"Tsunami coastal hazard along the US East Coast from coseismic sources " by Stéphan T. Grilli, Maryam Mohammadpour et al.

Tsunami coastal hazard along the US East Coast from coseismic sources in the Açores convergence zone and the Caribbean arc areas

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Tsunami coastal hazard is modeled along the US East Coast (USEC), at a coarse regional (450 m) resolution, from coseismic sources located in the Açores Convergence Zone (ACZ) and the Puerto Rico Trench (PRT)/Caribbean Arc areas. While earlier work only considered probable maximum tsunamis, here we parameterize and simulate 18 coseismic sources, with magnitude M8-9 and return periods ∼ 70–2000 year, using seismo-tectonic and historical data. The largest sources in the ACZ are repeats of the 1755 M8.6-9 Lisbon earthquake and tsunami; other sources are hypothetical. In the ACZ, due to the limited data on faults, each source is parameterized with a single fault plane, while in the PRT, coseismic sources are parameterized based on fault segmentation established during a 2019 USGS workshop of experts, using 10–26 SIFT subfault planes (Gica et al. in NOAA Tech. Memo., OAR PMEL-139, 2008). Tsunamis are simulated for each source using the fully nonlinear and dispersive model FUNWAVE-TVD, in two levels of nested grids. At the considered scales, dispersion is shown to affect tsunami propagation. Coastal hazard is quantified by four metrics computed at many save points (∼ 20–30 thousand) defined along the 5-m isobath (due to the coarse resolution), i.e., maximum (1) surface elevation, (2) current, (3) momentum force; and (4) travel time, representing flooding, navigation, structural, and evacuation hazards. Overall, the first three metrics are larger, the larger the source magnitude, and their alongshore variation shows similar patterns of higher/lower values, due to the shelf bathymetric control (refraction). The fourth metric mostly differs between sources from each area, but less so among sources from the same area; its inverse quantifies evacuation hazard. A 1–5 score is given to results for each metric, based on five intensity classes representing low, medium low, medium, high, and highest tsunami hazard. A novel tsunami intensity index is computed as a weighted average of these scores, allowing both a comparison among sources and a quantification of tsunami hazard as a function of their estimated return periods. In the most impacted areas of the USEC, the highest tsunami hazard in the 250–500-year return period range is commensurate with that posed by 100-year category 3–5 tropical cyclones, taking into account the larger current velocities and forces caused by tsunami waves. Results of this work could serve as a basis for a future regional Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis for the USEC, considering additional source types such as underwater landslides, volcanic flank collapse, and meteotsunamis, that were studied elsewhere.

Publication Title, e.g., Journal

Natural Hazards





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