Submissions from 1989
Generation of 3-D cardiac images from magnetic resonance data, William J. Ohley, Peter M. Daly, and Henry Gewirtz
Phytoplankton species and abundance in response to eutrophication in coastal marine mesocosms, Candace Oviatt, Patricia Lane, Fred French, and Percy Donagha
A Fast and Accurate RNS Scaling Technique for High Speed Signal Processing, M. Anantha Padmanabh Shenoy and Ramdas Kumaresan
Kinetics and mechanism of the reaction between 4-t-butylphenolate anion and tetrahydroxoargentate(III) in aqueous alkaline media, Rama K. Panda and Louis J. Kirschenbaum
Using the Inverted Echo Sounder to Measure Vertical Profiles of Gulf Stream Temperature and Geostrophic Velocity, Robert S. Pickart and D. Randolph Watts
Sudden hearing loss, Betty Ann Rambur
Symbolic summation with generating functions, Robert A. Ravenscroft and Edmund A. Lamagna
Overview of a natural resource damage assessment model system for coastal and marine environments, Mark Reed, Deborah French, Thomas Grigalunas, and James Opaluch
Comparison of sinking and sedimentation rate measurements in a diatom winter/spring bloom, Ulf Riebesell
Design for Assembly Analysis: Extraction of Geometric Features from a CAD System Data Base, Lourdes M. Rosario and Winston A. Knight
On the equivalence of ‘experimental’ and ‘correlational’ statistics, Joseph S. Rossi
Salvator rosa’s self-portraits: Some problems of identity and meaning, Wendy Wassyng Roworth
Modeling sodium and chloride in surface streams during base flows, I. Runge, R. M. Wright, and D. W. Urish
Effects of photoperiod on growth and smolting in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), Richard L. Saunders, Jennifer L. Specker, and Martin P. Komourdjian
Nitrate in the atmospheric boundary layer of the tropical South Pacific: Implications regarding sources and transport, Dennis L. Savoie, Joseph M. Prospero, John T. Merrill, and Mitsuo Uematsu
Efficient Estimation of Parameters for Non-Gaussian Autoregressive Processes, Debasis Sengupta and Steven Kay
Fast Base Extension Using a Redundant Modulus in RNS, A. P. Shenoy and R. Kumaresan
Absorption and Metabolism of Lysine Maillard Products in Relation to Utilization of L-Lysine, Boni Sherr, Chong M. Lee, and Carrol Jelesciewicz
Determination of stress intensity factor in orthotropic composite materials using strain gages, A. Shukla, B. D. Agarwal, and Bharat Bhushan
Plinian and co-ignimbrite tephra fall from the, Haraldur Sigurdsson and Steven Carey
Experimental and analytical study of creep deformations of submarine slopes, A. J. Silva, H. G. Brandes, M. H. Sadd, D. Karamanlidis, W. M. Tian, and E. P. Laine
Application of a boundary fitted coordinate hydrodynamic model, Malcolm L. Spaulding, Wenrui Huang, and Daniel Mendelsohn
Boundary fitted estuarine water quality model, Malcolm L. Spaulding and Shin J. Liang
Unequal activities of the two tilapia prolactins in the whole-animal transepithelial potential bioassay using the red eft, Jennifer L. Specker, Patricia Stockin Brown, and Stephen C. Brown
Thyroidal response of Atlantic salmon to seawater challenge: Predictor of growth in seawater, Jennifer L. Specker, Timothy A. Whitesel, Steven J. Parker, and Richard L. Saunders
The Development of an Individualized, Problem-Oriented Psychiatric Outcome Measure, John Stevenson, Leigh Mccullough, Robert Stout, and Richard Longabaugh
Refractive Index and Material Dispersion Interpolation of Doped Silica in the 0.6-1.8 µm Wavelength Region, Harish R. Sunak and Steven P. Bastien
Dispersion sensitivity of infra-red dispersion-shifted fibres, Harish R.D. Sunak and S. P. Bastien
Characteristics of Dispersion-Flattened Depressed-Cladding Single-Mode Fluoride Fibers from 1.55 to 3.1 µm, Harish R.D. Sunak and Steven P. Bastien
Splice Loss in Dispersion-Modified Single-Mode Silica Fibers: Effect of Non-Gaussian Fields, Harish R.D. Sunak and Steven P. Bastien
Universal single-mode dispersion-flattened fluoride fibers designed for optimum performance from 1.5 to 2.9 μm, Harish R.D. Sunak and Steven P. Bastien
Design of distributed feedback(dfb) laser-based external cavity structures for coherent communications, Harish R.D. Sunak and Clark P. Engert
Design of fabry-perot laser-based external cavity structures for coherent communications, Harish R.D. Sunak and Il Whan Oh
Potential interferences in catalysis of the unsteady-state reaeration technique, D. W. Terry and L. T. Thiem
East Pacific Rise geologic data synthesis, Stacey A. Tighe, P. J. Fox, R. S. Detrick, and R. Tyce
Blister Formation on Graphite/Polymer Composites Galvanically Coupled with Steel in Seawater, Wayne C. Tucker and Richard Brown
Moisture Absorption of Graphite/Polymer Composites Under 2000 Feet of Seawater, Wayne C. Tucker and Richard Brown
Effect of groundwater on beach erosion, Daniel W. Urish
Modeling fresh water inflow to an estuary, Daniel W. Urish and Jose G. De Meneses
The Coastal Ground‐Water Boundary, Daniel W. Urish and Melih M. Ozbilgin
Secondary circulations in the bottom boundary layer over sedimentary furrows, Bruce E. Viekman, Mark Wimbush, and John C. Van Leer
Producing accurate maps of the Gulf Stream thermal front using objective analysis, D. R. Watts, K. L. Tracey, and A. I. Friedlander
A note of caution and apology, Frank M. White
The School Psychologist's Role in the Early Childhood Special Education Program, Anne H. Widerstrom, Barbara A. Mowder, and W. Grant Willis
Neurological models of cognitive processing, W. Grant Willis
Theoretical Studies of the Energetics and Structures of Atomic Clusters, J. Xie, J. A. Northby, David L. Freeman, and Jimmie D. Doll
An integrated system for design of mechanisms by an expert system—DOMES, B. Yang, P. Datseris, Y. Wu, and U. Datta
Analysis and Comparison of Cache Coherence Protocols for a Packet-Switched Multiprocessor, Qing Yang, Laxmi N. Bhuyan, and Bao Chyn Liu
Monte Carlo Studies of Hydrogen Flouride Clusters: Cluster Size Distributions in Hydrogen Flouride Vapor, Changyin Zhang, David L. Freeman, and Jimmie D. Doll
Manuscripts from 1988
Vertical distribution of dimethylsulfide, sulfur dioxide, aerosol ions, and radon over the Northeast Pacific Ocean, M. O. Andreae, H. Berresheim, T. W. Andreae, M. A. Kritz, T. S. Bates, and J. T. Merrill
The history and decay of a Mediterranean salt lens, Laurence Armi, Dave Hebert, Neil Oakey, James Price, Philip L. Richardson, Thomas Rossby, and Barry Ruddick
Steric and Electronic Interactions between Cofacial Metallocene Rings, Regina Arnold, Bruce M. Foxman, Myron Rosenblum, and William B. Euler
Three-dimensional laminar heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics in the entrance region of a rhombic duct, Y. Asako and M. Faghri
Three-dimensional heat transfer and fluid flow analysis of arrays of square blocks encountered in electronic equipment, Yutaka Asako and M. Faghri
Agricultural Policies and Regional Disparities in the Third World: The Case of Iran, Farhad Atash
Providence, Farhad Atash
UV-excited resonance Raman spectra of heat denatured lysozyme and Staphylococcus epidermidis, M. Baek, W. H. Nelson, D. Britt, and J. F. Sperry
Steady-state and decay characteristics of protein tryptophan fluorescence from algae, M. Baek, W. H. Nelson, P. E. Hargraves, J. F. Tanguay, and S. L. Suib
The state of authority, Nadine L. Baer and Karl E. Johnson
Computer-Aided Cold Forging Process Design: A Knowledge-Based System Approach to Forming Sequence Generation, P. Bariani and W. A. Knight
Portable current controlled muscle stimulator, N. Berger, W. J. Ohley, O. Lemaire, and J. Parziale
Long-range transport of giant mineral aerosol particles, P. R. Betzer, K. L. Carder, R. A. Duce, J. T. Merrill, N. W. Tindale, M. Uematsu, D. K. Costello, R. W. Young, R. A. Feely, J. A. Breland, R. E. Bernstein, and A. M. Greco
Paleoenvironmental implications of rock‐magnetic properties of Late Quaternary sediment cores from the eastern equatorial Atlantic, Jan Bloemendal, Bonnie Lamb, and John King
Scaling behavior in the S=1 antiferromagnetic XXZ chain (abstract), J. C. Bonner, G. Müller, and J. B. Parkinson
Excitations and Critical Behavior in Generalized Heisenberg Spin Chains, Jill C. Bonner, Gerhard Müller, and John B. Parkinson
Quantum Spin Chains and the Conformal Anomaly, Jill C. Bonner and John B. Parkinson
Smoltification in steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri): Developmental aspects of plasma constituents, Terence M. Bradley and A. W. Rourke
Defense reactions by larvae of Aedes aegypti during infection by the aquatic fungus Lagenidium giganteum (Oomycete), P. T. Brey, R. A. Lebrun, B. Papierok, H. Ohayon, S. Vennavalli, and J. Hafez
Impact of gypsy moth defoliation in stands containing white pine, J. H. Brown, V. B. Cruickshank, W. P. Gould, and T. P. Husband
Slack, shortage, and discouraged consumers in eastern europe: Estimates based on smoothing by aggregation, John P. Burkett
Information in a changing management context: The ocean dumping example, R. H. Burroughs
Narragansett bay pollution control: An evaluation of program outcome, R. H. Burroughs
Ocean dumping. Information and policy development in the USA, R. H. Burroughs
Aromatase is concentrated in the proximal pars distalis of tilapia pituitary, Gloria V. Callard, Jennifer L. Specker, Jonathan Knapp, Richard S. Nishioka, and Howard A. Bern
Experimental studies of particle-laden plumes, S. N. Carey, H. Sigurdsson, and R. S.J. Sparks
Cell Pairing during Mating in Tetrahymena: I. Does Phagocytosis or a Cell Surface Receptor Participate in Con A Block?, Robert J. Casci and Linda A. Hufnagel
Comparison of dynamic height measurements from an inverted echo sounder and an island tide gauge in the central Pacific, Stephen M. Chiswell, Mark Wimbush, and Roger Lukas
Parameter estimates depend both on the source model and on the fitted model: An example, Charles E. Collyer
Scouring of raw wool using Freon TF solvent, K. H. Cui, D. J. Gray, R. S. Perry, and M. Bide
Hot Corrosion Behavior of Coated Covalent Ceramics, GARY B. DAVIES, THOMAS M. HOLMES, and OTTO J. GREGORY
Ceramic coatings on ceramic for improved oxidation-corrosion resistance, G. B. Davies and O. J. Gregory
The geomorphic development of wreck shoal, a subtidal oyster reef of the James River, Virginia, Joseph T. DeAlteris
Early cost estimating in product design, P. Dewhurst and G. Boothroyd
Radiochemical method for evaluating the effect of antibiotics on Escherichia coli biofilms, Barbara A. Dix, Paul S. Cohen, David C. Laux, and Roy Cleeland
A rock‐magnetic study of giant piston core LL44‐GPC3 from the central North Pacific and its paleoceanographic implications, Seong‐Jae ‐J Doh, John W. King, and Margaret Leinen
Stationary phase Monte Carlo methods: An exact formulation, J. D. Doll, D. L. Freeman, and M. J. Gillan
Quantum Monte Carlo Dynamics: the Stationary Phase Monte Carlo Path Integral Calculation of Finite Temperature Time Correlation Functions, Jimmie D. Doll, Thomas L. Beck, and David L. Freeman
A Comparative Analysis of Stationary-Phase Monte Carlo Methods, Jimmie D. Doll and David L. Freeman
Behavior of Chrysomelobia labidomerae Eickwort parasitizing the Colorado potato beetle, Francis A. Drummond, Richard A. Casagrande, and Patrick A. Logan
Introduction to the symposium: Comparative endocrinology of the thyroid, J. Geoffrey Eales, E. Gordon Grau, F. M. Anne Mcnabb, and Jennifer L. Specker
Infrared spectra of iodine doped polyazines, William B. Euler
Liquid chromatographic procedures for the analysis of compounds in the serotonergic and octoptamine pathways of lobster hemolymph, Debra Ann Fadool, J. J. Cobb, Gabrielle Kass-Simon, and Phyllis R. Brown
Evaluation of Haemonchus contortus infections in sexually intact and ovariectomized ewes., M. W. Fleming, R. C. Rhodes, and H. R. Gamble
A maximum principle for differential inclusion problems with state constraints, Halina Frankowska and Barbara Kas̀kosz
Constant-probability crack growth curves, H. Ghonem
Study of surface crack initiation due to biaxial compression/shear loading, H. Ghonem and J. Kalousek
Leaching of 2,4-D and dicamba from home lawns, A. J. Gold, T. G. Morton, W. M. Sullivan, and J. McClory
Native Oxides Formed on Single-Crystal Germanium by Wet Chemical Reactions, O. J. Gregory, L. A. Pruitt, and P. J. Stiles