COX-2 inhibitor for the treatment of arthritis and acute pain, Brett Feret and A. Quercia


Curricula development, Anne L. Hume


Herbal medicinal education, Anne L. Hume


The natural product education exchange, Anne L. Hume


Tooth discoloration after treatment with linezolid, Kelly L. Matson and E. Miller


Lipopolysaccharide and cecal ligation/puncture differentially affect the subcellular distribution of the pregnane X receptor but consistently cause suppression of its target genes CYP3A, Karuna Sachdeva, Yan, and Clinton O. Chichester

Submissions from 2002


Sulfation of indoxyl by human and rat aryl (phenol) sulfotransferases to form indoxyl sulfate, E. Banoglu and S. King


Inpatient Antipsychotic Drug Use in 1998, 1993, and 1989, Franca Centorrino, Eakin, Won-Myong Bahk, James P. Kelleher, Jessica L. Gören, Paola Salvatore, Samy Egli, and Ross J. Baldessarini


Use of potentially inappropriate drugs in nursing homes, Jyotsna Dhall, Paul Larrat, and Kate L. Lapane


Does aspirin attenuate the effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors on health outcomes of very old patients with heart failure?, Kate L. Lapane, L. Hume, Marilyn M. Barbour, and Lewis A. Lipsitz


Drug product expiration dates: practice implications., Celia P. MacDonnell and A. Campbell


Endotoxic shock alters the pharmacokinetics of lidocaine and monoethylglycinexylidide, David S. McKindley, Boulet, Karuna Sachdeva, Ping Wang, and Clinton Chichester


Health Correlates of Exercise Behavior and Stage Change in a Community-Based Exercise Intervention for the Elderly: A Pilot Study, Claudio Nigg, English, Norma Owens, Patricia Burbank, Annie Connolly-Belanger, Robert Dufresne, Nancy Fey-Yensan, Carol Ewing Garber, Andrea Luisi, Cynthia Padula, Sandra Saunders, and Phillip Clark


Developing and using interdisciplinary case studies in teaching geriatrics to practicing health care professionals, Norma J. Owens, A. Padula, and Anne L. Hume

Submissions from 2001


Hepatic microsomal metabolism of indole to indoxyl, a precursor of indoxyl sulfate, Erden Banoglu, G. Jha, and Roberta S. King


Pharmacology and pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular drugs in patients with chronic renal disease, Marilyn M. Barbour and S. McKindley


Drug therapy and prevalence of erectile dysfunction in the Massachusetts male aging study cohort, Carol A. Derby, M. Barbour, Anne L. Hume, and John B. McKinlay


Fondaparinux: A novel synthetic antithrombotic for prevention of venous thromboembolism, B. Feret


Pharmacologic treatment of diabetes in long-term care, Joshua J. Spooner, L. Lapane, Anne L. Hume, Vincent Mor, and Giovanni Gambassi

Submissions from 2000


Hormone replacement therapy should not be used as secondary prevention of coronary heart disease, M. M. Barbour


Patient compliance and blood pressure control on a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier: Impact of a pharmacy officer, Mark E. Brouker, Gallagher, E. Paul Larrat, and Robert L. Dufresne


Structure-function modeling of the interactions of N-alkyl-N-hydroxyanilines with rat hepatic aryl sulfotransferase IV, Roberta S. King, Sharma, Lars C. Pedersen, Yoshimitsu Kakuta, Masahiko Negishi, and Michael W. Duffel


In vitro bioactivation of N-hydroxy-2-amino-α-carboline, Roberta S. King, H. Teitel, and Fred F. Kadlubar


The Effect of Plan Characteristics on the Cost of Pharmaceuticals in a Private Third-Party Prescription Program, Soyal R. Momin, P. Lipson, E. Paul Larrat, James J. Brehany, and Rita M. Marcoux


Oxidative and nonoxidative benzodiazepines and the risk of femur fracture, Antonio Sgadari, L. Lapane, Vincent Mor, Francesco Landi, Roberto Bernabei, Giovanni Gambassi, C. Gatsonis, L. Lipsitz, J. Hiris, C. Brostrup-Jensen, S. Gonzales, J. Hogan, O. Intrator, M. Barbour, K. Berg, E. Broderick, D. Forman, D. Gifford, A. Hume, P. Larratt, and K. Steel

Submissions from 1999


Type II collagen peptide release from rabbit articular cartilage, B. R. Felice, O. Chichester, and H. J. Barrach


Clozapine-associated elevation in serum triglycerides, Bruce D. Gaulin, S. Markowitz, Charles F. Caley, Lori A. Nesbitt, and Robert L. Dufresne


Elevated serum triglycerides with clozapine resolved with risperidone in four patients, Padideh Ghaeli and L. Dufresne


Antiischemic therapy in patients with coronary heart disease living in long-term care, Kate L. Lapane, M. Barbour, Anne Van Haaren, and Giovanni Gambassi


Effect of endotoxin shock on the clearance of lidocaine and indocyanine green in the perfused rat liver, David S. McKindley, Chichester, and Richard Raymond


Antihypertensive therapy in the elderly: Evidence-based guidelines and reality [1] (multiple letters), F. H. Messerli, Grodzicki, Z. Feng, G. Gambassi, K. Lapane, A. L. Hume, P. Carbonin, and R. Bernabei


Olanzapine increases weight and serum triglyceride levels, David N. Osser, M. Najarian, and Robert L. Dufresne


Articular collagen degradation in the Hulth-Telhag model of osteoarthritis, J. N. Rogart, J. Barrach, and C. O. Chichester

Submissions from 1998


Prevalence, clinical correlates, and treatment of hypertension in elderly nursing home residents, Giovanni Gambassi, Lapane, Antonio Sgadari, Francesco Landi, Pierugo Carbonin, Anne Hume, Lewis Lipsitz, Vincent Mor, and Roberto Bernabei


Thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke (multiple letters), P. Hicks, L. Hume, and A. Luisi


Thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke, Anne L. Hume


Chondrogenic differentiation of cultured human mesenchymal stem cells from marrow, Alastair M. Mackay, C. Beck, J. Mary Murphy, Frank P. Barry, Clinton O. Chichester, and Mark F. Pittenger


Current knowledge of the cytochrome P-450 isozyme system: can we predict clinically important drug interactions?, D. S. McKindley and L. Dufresne

Submissions from 1997


Is cigarette smoking an effect modifier of the relation between antihypertensive therapy and blood lipids?, Carol A. Derby, L. Lapane, Anne Lamont Hume, Marilyn McFarland Barbour, and Richard A. Carleton


Aspirin use for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: A study of concomitant risk factors and health behaviors, Kate L. Lapane, Lamont Hume, Marilyn McFarland Barbour, and Richard A. Carleton

Submissions from 1996


Immunological detection of type II collagen degradation: Use in the evaluation of anti-arthritic therapies, C. O. Chichester, J. Barrach, G. R. Srinivas, and P. Mitchell


Issues in polypharmacotherapy: Focus on major depression, Robert L. Dufresne


Electronic Compliance Assessment of Antifungal Prophylaxis for Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Women, Sandra M. Geletko, Segarra, Kenneth H. Mayer, Theresa C. Fiore, Frances A. Bettencourt, Timothy P. Flanigan, and Michael N. Dudley


Correlates of oral contraceptive use in two New England communities: 1981-1993, Anne L. Hume, M. Barbour, Kate L. Lapane, Patricia M. Flint, and Richard A. Carleton


Clarithromycin Does Not Affect Phosphorylation of Zidovudine In Vitro, Khurram Z. Rana, W. Darnowski, Andy H. Strayer, and Michael N. Dudley


Regulatory environment and psychotropic use in board-and-care facilities: Results of a 10-state study, Diana Spore, Mor, E. Paul Larrat, Jeffrey Hiris, and Catherine Hawes


Reply, Diana Spore, Mor, E. Paul Larrat, Catherine Hawes, and Jeffrey Hiris

Submissions from 1995


Predictors of future antihypertensive use in patients with mildly elevated blood pressure, M. M. Barbour, L. Hume, K. L. Lapane, C. A. Derby, and R. A. Carleton


Efficacy of Constant Infusion of A-77003, an Inhibitor of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) Protease, in Limiting Acute HIV-1 Infection In Vitro, J. A. Bilello, A. Bilello, J. J. Kort, Michael N. Dudley, J. Leonard, and G. L. Drusano


The Effect of High‐Dose Ascorbate Supplementation on Plasma Lipoprotein(a) Levels in Patients With Premature Coronary Heart Disease, Andrew G. Bostom, L. Hume, Charles B. Eaton, Joseph P. Laurino, Lisa R. Yanek, Mary S. Regan, William H. McQuade, Wendy Y. Craig, Gayle Perrone, and Paul F. Jacques


Cardiovascular risk profiles of oral contraceptive users and nonusers: A population-based study, Patricia M. Flint, L. Lapane, Marilyn M. Barbour, Carol A. Derby, Richard A. Carleton, and Anne L. Hume


Population Pharmacokinetics of Stavudine (d4T) in Patients with AIDS or Advanced AIDS-Related Complex, Cynthia M. Horton, N. Dudley, Sanjeev Kaul, Kenneth H. Mayer, Kathleen Squires, Lisa Dunkle, and Robert Anderson


Is antidepressant use changing? Prevalence and clinical correlates in two New England communities, A. L. Hume, M. Barbour, K. L. Lapane, and R. A. Carleton


Is the use of psychotropic drugs associated with increased risk of ischemic heart disease?, Kate L. Lapane, Zierler, Thomas M. Lasater, Marilyn M. Barbour, Richard Carleton, and Anne L. Hume


Is a history of depressive symptoms associated with an increased risk of infertility in women?, Kate L. Lapane, Zierler, Thomas M. Lasater, Michael Stein, Marilyn M. Barbour, and Anne L. Hume


Principles and approaches to pharmacoeconomics: The perspective of higher education, E. Paul Larrat


Rewards and advancements for clinical pharmacy practitioners, M. Reynolds-Restino, Beardsley, S. Charland, M. Clotz, D. Covey, A. L. Hume, W. Linn, J. Perkins, M. Roy, N. Schultz, T. Welty, K. Lake, M. B. O'Connell, D. Angelo, A. Bandell, T. Cantu, T. Chin, V. Crane, and J. Jacobi


Psychotropic Use Among Older Residents of Board and Care Facilities, Diana Spore, Mor, Jeffrey Hiris, E. Paul Larrat, and Catherine Hawes

Submissions from 1994


Effect of 2',3'-Didehydro-3'-Deoxythymidine in an In Vitro Hollow-Fiber Pharmacodynamic Model System Correlates with Results of Dose-Ranging Clinical Studies, John A. Bilello, Bauer, Michael N. Dudley, Gerald A. Cole, and George L. Drusano


Triazolam treatment controversy, P. Ghaeli, L. Dufresne, and C. A. Stoukides


Cost-effectiveness study of nitrate therapy using a decision analysis methodology, E. P. Larrat


Development of Alzheimer's disease special care units on a statewide level, E. Paul Larrat, L. McKernan-Markoff, Maureen Lareau, Jean Anderson, Marsha D. Fretwell, and John Stoukides


Effects of certain antiarthritic agents on the synthesis of type II collagen and glycosaminoglycans in rat chondrosarcoma cultures, G. R. Srinivas, O. Chichester, H. J. Barrach, and A. L. Matoney


Production of type II collagen specific monoclonal antibodies, G. R. Srinivas, O. Chichester, H. J. Barrach, V. Pillai, and A. L. Matoney


Pharmacodynamics of Piperacillin Alone and in Combination with Tazobactam against Piperacillin-Resistant and -Susceptible Organisms in an In Vitro Model of Infection, Andy H. Strayer, H. Gilbert, Phil Pivarnik, Antone A. Medeiros, Stephen H. Zinner, and Michael N. Dudley

Submissions from 1993

The drug data base of the Pawtucket Heart Health Program: Development and description, M. M. Barbour, L. Hume, A. R. Assaf, and R. A. Carleton


Correlates of postmenopausal estrogen use and trends through the 1980s in two Southeastern New England communities, Carol A. Derby, Lamont Hume, Marilyn McFarland Barbour, Janice B. Mcphillips, Thomas M. Lasater, and Richard A. Carleton


Thioridazine improves affective symptoms in schizophrenic patients, R. L. Dufresne, Valentino, and D. J. Kass


Pharmacotherapy in family medicine: current issues and strategies., A. L. Hume

Changing trends in antihypertensive therapy in two New England communities during the 1980s, A. L. Hume, M. Barbour, C. J. Willey, A. R. Assaf, K. L. Lapane, and R. A. Carleton


Prevalence and Descriptors of Aspirin Use as an Antiplatelet Agent in Two New England Communities, Anne L. Hume, M. Barbour, Kate L. Lapane, Annlouise R. Assaf, and Richard A. Carleton


Dose Ranging and Fractionation of Intravenous Ciprofloxacin against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus in an In Vitro Model of Infection, C. Randall Marchbanks, R. McKiel, Deborah H. Gilbert, Norman J. Robillard, Barbara Painter, Stephen H. Zinner, and Michael N. Dudley


In Vitro Postantibiotic Effect Following Repeated Exposure to Imipenem, Temafloxacin, and Tobramycin, Betty J. McGrath, Randall Marchbanks, Deborah H. Gilbert, and Michael N. Dudley


Quantitative immunoassays for type II collagen and its cyanogen bromide peptides, G. R. Srinivas, J. Barrach, and C. O. Chichester


Effects of doxazosin on atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits, Archie C. Swindella, N. Krupp, Thomas M. Twomey, Jack A. Reynolds, and Clinton O. Chichester

Submissions from 1992


Update on the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Drug therapy can ameliorate the behavioral manifestations of this disease, E. P. Larrat

Submissions from 1991


Costs of antihypertensive therapy, Anne L. Hume


A successful physician training program in cholesterol screening and management, Brian W. Jack, M. Gans, William McQuade, Larry Culpepper, Anita Lasswell, Anne L. Hume, Patrick T. Dowling, and Richard A. Carleton


Attention tasks and EEG power spectra, Dominic A. Valentino and L. Dufresne


Chronic DMI reduces thresholds for brain stimulation reward in the rat, Dominic A. Valentino, J. Riccitelli, and Robert L. Dufresne

Submissions from 1990


Significance of "Extravascular" Protein Binding for Antimicrobial Pharmacodynamics in an In Vitro Capillary Model of Infection, Michael N. Dudley, Blaser, Deborah Gilbert, and Stephen H. Zinner


Severe hyponatremia: An association with lisinopril?, A. L. Hume, W. Jack, and P. Levinson


Compliance-related problems in the ambulatory population., E. P. Larrat, H. Taubman, and C. Willey


Pharmacokinetics and Bioavailability of Intravenous-to-Oral Enoxacin in Elderly Patients with Complicated Urinary Tract Infections, C. Randall Marchbanks, J. Mikolich, Kenneth H. Mayer, Stephen H. Zinner, and Michael N. Dudley


Stz-induced diabetes in shr and renovascular hypertensive rats: Dissociation between changes in arterial pressure and vascular collagen synthesis, Mark J. Mariani, C. Sessa, Clinton O. Chichester, and Robert L. Rodgers


Clinical pharmacists in family practice residency programs, A. F. Shaughnessy and L. Hume


Effects of a single inescapable swim on long-term brain stimulation reward thresholds, Dominic A. Valentino, L. Dufresne, and Anthony J. Riccitelli


Pharmacokinetics of Enoxacin and Its Oxometabolite Following Intravenous Administration to Patients with Different Degrees of Renal Impairment, P. Van der Auwera, C. Stolear, B. George, and Michael N. Dudley


Altered Theophylline Metabolism in Patients with Psoriasis, Dennis P. West, H. Fischer, Marilyn McFarland Barbour, Michael J. Cwik, Giuseppe Micali, and Virginia C. Fiedler

Submissions from 1989


An account of action research investigating teacher change, Lingbiao Gao, Adcock, Malcolm Carr, Anne Hume, David Nicholson, Janet Silvester, and Daryl Smith

Applying quality of life data in practice. Considerations for antihypertensive therapy., A. L. Hume


Converting-Enzyme Inhibitors in the Treatment of Hypertension, Anne Hume, Generali, William John Powell, Robert I. Henkin, Gordon H. Williams, J. Koch-Weser, and Haralambos Gavras


Angiotensin‐Converting Enzyme Inhibitor‐Induced Cough, Anne L. Hume, L. Murphy, and Scott E. Lauerman

Submissions from 1988


Effect of Protein Binding on Drug Penetration into Blister Fluid, Wen Chyi Shyu, Quintiliani, Charles H. Nightingale, and Michael N. Dudley