Submissions from 1994
Fault-tolerant associative approach to on-line memory repair, Jien Chung Lo
Reliable Floating-Point Arithmetic Algorithms for Error-Coded Operands, Jien Chung Lo
HAVENN: horizontally and vertically expandable neural networks, Jien-Chung Lo and G. Fischer
Suggestion for solving negative transfer problem in VLSI backpropagation neural networks, Jien Chung Lo and Srinivas Kolluri
Concurrent error detection IC in 2-μm static CMOS logic, Jien-Chung Lo, Shih Yao Sun, and James C. Daly
Who ever thought i’d grow up to be a feminist foremother?, Bernice Lott
Signal transduction for taurocholic acid in the olfactory system of atlantic salmon, Ying Har Lo, Susan L. Bellis, Lee Ju Cheng, Jiongdong Pang, Terence M. Bradley, and Dennis E. Rhoads
High-affinity Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase in plasma membrane-rich preparations from olfactory epithelium of Atlantic salmon, Ying Har Lo, Terence M. Bradley, and Dennis E. Rhoads
Alkali Core-Level Binding-Energy Shifts in Alkali/4d-Metal Interface Systems, E. Lundgren, M. Qvarford, R. Nyholm, J. N. Andersen, and David R. Heskett
The impact of the cretaceous-tertiary boundary, Dan Lynch and Steven D'Hondt
Effects of aging on the tensile and fatigue behavior of the near-α Ti-1100 at room temperature and 593 °C, A. Madsen and H. Ghonem
Paleomagnetic evidence for high-temperature emplacement of the 1883 subaqueous pyroclastic flows from Krakatau volcano, Indonesia, C. W. Mandeville, S. Carey, H. Sigurdsson, and J. King
A Least-Squares Algorithm for Multipath Time-Delay Estimation, T. G. Manickam, R. J. Vaccaro, and D. W. Tufts
Self‐Efficacy, Decision‐Making, and Stages of Change: An Integrative Model of Physical Exercise, Bess H. Marcus, Cheryl A. Eaton, Joseph S. Rossi, and Lisa L. Harlow
Competence of dogs as reservoirs for Lyme disease spirochetes (Borrelia burgdorferi)., T. N. Mather, D. Fish, and R. T. Coughlin
Locating Transition States Using Double-Ended Classical Trajectories, A. Matro, David L. Freeman, and Jimmie D. Doll
Water conservation for Rhode Island lawns, Alyson McCann, Arthur J. Gold, Kathleen Mallon, and Josef Gorres
Rejoinder, Richard McIntyre
Mineralogy of aerolian dust reaching the North Pacific Ocean 2. Relationship of mineral assemblages to atmospheric transport patterns, J. Merrill, E. Arnold, M. Leinen, and C. Weaver
Isentropic airflow probability analysis, J. T. Merrill
Isentropic airflow probability analysis, J. T. Merrill
Boundary Effects and Spin Waves in Spin-Polarized Quantum Gases, A. E. Meyerovich and S. Stepaniants
Transport Phenomena at Rough Boundaries, A. E. Meyerovich and S. Stepaniants
Anomalous Spin Dynamics and Relaxation in Fermi Liquids, Alexander E. Meyerovich and K. A. Musaelian
Substance use clusters in a college sample: A multitheoretical approach, P. Allison Minugh and Lisa L. Harlow
Correlation of heat transfer and wake effect in the entrance region of an inline array of rectangular modules, Majid Molki, Mohammad Faghri, and Oktay Ozbay
Conjugate natural convection heat transfer in a vertical annulus with internal circumferential fins, M. Molki and M. Faghri
Interaction between a buoyancy-driven flow and an array of annular cavities, M. Molki and M. Faghri
A new correlation for pressure drop in arrays of rectangular blocks in air-cooled electronic units, M. Molki, M. Faghri, and O. Ozbay
Early Miocene tephra in the Apennine pelagic sequence: An inferred Sardinian provenance and implications for western Mediterranean tectonics, A. Montanari, S. Carey, R. Coccioni, and A. Deino
Development and application of a three-dimensional boundary-fitted circulation model in Providence River, Muslim Muin and Malcolm Spaulding
Extensive analysis of a QRS detector based on the Dyadic Wavelet Transform, Robin Murray, Shubha Kadambe, and G. Faye Boudreaux-Bartels
On Frequency Estimation with the IQML Algorithm, Venkatesh Nagesha and Steven Kay
Estimation of multichannel mixed spectra, V. Nagesha and S. Kay
Stimulation of Escherichia coli F-18Col- type-1 fimbriae synthesis by leuX, Joseph V. Newman, Robert L. Burghoff, Lars Pallesen, Karen A. Krogfelt, Claus S. Kristensen, David C. Laux, and Paul S. Cohen
Role of leuX in Escherichia coli colonization of the streptomycin-treated mouse large intestine, Joseph V. Newman, Roberto Kolter, David C. C. Laux, and Paul S. Cohen
Looking Weakly in All the Wrong Places? Comment on Shapiro et al. (1994), John C. Norcross and Joseph S. Rossi
A 2-year self-help smoking cessation manual intervention among middle- aged Finnish men: An application of the transtheoretical model, Unto E. Pallonen, Leena Leskinen, James O. Prochaska, Cynthia J. Willey, Risto Kääriäinen, and Jukka T. Salonen
A subtype of the metabotropic glutamate receptor family in the olfactory system of Atlantic salmon, Jiongdong Pang, Ying Har Lo, Joel M. Chandlee, and Dennis E. Rhoads
Use of hyperbolic time-frequency representations for optimum detection and parameter estimation of hyperbolic chirps, A. Papandreou, S. M. Kay, and G. F. Boudreaux-Bartels
Detection and estimation of generalized chirps using time-frequency representations4, Antonia Papandreou, G. Faye Boudreaux-Bartels, and Steven M. Kay
Survival Estimates for Snowy Plovers Breeding at Great Salt Lake, Utah, Peter W. C. Paton
A rock-magnetic record from Lake Baikal, Siberia: Evidence for Late Quaternary climate change, J. A. Peck, J. W. King, S. M. Colman, and V. A. Kravchinsky
Hurricane Andrew. The 1992 hurricane allowed scientists to assess damage and consider long-term consequences to well-studied ecosystems, S. L. Pimm, G. E. Davis, L. Loope, C. T. Roman, T. J.I.I. Smith, and J. T. Tilmant
RTSORAC: A real-time object-oriented database model, J. J. Prichard, Lisa Cingiser Dipippo, Joan Peckham, and Victor Fay-Wolfe
Strong and Weak Principles for Progressing From Precontemplation to Action on the Basis of Twelve Problem Behaviors, James O. Prochaska
The Transtheoretical Model of Change and HIV Prevention: A Review, James O. Prochaska, Colleen A. Redding, Lisa L. Harlow, Joseph S. Rossi, and Wayne F. Velicer
Stages of Change and Decisional Balance for 12 Problem Behaviors, James O. Prochaska, Wayne F. Velicer, Joseph S. Rossi, Michael G. Goldstein, Bess H. Marcus, William Rakowski, Christine Fiore, Lisa L. Harlow, Colleen A. Redding, Dena Rosenbloom, and Susan R. Rossi
An analytical model for load balancing on symmetrical multiprocessor systems, Xiaoshu Qian and Qing Yang
Voiced-speech analysis based on the residual interfering signal canceler (RISC) algorithm, C. S. Ramalingam and R. Kumaresan
Time-frequency analysis using the residual interference signal canceller filter bank, C. S. Ramalingam, Ashwin Rao, and R. Kumaresan
Recognizing nasal vestibulitis in the primary care setting, Betty Rambur
Sedimentology of the collision zone between the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge and New Hebrides Island Arc (Sites 827, 828, and 829), R. P. Reid, S. N. Carey, T. S. Staerker, and M. Ask
Intercomparison of ADCP measurements at 0°, 140°W, Ren-Chieh Lien, M. J. McPhaden, and D. Hebert
Stress in lambs (Ovis aries) during a routine management procedure: Evaluation of acute and chronic responses, R. C. Rhodes, M. M. Nippo, and W. A. Gross
Cell expansion and tracheary element differentiation are regulated by extracellular pH in mesophyll cultures of Zinnia elegans L, Alison W. Roberts and Candace H. Haigler
Hurricane Andrew's impact on freshwater resources. Water quality, so important to defining the Everglades' unique ecological composition, appears little affected, C. T. Roman, N. G. Aumen, J. C. Trexler, R. J. Fennema, W. F. Loftus, and M. A. Soukup
Rapid growth of a deep-sea wood-boring bivalve, William L. Romey, Robert C. Bullock, and Joseph T. Dealteris
The f h float-measuring stretching vorticity directly, T. Rossby, Jim Fontaine, and E. C. Carter
The Rhode Island Sun Smart Project: skin cancer prevention reaches the beaches., J. S. Rossi, L. M. Blais, and M. A. Weinstock
A processes of change model for weight control for participants in community-based weight loss programs, Susan R. Rossi, Joseph S. Rossi, Linda M. Rossi-Delprete, James O. Prochaska, Stephen W. Banspach, and Richard A. Carleton
On the role of pore fluid and interparticle cementation on wave propagation in granular materials, Martin H. Sadd, Arun Shukla, Frank Sienkiewicz, and A. Gautam
A computational study of azine, azoethene, and diimine linkages in the poly/oligoazine system, Brian K. Schmitz and William B. Euler
Client-nurse interaction: Testing for its impact in preoperative instruction, Donna Schwartz-Barcott, Jacqueline D. Fortin, and Hesook Suzie Kim
Subcellular localization and chaperone activities of Borrelia burgdorferi Hsp60 and Hsp70, Angelo Scorpio, Paul Johnson, Ann Laquerre, and David R. Nelson
Identification of a class of multivariable systems from impulse response data: Theory and computational algorithm, Arnab K. Shaw, Pradeep Misra, and Ramdas Kumaresan
Screw thread machining of composite materials using abrasive waterjet cutting, Matthew D. Sheridan, David G. Taggart, and Thomas J. Kim
Electronic Spectroscopy of Poly(Propylmethylazine), Bradford Charles Sherman and William B. Euler
The modern student laboratory - Polyaniline-a conducting polymer: Electrochemical synthesis and electrochromic properties, Bradford Charles Sherman, William B. Euler, and R. Ren Forcé
Adsorption-Site Investigation of Rb/Cu(111) Using the X-Ray Standing-Wave Method, X. Shi, C. Su, David R. Heskett, L. Berman, C. C. Kao, and M. J. Bedzyk
Geotechnical analysis of capped dredged material mounds, Armand J. Silva, Horst G. Brandes, Carl J. Uchytil, Thomas J. Fredette, and Drew Carey
Tool addition strategies for flexible manufacturing systems, Manbir S. Sodhi, Alessandro Agnetis, and Ronald G. Askin
A hierarchical model for control of flexible manufacturing systems, Manbir S. Sodhi, Ronald G. Askin, and Suvrajeet Sen
Multiperiod tool and production assignment in flexible manufacturing systems, M. S. Sodhi, R. G. Askin, and S. Sen
Exercise and Self-Esteem: Validity of Model Expansion and Exercise Associations, Robert J. Sonstroem, Lisa L. Harlow, and Lynn Josephs
Impacts of Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) on the behavior of marine animals: an example using American lobsters, E. Spanier, J. S. Cobb, and M. Clancy
The controls of eruption-column dynamics on the injection and mass loading of ash into the atmosphere, R. S.J. Sparks, M. I. Bursik, S. N. Carey, A. W. Woods, and J. S. Gilbert
Modeling of Circulation and Dispersion in Coastal Lagoons, Malcolm L. Spaulding
Modeling of circulation and dispersion in coastal lagoons, M. L. Spaulding
Developing an ELISA for a model protein — vitellogenin, Jennifer L. Specker and Thomas R. Anderson
Methodology for implanting cortisol in Atlantic salmon and effects of chronically elevated cortisol on osmoregulatory physiology, Jennifer L. Specker, David M. Portesi, Sean C. Cornell, and Philip A. Veillette
Effects of certain antiarthritic agents on the synthesis of type II collagen and glycosaminoglycans in rat chondrosarcoma cultures, G. R. Srinivas, O. Chichester, H. J. Barrach, and A. L. Matoney
Production of type II collagen specific monoclonal antibodies, G. R. Srinivas, O. Chichester, H. J. Barrach, V. Pillai, and A. L. Matoney
Spin Diffusion in Classical Heisenberg Magnets with Uniform, Alternating, and Random Exchange, Niraj Srivastava, Jian-Min Liu, V. S. Viswanath, and Gerhard Müller
Pharmacodynamics of Piperacillin Alone and in Combination with Tazobactam against Piperacillin-Resistant and -Susceptible Organisms in an In Vitro Model of Infection, Andy H. Strayer, H. Gilbert, Phil Pivarnik, Antone A. Medeiros, Stephen H. Zinner, and Michael N. Dudley
Two-dimensional unoccupied electronic band structure of clean Cu(110) and (1 × 2) Na/Cu(110), C. Su, D. Tang, and D. Heskett
Performance of SPEC92 on prime-mapped vector cache, Tong Sun and Qing Yang
Heterogeneous preferences and aggregation in environmental policy analysis: A landfill siting case, Stephen K. Swallow, Thomas Weaver, James J. Opaluch, and Thomas F. Micheiman
Surface localized states on InAs(110), D. M. Swanston, A. B. McLean, D. N. McIlroy, D. Heskett, R. Ludeke, H. Munekata, M. Prietsch, and N. J. DiNardo
Fracture criterion for bridging fibers in titanium metal matrix composites at elevated temperature, M. N. Tamin and H. Ghonem
Time-dependent behavior of continuous-fiber-reinforced metal matrix composites: Modeling and applications, M. N. Tamin, D. Zheng, and H. Ghonem
In Memoriam, Jeffrey S. Tanaka, Lisa L. Harlow, and J. Arthur
Letting go of a loved one, Phyllis B. Taylor and Ginette G. Ferszt
Seasonal changes in maximum ingestion rate of Acartia tonsa in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA, A. M. Thompson, E. G. Durbin, and A. G. Durbin
Drained creep of undisturbed cohesive marine sediments, W. M. Tian, A. J. Silva, G. E. Veyera, and M. H. Sadd
Using Acoustic Travel Time to Determine Dynamic Height Variations in the North Atlantic Ocean, Geoffrey Trivers and Mark Wimbush
Estimation of the spatial and temporal frequencies of multiple sinusoids using a sparse linear array, Donald W. Tufts, Hongya Ge, and R. Kumaresan